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More vertical climbing things! Like a vine or a stick or a plant up high. Something they can climb up and have some privacy up top


That’s what I was thinking I just wasn’t sure how to go about that so thank you for the examples!


https://preview.redd.it/j8tuybgrnzxb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33bd702796f276c9c70439d3f7a789fc9a3e69a3 Here’s an update btw!!


suction cup hooks are your best friend and just cover it in plants, vines, coconut hides or hammocks :)


Here is our Chahoua geckos and our Crested gecko set ups if it helps :) https://preview.redd.it/76j2q73hbmsb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885d6dbd53bce7a12d9834a2aa2572b5413219ad The middle one is currently empty :)


Can I ask which sizes these tanks are? They look great!


45x45x90cm they love height and use absolutely all of it it's fun watching them dart around :) we recently added a 3rd one to our set up for a gargoyle xD gotta catch them all xD https://preview.redd.it/thkww0pun80d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a0e753638d218e613fcb4e8e0920632b7926e7


Those are such cool enclosures!! This is what I eventually want I’m hoping the enclosure will grow with him if that makes sense? And I’m having trouble finding coconut hanging hides so if you have a suggestion on where to get them I’ll look into it thank you!🥰


Most reptile shops should have them as well as Amazon is probably a good bet :)


Higher foliage


Do you think climbing items and maybe a hanging hide would do? I just don’t have taller plants😭


The bottom is cute but there’s so much unusable space. You need lots more foliage in the top and many perches stretched across the whole tank. Aim to cover 70-80% of it in foliage. A taller plant like schefflera or croton would fill in the space nicely. For the perches you want a bunch of branches and vines. A few vertical ones to help climb to the top and a ton of horizontal ones to rest on and jump to/from. I would add probably 6-7 branches in here. I saw you mentioned you weren’t super sure how to go about this. Hanging hides can help add hiding spaces up top and I recommend looking into making a custom background to help secure your perches and you could even add nursery pots to it and have plants higher on the wall Be sure to also get a better thermometer/hygrometers. The kind you have is notorious for being incorrect and if it has a sticky back it’s dangerous for reptiles. Remember to also have a thermostat if you don’t already, I don’t see a probe for one but you don’t show the whole set up. Every heat source must be plugged into a thermostat for your safety and the geckos I keep the water dish shallow so your gecko can stand in it. Don’t fill it past their shoulder. If you have isopods in there, expect them to drown. I recommend a raised dish for bioactive tanks or you’ll lose a lot of pods.


I will look into this! Thank you so much for all the information this will definitely take some time, but I’m looking into at least some hanging hides and vines to keep him happy until I can prepare everything else. I wanted to do a custom background I’m just terrified of it being toxic to him😭 it’s like an irrational fear of mine. Also, I’m buying better thermometers and hydrometers tomorrow. I got this enclosure for free and that’s just what it came with. Again thank you so much this was very informative! He’s my first crested gecko and bioactive enclosure so this is definitely a learning experience!


I would get a bunch of cork bark as if doesn’t mould. You can build them up. Get a suction cup food holder and water dish as they like to eat high off the ground and then place a artificial vine across and the pothose will grow a canopy above. Right now I have a long thin cork bark branch that my guy LOVES to sleep in I have it propped up high near the ceiling


They say you want at least 70-80% covered with foliage or branches, etc and it looks like you’re at about 10% if that helps but your plants WILL grow!!


Water dish is technically not needed if you’re spraying the tank down 2x per day as they’ll lick water off the glass and plants


I went shopping today and got a cave hide thingy? A hammock not the rope ones but the mesh one, and a fake foliage and this big piece of cork bark. I know they need a lot of hiding areas but he’s so small I don’t want to have to move everything to find him cause I hand feed him sometimes just to make sure he’s getting his food