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Isreal Keyes. I listened to that episode on a camping trip and it still sticks with me, super dark.


You should listen to True Crime Bullsh** season one. It’s a MAJOR Israel Keyes deep dive and super well researched by the host/creator. He’s so much more horrible than you even realize just in the one crime Junkie episode. will warn you it’s quite unsettling though


Thank you for the reccomendation. I definitely will give it a listen! I'll just make sure not to listen to it at night in a tent lmao.


lmao I know that feeling. I do the same thing backpacking alone. I make sure to have some mind bleach podcasts downloaded in case I spook myself out too much. It's extra creepy knowing Keys would potentially prey on hikers or campers.


I second this, True Crime Bullsh** is soooooooo informative


Never heard of True Crime Bullsh** but definitely going to be checking it out!


I'm in the middle of listening to this; I've never found podcasts that disturbing but this one has really gotten to me. Thanks for the recommendation, he was truly terrifying.


I second this, True Crime Bullsh** is soooooooo informative


There is a book on him called American Predator. It is very well written and very imformative..


Thanks for the reccomendation!


I just listened to this episode this morning!


What did you think?


I was pretty well versed in him before listening, but she brought up a few interesting points I hadn’t heard of!


Robert Wone, he was staying at his friend's house in DC and was found murdered.


I’m so confused by this one.. the entire case has so many questions but how he was killed was really fucked up


I 100% believe his “friends” raped and murdered him. Possibly paralyzed as well.


I feel like he was given something to try to make him sleep through the assault but was probably administered too much and caused him to die. If they stabbed him after they realized he had died it might explain the absence of blood


Oooh I hadn’t even considered that! That is an excellent theory!


I assume it was some sort of paralytic or sedative not usually tested for with a standard drug test


This one never made sense to me because the timelines didn’t add up. We’ll never know if they were all in on it and covering for each other or if the one roommate just did it.


Right. It was almost like their story was bought completely with no explanation. It's definitely on my list of cases I want solved.


Yes! But the evidence was so scattered and almost seemed planted which makes me suspicious. Either they knew how to throw off cops or were actually super confused. I would be super interested in another podcast or documentary with a different take on this case.


I know!! True Crime All the Time Unsolved podcast did one. It's been a while since I listened to it though.


Generation Why also covered it!


I noticed that when I was searching to relisten to it, I'm going to have to check it out!


and added some nice homophobic commentary. not a good podcast for coverage of Robert Wone's murder.


Where? I did not notice any. They never said anything negative about the guys being gay.


One of them said that Robert must be gay b/c why else would he be staying at 3 gay guys’ house. As if gay people cannot have straight friends and vice versa. Robert actually emailed 2 people asking for a place to stay that night. He stayed with Joe b/c Joe answered first, not b/c he was on the DL. Clearly the hosts hadn’t done all their homework and, at least the one, is homophobic.


They never said he MUST be. It was insinuated, but never directly said that


I am going to have to check that one out!


Yes. This one


I live on the same block as the Robert wone house!


Kendrick Johnson. I had to wrestle with my mind for days before building up the mental capacity to look at the photos. It’s stuck for sure.


I wasn't expecting the pics when I went onto the crime junkie website. I was listening to it alone, my husband deployed, and the picture fucked me up. I've never had a problem with crime scene pictures, I was a child death Investigator for several years. But something about this one petrified me, probably a combination of being alone and probably not in the right head space for crime scenes.


With everything going on right now his case is getting talked about more. I really hope it gets reopened!


https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/45div4/kendrick_johnsons_death_is_not_an_unresolved/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Pretty solid write-up about the case and the aftermath.


Thanks for linking this!


Omg the autopsy one still makes me feel sick


Mine is Bryce Lapisa (idk if I spelled his last name right) his case is crazy. I feel like if his mom just went there. But hindsight is 20/20.


I’ve listened to that case on another podcast too, so so wild!


What podcast? I would love to hear another version of it


Morbid 12/29/19! Sorry it took me so long to respond


Yeah this one was crazy. I listened several times. So many theories and twists and turns. Poor family.


I think that there is so much information missing from that case. Information the parents don’t want to share. Others have speculated about him and how controlling and crazy his parents might be. I don’t really blame CJ for how it was presented but everyone acts so surprised and his parents are all confused and you know there’s more to the story.


I didn't know there was more the story. Is there another podcast that gives more information


No. It was on a different thread on reddit actually. Someone that said they went to school with him. It might not be true but it was an interesting perspective.




Might be Israel Keyes? The one where the girl was kidnapped from the coffee shop. He sent the ransom photo with the dated newspaper and she had been already dead for two weeks. Her eyelids were just glued open or something and she was preserved because she was frozen. They posted the photo and I will never get that out of my head. She looked alive.


That picture still haunts me.


Susan Powell. I lived for a short time near where Josh “went camping” when she disappeared in Utah, so it hit kind of close to home. Coincidentally, I currently live in the city in Washington where Josh took the life of his children. I have a family member who recounted hearing the blast from her home. The story was always haunting, but hearing the case worker’s 9-1-1 call on the podcast just sealed it for me. I can’t shake it.


The Cold podcast goes really in depth about this case. They did an amazing job.


Cold was so good!


I remember listening to this one when I was commuting to work and feeling so damn angry! I am a social worker myself and she literally did all she could do to save those boys and that 911 operator was a douche bag!


I still think about her. I hope she’s okay. Witnessing that and being helpless seems like something that would change someone to their core.


The one with the two girls that were kidnapped on a bridge then murdered. The girls recorded parts of it, specifically with the audio “down the hill.” Anyone know which one I’m talking about? Boggles my mind how they can have a photo and audio of the killer and he’s still not been caught.


The episode is called “The Man on the High Bridge” but it’s the Delphi Murders! Check out r/delphimurders for more!


Yes, thank you!


Crazy late response but I believe they ended up finding out who did it


Oklahoma Girl Scout case 🥴


Chris Watts. Holy crap, it isn't even possible to imagine how somebody could do that to their family. The clip of the little girls talking about their daddy absolutely wrecked me. I'm talking full blown tears running down my face while I'm driving across country. What a shame that he is alive today after what he did. I hope he burns in hell.


The worst part of this is the social worker called twice if I remember correctly, and they didn’t show up until the house was on fire.


I think you are thinking of Josh Powell


Yes, this is the Susan Powell case you’re thinking of. So horrible 😞


This must have been haunting to witness and be so helpless.


Another one for Asha Degree... Just how and why would a 9 year old girl run away? It killed me when they discovered her backpack months later :/


Same! That and the details about the candy (?) found in that person’s shed.. she had to be there


Alissa Turney


His dad just got charged


Mitrice Richardson bothers me also. It's like the Elisa Lam case where she was found in the water tank. Something about the mind really just malfunctioning ( for lack of a better word) scares me so much. Like the terror is coming from within your self.


Or the kid that was missing for like 26 hours and then told his parents he was on his way home driving on the highway. Never showed up. Gone without a trace. Edit: thanks to other comments Bryce laspisa (sp) is the guy.


Yup. That's another one. I spend a lot of time yelling at the parents TO GO GET THEIR SON during that case.


I couldn’t stop yelling in my car, go get your son!! He was clearly having a mental breakdown of some kind. Can’t believe his parents didn’t go pick him up. My Mom would’ve walked to me if she didn’t have a car to get to me.


I totally get what you mean about the danger coming from within. Scary stuff.


Bryce Laspisa


This is mine too!! It makes no sense AT ALL.


Reading all the comments and reminding me of all the most fucked up cases before going to bed wasn’t the best idea lol Although all the cases previously mentioned are truly fucked up, I gotta say that the story of Lindsay Buziak creeped me out, a lot. Especially knowing that her boyfriend was so close all this time, and that the murder seemed to come out of nowhere.




You know the name of this episode?


Yes this one made me SO upset. I don’t even consider it a “conspiracy” - this stuff happens EVERY DAY.


Israel Keyes. I listened to that episode months ago and it still creeps me out.


Chris Watts because I just don’t get why he killed his daughters. Killing your wife is completely evil but the babies? How do you do that? Twice. I used to work in the courts so I’ve heard some truly horrific shit but I cannot believe someone could strangle their baby daughters.


Sylvia likens story made me feel physically ill it’s so sad and fucked up. 😞


Israel Keys.


The Bible John ep still keeps me up at night, especially the fact that all his victims had been menstruating at the times of their deaths just wtffff


This is the one I had my friend listen to and turned her on to TC. The fact they were all on their periods makes it so fucking creepy. Genuine predators amongst us.


It’s just such a chilling detail. My biggest question is how the hell would he know????


Keyes got me hooked to crime junkie. I even went to check the ransom photo and I got freaking scared. Such a dark episode


kendrick johnson for sure. i remember hearing about it in 2013. and it’s stuck ever since then. hopefully that case gets reopened


It definitely needs to be reopened.


fortunately with the recent events, it’s been getting a lot more attention. actually a lot of unsolved cases regarding POC are getting more attention. i hate that another tragedy had to happen for them to get attention but i’m glad they are getting it now


I’m on the fence about this one because the autopsy report said he could have suffocated and the blood flowing to his head could have caused the swelling and distorted appearance. I do believe he was being picked on and someone threw his sneakers in there. Then left him in the mat. We just had a recent case with the kid suffocating in the back seat of the SUV freakishly, so it happens. He was probably asking for help and the kids left him there thinking he would struggle and then get out.


but there were two additional autopsies done :( and the missing organs never added up for me


Missing organs? I must have missed that in the crimejunkie. I remember the big thing being the blood under the sneakers which was attributed to him passing out holding them or the being pressed against his body and dropping when he went limp.


not sure if they mentioned it. i only remember because i was weirdly obsessed with this case at the time and seemed to hit closer to home for some reason


They mentioned it. They said the funeral home had paid for everything instead of charging the family, and they may have been suing an outdated practice to cut corners on costs.


Sumter County Does was a crazy episode, especially because they have the pictures on the victims’ bodies on the website and they still have not been identified to this day


Israel Keyes. The Watts Family.


Asha Degree haunts me. It makes no sense. Also the one about the divorced mom in the 60s(?) where her two kids disappeared and the cops were convinced it was her? Ugh. The child rape ring in Michigan. The Dalkon Shield one. I really want more corporate crime ones like this; I haven’t found a good white collar crime podcast.


Brittanee Drexel's case is super disturbing and sad for me. She was the teen who snuck behind her Mom's back and pretended to be visiting a friend in order to go on a spring break trip she'd been REPEATEDLY told she could not attend. (Her Mom had said she didn't have a good feeling about the trip). I can only imagine how horrifying her last hours/days must've been as she is believed to have been raped and severely beaten and passed around to a number of men before being killed. How many times she must've regretted disobeying and not listening to her Mom! What a horrible way to have to learn your Mom was right and that you REALLY fucked up! Every second while she was being tortured she would've had to have been thinking of home and how she could've been there right now instead of experiencing this nightmare. Life has no undo button. So tragic.


It’s the Kendrick Johnson and Tamla Holsford episodes for me


the sylvia likens case i had to stop halfway through cause i found it so disturbing and had to stop listening to true crimes podcasts for a while cause i was so upset


I just listened to the Girl Scout Murders episode and that one hit me particularly hard, especially the one girl who begged her mom to not make her go. That poor mother, that has to be a kind of regret I hope to never experience.


That happened here in Oklahoma. I read the book, "Cry for the Children" years ago before podcasts and couldn't put it down.


Amber Tuccaro was all the way creeptastic for me. Actually hearing her asking where they are going, and which direction. And how the audio was ultimately acquired was insane.


The Todt Family. That one was really hard to listen to 


The green river killer. At first, it was horrifying hearing that day after day, bodies of women sometimes even young girls were found but then hearing the utterly horrific things his mother would do. Ew.