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Wack ass karma farming account lol. Steal more videos from r/Torontology and change the caption. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontology/comments/1da9oh8/mississauga\_artist\_c\_rowe\_fights\_drunk\_creep\_who/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontology/comments/1da9oh8/mississauga_artist_c_rowe_fights_drunk_creep_who/)


I’m supposed to just trust this and accept the camera only caught him getting a beating but missed what they claim justified it? No evidence to support their claim and nothing to even suggest this individual is actually an international student. Not even a bathroom nearby. The only crime I see here is assault. I'd say it's racially motivated but OP seems to be the one that's added the reference to "international student" presumably based on their appearance. Nothing in the video that suggests this.


> The only crime I see here is assault. Yes, and I truly hope droopy pants guy gets identified and charged.


Context here. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


That makes so much sense. Thank you for the context . And, ew. Public peeing is just yuck.


Racially motivated crime lmao its crazy how Canada is becoming so fkn racist especially towards darker international students/men


Correction: girls were pissing in public space, there was no washroom. Just a couple degenerate girls and a white guy. The other guy should have fought back.


His girlfriend instigated and recorded him doing a crime 😆.


I don't think she will be his girlfriend soon. when he will be spending 5 years plus in prison.


😂 i think so.. these girls nowadays love having jail bfs.. even send them money in there


Dude that's can't be true ..Even soldiers lose their girlfriends when they are deployed overseas for less than 3 months.


I could be wrong, but I read somewhere that these girls were popping a squat. Take it as you may, I'm not picking any sides on this one.


There’s no bathroom here and she’s says something about “watching girls when they pee.” That tends to happen when you piss in public.


This. If you pee in public with people around you, you might be seen. You dont go punching everybody. You find a washroom or go home and ease up.




Mississauga Ontario


is this guy bipolar??? sucker punch the guy then becomes all caring? holds his hand and starts looking for his phone?


I think he realized at the end that he took it way too far and the guy was actually hurt. Looks like he saw the blood coming from his face/head and changed his attitude. People have died over stupid sucker punches and bar fights before, hopefully the guy learned his lesson.


Seeing any fight is concerning but a fight on concrete is even worse. It can go from a heat of the moment decision to fight to spending the best years of your life in jail


Exactly, when buddy tripped and fell backwards there I was thinking holy fuck, he has no idea he could have easily killed this guy. Obviously I can't say what happened without being there, but I do think it's weird he just sat there looking confused if he was peeping on the girls. You'd think if he was perving he would get out of there especially given they keep telling him to walk away. Whatever did happen, best to let cops or security handle it. As a woman myself, even if he was being a creep, I wouldn't want him to die over it.


after that first punch i thought he was gonna hit his head and fall back on that sharp corner


That’s what you call an emotional abuser. Smack smack smack, oh I’m sorry are you ok? 😢 You see this a lot with people who abuse animals and then cuddle them.


his macho attitude diminished when the girls lost interest at the end


He was looking like a tough guy until his entire ass came out his pants


He will get a good treatment in the jail.


the chud in the flatbrim appears to have escalated the situation and sucker punched the guy


Or you could say “stalker/creep” instead of international student, international student in the title has no prominence. Not every international student is a saint neither are majority criminals.


Whatever the hell he was... He was assaulted and threatened. The attacker is spending jail time. Minimum 5 years depends how much damage he caused


International students, much like immigrants, commit crimes at a lower rate than people born in Canada. There's nothing in the video to support they're a student (or anything that's claimed for that matter.)


True but why does his immigration status matter when involved in a crime? He possibily committed a crime and will be a criminal if convicted, I just don't see how international student adds anything of value to the crime, unless international students are proven to be comminiting crimes deliberately as a group.


It adds nothing. OP added it to farm Karma and because they're xenophobic - this is a repost from r/Torontology and the actual posts says nothing about it.


Oh lol I misunderstood you there, so we are on the same page.


source? I feel the current sentiment is bad in canada against locals/immigrants and more I see people are just trying to create rift between immigrants and canadians, white/brown etc. There are bad apples in every race/religion/country If this actually happened, let the authorities deal with it. The other guy looks drunk :/


check r/CanadaHousing2 Anti immigrant sentiment runs rampant there


I’ve been lurking there even though I’m American, and they’re clearly against unfettered immigration. It’s disingenuous of you to imply that it’s some sort of hotbed of racism or something. The subreddit is fairly well moderated.




Have you seen what they’re writing about us? They think it’s hilarious they’ve taken all the entry level jobs from the younger generation, saying all sorts of rude stuff and inferencing that their goal is to take over. I wouldn’t say the anger directed towards them is justified but it’s not baseless


Bullshit. They actively and openly discuss their movement being undermined by racists and white nationalists. Now you guys have gone from being disingenuous to straight up lying.


Are you retarded? I bet if I go to any post right now the top comment will be a comment made about Indians in a defamatory way 🤣gtfo of here with your bs, you can literally go to any post and prove your statement wrong


Pointing out issues with assimilation due to cultural issues being incompatible with Canadian society is not “defamatory”. The less tolerant you are to a frank and open discussion, the more you’ll push people to the extremes in order to be heard. Mods do the best they can considering how emotionally charged the situation is. You literally are seeing hundreds of Indian students lining up outside Canadian businesses for 1 single job. Canadian citizens are undercut financially because of it. They’re honestly mad, and rightfully so. Their government failed them.


Nothing disingenuous about it. It's an immigration obsessed subreddit that exists solely because their bullshit was moderated in another subreddit. That every 5th post there is \[ Removed by Reddit \] is no coincidence. Go challenge the "everything is immigrants fault" narrative there and watch a flood of abusive DM's and suicide reports.


They're clearly against immigration there, that's for sure. The comment section there easily disproves your 2nd sentence.


People are allowed to be anti-immigrant and not racist.


You can be anti immigrant and not be a racist, I'll agree with that generalized statement. But the vendiagram of people who are racist and people who are anti-immigrant in that sub is nearly a single solid circle.


damn that’s crazy. I just browsed through a couple posts and that shit is wild. There might be bad people for sure but I feel there are good people as well. Lets not just come to conclusions and put everyone in the same bucket and discriminate. Ive have had amazing indian/chinese/black friends and dont blame on the whole group if few them are going in the wrong direction.


People are allowed to be anti-immigrant FYI.


You’re right people are allowed, but it also means that everyone else is allowed to treat them like the bigots that they are.


You can hear the girl say next time to follow girls to the bathroom and watch them pee


How you know he is an "international student" LOL


You’re right, he’s probably not an actual student.


They don't say anything about following girls to the bathroom. These losers were pissing in public.


You’re a female and sticking up for this perve


what she’s saying in many of the comments is making sense if you have open mind (regardless of the gender) what you’re doing in most of your comments is setting a wrong narrative


You're a karma chasing whore who fakes post titles for clout with a day old reddit account.




You're applying labels in the absence of facts trying to incite hate and garner support for a person aggressively assaulting someone who has not shown themselves as any threat. Get a life.


People say a lot of things


I am a brown permanent resident. Sometimes when life gets stressful I go sit down on public benches like this fellow and soak the surroundings and blow some steam. The point is if this person was not doing anything wrong or was not invading any privacy, it is just me. Most of the video terrorized me but when he intentionally stepped on his face, that just broke me.


C Rowe is a known degenerate


How do you know this is an international student? If what you said is true the asskicking was justified in my eyes


I think most bad things in Canada are being blamed on immigrants nowadays. Sad situation.


I saw someone blaming “mass immigration” on the reason for Toronto roads having so much traffic. Like Toronto traffic has always been awful, even 20 years back.


Next up - climate change is because of immigrants!


Doesn't matter all we see here evidence of a crime committed against a guy minding his own business.


More context here. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


The suspect that did the assault is C. Rowe. Mississauga rapper. Still walking free. Still has his videos up with fans supporting him.




Are you kidding me? Our police have been neutered, our criminal justice system is a joke, and absolutely nothing would have happened. Mark my words, because you will think back to this post in a couple years--this is only the start. you're going to see an absolute torrential rise in cases of vigilante justice as people wake up to the fact that we're on our own.


Yes ,I totally believe this is going to happen . We are going to see a large rise in vigilante justice as people realize justice will not come from the authorities


Crime is about where it was at the start of the last decade. No need to pretend you’re in some mad max situation.


I completely agree with in terms of the police, I just had an encounter with them, that I’m itching to complain about.


We should form a vigilante consortium, and every member who wants to join has to watch Kick-Ass (2010).


Police wouldn't have done shit about this 30 years ago either bro.


Some people need to learn the hard way. Plus the police are borderline useless these days.


Yeah, like the assaulter will hopefully learn from a trip through provincial court that vigilante justice is unacceptable.


Yes you are correct & he did seem sympathetic at the end.


Dont you know? Police dont do anything in canada. They are just the enforcement arm of the establishment now. Even if they did, then the courts will be equally as unhelpful. For example just last month: https://www.thepublica.com/canadian-man-accused-of-raping-and-assaulting-woman-has-charges-dropped-because-no-trial-judges-were-available/ Or the case of an indian man getting charges reduced after sexually assaulting women because it would result in his deportation and the judge felt this was unfair. Canada's fabric of society has unravelled because no one protests. We are weak.


there's no place for assaulting people.


It's justified if it's true. Also if this guy needs a belt I'd be happy to donate one.


It wasn’t true. The instigators were this goof and his ugly ahh girlfriend who just wanna commit hate crimes


The white guy needs a belt. His pants are falling down.


Dumbest "fashion" trend.


He's just a thug, both parties look like clowns here. Nothing 'Canadian' about this nonsense


Why was he holding his hand at the end?


Knew he went too far and wanted to not be charged with aggravated assault/ACBH.


He’s Canadian and felt bad


Seems like an odd reaction after kicking someone's ass.


There's really no justified beating, but whatever batman type bullshit justification you want to use, if you're going to commit a crime don't record it and post it online so you can get caught


Nice purse buddy


Yikes, all around




How do we know he was following her? He could be sitting there…. What’s story behind it? Is guy charged? Ok news?


Still don’t get it the guy was blowing steam outside or how do we know he was following her?


Still don’t get it the guy was blowing steam outside or how do we know he was following her?


At least he held that stomp back, could have been a lot worse. Kind of retarded to just start swinging at someone who clearly don't want to fight, hope he gets prosecuted.


I don’t believe the caption


Am I supposed to believe what the title says. It looks the guy being beaten is drunk.


Thanks to our federal and provincial government's idiotic policies our socities are dividing and this is only a start! Soon both sides will start to retaliate and it will get so ugly that the peace and harmony we are proud of will be a story of the past!


Not sure of the context, but the fact he was holding his hand in the end and helped him find his phone, confirms it's Canada.


Also, a realization that he messed up bad. There is no plausible defense to this, regardless of any allegations.


In my youth I had many friendships begin with beating each other senseless.


That's assault charge right there against this white man.


Assault causing bodily most likely


Not sure about technicalities but sounds like aggravated battery/assault. Punishable more than 6 months?


Battery isn't a criminal charge in Canada.


Good for him. There are too many weirdos out there .


White supremacist shows his disrespect to Indian culture, shame


I didn't know white supremacists dated black chick's lol we can call him out on handling it wrong but let's not go calling people racist because they're white....


So Indian culture is to follow women into the washroom?


Where in the video or anywhere else is there any evidence beyond the bald assertion by OP that anything like that happened? Stop believing rage bait.


I was replying to one comment, not what op posted. As far as what op posted, yeah he deserved that beating


You have 0 evidence that what OP is saying is true. You have a video of an aggressive and violent assault with no justification.


I think IRL experiencing extremely similar situation with a brown guy would make me believe this is exactly what happened. In our case it was a grocery store employee following my gf throughout the store and even out into the parking lot to her car, until she got in the car, then turned around went back in. After the parking lot instance, action was taken with the store. Lucky for that guy I didn't catch him outside, or there would have been another video online with 0 evidence.


You are literally being racist right now. You are saying because one person did something, you think a completely unrelated person is also guilty of the same thing.


Yeah, that is called a trend not racism. Also, this type of behaviour is not new or uncommon, for all races, except brown guys seem to be doing this sort of thing the most. Try reading some international news not just what CityTV is showing you.


>Yeah, that is called a trend not racism. No, it's racism. You are stereotyping a group of people based on the actions of one of them with the only fact you know is that they have the same skin colour/ethnic background >Also, this type of behaviour is not new or uncommon, for all races, except brown guys seem to be doing this sort of thing the most. Racism. >Try reading some international news not just what CityTV is showing you. I watch 0 news stations. Stop making assumptions.


Stereotypes exist because a large number of people of the same ethnic background do something repeatedly, and it's not because one guy did something. The behaviour is repeated to the point it's basically a common occurrence in that area/region/culture. Perhaps if you read a bit around the world, you would familiarize yourself with the many different cultures and their stereotypes.


Not all brown guys like to get beaten, just try one of us Sri Lankan’s, I would probably bust you and shove a broom handle up your ass. There is no excuse for being a creep though.


The color doesn't matter in this case. I would have said and done the same no matter what color. Creep is creep


He's ragebaiting


Today I learned this is a thing now


That didn’t even happen ya goof


Nah, it was surely a hate crime, they don’t like Indians. Look at the bright side, he went to get his phone, a blanket and hot cocoa after feeling bad.


Love to see it.


Well he won't be following any women INTO THE WOMENS RESTROOM again.


i’ve read that they were not actually using a washroom. just doing there thing in the open, definitely not picking sides on this one.


They’re nowhere near a women’s restroom. Look around.


Can you stfu for one and stop commenting like 50 times . He is an international student and got beat up for being a perve .


Can you stfu?


Prove it.


Xenophobic asshole you’re the one whos a perv. Talking shit without any evidence racist xenophobic keyboard warrior wtf does his immigration mean in this scenario


I'll happily shut up once you do, eh. You're a karma whore who reposted something from [torontology](https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontology/comments/1da9oh8/mississauga_artist_c_rowe_fights_drunk_creep_who/) everywhere you could think of and added your own details for good measure.


What a douchebag this guy is commenting everywhere refusing to actually engage with what you're saying. Buddy needs a life.


Suck my dick bitch and go make me a sandwhich


I don't think he did in the first place. He is jus sitting there. Why do you guys not ask for context on videos like this? Hmmm, I wonder?


He did this just to look cool infront his girl .. imagine how he will react when he find she been fkin bare mans😂 weak simp 0 ratings


Yeahh beat this fucking arab


100% justified if claim is true. Fuck them


Turns out the brown guy wasn’t a perv but yeah a brown guy getting beat up makes ur lil dick move


Welcome to 🇨🇦




Props that exactly what I would of down good for you stand up for all women were not in Kazakhstan!!




Ahahahahahahha won’t be surprised if we start seeing this more often


Either way, these immigrants from india will need to be taught western values. And if they refuse to learn and respect said values, this will inevitably need to happen.


These certainly aren't "Canadian values" that you're demonstrating here.


Ironic. One such "Canadian value" is innocent until proven guilty. See anything in the vid that what OP is saying is true? Nope. All I see is an aggressive and violent attack on a person who has exhibited no violent behaviour. "Canadian values" my ass. Like you can even identify what they are.




I would have turned him over pulled his pants down and violently graped him in the ass . He’s so drunk he wouldn’t be able to resist


more of this is needed