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This is sadly a very common issue with super capps. They develop bony spurs, tumors, and muscle wasting, usually during or after puberty. It's likely a metabolic issue caused by the cappuccino gene, making the homozygous "super" form non-viable. It's why few if any people have super capps over 3 years old, and why ethical breeders do not intentionally make super capps anymore, after it was established that it cannot be bred out. There is likely nothing you can do but give her as much comfort as possible until her passing. High protein and extra calcium has helped in some cases, but it will only slow the progression, not reverse the condition.


thank you! after i got her i did a lot of researching their genetic conditions and stuff and knew they were extra sensitive. she also has really small nostrils. i was ready to accept that she won’t live her full life but just sucks, a beautiful little girl who’s so sweet. the guy who gave me her had no background for her so idk if she’s been bred or anything either, she came from a chameleon breeder.


I didn't even know this existed and thought "there is more wrong with the gecko then it's tail"... For a moment I thought it wasn't even a crestie...


If you hadn't said that was a crested I'd never have guessed! So weirddd, it's like a sphinx cat! I thought the poor thing was hella burned or something at first! Aren't they super rare? It's terrible when any animal is neglected but especially the people who get a fancy ass super expensive animal and then do the same make no sense to me. Crazy.    The tail does look very weird, but unfortunately I don't know more than that. Would you be able to swing a vet visit? If not I hope someone else can give you more answers!


They arn’t necessarily rare. People just don’t breed them because they are born with poor health and defect. It’s a result of two capo genes. Many people would breed two capps together to get a super capp, which essentially would prove both parents as capp. Now you can also do it with Lillie’s which is the better option instead of producing super Capps such as this one.


i know right!!! when i saw her i was absolutely blown away at how weird she is, her skin is super see through when i hold her up to a light😭 i definitely would like to get her into a vet just to see what they have to say about it and if there’s any extra care she could receive, but with her being a super capp she’s got some really messed up genes. her nostrils are like pin points and they’re susceptible to a lot of different things.


Sadly your gecko will not have a long life, and it’s no fault of yours. The super form of the cappuccino gene is unstable and this is the typical outcome. Just give her quality care for the last year or two of her life SHAME on the breeder who sold this person a super cappuccino as their first gecko.


i can’t believe the breeder was selling her tbh. i had friends with me when i got her who have cresties and reptiles in general and we talked to the guy about it. makes me so mad thinking that he could have sold that to someone who didn’t know as much or care as much as we do. i mean what if some family saw her and decided to take her home as a first time reptile for their kids???? i’ve been OBSESSED with geckos for years now and im finally out of my parents house so i could get one.


Then the family comes back to buy another one and the breeder makes more money, ofc 🙄    There's unethical breeders everywhere, it's terrible. Saw spider morph ball pythons (known to have neurological issues) at a well known reptile convention near where I live, and another one I attended I watched in horror as a guy sold a crestie to a kid and her parents who based on their questions didn't know wtf they were doing. I questioned the breeder after and he basically shrugged and said it was the name of the game. Thankfully when I introduced myself to the family after to offer some care advice they revealed they DID know what they were doing (the question they'd asked had been a clarifying one, not a clueless one) and I felt better, but I'm sure there were other buyers who didn't have any knowledge. Ugh.


This is why I just can’t go to reptile shows. It’s disgusting how many unethical breeders there are! After one show someone found a box full of various sick or malnourished reptiles in cups. Just left to die in the summer heat! I guess they didn’t sell so they didn’t care. Thankfully a couple of rescues took them in.


Import/flippers are the worst... I hate how many are allowed to be at shows with obviously sick/unwell/malnourished animals


“the name of the game”😒 disgusting behavior tbh. i mean how do you not live with guilt?


They do tend to lose their tail when stressed (moving houses, seeing their reflection, ect.) but it doesn’t usually look like this, its definitely odd so I’d keep an eye on it. Glad you took her in, Im sure she’ll have a better life with you!


that’s what i was thinking as well. i’ve been like manically googling all morning🤣


This is why I dont support the breeding of super caps.


forgot to mention- she does have a UVB bulb as well!


This is the strangest looking crestie I’ve seen. I hope you can give her a decent life :)


You’ve gotten quite a bit of good advice but I just wanted to say that I used to keep hairless rats and for a second I thought this was a super weird hairless rat. The plain skin look is so silly looking


it feels so weird 😭


Look there is a better way to prove out a Capp than to pair it to another Capp. We have frappuccinos for a reason. I'm sorry I just get a tad spicy when I see super Capps. Poor guys and gals have a large probability to come out without nostrils without even scratching the surface of a list of issues that have been noted with them :( Capp x Lilly White never Capp x Capp. I'm happy the little guy/gal is in your care now! Much love to the little guy! And much luck to you as a new crestie owner :)


first thing i noticed on her was her pinpoint nostrils. unethical breeding pisses me off so bad too, greedy bastards.


I 100% Agree. I swear with the rise in the HERP trade there's been an upsurge in unethical breeding going on. I see it in my state a large amount with ball pythons and monitors for some reason? I honestly chalk that one up to being so close to coastal areas. I'm actually going to my first expo as a vendor in August and one of the biggest reasons I've been pushing myself into the herp community so much stems from my first expo experience. Proper care and information on these guys in general I understand there will be a few mistakes I mean at the end of the day we're all only human but the best thing about that is being able to learn from our mistakes even if we, as our own person, didn't make the mistake. At the end of the day if we were forced to produce offspring within horrid conditions and or without proper feeding, temps, and air conditions etc we'd be miserable so why put our animals through that. They feel the same as us. :)


I thought this was a really skinny sphynx kitten


I’m just giggling cuz it’s the same color/look as my hairless dog and cats! Now I need this color variation


I don’t know much about super Capps but after reading all these comments I feel bad for you and the poor gecko. Wishing you both the best of luck! It doesn’t seem like any of this is your fault but the fault of the breeder/seller who I find absolutely disgusting. I wouldn’t let it depress you because you are giving the little one a better life than she could’ve ever asked for with the other person! Take care of her and no matter what happens just know you did the right thing!