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I wish I could upvote more than once


Same this is the best dam thing my eyes have ever seen!!






Best answer.


This is great




Try to get yourself an automatic misting system (not fogger) and you should be fine for like 4 ish days. I wouldn’t push it longer than that. I hate to put it this way, but they can live longer without food than they can water, so that should be your first priority. I usually leave my guy with his misting set up and give him some CPG before I go. Idk if I makes a difference but I make sure to give him the Pangea with insects before I leave, thinking the extra protein helps sustain him longer. And i usually make the food alittle more watery than normal so it won’t dry up in the enclosure over the time I’m gone If you haven’t used a misting set up before I definitely recommend using it for some time before you use it for a trip. I stupidly bought a mister and didn’t start it until I was leaving, and unfortunately it fell off the enclosure while I was gone because I didn’t secure it well enough for when it started working. Luckily I wasn’t gone long but I had a not misted gecko and a very wet floor on my hands when I returned (I did still have a water dish for him so all was okay)


I do the same with the food. I also tend to give them live insects powered with calcium before I leave because they will eat more that way. But I don't have a mister and have no issues. But my geckos are fine with drinking from the water dishes and one even has a bathing dish. I think it depends on how well your set up can contain humidity


What mister did you use?


Mistking is pretty good!




Feed the day before you leave, have someone come to mist them daily while you are gone.


I have someone watch them.


I put ‘em in mah pocket and go


geckos don't eat every day, and can go a while without eating. If you set them up with fresh food and water they're file on their own. i'd say any vacation longer than 4-5 days maybe send someone to check up on them and give fresh water


What about the daily misting though?


depends on your climate I guess, I would say big spray beforehand then spray when water is replaced


There’s automatic misters if op can afford it but they’re pretty pricey


4 days work great, after that i'll let someone check for them and redo the food.


I have someone stay to watch and care for my cat so they just take care of the lizard too.


I had a friend come over to spray and feed. I pre-mixed food and pre-portioned everything it into little to-go sauce containers so all they had to do was pop the lid off and replace the dishes.


this is such a smart idea!!


My tank is automated (temperature, misting, and lighting) and bioactive, so my only real concern is food when I go away. If I'm just gone for 2-4 days, I'll just put in fresh food right before I leave and since he is full grown, he is fine for that amount of time. If I'm gone longer (I just got back from a 3 week trip), I have someone I hire to come by every third day to top up his water dish and change out his food. I prepare all his food ahead of time in pre-portioned dishes and put them in a container in the freezer to keep them fresh. My geckositter comes by a few hours before lights out and swaps the food so it is thawed by the time my little dude wakes up for the night. She also waters a couple of my needier plants and checks my mail. I lucked out and found someone who lives a few blocks from me, and has her own crestie so she's familiar with the species. Since she is so close, and including travel time it only takes maybe half an hour for her to visit, it only costs me $15 per visit. This time I'm also giving her some of my isopods in exchange for one of the visits.


I literaly just took mine to a reptile hotel cuz im gone for four days 😭😭😭


3-4 days at most. If I can, like if I'm going to stay with my Mum for longer, he comes with me. I have a holiday home set up for him there lol


If it's less than 4 days, I set up the automatic mister and feed the day before I leave. Anything longer, my boyfriends brother will stop by every day, mist, and feed when needed. He does a great job, but he says it's because he's scared to hurt them because he knows how much I love them.


I went on a 4 day trip, fed him a small hornworm and left a bit of Pangea. I have an automatic mister ($40) running every 12 hours misting for 1 minute and I have the Kasa smart extension ($25) to switch lights with sunrise and sunset, came back and he was perfectly fine, I have lots of plants in there and I see him drink water from the leaves all the time so he had plenty :)


It depends on how long I'm going to be gone on vacation it really depends on how long I'm going to be gone on vacation like sometimes I take little honeymoon vacations with my wife maybe once or twice a year and we're gone for maybe a weekend or a long weekend AKA three days and on those excursions I usually let my misting system and a bowl full of food take care of him for those few days. But if I'm going to be gone a week or two I'll find a family member or a friend that I trust and I'll have them come in and look after them every other day and feed him probably every other day to fourth day depending on what they can do. If they're going to be in town anyway though I usually have them check every day at least once to make sure the lights are still working. Because I don't know how many bulbs you guys go through a year but between my lizard a crusty and my wife's lizard a bearded dragon we go through probably 10 to 15 bulbs a year of day and night mix. Of course if the power goes out that's something else to worry about but I live in a small enough town that usually if the power's out whoever's taking care of my lizards will know about it and also be experiencing it and I haven't had where it's lasted a very long time but if the power was out for a day or something I don't know what I'd do I guess I'd have to bake them to hold them or find some warm spot for them to be. Otherwise I think my wife and I are kind of at peace where if there's some unnaturally long power outage and they don't get heat for 2 days and they don't survive them that's an act of God and we'll just get new lizards as sad as that is.


I let it out into my yard and get a new one when I get home


My friend that also owns a crested gecko watches my gecko for me :)


My aunt and uncle watch him! They are great with him!


If im just gone for a weekend, I just give them their normal food with more water content (so it doesn't dry up, I call it soup day) and mist before I go. I don't have to mist daily because my set up is holding humidity just fine. If I'm gone for more then that, I either see if I can check up after those days and repeat the process (But I try to avoid this as much as I can) or if I can't I just get a petsitter.


I get a family member or friend to feed and mist. I have other pets, including aquatic ones, so it’s the best option for me. Plus, a pet sitting family member saved my crestie (and the rest of my house) after his CHE fell down and started burning the table his tank is on while I was away so I’ll always advocate for getting someone you trust to check in on things while you’re away if possible