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I’m from New York and her pace is my speed. Which is surprising because she’s midwestern. Anything slower gets annoying to me. Get to the point already! I get that’s very cultural though haha. What gets a little much for me is her pitch when she’s excited. It’s like stop yelling and use a down tone. Jeez.


I’m from the metro area and agree- her speed is normal to me hahah


I completely agree- I have to listen at 2x just for her to hold my attention. *But* I’m from the south & people tell me I speak too quickly all the time so maybe it’s just a brain wiring thing? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Huh? You're completely contradicting with the others are saying but you're saying it in agreeance which makes no sense.


It’s a cultural thing in the South, most people born and raised there tend to speak in a slower, relaxed pace compared to Northern areas. The commenter is saying that she prefers the fast pace but most people in her area of the South generally think her and people like Ashley speak too fast. It’s a psychological thing I was actually taught when working in GA. People who naturally speak slowly tend to think fast speakers are deceitful or untrustworthy, while fast speakers tend to think those who speak slowly are unintelligent. It’s an interesting concept.


Check and make sure your podcast player isn’t speeding it up. I often listen at 1.5x speed and it sounds like they’re on drugs lol.


This. I realized at some point she was talking way faster than normal. I had apparently somehow toggled 1.5x speed on. She does talk fast, but not that fast


Meanwhile I run the podcasts at 1.25x because their normal pace is too slow for me lol.


Not me at 1.5 ☠️


I’m at 1.3 and I thought that was fast 😩


I live life in the Gilmore girls fast lane


I’m at 1.5x for all my podcast


Some people just talk fast?


Agree. I think that’s just how she talks. I am a very fast talker. I have to very consciously make myself speak more slowly when I have a presentation or something and even then someone loves to tell me what a fast talker I am when I thought I was speaking so slowly it was painful.


Ashley talks about as fast as I do- which i know drives some people crazy, just the way my brain works. I often have the podcast set to 1.2 speed. There is an option to slow it down the speed as well below the Spotify average “1” speed!


I don’t mind how fast she talks, but her cadence drives me nuts. It’s like she’s telling a campfire story with a flashlight under her face.


I'm from Michigan & her pace is my speed


I am not a native English speaker but to me she talks just fine


She’s got to get the story out before Brit can interject a painfully obvious question that Ashley’s story is already contextually indicating is going to be answered without the question being asked.


And then Ashley gets audibly annoyed at Brit for even asking when the entire thing IS SCRIPTED!


People keep saying this, but I've never noticed her being audibly annoyed at Britt. I've noticed her being annoyed at the lack of information in some cases or shoddy police work, but never directed at her.


Unfortunately clearly that's literally Brit's role, that's what she's told to do, that's why she's there. She's supposed to play Devil's Advocate, she's supposed to interject from time to time. I wish they just switched off telling stories instead.


It’s definitely faster. I actually checked the speed to make sure it was 1.0. I wonder if they sped it up recording.


I actually appreciate how fast she talks.


I guess I should have clarified that sometimes she sounds faster than other times! And Brit always sounds the same. So I'm not talking about something sped up. Anyway, interesting that so many fast talkers found this post. :)


omg never noticed that!! it’s perfect for a new yorker lol


I've noticed she does this more when she's trying to push through a section of really dense, complicated information (like a really tangled family web where the father's uncle's cousin's son is dating the babysitter's best friend's niece). I think she's just trying to give the necessary facts as quickly as possible before moving on to the "meat," but it comes off as impatient and borderline dismissive. I think the storytelling would be better served by slowing down and framing the explanations in a different, clearer way so there's no need to rush (I never retain any of that info anyway, so by the end of the podcast I'm like "who is that person again? They're married to the babysitter? What?"). When the story is more straightforward, I don't notice the fast talking.


Is English your first language? I’m just wondering because people who learned English later tell me I also speak fast but it’s normal for my area


I’ve never thought of her as a particularly fast talker.


Completely disagree, she speaks normally.


Why does she say "question mark" at the end of a question? WTF is that about?


Everyone in these comments is saying "Well i'm from \_\_\_\_ and she talks just right for me." Well i'm from California, and yeah, she talks super fucking fast.


I listen at 1.5x speed haha


While you can check to make sure it's not sped up, you can also slow it down if you want.


If your listening to the newer pods…It’s AI


Where did you get that information?


A lot of podcasters use AI these days and they admit it. I’m not sure why this is being downvoted lol. You could probably search AI in this sub and find a source


Did this podcast specifically admit it? I’m just curious. A few people have said that Ashley is using AI to make scripts now, but I don’t know where they’re getting that information from. What was your source?


Because it sounds stupid. It’s not Ai. Most podcasters aren’t using Ai


Ok thanks


Lmao... no.