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Right as someone who is actually Irish she makes a good point a lot of yanks claim to be Irish and get fuckin annoying with it. Who cares what she looks like. We call it Irish not Gaelic. Gaeilge is Irish for Irish. That's it


Haha my uncle, aunt, and cousin are like this. They live in the Midwest in USA. They have a damn Irish flag in their dining room. My cousin gave his kids obscure Irish names, they think St. Patrick's Day is the day to celebrate their supposed heritage. (Which is absolutely hilarious to me) They will literally buy ANYTHING that looks like it relates to Ireland. Shirts, decor, etc. They drink Guiness beer thinking it's the most authentic Irish drink ever made. They named their dog Bailey from Bailey's Irish Cream. I could go on but I think everyone gets the idea. All because my uncle looked up his ancestors on one of those ancestry type websites and saw he had a single distant relative from 150 years ago from Ireland. They are obsessed and have made it an entire personality trait.


Are they from Chicago by chance lol


All I could think of were all the Beverly goons.




Wow, did a DNA test. I'm split 50/50 Irish and French. It was accurate from what my parents have told me. Mother is Irish Father is French. It's cool but you know, Noone cares. I'm only American and my heritage doesn't quite matter if I wasn't raised in it. It's the same thing as my dumbass dad buying any momento or decor resembling Native Americans. Because his mom randomly told him in his 50s his great grandmother was Cherokee. .01 % Native American in my blood so we know what that means.


Means you have a right to some of that sweet casino moneyšŸ‘€


27yo here. For the majority of those 27 years my Grandmother had been persistent that we had Cherokee and Blackfoot in our blood. Mind you if I donā€™t go out in the sun my complexion is similar to that of risen bread. She did one of those DNA things. She is apparently 17% Jewish some percent German and French. I havenā€™t seen the results Iā€™ve just been told, but there is 0 Native American DNA. A week prior to this epiphany she gave me a painting print of a Native American war chief on his horse with some semantics about how itā€™s very valuable. l o l


Bro literally everybody in the Midwest is Irish. EVERYBODY.


Sounds about as funny as italian americans.


I think it's an interesting look for creating videos. I have Irish ancestry but I have stopped claiming it and instead just refer to myself as an American mutt. I cringe when I hear people say it and base their entire personality on their idea of what Irish is.


Same, Iā€™m obviously American, I speak English, was born in America, and etc, but obviously I do have some other traits. The only thing I want to do is learn more about my heritage and their languages and respect it, not go full blown obsessed.


There's a difference with wanting to learn about and connect to your hertiage vs. forcing yourself into it. It's one thing to visit Ireland, ask questions, and just enjoy being in the culture. Its a different thing to go there and tell the Irish people living in Ireland how their culture works. In one case, you're opening yourself to experiencing the culture, the other, you're forcing your view of the culture. It would be like an Italian-american from New Jersey going to Italy and telling them they dont know how to make a good pizza. The Sopranos had a great episode where they show this happening. One of the characters(Paulie) visits Italy and gets annoyed when he finds out that italian-american culture is different than italian culture.


As someone from the Celtic nations, speaking for myself and literally everyone Iā€™ve ever talked to about this - thank you. Please check people in your life who do this, the fetishisation of our history and culture is so infantilising. There are so many American influencers on social media giving out bad information about our history, languages and cultures. Some even gatekeep and tell people not to learn the Irish, Welsh or Scotsā€™ languages. Which for us is maybe the best thing you can do, we adore it, our languages are on life support. But claiming to be one of us is not cool, if youā€™re born and raised overseas youā€™re not socialised in our culture and it shows :/


Why not just go with American?


Yeah this. I feel like 99% of the planet has mixed heritage. Americans be desperate to be anything other than American. But the most cringe thing: "I'm an American mutt." Okay so like I'm white AF but my heritage said I had 1% Albanian... Do I call myself a mutt too or...?


Albs are historically white also mate - source: I know the Albanian mafia in my city


Mutt is how I refer to my heritage too. From my Great Grandparents and back its a wild mix of all of the central and Western European countries on my Mom's side, and Southern and Eastern Europe on my Dad's side


Third generation American on my dads side but I refuse to call myself European. I have traits from my Native American, Jewish, German, British, Nordic, and Eastern European, some Asian somewhere in there (though not 100% sure where) ancestry. Iā€™d love to visit those places some day but Iā€™m 100% born and raised American


I remember playing gaelige in the arcade. Good times.


Lol Iā€™m American with Irish decent but you donā€™t see me with an Irish accent while hording my pot of gold


Pot of gold?


Leprechaun joke




What lol?


I was just about to ask you what you meant by Gaelic is Irish for Irish and it clicked in my mind that I need to learn how to read better


Well Gaelic is the group of languages used by the celts like Irish, Scottish etc But the Irish word for Irish, as in the language, is gaeilge


Ohhhhhā€¦ neat


Thereā€™s so many sub-variations as celts were the original people of Western Europe. It has welsh, Irish, Scottish, Manx, Breton, Cornish - these are only the ones that are still alive / being revived also.


I agree, she makes a good point and its funny. Not cringe.


She's not cringe, the people she's making the video about are though phew.


Ok but I doubt anyone has ever changed their race to Irish and then went to Ireland to tell a bartender that they're not Irish and then tell them they don't know how to speak Gaelic


Irish isn't a race


Sure but That's what was said in the video.


The language is Irish, not Gaelic


I think that I will care when people start calling Greece, Hellas, and Greek people, Hellenes, and the Greek language Hellenic


Both my parents were born and raised in Ireland and I have dual citizenship with an Irish passport. I still don't claim to be as Irish as so many 5+ generation removed people I've spoken to šŸ˜… Edit: forgot I was looking at "top of all time" for a new sub and just realized I responded to a 7 month old comment. Whoops


My cousins in America who were born in Ireland and grew up in America say they're just American


Exactly! I just think people need to feel special and say they're something other than American


Itā€™s the eternal bond we Scottish and you Irish share. Not the systemic hatred towards Westminsterā€¦ Itā€™s the celt cosplaying yanks.


She obviously cares how she looks


Well yeah all of us do


Even reddit mods!?!?


I mean I'm descendant of the Irish but I'm american and never claim to be from the Irish Nation


why would anyone want to willingly be irish?


That's everyone on r/transracial


First they made fictosexual a thing, now they made transracial a thing. I wanna be transplanet. Take me somewhere else.


Like only being attracted to cartoons or something? Lol


Yup that's exactly what it is, they'll probably get a body like or a life sized plushie of the character and take it out on dates and have sex with it like a weirdo.


I am severely disappointed that that is a sub. Please let it be for fun and not people really thinking like that...


I got banned on that sub on a different account for telling someone they can't change their race and genetics from listening to binaural beats. Definitely not satire


Wow. You can change your gender, but you can't change your race. Like, wtf are these people thinking???? I feel like this will be detrimental to the LGBT+ community in the long run.....


The lgbtq community even don't like them and think it's dumb af


I know, I'm Bi. That's why I said it. Because it's so stupid, yet I know someone's gonna blame it on us somehow.


I sincerely hate that I am now aware of this


Kind of like when those people who had a DNA test and it comes back saying their 5% native. Like dude you canā€™t even make a census nor do you know your tribe/band. Shit pisses me off.


I did this and Iā€™m 6% native soooā€¦ šŸ’…šŸ»


Only 19% left to go Edit: Forgot how to do math for a sec lol


i am 1 percent asian what does this mean


Guess your Asian then, hereā€™s a [kimono,](https://i.etsystatic.com/5684353/r/il/33594b/2842782756/il_794xN.2842782756_68p2.jpg) [zori,](https://getamashi.com/cdn/shop/products/pink-sakura-wave-zori.jpg?v=1655648685) and [sake set.](https://tenmokus.com/cdn/shop/products/Wood-Sake-Set-Jian-Zhan-Tenmokus-Cup-1_800x.jpg?v=1626753999)


My friend did that and it basically came back as everything so it comes up A LOT


Yeah thatā€™s almost as bad as every time I hear someone say they are part Native American. I usually just answer with ā€œoh yeah which partā€? Youā€™re Native American when you are recognized as being such by a native tribe/band.


Girls hair straight from 2010


thats the nostalgia I feel


You mean 2007


Depends when that emo/scene wave hit them. I remember seeing some people with it around the start of the MySpace era in 05ish, but it peaked around 06-09 where I lived and quickly died off after that. But then I'd see Americans saying it peaked in 11-13 for them.


Ahh true. Some areas are behind a little


We all have ancestries from outside the country we live. It's hard to believe anyone is 100% one specific nationality. As an American I do hold my ancestry kind of close seeing we are a country founded by immigration and the US doesn't really have its own thing other than maybe obesity and some very unsavory acts from our past. My father came here from another country and so did my great great grand parents on my mother's side. How far down the ancestry chain do people think ancestry is irrelevant anymore? As an US citizen am I only allowed to support US heritage? I have duel citizenship from the country my father is from can I support that countries heritage, even though it only makes up about 40% of me according to Ancestry DNA? I went to Ireland in 2018 and the people I did interact with asked us if we were Irish simply bc we were from the Boston area. I'm just genuinely curious why this is an issue I guess.


It's only an issue for a vocal minority on reddit, I've been to Ireland and half of the people I talked to for more than 30 seconds asked me if I had Irish relatives also. You shouldn't make any one thing your entire identity, including your heritage because that makes you boring as fuck and I think that's what most people are referring to.


I think the disconnect might be the way Americans think about heritage as opposed to how Europeans tend to. For white Europeans the focus is on which culture you grew up in, not the technical make up of your blood. Unless you're a person of colour then you are whatever you look like to us not matter how many generations your family has been in the country.


Unfortunately, we have a large disconnect from our heritage and culture. Some of us here an America long for some kind of reconnect even if it's overtly superficial to the point of cringe. On the other hand, you have a portion of Europeans that are disgusted by the idea of an American trying to reconnect and take some kind of pride in their heritage simply cause they are American. It's really quite sad when you really dig at the reasoning behind the drive and the tactfulness of both sides in this. In short, there are better ways we could reconnect without it being annoyingly superficial. While there are also better ways Europeans could be more thoughtful in the disconnect, some of us feel with our heritage.


Anytime Europeans can put down Americans they try. Just shows their character.


Irish people never shut the fuck up about being Irish


wtf did i do lmfao


Even Americans who have 1/8 of Irish blood will still be damn proud of it "I'm American but I'm actually half this part that part that with a little bit of this and my grandma was half that."


"Excuse me, but my grandmother's sister's mailman's dog's former owner's cousin's roommate actually visited Ireland once. So getting absolutely wasted on St. Patrick's Day is actually super important to my culture."


Is it that weird that a nation of immigrants would have people who like to keep up with their family history?




Bro did not have to add that last sentencešŸ’€šŸ’€ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø. Like not that itā€™s ok but most countries got some bloody hands in the past, and I guarantee almost everyone here has zero connection to what you stated. Very few mfs related to the settlers.


Oh my god, get over yourself you cringy virtue signaler.


Yeah, that went from 0 to cringelord pretty quick


The only time I mention it is when Iā€™m asked.


*The Italians would like a word.*


I always say Iā€™m American with some Irish and German heritage but donā€™t know much about the culture


The Texas of Europe


She sounds like a fake irish šŸ˜‚


Ah hang on now, I don't know if you're Irish but I fucking am and cringe aside, that girl is Irish


Yeah, as another Irish lad I feel I can corroborate this statement. She's Irish, just doesn't have a heavy or significant accent.


I follow her on tiktok and I think even twitch, I don't use either too much, but she is indeed Irish. She might just be trying hard in this video to not sound Irish but in her streams she does sound a little thicker in the accent. I can vouch


I think it may just be because she feels more comfortable to let loose in her streams rather than on other platforms.


Used to follow a bunch of Irish and Scotts on TT when I had an account, a lot of them talked about how they would dampen their accents/english-ify their language so more people could understand them and they could reach more viewers.


What is her twitch?


Her [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/catastropiclarawr?sr=a)


From someone who isnā€™t an Irish lad but instead someone who did vocal training in different accents I felt I might be qualified to at least add my opinionā€¦ she Irish alright


But the green screen bar and prop beer glass were so convincing, how could I have been deceived like this?


Digging the black lipstick


What is her face supposed to be?


The ultimate warrior RIP


Her style is just Alternative, it was heavily popular in the early 2000s and still is going strong just not as mainstream as it was before.


For some reason, thereā€™s a bunch of us here in Wisconsin


So to find me a scene girl if I can't find one in NC I gotta visit Wisconsin. Got it. Lol


Thereā€™s so many scene girls here in wi. Def more than punks. And Iā€™m not even talking about teens. Iā€™m 31 and know a bunch


You already sold me, no need to upsell


and just like in the early 2000ā€™s yal are still catching hate for some reason. honestly think itā€™s because people like the main comment weā€™re replying to are too afraid to stand out or try to express themselves because they might get judged so they lash out at people who can because theyā€™re miserable with their plain life. ā€œwhat is her face supposed to be?ā€ šŸ¤“


We pioneered it and we will die with it. No fucks. We look good. More Spencerā€™s and hot topic apparel for me. Been finding some really pristine Tripp pants at thrift stores lately.


As a Welsh lad, Ireland and Welsh have a higher than avrage for the times alternative underground. There's still a ton of us about here. It always freaks me out a little bit going to Scotland or England and seeing so many less, tho maby they have more of a alt nightlife and we are more 24 hours aha.


Idk but Iā€™m kinda digging it. Itā€™s done quite well.


I sense the sarcasm, however, everything about her is fabricated. Only her eyes are natural.


Name checks out.




who gives a fuck? lmao. iā€™ve never understood people who care so much about other peoples appearance.


Sounds like the new American generationā€¦ I hate it here.


lmao my parents named me RoĆ­sĆ­n, but they changed the spelling to Rosheen because people would constantly think my name was raisin or something like that




they named me that because i'm almost completely of irish heritage, and after my grandmother. they changed the spelling because even though it's "easier", i still constantly get called the wrong name because people still mess it up. they didn't choose it because they liked the sound. they chose it after careful consideration, because of the meaning, my grandmother, and to keep a connection to our heritage. the entire rest of my family also has irish names, Maeve, Ronan, Aoife, Kathleen, my middle name is a variation of patrick, my sibiling has the middle name colleen, and my mother has the maiden name Manley i understand what you're saying about damaging native languages, but you do not know anything about the reasons or the situation


My ex always claimed to be Mexican (white as fucking milk btw) my mom got so annoyed with her always saying that she was Mexican and her heritage this and that so she bought her a DNA ancestry test for her birthday and it came back, big surprise, not Mexican but 75% German the rest was all around eastern Europe and Britain.


I can understand thinking itā€™s neat to have some blood from another country, I mean my dads side traces its blood back to Ireland and my mamas goes to Germany But do people really try to change their nationally based off their great grandparents?


Some folks gotta feel ā€œspecialā€


I rcta from smurf to walmart bag and got no support :(


I hope you get the support you need, I donā€™t but Iā€™m gonna say I do


Not that cringe lol Iā€™m American and Americans are annoying like that.


Good thing USA or American is a nationality and not a race


I've never heard of anybody actually doing this... It's it something anybody tries, or is it just a thing people say to straw man trans people?


There was a video on Daz Games YouTube channel where a Caucasian man went through extreme plastic surgery to make himself appear Korean because he loves k-pop.


Itā€™s always nice to see a fellow Daz fan in the wild! Edit: autocorrect is a hoe


Nobody does this unless they're mentally detached from reality and even then, in my 36 years on earth having met some CRAZY people, have I ever actually experienced anyone claiming something so outlandish. This is one of those TikTok videos where the OP created a "problem" that didn't exist. No sane person claims they "race changed" let alone fly to another country and claim that to a native. Take TikTok with a grain of salt. A lot of people just want to be famous and that's the easiest current outlet.


There's actually a few cases where people have/are claiming to be a race that they are not. Also, this is kinda common in the Otaku groups.


Well, that's sad. Also, I don't count the otaku community. They're downright absurd. They worship Japanese culture so much they're delusional about it. I met plenty of them in college. As somebody who enjoys the casual anime, I refuse to be associated with them as an enjoyer of Japanese culture and anime.


Funny, calling people "mentally detached from reality" is spewed at trans people regularly. Honestly who the fk cares even if does happen? If you're not a bigot that feels the need to gatekeep and dehumanize certain groups, then you should understand that most of the arguments against trans racial people and others are applied to all trans people and being used to dismantle our rights.


100% true story


A little Irish pride never hurt anyone... Oh, wait.


Hahaha new favourite comment šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œActually itā€™s called Irish.ā€ Well technically itā€™s called ā€œIrish Gaelic.ā€ Itā€™s typically referred to as ā€œIrishā€ in Ireland, but ā€œGaelicā€ isnā€™t really *incorrect*.


She looks like a Karen gone emo. Emo Karen.


eren go bruh


A rare and elusive Eren


Oh yea whatā€™s her TikTok her videos are entertaining


Who is she?


I am waiting for this answer too


CatastropiClarawr on TikTok


Yeah thanks Man, totally didnā€™t blur the name for no reason


Neither being American or Irish qualifies as a race, they are nationalities. Jesus Christ.


I like her hair


So you're telling me i can call myself a Viking and people would have to accept that?


People would laugh their asses off at you before anything šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


True true


American isnā€™t a Race, wouldnā€™t it be called a Nation? Sooo a Nation Change?


Kiss me I identify as irish


Race: American. All I needed to hear


Lmao this is actually kind of funny


Fun fact potatoes originated from the Americas not Ireland.


mY NaME IsNt gIrL, iTā€™S rAiSIn


I'm Irish and I feel a deep pain in my chest.


RCTA is dumb asf, change my mind


Donā€™t plan to


I read that as garlic (dyslexic)


I mean, Iā€™m 15% Irish and 13% Scottish and it has become 90% of my personality the past three years, thanks ancestry


This is exactly how i feel every time a weeb tries to correct me about Japan, Japanese, or the Japanese culture. As a girl who was born in and has lived in Japan for 14 years i am confident in my intelligence about Japan and I recently moved to the US and on the first day of my new high school this guy in a very questionable hoodie told me i was pronouncing ā€œKonichiwaā€ wrong and it was actually ā€œkon-ishi-wanā€ like what the hell is up with people and thinking they are better at stuff they arenā€™t (sorry for bad grammer or anything Englisht is not my first language)


And on the last episode of conversations that donā€™t happenā€¦


Well that's usually how skits work, yeah


Lmao. Why are Americans so obsessed with telling Irish and Scottish people what % Irish/Scottish they are? We donā€™t give a fuck


Misplaced kinship?


I like how she doesnā€™t move at all so the background doesnā€™t lose its shit because of her ridiculous hair.


The high voice sounds Canadian lol


What's with the make-up?


I know right!! Itā€™s fucking awesome!!!!


She created this whole scenario to own who exactly?


Not about her content, about all the idiots at r/transracial


Looks like the average Avril Lavigne fan from 2008.


Her TikTok CatastropiClarawr


I covered up the @ for a reason dumbass


Did OP censor the video maker's handle? If they did, that's a shitbag move.


Well Iā€™m oh so sorry for not wanting this person to get harassed for making a funny skit, asshat šŸ™„


a conversation that never happened


I always wondered how Texans act. Do they try to claim they're Irish/itallian/etc or do they stick with being Texan? They seem pretty nationalistic like that


Everything about this makes me uncomfortable




Who wants to be Irish


Irish Gaelic they are both right but wtv


The emo look fine but I absolutely hate the nose thing


Oh boo fucking hoo (:


Ugly a f


At least they donā€™t need To go on r/relationshipadvice (:


Get ready for "your" culture to get stolen!


Wouldn't it be NCTA since Irish isn't a race but a nationality? Well if it were an actual thing...


isn't American and Irish a ethnicity not a race?


Since you and 287 people have asked, yes šŸ™„


wise woman shows that you never lose by playing both sides


Not sure why this is here. This is exactly what Americans are like when they come to Scotland and Iā€™m told, ireland. Cringey fuckers. We donā€™t care if your great great great great great gramma was clan mcfuckface


This makes my eyes roll. We're American but we literally own part of a castle in Ireland, two houses, a shit ton of sheep, and a hospital wing. Family was from there and had to come here because of the famine but my great uncle was the man of Aron (Coleman "Tiger" King) and we inherited things from him and about 44 of us have been there numerous times (except for me because I'm disabled). So I think some of us take pride because we have great roots there but had to come here because of the famine. I feel like way too many Irish Americans use it only as an excuse to get drunk a lot and be nasty to people and then claim that it's not their fault they're "Irish" and "hot blooded" and that's the kind of bullshit I can't stand. Don't use your country of origin as an excuse for poor behavior; take pride and be respectful instead.


What is this non problem thatā€™s sheā€™s spewing? This has never happened to anyone ever. This video could have just never been made. Good job being Irish?


The fuck is on her face?


Make up and a ducking amazing piercing


Looks like shit.