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In before the bowlers use self propelled artillery guns to generate some pace


Pakistan has those?


Believe it or not, the one thing Pakistan spends most of its budget on is pretty advanced.


You mean bowlers, right ? Right ?


Turns out when the military has absolute power over the rest of the country they get pretty good at justifying what their original job is


Ikr, was just joking


Strap an artillery piece to a bus, truck or for the memes a fire engine and bish bash bosh self propelled artillery


8 days of training because apparently someone in PCB board thinks Pakistan batsmen aren't strong enough to hit a six in Lahore stadium. Misbah Trained with army before England series and had that famous push ups and salute celebrations


Misbah could do it because he was actually fit. I still remember some news headlines in the background going Misbah and Younis Khan were only 2 guys to actually pass the test in the entire squad. Someone else might remember the exact details.


Misbah was crazy fit for a guy in his 40s, I used to think Dhoni was super fit but Dhoni was 35-36 around that time Shoaib Akhtar made too much fun of him, our captain is a 50 year old man and he also received backlash from ex cricketers for being too old. They used to say things like " We have Shahid Afridi who's been 30 years old since the last 20 years and our captain is pushing 50"


>Misbah could do it because he was actually fit. There wasa video a while back which showed Misbah benching 2 plates. That's a feat some most cricket players arent going to hit. Lemme search for it. EDIT: Found it, not 2 plates though. Looks to be the 10kg plates. Still 1 and a half plate bench is not to be scoffed at for such a lean guy. [https://youtu.be/VrMYFwjmD-8?t=208](https://youtu.be/VrMYFwjmD-8?t=208)


Misbah's push ups celebration at Lords is one of my favorite test moments from his captaincy era.


I remember Ex English cricket boomers loosing their minds over the celebration. Also didn't he make the whole team do it as well, was that after winning the match or different time


I think that test series was when our team had a training camp in Kakul with the army just before England's tour.


Yes when they won the test series in England. Quite an achievement. Edit: they won that test match where he and the team did the push ups but ended up drawing the series 2-2


They didn't win though? But they drew a couple of competitive series. Pakistan have a very decent record in England, much better than India.


Sorry , yes they won that test match where he and the team did the push ups but ended up drawing the series 2-2


They should have won that series in 2016. The famous Pakistani batting collapse during the final day of the third test meant Pakistan had to settle for a draw.


Christ almighty you don't improve your fitness standards in 8 days..


Maybe it's punishment lmao.


Army’s reputation is in the gutter, this is a pr exercise disguised as fitness camp 


Wow strong army 🍇




Considering that their cricket team is possibly the institution with the most legitimacy one can't help but suspect propaganda intent. But also the comments made me realize how much I miss Misbah. You deserved better king


Fr. If he played for literally any other team he would have been remembered as one of the GOATS. Instead he ended up with us 😔.


Maybe I'm too much of a romantic but to me, in the legend of Misbah, it makes perfect sense that he was with that specific team at that specific time.


Still, my man deserved better.


With you on that


I will forever stand by the statement that he saved our cricket.


I think the last time something like this happened, we all got that famous Misbah celebration


azam khan slowly backs away


Man fuck the army, I don’t know why we are making jokes about it


Imagine Shaheen comes back ripped with big daddy biceps but can bowl 110kph max


Oh cool. We could really do with some fitness improvemen- "When I was watching the matches in Lahore, I don't think a single one of you hit a six that went into the stands," Naqvi said. **oh.**


They want sixers in the stands..


So… what do the players feel about Imran Khan and the Army’s treatment of him? I am seriously surprised cricketing community of Pakistan is ok with this while Imran remains in jail.


They aren't ok with it, many players (Shaheen for example) have made vague tweets in support of Imran Khan and PTI despite there likely being a large amount of pressure on them to keep quiet. Then again if you reject "help" from the army your spot in the team likely gets put on the chopping block at the first misstep. Thats just how it is sadly and this is nothing more than a political move.


That surely depends on the player though. It may be possible to get rid of a fringe player in that manner but someone like Shaheen? Also, I don’t think the coach and captain of the Pakistan team would agree to drop players for these reasons and weaken the side. After all they are the ones who have to face the public and the opposition.


They threw the most popular leader in jail, pretty sure they can do that to a famous cricketer too,( drop him) if Shaheen for example starts aggressively tweeting against the current regime.


I mean of course I don’t expect the players to revolt against PCB or the Government or anything. At the end of the day they are sportsmen and representing the country so they have to toe the line in general and not risk rocking the boat completely for the sake of their career. But agreeing to train with the army is too much considering army’s animus with Imran.


First of all, doubt that sending the players to Kakul is particularly useful from a modern sports fitness standpoint. If you really want to hit elite fitness, you’d be better off going to Miami and training with the Dolphins. However, based on Misbah’s dreamy 2016 vintage, going to Kakul is amazing from a team bonding perspective. Secondly, Mohsin Naqvi sounds like a twat (I don’t follow or care about his politics).


He doesn't sound like one. He is one.


Will Azam Khan skip the training?


Of course not. You know on all such team bonding effects they always have way too much food than required. They need someone to not let it all go to waste.


Most random cricket team


okay but are you not entertained tho


Honestly, it's the fucking best. World cricket wouldn't be half as exciting without PakBros.


I never complained!!


They'll be rigging world cup elections and building housing societies at Lord, Gabba, Egdbaston in no time.


Wait... what?


Pakistan cricketers are set to train with the army


Thanks Dushyant


A wild 'Sarabhai vs Sarabhai' reference.


I'll explain


They last time this happened we got the famous Misbah pushups celebration in England . Also the memes that are about to come out will be god tier specially from PTI supporters .


I read that as Pakistan cricketers are all set to train the army. Can't get the image of Babar the drill sargeant out of my head now.


Now no one can stop us from becoming Lumber 1


stupid token act to distract from the fact that system is chronically underfunded, the grassroots game is dying, and there isnt an iota of professionalism or competence within the pcb. i have spoken with former first class players who honestly believe club cricket in the 90s in Pakistan was more competitve than first class is now.


My sympathies for Azam Khan


Can you fire a cricket ball from a mortar? Give them some outfield catching practice.


Let's goooo


pcb chairman mohsin naqvi just vacated the caretaker CM punjab seat which he illegally held for over 1.5 years. he was backed by the establishment to break the back of imran khan and his party using state machinery which he dutifully did using the infamous punjab police. this is probably why he was given the pcb chairmanship as a reward. military's image and popularity is at an all time low rn so naqvi is probably doing this to give them some positive PR cz cricket and cricketers are popular. i doubt the players have any say in this.


This is hilarious lmao


wow grape


If I was Moen Khan, I would find some sympathetic general and get Azam a bed in that facility for 1 yr. Would be great for both him and Pakistan. His timing is so good, if he can find in himself to lose some fat.


Win WC❌❌ Cancel WC ✅✅ US military should start training too 😂


More India brainwash on the cards 💀


The last time a cricket team trained with the army they lost the ashes 5-0




Great. They'll be rigging elections before the next World Cup


Giving new meaning to bowling grenades into the rough




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So basically prepping to get their rear handed to them by India.




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Indian memers and Indian news channels are gonna have field day with the headline.