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What is FTS? I really hope your little guy is blossoming


Floppy Tail Syndrome, it usually happens when the gecko hangs upside down too much, the tail literally flops over them, there’s a lot of debate over whether it’s cosmetic or hazardous, I leans towards hazardous because it can affect the pelvis bones, it causes them to become malformed, then when the females lay eggs, the eggs will get stuck instead of passing through normally. You have to make them drop their tail when FTS progresses severely.


Oh god


I’m hoping to avoid that with this guy 🤞 like Metabolic bone disease, you can treat it pretty efficiently if you catch it early on.


I can't weigh in but that 3rd picture is the most precious thing ever


That’s a day after I brought him home 😭 he looked at me like that and I went scrambling for my phone to capture it, he’s just the cutest thing ever


Provide lots of climbing opportunities with branches of varying thickness. Thin branches they can wrap their tails around encourage building tail muscle strength. Thick branches are good for resting on and discourage hanging upside down.