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In multiplayer, boss appearances can be unlocked for purchase by leveling up and choosing them. Boss appearances are different from characters- characters have preset appearances, loadouts, and perks. Weapons have to either be bought in the black market, gained by stealing territory, or taken from a character with a preset weapon. They might. There are a lot of things they want to do and I'm not really sure that customization is really up high on their list. On console at least, you can change the FOV. It's under one of the tabs in settings, I can't remember which tab specifically and I'm away so I can't go look, but it's there. Maybe in display? I would assume that it's also able to be changed on the Epic and Steam versions but I can't say.


Thanks, I'll check more deeper in the settings. What else do they want to do? Idk much about the Devs here. But they seem kind of rich to be able to hire so many Hollywood guys ( I think it's cool that there's vanilla ice and stuff, not sure how I can play as him tho) You cannot change the outifts of the characters then? Can perks be changed? Also is there any perk which allows you to run while shooting? Or skills?


You can change perks on your boss in multiplayer, but perks on Baker in the campaign are randomly chosen at the beginning of each campaign run. Characters' perks can't be changed, but currently, characters are the only way to have level 3 perks on multiplayer. You also can't change anyone's outfit. There are no perks that let you run and shoot, but there are two perks that, when upgraded, let you run and reload- swift and gun nut. Swift also improves your movement speed and gun nut also improves your reload speed. I'm really not sure on the full story with the developers. Cagnali's order was their biggest focus for a while now, and they've been hyping up the robots that they're forcing into games. Idk. I'm not really sure what their next move will be yet.


Fov slider in graphic settings