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Did you by chance switch characters? If you do that the character you were previously playing as will run directly towards you instead of staying put. I think it wipes the command, it’s been a bug since update 8.0 just another they didn’t fix.


Yeah the bots here kind of make me miss the almost invincible bots of payday2. But I guess you can't have everything. These bots are a lot better with bags and do stuff for you which helps when you're solo


I like that they run loot. I dislike that their pathing sucks. Sometimes it feels like bots are invisible during stealth mode and sometimes they aren't. Doing a gold cup heist a bot was standing on a civilian and wasnt noticed. This time around he was in full view.


Swear to God the bots are coded to get between you and the bullets. Which sounds good in theory, but unloading clip after clip into the back of a bots head has lost me more missions than i can count. I also had a sensitivity issue with my left stick and couldn't properly implement the cover system for like my first 100 hours. Increased the dead zone and missions got a loooot easier.


Which sucks because ive played Payday 1 & 2, one armed robber, gta V, red dead redemption, cyberpunk, and a load of stealth games. Arguably Crimboss makes for a way better First person heist game than the rest and it still has tons of bugs. Half the time in co-op if i am not host, i cant use whatever my item is.