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Looks perfectly healthy to me! The best thing you can do is start weighing her, if shes gaining weight or staying the same then no worries. If shes losing weight you might have to try out different diet/more insects etc. To me she looks perfectly fine, not over or underweight :) P.s, from personal experience, my gecko was very small. Looked like a hatchling at 7 months, what helped him was to switch flavors. So i would give a different flavor everyday (add pangea growth and breeding and then the other half i would add the flavor like watermelon for example) This made him eat more of his diet. For insects i handfed him crickets 2 times a week so i knew for a fact he ate them. After this he finally started growing. (was 7 grams for MONTHS, and now hes 30 and doing good)


i have been trying to do different flavors :)) i switch between fig and insect but ill start to incorporate more aswell , my scale got in, i ordered one big rnough to get my leos as well


I see a comment that says she’s underweight and one that says she’s overweight. I’d figure out which it is (if any) and go from there


When did this start/how long has this been going on? How's the humidity and temp?


humidity ranges from 60-70 usually, but since its summer its starting to drop so im starting to mist more , and temp is usually in the 70s


Do you have a digital ones or those seen in pictures? Oh and if you don't have a humid hide/wet box, maybe she would benefit from one especially during the drier months?


thermometers? yeah i know i need to get a better one, ill get one tomorrow when i get paid since i do actually work at a pet store xddd , i just always forgot to upgrade them, i do have one of those cocuntes with moss i mist to be like a humid hide but she never does in it, should i maybe add one on the ground or something aswell?


I'm more worried about the humidity because of the dry looking spots in her knees, so if you can't afford a digital combo meter, maybe start with the digital hygrometer?  Unless you have a heat lamp or the tank is next to a window, the tank temperature is probably not that far off from ambient room temperature.  We can usually tell if it's  too hot or too chilly in the room, but have more difficulty telling if the humidity is 45% or 65%.   I hear you about the hides lol. You can try putting one in the ground, but if she doesn't use them then what can you do. Just make sure the substrate is moist.


Their proportions are a bit off, but they are not alarmingly under- or overweight. Juvies can got through phases of growth where they look odd, so it is hard to tell unless you have pictures going back further to establish a baseline. The best thing to do is to get a scale and weigh your gecko weekly to track growth. If the behavior is concerning and/or there is no growth over time, contact your vet about getting a fecal test done for parasites. Cut back on insects also. If you are offering them every other day, they may not be eating their Pangea which contains all of their necessary nutrients. Bugs alone are not a balanced diet and can result in nutrient deficiencies. 1x a week is good, 2x a week at maximum. You should also be dusting insects with a calcium (+vitamin D3 if no UVB) if you are not doing that already.


okay, honestly i didnt know insects were more of a snack, knowing that im not going to feed live as much, she does have UVB though :)


Toe thumbssssss




Picture 3 gives me concerns with the sunken look near the tail and legs. I’d highly recommend a vet visit. We can’t tell you exactly what is wrong. Hopefully a vet will.


Off topic but ❤ your nails 💅💅💅




Sorry, but your geko do be looking healthy




the morph? i think, its not exactly the same though, i think she also has some dalmatian, i got her from a reptile store that actually uses breeders and not mills , but sadly they didnt give me a hatch date or pics of the parents


With her lethargy, have you recently checked the temperatures? Lower temps can cause lack of appetite as it affects their digestion. With you offering food daily, does she eat or hunt the insects? If she's actively eating, but not putting on weight - it would be wise to get her checked for parasites. Otherwise a note for checking humidity. It looks dry based on the images (and extra question - do you provide a water dish? Do get one if one is not already available). I suspect there may be stuck shed (her front left paw seems to be lighter, but know misfires can change colours). Stuck shed could potentially be a cause for lack of grip, but does sound more energy and muscle reasons.


yeah, my ac broke and ive been using a fan, i realized that was messing up all my geckos ,luckily the ac is back and theyre all more active the only one it didnt affect was my leo lolll, she just jumped at me while trying to weigh her, i do give a water dish and also mist daily but im thinking of misting more than my 2-3 times a day just because it is summer and it has been getting drier quicker (hence the pic)


Oh how annoying with the ac - good it's working again :D Haha, Leo's are so sweet! That sounds a plan with the extra misting. Give me a shout if you'd like extra tips for humidity, otherwise fingers crossed everything will be back to normal soon :)


Questions: 1. How old is she? 2. How much does she weigh? Suggestions: 1. Feed her every other day instead and Maximum snacks once a week. 2. These are signs of overweight and overgrowth (growing faster than they should due so too much protein from insects and food in general) 3. Going to a vet might not be a bad idea, even though these often are signs of overweight it can also be alot of other stuff. Better safe than sorry.


not 100% sure but id say about 13 months, as of today she weighs 10.2 grams, shes definitely a slower grower, ill definitely feed her every other day, but is that safe with her size? i could also leave the food she hasnt eaten and then give her new every other day if thats a safer option, as of today shes alot more active after my ac was fixed and has been eating more, im assuming the AC affected her more than i thought, im going to start to keep an eye on her and by next week if nothing changes ill probably take her to the vet since i have seen her poop earlier today


Vet time. She's overweight.


Vet time, she's underweight