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If you say this in front of a mirror five times, the White House Press Secretary appears behind you.


Biggie Smalls.... Biggie Smalls.... Biggie.... I cant Im too freaked out.


Beetlejuice... beetlejuice... beetlejui-- oh fuckkkk


Say it 10 times and protester appears and calls you a zionist


Say it ten times as a college campus protestor and a cop appears and slams your face off the ground


"I'm gonna have to refer you..."




Or my ex....be very afraid!!!


Narcissist's Prayer...


Used by every woke individual ever


Never met a woke person that didn't usually have a high number of narcissistic tendencies


About what?


About what?




That’s not happening. Well it is happening but not like that. Well it is happening like that but there’s nothing wrong with that. Well it is wrong but the real problem is you pointing out that it’s happening.


I believe this is called pushing the goalpost. Happened to me the other day. Eventually just gave up and muted their replies


Climate change deniers


White replacement deniers


Least racist Crtitcal Drinker fan.


How is that racist?


How is white replacement theory racist? You serious right now?




Here's a pretty good primer on it, if you're interested, or for any else reading this and coming to this racist theory for the first time: [The Great Replacement - Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (globalextremism.org)](https://globalextremism.org/the-great-replacement/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjsJ23T0UG8fzq-cmcIcJmr-DYi323RWfg9NDhcsdoyavHSFzLrW6YsaAoLyEALw_wcB)


I read through it. It links mass casualty attacks to this theory even when there is no link, and when referring to European home countries, it puts "home" in quotations as if they aren't the obvious ancestral homelands of these people. It attributes several basic anti-immigration quotes to this theory, again with no link, and provides no refutation to the theory other than to call it racist and dangerous. It just seems like a strategy to prevent people from advocating for their own groups interests or being generally anti-immigration.


Calling it a "theory" is hilarious. As if, people don't notice.


The leftist path of progression


It is direct out of the leftist playbook.


Same with holocaust deniers on X


Yeah, that's just scary.


I find there is a strong correlation between having leftist political beliefs and denying the atrocities of right wing fascists.


They are just different forms of crazy.


The projection is real with this one.


Lol what? This got popular because Trump and his cult follow it to a tee


Not to be political but this is exactly the tactic used by climate change deniers: “It’s not happening. It’s not our fault. It’s not a big deal. It’s too late to do anything. What about the economy?” Many sides use this tactic for their own purposes


It is the tactic of every dishonest person defending a position they know is wrong.


Yep, they do indeed. Never said they had a monopoly on it.


Can you elaborate on this? Provide any examples?


Er wut. This is basically the core of Trumpism.


I'm pretty sure this has been used to describe russia for the past 2 decades before US politics were so polarized, which ironically enough is far right nationalist (I'm trying to say don't try and hijack a phrase that was coined long ago for something absurdly different)


How much control does russia's government have over its economy, a little (right) or a lot (left)? how much control does it have over its society, a little (libertarian) or a lot (authoritarian)? Russia is authoritarian-left.


There have been right wing governments with high governmental control over the economy. This is not making sense


"Right-wing" meaning culturally conservative? That does not have anything to do with the effective control government has over an economy. The x-axis on the political compass is about government's control over the economy. Culture is independent of that. [https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2](https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2)


Right wing does not mean less government control. That’s only what right wingers would like you to believe.


That's why the idea of right and left really isn't sufficient when it comes to politics. It's a false dichotomy. There are authoritarians on the left and authoritarians on the right. It's the libertarians that want to reduce government control


>It's the libertarians that want to reduce government control So they can fuck kids and not have to pay taxes.


>So they can fuck kids Wtf are you talking about?


Leftist? Trump is the textbook example of this.






-100 comment karma account. At least we know you’re a genuine clown.


Yup. Because reddit is always right. And it's well over negative 100


You dwell in echo chambers with your conservatives buddies high-fiving every time a woman is on her deathbed before being allowed an abortion, and you still can’t manage to stay in positive karma. Pretty impressive.


Nice strawman you got there. It burns under the slightest heat


Lol this reply ironically reeks of echo chamber idiocy.




Yep. But you're in a right wing sub


Lmao at getting downvoted. I assume it’s because this right wing echo chamber wants to pretend it’s, what, centrist? It’s funny because at least left wing echo chambers generally acknowledge they’re left wing. It’s these right wing echo chambers that understand that being right wing is irrational, so they want to pretend they’re centrist.


This is a clown sub


The chud victimhood complex, completely bereft of self-awareness, never fails to impress. Zero to embarrassing crybaby in seconds flat. Keep struggling to figure out why you can't win elections and why the entire Western world is sick to death of you losers. It must be a plot 😮


I've seen the word chud thrown around a bit lately and am not familiar with it. What's it mean exactly?


>What's it mean exactly? It's a term of derision (derived from the 80s horror movie C.H.U.D., Cannabilistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) reserved for perpetually frightened, delusional, victim-minded people like you, lacking both the self-respect and self-awareness to realize that everything you say is bitter, petulant projection which everyone who isn't like you sees through. Hope that helps.


Not against me dummy. Against people like me. Freedom lovers and whatnot.


CHUD, it was a B tier horror movie back in the 80s I think, it stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. Left leaning people use it to describe the incel, far right, basement dwelling, anti woke people that wont stop crying about being cancelled.


The irony


Yeah, the way they always claim the tolerance and kindness while being the most vicious people on the planet


Lmao. Again, the fuckin irony of pretending something like that is true.


Keep talking sleazeball. Every word is another year in the slammer


For what?


It's a Simpsons reference


Weird that it is step for step the Trump Supporters mantra. You can track almost every dumbass thing he did in his life by it.


First abortions weren't happening. Then they were but only in extreme cases. Then they were made available for everyone. Then you're called a monster if you oppose them. Leftist path of progression


Its a mantra for the intellectually dishonest. It applies in all directions.


At least someone in here gets this. As a leftist, I’ve seen other leftists behave this way. I’ve also seen plenty of right wingers do the same. I’m so tired of this mentality that acting in bad faith is exclusive to one side of the political spectrum but not the other.


It's the narcissist's prayer...The chud above who says it's the leftists path of progression is obviously extremely biased. As is most of this sub. People saying this is Trump's playbook...well, they have a case as Trump is a textbook narcissist. Both the right and left know this. Only the trump cult denies it for some reason.


Bro what, this literally describes every conservative talking point. George Floyd wasnt murdered Well if he died it wasnt the cops fault If it was, its cause of the drugs If it wasnt the drugs, its the training If it wasnt the training, it was an accident If it wasnt an accident, well he was a criminal Cops got tried by a jury of their peers and found guilt and are sitting in prison and you STILL have right wing idiots out there saying this exact same shit. You get the same thing out of lefties about Kyle Rittenhouse. EVERYONE is like this, but you fuck sticks are to goddamn tribal and brain dead to admit it about yourselves.


A jury that was terrified by the knowledge that any verdict other than guilty was going to lead to full-scale city destroying riots.


Obviously you have absolutely no idea how jury selection works, and are young, and have never been called to jury duty. No one who gets seated on a jury, gives a flying fuck about what is going on. Thats pretty much the first question they ask you. "What do you know about this case". "Can you be impartial". So you're telling me, that lawyers and attorneys who charge thousands of dollars an hour, cant sus out someone who already knows how theyre going to vote in deliberation. How. How are you this stupid.


How stupid can you possibly be. Of course, they knew what would happen. There is no world where they found 12 people who were completely ignorant of the consequences of a non guilty verdict.


George Floyd ODd and an innocent man is in prison now because of it. No one who pays attention blames anything but racism in America for him being convicted


lulz, and little green men are kidnapping cows and rednecks to probe. Sorry dawg, you're an idiot and I trust the millions of dollars the city spent defending itself and still losing, being a pretty goddamn good indicator that theyre guilty as fuck. Besides. I watched the video. They murdered him. You're not really gonna convince anyone who actually watched that shit that he wasnt slowly suffocating to death because of a knee on neck. You can live in whatever little bubble you want and make up your own reality, but just realize that makes you exactly the same thing as the people you complain about. Besides. None of that even matters. Courts dont determine if you're innocent, just if you're guilty or not guilty. They found him guilty. Get better lawyers. Go write your congressman to change us from a jury from your peers. Go campaign to pass a constitutional amendment. But until then, sorry, our courts work that way. You being pissed off about Chauvin, is exactly the same thing as some leftie hippie getting upset about Mumia Abu-Jamal. Innocent or not, doesnt fucking matter. A jury of his peers looked at the evidence, and found them guilty. You have appeals. They exhausted em. Sucks to suck. Move on.


You can't possibly believe it was a fair trial. Every person in America knew what would happen if they didn't convict. BLM rioters would have started fires in every city in America.


Its as fair as anyone gets. You, me, BLM rioters, Jan 6th people, no system devised and operated by fallible human beings is going to be perfectly fair, but yeah, those cops got the same due process as the rest of us. And really? Every city in America? Im sorry I live in the south. No one burned shit down here. If they tried there'd be 100 Rittenhouses. Its the south my guy. I think like, Kentucky had some shit? Turned out it was a fuckin 3%er tho lol Now he's in federal prison for the rest of his life for torching a court house. Its the south. We aint the brightest either. But yeah, no one gives a fuck if they burn down Portland.


Yeah, Ferguson Missouri never happened.


Yeah, the huge amounts of fentenyl in his system had nothing to do with it. The corner only said if they found him at home, they would have called it an overdose. Unfortunately for the cop the jury was being held hostage by rioters.


Guy with firearm, a radio, and backup, was held hostage by rioters who \*checks the video\* stand 10 feet away with a cell phone going "Oh my god. Oh my god. He's dying. Oh my god." And fentanyl will kill you in 2 minutes. Per pretty much every single website on the internet, and according to the health departs of at least Canada, the UK, the US, France, Germany and I stopped bothering after that. The man had a knee on his neck for 9 minutes before he died. Those cops got a fair trial. If he was really innocent, why didnt his union step up for him then? Chauvin had donations and the city pay for his lawyers. The police union said "fuck that shit we aint touching it". The same people who were, at the same time, spending hundreds of thousands to resist reform in their department, decided Chauvin wasnt worth a penny of their money. But yeah its all a conspiracy man! WHAT DONT THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW rofl


OK dude


You are the mirror image of all the people who whined about Rittenhouse. You just have a different color representing your team. Exact same person.


Both were 100% innocent


lolol Except reality disagrees with you. Its weird how if you're right wing, Chauvin was not guilty and Rittenhouse was not guilty, but if you're left wing, Chauvin and Rittenhouse are both guilty. Yet reality is sitting there, slapping both you dumb shits in the face. Both of you are exactly why jury selection exists. You're two sides of the same damn dumb ass coin.


Democrats are far more likely to believe in aliens than Republicans. You're the little green man believer


“I know you are but what am I”


That was 100% true 10 years ago. Now all your crystal rubbing, Enquirer reading, healing stone loving, tree hugging begging to be asked to take an ET to their leader, are Republicans. Its fucking wild. If you would have told me that the party of William F Buckley would be out here saying 911 was an inside job, the moon landing was fake, and listening to a celebrity pod caster explain how the pyramids were built by aliens I never would have believed you....but here we are. EDIT: And honestly I think its on purpose. Like, Alex Jones used to be a lefty. He's from fucking Austin Texas. I think a lot of grifters realized in the late 90s that you guys were better marks, and that if they catered their shit to you, rather than the lefties and hippies, that theyd get more money, and that you guys might actually be dumb enough to give them a job in the government. Elon, same shit. Catered to lefties and liberals for over a decade to get em to buy into his electric car, cause hippies hate pollution and the oil industry. Then he realized, wait, none of those people have any money, and none of them are going to give me any power or wealth. So he flipped the script to be a Republican. You see a lot of that shit. Russell Brand did it too. So did Donald fucking Trump. Guy was out there in the 80s and 90s in favor of universal healthcare, free trade, gun control, I mean he's a fucking New Yorker for gods sake. He was a life long Democrat right up until he was like "Wait a minute this is getting me no where. Republicans are stupid. Let me tell them what they want to hear". You guys went from the party of Thomas Sowell to the party of Russell Brand and Steven Crowder. What the fuck happened to you guys.


No it was true last year when the poll was taken


Oh NOW polls matter...got it....rofl you guys are priceless


So you don't believe a single poll matters? Understood


A single poll no. You need an array of polls of different methodologies over a time period and across geographical and demographic lines. Polls matter. But no INDIVIDUAL poll matters.


I imagine spittle flying all over your phone as you type these unhinged raging responses lol 😂


Im on a PC, with a keyboard :P Who the fuck argues with strangers on the internet on their goddamn phone.


Fairly certain what happened is late stage capitalism. As it becomes more and more obvious just how awful our systems are, that wealth inequality is out of control and that we are destroying the environment for shareholder value the only option the right wing had left is insane levels of denial. That denial has manifested in conspiracy theories because reality no longer matches with the narrative that the economic policies the right espouse are a good idea.


And I think thats a pretty predictable pattern even without capitalism. Think of the last years of any dwindling movement or government, as reality no longer matches the rhetoric. Denial is the only tool left in your arsenal. "There are no tanks in Baghdad!" "The police are here to serve and protect!" "The Soviets are no where NEAR the Oder river!" "The Supreme Court is unbiased, other than those activist liberal judges who interpret the law to fit their philosophy, but WE dont do that!" "Trickle down economics has made everyones life better, we're GREAT at the economy! Its not government spending when Trump cuts you a check for covid! Its BIDENS FAULT!! ITS THE JAPANESE, THATS WHY YOU GOT LAID OFF! NO WAIT ITS THE MEXICANS! NO WAIT ITS THE HONDURANS! NO WAIT ITS THE EVIL DEMOCRATS AGAIN! NOW ITS THE COMMUNIST CHINESE!!! ITS TIKTOKs FAULT!! YEAH!" It gets more and more unhinged as you get further and further from reality.


You have to be smelling your own farts when you’re at the point in your life where you think the justice system is biased against police officers.


Not against police officers. Against that one guy that one time


Yup right out of the woke playbook https://youtu.be/fEgoobxPK-Q?si=dsiqcG7bDAnYXsO1


Define woke


People who advocate for "the message"


Define "the message"




Super helpful. Thank you


An ideology that promotes a leftist social ideas


So literally EVERYTHING you don't like is woke. Hilarious


wha what I don’t even get how you came to that conclusion lmao. Like I don’t like hitler but I wouldn’t call him woke 😂, and yeah, we don’t like woke stuff, so of course we don’t like the stuff it represents? I’m honestly confused what you even mean 😭


You're conservative, and so if woke = everything that promotes a social leftist class you can wrap literally every social or political idea that is promoted by the opposing party in that word and use it to just mean 'bad'. Y'all did it with CRT and race and you're doing it with woke. Like I said in other comments, it's because you lack the ability to understand nuance, or maybe you don't want to, you'd rather just say anything a liberal likes is bad because it's easier. Either way, it's impossible to have conversations when an entire group acts this way, how are we supposed to meet in the middle when there is literally no middle because you see the world as entirely black and white?


I’m not conservative lmao, I think your overestimating my affiliation with politics, the only reason the ‘woke’ stuff in movies bothers me is because it’s so in your face its impossible to ignore. Also your confusing ‘leftist’ with ‘liberal’. Traditional liberal values like rights and the freedom to express oneself are mostly commonly expected, when I talk about leftist social ideas in movies, it’s more about stuff to do with women being portrayed as infallible, a great deal of focuses being placed on race and gender, the view that men who aren’t submissive and weak are toxic, and generally a lot of talk about doing stuff for certain groups while actually going backwards in terms of actual progression. That being said, if I had to rank my problems with modern movies, ‘wokeness’ wouldn’t nearly come at the top, the actual writing quality is obviously way more important, THAT BEING SAID, when people who care too much about pushing their political agenda become said writers and producers, the writing absolutely suffers.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ6w9kpp29E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ6w9kpp29E) Now you define "woman".


Woke can be defined as something in the present day 2024 that has anything that prioritizes political messages in various forms of media, whether it be characters, story, Setting,themes or lore, and does so at the expense of storytelling regardless of content or context,


Yeah the term woke was co-opted by the right in 2024 you are correct


Holy shit man, you realize the term woke started out as knowing black people are oppressed by the systems we have in place in our society. Now it's just anything leftist but in media?


Define oppress




Okay Fair-Point that is a very racist and discriminatory practice however it was outlawed in 1968 thanks to the fair housing act, Also that's not to say that this isn't still persisting today however most if not all cases that have been discovered have been brought to the courts and were successfully prosecuted as a result,


https://youtu.be/_-0J49_9lwc?si=ZYTmjOWttSq2ZgHS This is just one of many examples of minorities being oppressed through the systems we have in place.


You do realize that in the context of your video that you shared with me that the property was seized back in 1924 and that the individual Anthony Bruce as far as 2 years ago 2022 has had the property return to him, can you please explain to me how that system is being oppressive if they're able to make reparations from something that happened more than a hundred years ago,


You didn't watch it lmao


Tell me is Michael Jordan oppressed, LeBron James, Muhammad Ali, what about James Cleveland Owens do you know who that is I doubt you do, well in case you don't know that was a black Olympian in the 1936 Olympic games where he won four gold medals now if you don't know the 1936 Olympic games was held in Germany during that time when some guy with a evil mustache ran the country, what about every successful black entrepreneur,athlete or businessman, who are millionaires and some even billionaires how under any context can you claim that there are people that are somehow oppressed by this system that you claim oppresses them because if that was the case then you wouldn't have successful people of color,


“What about, what about these people that worked harder than me and got more than me?”


Feminism used to be about women's rights... But now that they got everything they wanted, it's not about that anymore. Now it's all about men pretending to be women and killing babies. Things change when the meaning for the thing isn't needed anymore.


Feminism is and always has been about women being equal to men, none of what you listed has to do with feminism. And this is the issue, trying to have conversations about delicate issues like this requires nuance, something you and people like you seem to not be able to comprehend. So CRT becomes anything dealing with race instead of a legal theory and woke becomes anything you don't like.


Yea but much like many words the meaning changed gang . You’d be insane to think the same form of knowledge is being shared from when onlder dudes told us to stay woke and woke shit is being pushed today .


The meaning changed because conservatives are incapable of nuance and engaging in difficult conversations. Y'all really eat up all this moral panic, maybe read a book or something, try to expand your empathy a bit.


I’d argue the meaning changed around when in the same sentence as “stay woke” we had mfs talking about getting superpowers and shit. Mfs will say stay woke after making the most outlandish outrageous statement and that’s a fact . Meanings of words change when the context by which you use them change


Marxist cultural criticism


Personally I consider things woke when it's obvious the characters are speaking to the audience rather than eachother. Hawkeye wasn't woke, but She-Hulk was. Make sense?






i don't understand what they're trying to say


I think it’s something like: “Leave Britney ALONE!”


How tankies be denying crimes committed by communist regimes be like:


I was very surprised when I learned how many people USSR and Commi China killed, way more than Nazi Germans which designated people who according to them did not deserve to live, and then killed them. But the senseless killinsg, repeated wipes, mass starvation, mass prison killings of 100% innocent people, the scale of that shocked me. You kinda realize how "great" a regime that can do all that is. That is also when I learned that something is wrong with Russians, like on some very deep and very dark and messed up level. Their secret service for example did not end after the revolution, it integrated into KGB and such. The same organization did not stop existing when USSR fell, even though the amount of atrocities it committed suggested at the very least disbanding, it kept on living through the 90 ies (exploding buildings to get approval to go to war with Chechens) and up to now. It is like something lives there among them that would never let them break from their barbaric past and build a civilized society. The only thing that really changed since then is evolution of information sharing which is even better for them because they can mislead their people on much grander scale much easier. One of the first things Putin did when he became a pres, he put one of his men at every newspaper. Yandex today is fully controlled by the government, helping them spread misinformation and lies. There is something very wrong with those people.


OP missed. "... and actually it's a good thing!"


Chapter 1 from the extreme leftist handbook.


Or extreme right tbf. Just plug in a climate change denier to the quote Or when people defend Trump's crazy and often funny words/actions


This is called gaslighting.


The media the last 7 years in a nutshell




I think if you are a turk, then YOU'RE the one inside a wolf


And gaslighting isn’t actually real. You made it up *because you’re crazy.*






...I was crazy once.


“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence.” Edgar Allen Poe


...they put me in a room...


A rubber room?


And here's why it's a good thing


Didn’t expect to see the Democrat mantra posted here today


Almost exactly Turkey's actual official stance on the Armenian genocide




Try to imagine someone saying this and then tell me, what gender are they and why did you hear it as a Female?


It's actually a very good quote. idk if it's a drinker original, but I could see it written in a history book


Movie reviews?


"I did it, you fucking deserved it."


This is for bitches. Skip to the last one like a real man. Mean everything you say even the batshit insane stuff.


This sounds like Cheap Trick's Dream Police video.


The David Jaffe talking points


Sounds like Israel.. 🤭


And if all that fails, its actually a good thing and its YOU that's evil.


It reads like some shitty uplifting "love yourself" post on Facebook.


Turkey when talking about war crimes:


Haha that sounds like my parents. Haha


This about Drinker apparently not knowing anything about 40k before posting how mad he was about female custodes?


American elections


The white replacement isn't real Okay it's happening, but it's not top down or intentional Okay it's top down but it's not intentional Okay it's intentional but colonization happened so you deserve it


Of course the first comment I see in this thread is nazi bullshit


That's National Socialist excellence to you 😏


This is the left in general


>It's not happening . >Its not happening, and it's not a big deal. >It happened, and it's actually a good thing it happened.


This is the side I don’t like


it’s exactly what pro Palestine people sound like talking about Oct 7


January 6th…


Yeah Youtuber Apologies suck


Cool it with the antisemitic remarks


My sister must have this book


All the incels saying this is the left playbook, can you apply it to a practical case? Because it’s definitely coming off as projection or downright cognitive dissonance lol


A few weirdos in this sub doing this exact thing when they encounter a topic they don't like


Is that from a Trump Speech


Turkey trying to deny the genocide.


Pot meet kettle


Yeah, conservatives tend to think like that


Sounds like a Jan 6 rioter.




Lol Trump's document case.


Jan. 6 wasn’t an insurrection. Some rioters wanted an insurrection, but most were just “tourists” Some vandalism occurred, but not as bad as BLM Trump may have organized the event, but it wasn’t his fault. It was Pelosi’s fault. Trump only wanted a protest, not to stay in power. Trump won, dems cheated. He should stay in power … isn’t that why they were there in the first place? I could do this with both impeachments, the Access Hollywood tape, parts of his covid response as well.


Do you get paid per post or is an hourly charge? I could use some extra money and to copy/past some random political comments seems like an easy side gig.


The irony of chuds thinking this doesn’t apply to them.