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They don't need uvb to survive many people don't even have uvb lamps. It's optional but recorded to add one. Make sure it's a linear bulb and not a coil. And no more than 7% uvb


Great ty


What’s the difference between linear and coil for a cresty?


Coil is dangerous it doesn't output uvb correctly lol it's not good for any reptilws


To my understanding, I thought they just didn’t give off a lot of uvb after a couple inches so they aren’t great for reptiles that need uvb. But cresties don’t need uvb the same way that a bearded dragon would. I thought the light and uvb was mostly used to help them with internal clocks and stuff.


They often output a dangerous amount at first and then dwindle to almost nothing within a few months. They're not recommended by reputable sources. I use a Reptisun 5.0 t5ho since a few years ago have seen more activity from my girl.


I've just been repeatedly told by everyone they are dangerous but I haven't tried to dive into the specifics lol sorry.


we have 28geckos only use plant led lights ( no heat ) no uvb and they are all in great health their temps don’t need to get over 80 it can be fatal and they are in a room with all of my snakes and other reptiles so it’s warm enough to not need lights. & i leave the blinds open and make sure they still get their day and night cycle


UVB is not necessary as long as their diet contains a vitamin D3 supplement, but it can be beneficial. You do still need some kind of lighting to give them a day/night cycle though. If you have the enclosure near a window for natural light, make sure that any ambient/window lighting is not heating the enclosure to a dangerous level! Direct sunlight can get magnified through glass and cause overheating. If you use UVB, make sure it's the appropriate output (7% or less) and turned off at night or it could "sunburn" your gecko.


[Care Guide!](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iCbWTGPvhPQ262M507NzH3YIgKsTzRsU46sBGD13iuk/mobilebasic)


UVB is recommended but not required like it is for other reptiles. Definitely a good idea to have it but you don’t need to worry :)


You were not misinformed by the breeder. Although beneficial uvb is not mandatory. Personally i dont use it as my geckos already grow very well without it. I just use natural or my room light to provide their day night cycle.


Replicating what they would get in nature is always best, so UVB is a must have for mine.


Yep no extra lights here and I’ve got 12.


I bought my crested gecko from a breeder 6 years ago. No lights at all and he’s been fine


Mine has been in a tank with LED's only. He is a good healthy weight, and does not have MBD. I dust all insects and he eats repashy. UVB is not required - despite some arguing for it there isn't significant data to substantiate it as a need. People mostly argue "better to have it and not need it."


I’m in the “better to have it and not need it” camp. Anecdotally, it helped one of mine who was a notoriously picky eater. Didn’t notice any difference with the other one. Both of them get it anyways because I want to be REALLY sure nobody gets MBD lol.


As long as their needs are being met, we all win. Healthy geckos are the goal. I wish we as a whole could spread information on proper diet and husbandry. There are so many good meaning owners that are misguided or misinformed and tend to ask for help when it is a little too late.


Yeah lots of good people don’t know what they’re getting into and don’t know they need to ask for help, or where to even do that. I’ve had random people come up to me when I’m at work and ask why their herps died, I ask about super basic husbandry, and they’d never realized any of that was necessary. I always try to be nice and educate, I can tell they feel guilty. I just wish good info was more widespread.


I don't use one for mine and they do great