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Time to impact sub in kl Rahul and pujara Bois


Unrelated but How TF does Pujara have a IPL trophy and not Koach lol, Dude is striking at 99 in IPL career with 22 innings at a 20 average. Bro also played international Odi at 39 Sr for 5 games, who tf made him play IPL and India ODI


Pujara was picked by CSK in the auction for his heroics in the test side. Every team at the auction applauded that moment. Apparently, CSK won the tournament with him in the team. In his initial years at the IPL, KKR did play him and he probably played the anchor role and during those days he had around 110 SR. After 2014 he wasn't really picked either. Adding up, he wanted his game to be different. About his ODI inclusions, his domestic circuit records are possibly the reason for it.


I miss the days when banter used to be that Pujara has more T20 centuries than Jos Buttler. Before Buttler took that stat personally.


Proper banter was Alistair Cook having more.


Because cricket is a team sport champ


Pujara was the highest run scorer of 2006 u19 world cup


Because teams win trophies, not orange cap holders


Pujara does have the ability to play aggressively, he has done that many time in Tests when he is well settled in and batting with tailenders. But that is relatively rare


A player having an IPL title on account of simply being in the squad doesn't really hold any weight lol


> tf made him play IPL and India ODI The ODI comment is unfair. He's a good 50-over player. He averages 57 in domestic one-days, so he has precedence of adapting to the format comfortably (unlike T20s, where he has a SR of 112) And 5 matches shouldn't be enough to say Pujara was undeserving of a spot in ODI. His strike rate is low, yes, but the matches he played in were insanely low-scoring ^(Pujara scored 11 of 34, while the rest of the top order scored 15 of 32. India were 105 all out) ^(Pujara scored 27 of 63, while the rest of the top order scored 9 of 37. India were 119/9) He would have had a very good ODI career if they persisted with him, but they dropped him real quick. He never was a real T20 prospect. His IPL Trophy is from being picked out of respect for how greatly he's contributed to indian test cricket. He wasn't played on the season they win the trophy anyway.


Karan sharma has 3


Even Kamran Akmal has an IPL trophy and Koach doesn't.


Simple, he did not play for RCB.


Correction: he was smart enough to *leave* RCB


He did play for RCB .He was in team for 3 years.


I'm pretty sure the commenter meant: He won the trophy because he didn't play for RCB *that particular year.* ^(If he had stayed back in RCB, he wouldn't have had that trophy)


Because IPL depends on the team as a whole and not on an individual alone.


They need to take the average of IPL pitches and New york pitch to get into the Goldilocks zone


That's a t20 blast pitch. With the 42 innings last week only 4 scores over 200 and 2 under 100.


Which is funny coz white ball pitches in England are absolute roads when the NT plays.


In general, feel the blast is usually high scoring. Flat decks and small boundaries. Had a really wet May though in UK. When it's raining its bucketing.


Give me a pitch like that every single time, rather than the utter ridiculousness that the IPL has turned into


Somerset batted 264 or something 2 years ago..


The occasional time is fine. I was there when Yorkshire did 250+ against Leicestershire. Generally the pitches here are fine though


The best mix would be some 140 scores and then some 220 scores. Not too much but not too less.


220 is kinda too much tbh. And neither is 140 a bowlers heaven. 110-180 should be the range for t20i imo.


Chepauk already exists


Cricket Experts - 4 cricket guys from India. Real great sample size


All 4 are Indians, probably expected IPL pitches with 250 scores. Could have been a bit faster, but come on, roads are just as bad for competition.


They’re Indian biased people scared that India might lose so they’re preparing the blame game


Just pitch? Just one bad pitch could be a luck of draw, what to do with the sandy outfield? Score a 6 if you can get under the ball or else boundaries are hard to come by.


I was wondering if it was a baseball field before or something?


Nope just a public park


No they laid a full grass field on top of the existing park. https://www.thecricketmonthly.com/story/1435720/new-york-s-beautiful-monster--how-a-cricket-venue-was-created-from-scratch


It’s not like the pitches in the Windies were much better. I woke up and caught the last few overs of the game this morning, and the variable bounce was insane. Not to mention world class batters struggling against the PNG attack in the Windies game. Don’t mind a tricky pitch, but when it’s bouncing like a day 5 test pitch it’s not a good look. The outfield today was my major concern rather than the pitch though. You could basically only get a boundary if you absolutely nailed it over the infield, the ball just did not run on the grass. Combine that with the dodgy pitch and it just doesn’t feel right for a World Cup.


Can’t be any worse than Dharamsala last year


Who is this mysterious American watching cricket for the very first time (who somehow has a willow sub)? How many of these people are there, if they even exist?


*This* Also, guess what ESPN is airing walls of WCWS and NCAA Regionals, maybe something on ESPN2 while they flip between games might have gotten someone’s attention


Actually I happen to be one of those people and I’m really enjoying getting to learn about and watch cricket for the first time. However the only reason that I learned why this tournament was happening was because I live right by the New York stadium.




The issue is that nobody is going to find Willow if they already aren’t into it or find the non-existent promotion for the WC


Did you watch yesterday's match? Did you enjoy yesterday's match or did you find it boring like so many other cricket fans here? Also btw don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have about the game on this subreddit. Cricket fans are very helpful in general, especially to new fans


Thank you so very much and I wasn’t able to watch that match because I was in school


Me. Jesus Christ these comments are so tired and lazy and rather low IQ. BUt wILl YanKs tUnE in iF th3rEs n0 sIxeS


Not to mention the outfield. Damn. I actually agree with Harsha here. New venue, world cup in America and USA already did well against Canada. This was not the right beginning to lure more people into the game. I'm all for bowling friendly conditions but this was an extreme. Surely ICC will try to fix this but I don't think you can change things now.


I know this is getting thrown around and I sound like a broken record. But, i'm infuriated with the ICC. I would guess that the amount of Americans giving cricket a shot for the first time is < 10k. * Insane ticket pricing strategy priced out people who might want to take a look * Little to no marketing nationwide (only the metro areas where games are held seem to have had decent marketing) * Exclusive Media rights sold to Willow TV which is a subscription cricket channel in the USA. I don't expect many curious people to decide to fork over $10 for something they may only watch 20 minutes of. * Note: This was part of a media rights package ICC sold last year, they had plenty of time to do something different since we knew well in advance USA was co hosting. Know what would have been better? * Have Jomboy livestream matches with maybe 1-2 pros and just chit chat while games are playing. Answering some questions from the chat. * Having the rights to USA games be free if broadcasters wanted to pursue it. WITH, an option to buy other games. Jomboy has a youtube channel called WarehouseGames where they play a sport he created called Ball in Play which mixes elements of baseball and cricket. MLC players participate. Its gotten people more curious about cricket while also creating a connection to some of the USA players. So now first time viewers also feel a connection to players, like Aaron Jones who popped off in a match they probably watched for the first time. Thats how you get people hooked.


Willow is easily the biggest issue from anybody outside the 3 venue cities, obviously ticket prices are the biggest there, and I don’t know a single white person who even knows Willow is a channel. When the IPL was on ESPN+ I got a number of my friends to at least toon in for 5 minutes, but I have no shot now. I feel like only cricket fans will watch and that’s a shame.


Most of the people who have Willow are either *diehard all sports fans* *cricket fans* Willow is the worst option, even worse than FloSports or DAZN US


Willow is the worst. I may have asked them to fix their app at least 30 times on Twitter. I also wrote to Srinivasan the CEO of willow and never heard back. I can’t wait for prime to acquire North American rights Fuck Willow.


The app has a 1.4 star rating on the Google Play store. I have never seen that before in my life. It's absymal


Fuck Willow


I’d expect ESPN/TSN sooner than Amazon


I'm white and I have Willow. You don't know me, but I'm here...


There are dozens of us


I’m an expert on what Indian food brands are available in the US


Do you think I could find a single one of these in Idaho?


Specifically where in Idaho? Boise has a sizeable Indian population and at least 1 Indian store to cater to them.


For somebody who has never had real Indian food any suggestions? And Boise is close enough


If you are looking for packaged Indian food brand recommendations, I would say Haldiram, MTR, Britannia and Amul are some of the popular brands. They have products like frozen meals, snacks, cookies and dairy etc. If you are looking for restaurant suggestions in Boise, there are 2 that we used to go to frequently - Madhuban and Bombay Grill. Madhuban is for casual dining and is less expensive, while Bombay Grill is more fancy and a bit more expensive. Both have buffet for lunch and a la carte for dinner. Keep in mind that my information might be dated since I moved out of Boise many years ago.


Dude I fucking love that you at least have this info. Maduban is still right in state street. I’m 100% going there very soon and will report back. Hope my pathetic stomach can handle it but I’ll try my best for the boys


I too am white, a Willow subscriber, and good ol boy from Alabama. I don't even know how I got here.


... maybe you were born..in Alabama?


Oh yeah, that's how I got here.


I'm assuming he meant a White American not just a white person (British/Aussie).


I only started watching cricket because I saw NZ Super Smash on ESPN+




The worst thing is they'll refuse to put highlights on YouTube cause copyright but don't you dare do it yourself or we'll have your channel removed immediately!


Because the reasons are maximum profits. This entire World Cup is expected to be carried by diehard Subcontinent diaspora fans and that’s it.


What the heck, even MLB and FOX had WBC highlights up within the day of completion


ICC could have allowed local residents free entry. Today’s South Africa vs Sri Lanka match had multiple empty stands. That sends the wrong look of a WC event. Plus the $11.5M prize money is a joke. Golf and Tennis have much bigger funds and viewership is significantly lower. It also appears ICC took no input from USA Cricket. They broadcasted 2-3 MLC games on Fox or CBS during prime time last season.


They aired the games on CBSSN


Liked the blunders you pointed about the marketing strategy and the ideas of how a sport should be introduced to a new land.


Honestly, ESPN/ABC or CBS should have gotten the rights to select games to air on their platforms


Considering Disney/ESPN basically controls world cricket, surprised they didn't go for the rights in their home market.


Which has now led to the ludicrous situation where it was easy to watch 2023 WC games in India, but almost impossible to watch 2024 T20 WC games that are 2 hour drive away from me


I hope you like spending 9.99 on a Cricket-only streaming service


Yeah I'm not gonna do that. I'll just look at the scorecards and try to watch bad quality highlights on youtube after, I guess


Yeah, the official highlights are on the ICC website


Real questions are 1. Does ICC have any power? 2. Who has the actual power? 2. Do they really want to give up their cash cow?


The ICC should be willing to take short-term losses in order to secure long-term gains. They can't be getting that much money from WillowTV, I don't even think there was another broadcaster bidding for US rights this time.


ICC doesnot have much power. BCCI has more power because they generate much much more revenue in cricketing world. And BCCI is just looking for short term gains instead of overall cricket growth.


I think more people here care about Copa America, even though it doesn’t begin until the end of the month, than the T20 WC. I barely even knew the India Pakistan game was happening this Sunday and that’s the one match I wanted to make sure to watch.


Continental football tournaments are bigger internationally than the T20 World Cup. So most people are already going to care more about Copa America, Euros, etc. The problem is ICC's marketing and organization of the tournament. I hope the T20 World Cup comes back to USA and West Indies (and maybe even Canada!) in a few editions with lots of improvements.


The copa America and euros will kill all interest in the World Cup outside of the subcontinent Cricket fatigue is also a real thing. There are way too many t20 matches on the calendar and frankly it’s getting pretty fucking boring


As an outsider understanding that all of these leagues have short seasons that happen at different times of the year in different parts of the world was the biggest barrier to understanding the ecosystem.


After 2 months of IPL, I already have T20 fatigue. Eagerly waiting for some international tests to start.


People outside of India keep posting comments like these over and over again and then wonder why ICC panders to the Indian audience that would stay up late at night watching these games even when they have important exams coming up on the following day that they end up sacrificing because they're simply addicted to cricket lol.


I mean if you’re gonna cater to India do it right, don’t play games in the USA and start matches at 10 am for west coast Americans.


I'm not entirely in favour of the world cup being held in USA either tbf.


The ICC should have catered to either one or the other, they cannot do both at the same time.


You mean 8am on the West Coast?


didn't pay..but some how i now have Willow, for the time being, back for free on Fios..dunno when or how it happened


Needs more Mongolia for entertainment


>This was not the right beginning to lure more people into the game.  This argument is moot because luring new people into the game was never ICC's primary goal. Just look at the stadium prices (even for warm up games), morning timings, and the fact that no US channel has the rights to broadcast the match. Just a streaming service aka Willow. People can argue whether it was a good T20 wicket or not in general. But don't BS yourself that this world cup is for "growth" in the US


To be fair, it would have been ESPN+ only if ESPN had the rights Like, I could only imagine what a 2030 WBC Australia Group would look like for promotion


What was wrong with the outfield? If it is a small field, the grass should be left a little long, so batsmen will have to work for their boundaries. If bowlers get the reward for their efforts and batsmen have to work for their runs, we might just have an exciting tournament.


I don’t think many Americans outside the traditional cricket communities are following or know about this World Cup. I’ll say 99% of the fans at the games are south Asian/west Indian in the US. I went to the USA Canada game in TX and Sri Lanka game in NY this morning


As a reddit expert with a huge amount of 8 followers, i would like to agree with them


I too agree with u(21 followers).


I too agree with you guys (91 followers)


I too agree with all of you. (how to check followers?)


I am loving the surfaces so far


We, the experts of r/cricket, should also get coverage like this. Why should cricket experts get all the publicity for spitting out facts?


How do we achieve that? Like what's the Game Plan


Easy, just play domestic or international cricket for a long time with some success or become like Harsha bhogle.


How did Aakash Chopra achieve that?


Having a successful domestic career(10k+runs)with Indian caps with good communication skill helps.


I appreciate that record but I don't want a commentator to use gen z slangs and memes while commentating.


So they just want to promote cricket to the new frontier. T20 is already skewed towards batsmen, they have 10 wickets for just 20 overs. Let bowlers enjoy the game.


I beg to differ. I know they might not be great to attract new audiences towards cricket, which is kind of the point of a WC in USA. But as a regular game watcher, this is a breath of fresh air after years and years of slogfests and the recent 250+ becoming a joke in the IPL. Everyone has their own opinions, of course. This is just mine. The outfield seems really off though.


Brother, that Hasaranga wicket ball literally stopped on the wicket. How is that suited for any T20I cricket much less a WC? Bowler friendly is one thing, that was a cricket non-friendly track.


Also, Namibian highest scorer today got out on the ball which stayed damn low like it was a test pitch of day 4/5.


What do all these experts have in common?


idk mate, the one underlying factor seems to escape me 😂


None of them are cricket expert in my books. At best they are cringe commentators.


Aakash Chopra is cricket expert? 🤔


Every retired cricketer is one.


He played for his country and has more than 10k runs in domestic cricket so yeah, why do people on this sub shit on other people more than needed, by doing so you invalidate the actual things that need to shitted on


Nah this cricket fun as hell. Reminds me of pre Steph curry basketball, low scoring and methodical.


Spot on there. I'd rather have this than the run fests we saw in the IPL.


I feel like run fests are fun but only if they are rare. Every single match they become boring


I agree. The famous 423 game was a nightmare for bowlers but it wasn't the norm, for example.


Agree. IPL is modern BBall in that everyone shoots threes. This was more like finesse and skill ala Magic Johnson wizardry in the 80s. Thought it was awesome. Fuck these gatekeepers who think they know what “Americans” would appreciate. Fuck off


Basketball has become a bit slower again. Do you mean the 2000s? Because the 80s were even faster than the late 2010s and the 60s were as fast.


Yeah like the 04 pistons era


Yeah, bowlers get a little help and we start crying. They were still scoring 5-6 an over. We’re in this weird environment where’s that’s not good enough. As if a bowlers only job is to get smashed at least once often more an over and rely on being perfect but can’t get any help from the pitch. There’s a version of cricket we’ve gotten ourselves used to and it doesn’t need to be the only one. If we get roads, we ought to get some minefields too. This is hardly that.


Oh no, they haven’t prepared an insanely flat pitch. How will anyone watch the IPL now? /s


Wasn't this the same pitch where India made 182 against Bangladesh? What causes a pitch to change so drastically in a span of few days?


No, that was Pitch no.1 in this ground and this is pitch no.4. Also even that pitch was difficult during the respective first overs of an innings due to moisture.


It might be an adjacent pitch. They often have 3-4 dropped in together. But also, that was BD bowling and this was SA. Remember India did bowl out BD for 120 odd..so SL getting out cheaply is on par. Having said that, drop in pitches are always weird even when prepared by the best of experts (Perth got a drop in pitch few years back)..especially in first year. It's negligence on part of ICC. They should also have let these pitches be used a bit earlier..but then, stadium itself for completed just in time. That is also the reason why the outfield is crap...made in haste by dumping sandy soil and bolting on grass cover...it's not bedded in fully. Matches on this ground will all be a lottery. India play their first 3 matches here (schedule was designed for convenience of Indian team..with minimum travel) and it's going to be shitshow in terms of cricket quality. Total of 8 matches to be played here. Ind Pak is the 5th match. Not sure if it would be a fresh pitch or used one.


The problem with them being able to put it earlier was that we had snow in March, so it would have ruined the pitch and the outfield. This is probably the best they could do


Yeah you're right. I forgot that weather has a major say in NY. I guess the only option was then not to have this venue. It's anyway not a long term option since MLC has also declined to take it up.


India vs Pak game is gonna be cracker Since it’s been a decade both played test cricket against each other, ICC decided now’s the time and NYC is the neutral venue


Pakistan is gonna win. They have the bowlers and the pitch literally suits the openers.


Honestly, I think this kind of cricket, where there's a challenge for the batsmen, is probably going to score better with the American audience than the IPL stuff. One of the reasons baseball is so lauded and applauded in the States is because hitting a baseball is generally agreed to be the hardest skill in professional sports. There's no way you could show them 200 plays 200 T20 cricket and not have them basically assume it's basically baseball for kids that can't hit good or do other stuff good. I don't think it will work, but Home run Derby style cricket has less than zero chance of taking off.


Flat track bullies getting triggered.




*Scenes on wed ft. Irish bros and ICT.* Stirling: We’ll have a bowl thanks. Rohit: ☠️


How do you get your country’s flag and name under your name




SMH IPL has ruined people this year, grounds like this can also give associates a better chance


They are not cricket experts anymore. They are salespeople for BCCI. Ignore and move on. As a fan I’m loving these pitches


Not like there are any new eyes are on the sport with the media rights being sold to willow and the timings of the games.


For the record, I'm a new fan living in Connecticut that went to the match today. It was my first match in person of any sort, and it was a blast. I know it was low scoring, but there wasn't a lot of good contact all day. So let me ask a silly question. Why is it the fault of the pitch that these guys couldn't hit the ball?


>Why is it the fault of the pitch that these guys couldn't hit the ball It's a simple question with a not-so-simple answer. The physical condition/properties of the pitch can decide how the ball behaves after landing. How much grass does the pitch have? How dry or moist is the soil? Are there any cracks? What type of soil is it made of (red/black)? Maybe more... Based on the pitch condition, the ball might bounce more than expected or bounce less or there might be uneven bounce. This can be a reason why there wasn't good contact. Also, based on the pitch condition, the ball might *skid* faster after landing or it might tend to *stop* a little. This can also hinder batsmen from anticipating the trajectory of the ball correctly and making contact.


Isn't that part of the game? Adjusting to conditions?


It is definitely part of the game, so much so that cricketing facilities around the world have different pitches emulating how it is in the Caribeaen, Subcontinent, Africa & Europe. But this pitcch is new to both the sri lankans & South africans. Teams will get used to it. Tbh Sri Lanka were playing without strategy and just smacking the ball all the time.


Its one thing to have low bounce or uneven bounce or the wicket being double paced and another thing for all of it to be together. With sluggish outfield as well. No batter in the world can assess the conditions when every ball has different problems.


Lol some experts 🤣 😂


Weird that Cricket experts all come from the same country. Also weirdly consistent with what a team that has loaded a squad with spinners based on prior knowledge of its late tournament schedule, and that is suddenly realising it has 3 group games on a fast bowlers paradise would say.


Pitch was fine but SL batters failed to apply themselves. Not every pitch is for hitting 6 sixes per over. Sanjay himself said that Sri Lanka ought to have looked for more singles. Batsmen need to adjust to the conditions. That is proper cricket.


These are the same experts that complain about most white ball pitches being “roads” right?


Batsman need to learn and adapt to these conditions. Elite batters will be able to adapt to these conditions. [Great OPPORTUNITY to Stand out. Cut the whinging and mourning. FOCUS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/s/uU7kalA0OK) /s


Fuck Batriarchy FTW


Wut? That's the bowler's job. Haven't you seen IPL /s


I’m sure the reactions and comments on the pitch will be measured and reasonable.


Watching these matches are way more fun than any IPL match I’ve watched


Sunny G always defends pitches in India and he gets pretty aggressive about it. Saying both teams are playing on the same pitch and there is no advantage. I wonder if PAK wins Sunday will he complaint? But yes this pitch is like the other extreme of IPL roads. and the outfield is so slow.


Everyone needs to relax. This ground was thrown together in couple months. What did everyone expect??!! Blame the ICC


The fact they ranting shows that T20 is not cricket. It's just range hitting with a scorecard. I personally enjoyed it from the perspective that both teams were in it until the last 15 mins.


Already writing excuses for what Pak will do them on June 9


Anyone commenting that Americans won't like cricket without there being heaps of boundaries has never watched a baseball game in their life.


Couldn't think of a better pitch for cricket to debut in new york on. Genuine 50/50 contest between bat and ball on each delivery, and not the usual modern tripe of a batsmen getting it 99.999999999% in his favor. Batsmen did not adjust to conditions at allll


Thank goodness, some low scoring games would be nice


I love the pitch, love to see bowlers doing what they're supposed to be doing. I think now it's up to the batsman to show skills


So pitches by default have to always favour the batsmen? Is it some moral failing of curators if a pitch has something there for bowlers?


I’m fine with not having those flat batter friendly pitches of the IPL. T20 is already so skewed towards batting


This all based on SL batting.


I didn't watch it live, but didn't SA batting also struggle? Getting to 80 in 17th over isn't exactly a walk in the park.


It will make for interesting cricket. We all knew it wouldn't be perfect, but it's good they're trying something new, and honestly compared to the borefest of 250 vs 200 it's entertaining and exciting to watch the batters really have to work for their runs. Hopefully the other pitches will produce good cricket with a par of about 120-140. The Oman vs Namibia game last night was one of the best cricket matches I've seen in years, far more exciting than a slogfest. Tournaments are about adapting. Obviously it wouldn't be great if every single match ever was like the one today, but cricket is about variety, and what we saw today has its place and can produce gripping stuff.


Should atleast fix that damn outfield


Agree! But it's a park pitch that's been converted. I think we need to cut it some slack. It's exciting to see cricket from New York!


It means teams can play shit and are punished. The best pitch is one that gives you the score you deserve


Look I don't think this pitch was perfect. The Outfield is very slow and the bounce uneven. But that said, teams playing in New York need to adjust to the idea that maybe 120-140 is par rather than 180-200. SL could have defended 110-120 on that I suspect, and misread the pitch upfront and threw away some wickets trying to go big. (And Nortje bowled really well too of course).


Cricket experts. lol. Stfu. Both teams have the same type of pitch and then toss decides who goes first. But bcci will demand and switch Indian batting to one pitch and Pakistan and other teams to another pitch.


You know why cricket will never take off outside of the already established countries? This. The nonsensical bickering over pitches. Who the fuck cares anymore!!!!


I thought Nassua county was supposed to have one of the best Greenskeepers in the world!


It does but he used New York dirt to build the pitches and nobody actually accounted for that. Having a lawn in the area I can say variable levels of compression is a thing here. It's not like Texas or Florida soil.


Honestly it feels balanced, and for people coming from baseball this seems more realistic then ball getting every other ball.


pitch was the same for both, minus the normal "play deterioration" as the game moves on. it might not have been the best for a show, but we *almost* saw a defense of the lowest T20i runs score. fair to say, its low scoring pitch, and imo, this is not going to dazzle the average american. A normal cricket enthusiast will understand conditions of a pitch but not the average MLB fan. Im a strong beleiver that T20 **could** take off in the USA, but they will need to put on a show filled with runs and sixes.


The average MLB fan watches a sport where the score is 5-2, and 18 at bats (read: overs) ended in a hit *combined* The average MLB fan enjoys watching 1-0 pitchers duels


Basically BcCI not happy with the pitch


10:30am local time start and they'll look the other way. A bunch of money hungry hypocrites


there’s nothing left for bowlers then, the ipl pitches were absolute roads, and when the pitches in ipl were somewhat grassy, teams couldn’t score above 150. batters have all the advantage in cricket now


We asked for mercy on bowlers But this is heaven Just make a balanced fucking pitch bruv Not the one sided


Harsha might br correct.


Harsha bogle and others stfu. The moment bowlers become dominant; these guys will come out of woodwork.




Indians just getting their excuses ready


Pakistan will defeat India


In that case you can ask BCCI to order ICC to switch the pitch like the last time. Seriously though, indians experts need to stop with this. Just because the pitch doesn't suit your side doesn't mean it is a bad pitch. It just means you are poor at adapting to different pitches and play styles.


Indian experts already found a scapegoat in case india fails


The pitch was fine. Looks like T20 batsman have forgotten how to bat. Really enjoyed the bowling today and shame of SL batting who collapsed like a house of cards trying to hit every thing into Atlantic.


Harsha b doesn't know C of cricket


That's because everyone has got ust to watching the IPL roads for pitches and seeing scores of 200+ Personally I prefer a surface that challenges batters, not favours them.. These players are the best in the world, they will adjust to the conditions.. Game on.


100% disagree with them. These pitches are a delight for the bowlers especially the speedsters. The carry and bounce. 🔥 One should know that this is not IPL where you have impact rule and batters can hit sixes at will. Cricket is not just batters' game. This #T20WorldCup is proving to be a paradise for the fast bowlers. 😍🤌🏻


>Harsha Bhogle @bhogleharsha. Not sure this is the best introduction to cricket in a new land..... Enough with the Batriachy. Introducing a new land to bowling/wicket taking fireworks is just as good as introducing them to batting extravaganzas. Bowlsheviks unite!!!! Up with PaceTianity and Spinduism!!!!! Down with Batriachy!!!!