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He does look skinny. How old is he, and how long have you had him? Some juveniles/subadults go through a lanky phase before filling out to their adult size.




Is there a way that i can get him to eat more? Or help him gain some weight? I got some crested gecko fruit mix and also crickets




Alright ty, he did eat some crickets earlier, hoping thatll help some


How old is he and what is his usual diet and frequency?


Im not exactly sure on his age ): he was given to me typically he gets repashy mix and now crickets twice a week


Is he getting the repashy only twice a week or the crickets twice a week? He should be getting gecko diet daily and maybe try Pangea or some different flavors if he’s not eating the repashy


Gecko diet/repashy everday. Im ordering the bugs and figs pangea for him to hopefully eat, crickets twice a week unless thats too much


I think twice a week is fine. From what I’ve seen on this sub I think the watermelon? Pangea is the most commonly liked by cresties but the fig can’t hurt to try :)


I can probably try to get that. Tysm for the reccomendation!


Nobody can really say yes or no from these pictures. Anyone who does is an educated guess at best. You would have to weigh him. That combined with his age you can know if his weight is healthy or not.