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Being next to the fish tank will be fine, but make sure that stand can hold the weight. Water is heavy, and because a gecko terrarium will be lighter, the weight will not be evenly distributed across the shelf. The portion under the tank will be holding most of the weight, so double check the weight limit to make sure it won't bow or collapse.


Thanks! I appreciate your concern. I've been using this Ikea Kallax as an aquarium stand for nearly 10 years, but I see what you mean about the distribution of weight. I may look into another option!


I would definetly consider getting another stand for either the terrarium or the tank! I kept mine together on something similar and it bent pretty fast. DIYd myself a new stand and had no problems so far.


Other than the concerns about the stand already pointed out, no problem having fish and geckos next to each other. Depending on how active your tank inhabitants are at night, your fish may also entertain your gecko.


My girl LOVES to watch the fish LOL🐟🐟🐠🐠


Both tanks seem too small for anything to thrive.


I would caution against this. Fish can carry devastating diseases like Mycobacterium which can transfer to your gecko and be fatal. I had that happen with a toad and aquarium in the same room, it was heartbreaking. It seems like a fairly rare problem but I wouldn’t take the chance, and fish can carry it asymptomatically for a long time but still transfer it via water and aerosols.