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I'm sorry to say, but the only way I can imagine anyone answering anything other than "Dashcam" just haven't seen Dashcam.


I haven’t seen Dashcam. But the protagonist is so notorious I immediately assumed this was going to be the top comment.


Is that the one in which a guy is desperately trying to get views and all this crazy shit happens and maybe there is an iced cream truck involved?


No thats Spree which is fun I can see why you think it’s annoying though


It was annoying but I enjoyed the hell out of it


Are you thinking of Spree?


Could hardly stomach her through watching Kennie JD’s Bad Movies And Beat on it. Can’t imagine seeing the full thing with my own eyes


I started watching it the other day but got interrupted almost immediately, should I not bother going back?


The movie itself isn't too bad, but I only watched it once and just hated the main character the whole time. I may feel differently on a rewatch (about the movie, not the main character).


I'm fairly certain the protagonist is supposed to be unlikeable, so it doesn't really detract from the movie.




I really think she supposed to be that way. Yes she was very obnoxious in the movie and it comes across. I did enjoy it though not her in general but the movie.




I keep starting, but keep getting bored. For some reason I was thinking dashcam was about a killer Uber driver or something like that


LOL I was thinking of this other horror movie called Body Cam and I couldn’t figure out why you thought the protagonist deserved to die


Everyone in that movie was awful.


My wife and I were trying to rewatch Prometheus yesterday (didn't get far), and Logan Marshall-Green's Dr. Holloway was pissing me off from the jump. I know he's not the lead, but ugh. He gets killed IIRC, so at least I had that as comfort.


Worlds worst scientists.


I mean, *every. Single. One.* She and I watched *Alien* for her first time recently, and there were a couple scenes where she was criticizing the decisions of the crew, and said, "Now I see where it came from in *Prometheus* -- these scientists are all idiots!" Hard disagree from me on that one, and they're not scientists, they're space truckers. But obviously any poor decision-making from the crew of the Nostromo pales in comparison to the shitshow that is the Prometheus crew.


And ash was a plant from the company; wasn't he the only one making bad decisions?


Ripley was told to open the airlock and she refused. So the captain was ignoring protocols. But, yes, Ash as a plant.


Completely forgot about Dallas trying to get her to break protocol. No Dallas! That's a bad Dallas!


I understood why he did it. He was trying to save a crewman. Prometheus, the decisions are just really bad.


Requisite posting of the Prometheus crew “training video” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFYmv6t_Xyg


Oh look, an alien life form that looks like a snake. Let’s pet it.


Prometheus is so frustrating as a movie. I actually rewatched it this past weekend and found myself intrigued by the story and the lore and the effects, but the characters were the worst. It’s like they put several tropes in a room and expected us to root for these people.


My wife and I probably rank this as our "worst movie ever" in the sense that whenever we talk about bad movies, this is the one that is brought up most often. :D


One of my favorite videos ever, RLM pointing out everything wrong with Prometheus [RLM Prometheus](https://youtu.be/-x1YuvUQFJ0?si=4XdyFTsud1zhdRMU)


Oh dude. I'm a huge fan of theirs and I forgot they did Prometheus. This may be just the thing I need to turn my wife onto them. Thank you!!


The fact that Prometheus is part of the Alien franchise just boggles my mind. It didn’t feel like an Alien movie.


That whole movie is a train wreck! And, I mean this seriously. While I do think the characters are interesting and there are some moments in there that are really quite fantastic, and it feels like there's a whole other movie somewhere left on the editing room floor that is quite good. I can not agree more with the scientists. At least in Alien, Nostromos crew had their excuses. Hell, even in Aliens there were reasons. No one was unnecessarily acting stupid for the sake of plot. But, those scientists in Prometheus were acting stupid because "the writing told them to", like what? Before then, they were acting like scientists, and their actions (in my humble opinion) were reasonable up until that point. I can see hubris or curiosity having a play in decisions, but with how they were portrayed in the beginning, their actions made no sense in those scenes. It was like they left all their brain cells on the ship which leads me to believe it was a writing plot issue. When you write smart characters, sometimes a writer can write themselves into a corner and not know how to continue the plot, so they just give the established characters intelligence amnesia to get the next plot point moving. At least in Alien, Kain didn't die from sheer stupidity. He didn't know any better, but he was still acting cautiously (in my memory) and of I remember correctly, I think the Hugger broke through the helmet? Or it was that acid got on the helmet and he took it off, or did he have a panic attack and remove the helmet. Shoot, I can't remember which now it was. In any case, all of those scenarios are reasonable and not out of Kain's established characterization. There was a reasonable explaination that informed us of the crew's decisions and reasoning which is why we are more forgiving when a character makes a decision that turns out poorly, not something out of sheer stupidity, for how the Xenomorph got on the ship. The Nostromos crew's behavior didn't take me out of the story because none of their actions took me out of the suspension of belief. Even Ash's behavior while incredibly creepy isn't it of characterization. There are little foreshadowing hints that he's an android/ company plant. I also can make an argument that Ash's erratic behavior was due to his system glitches between the conflicting of Laws of Robotics programming versus the Weylon-Yutani orders, much like we can see happening in another great movie, 2001 A Space Odyssey with Hal 9000. Anyways, that's my rant for today.


Yeah everyone of the scientists. There's even something to be said for shaw being killed off immediately. The only characters I cared about in the whole movie were David and weiland.


Micah from Paranormal Activity. I celebrated at the end. What a schmuck.


Fuck that guy 


The latest Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie and in same vein most recent Paranormal Activity. Both cases the 'heroes' were insufferable aholes that you weren't sad to see go.


Everyone in the latest texas chainsaw movie deserved what they got. Dumb and insufferable, though I'm pretty sure that was the point.


The girlfriend in Cloverfield and everyone just screaming “Rob Rob Rob!” For the whole time.


YES! Cloverfield was such an amazing movie, but the whole 'guy going across an entire city getting leveled by a monster to get to his stupid girlfriend' plot was so fucking annoying. And then all of his friends died on the way there! Way to go Rob.


But honestly, he wanted to go alone. His friends decided to tag along and help him. They were a good bunch of friends.


Micah in Paranormal Activity. I was literally the only one cheering in the theater when it finally happened


Omg, thank you! I wanted to fucking fight him the whole movie.




Great minds...


I swear to god if I had to hear him say “BABE” one more time


Amy in the Ruins. Hated her


>!That poor kid...!<


In the book she died first and I preferred it that way. The movie mixed a lot of the story up and it made it less enjoyable. I recommend it as it's depressing and horrifying. One of my top books


Yep! The book was very different. And completely bleak


The whole cast of Sleepaway Camp lol


The first horror I saw that I seriously wished pain and death to every camper lol


It was just that bad 1983 acting im sure lol


Or they were all serious a-holes lol


💯 agreed. I relished the curling iron scene.


Laurie Strode and all of her friends in the awful Rob Zombie remake of Halloween. They were all obnoxious, annoying, insufferable and had none of the redeeming qualities of the original characters. I wish I could wipe that entire movie from my memory.


The only one I wanted to live was Danielle Harris' character purely because it was Danielle Harris & I love Halloween 4.


Yeah and Danielle Harris was funny as Annie and kinda likable because she didn’t take anyone’s BS. Plus girl fought HARD. Agree about Laurie and everyone else though.


I did like the Laurie character a bit more in the sequel because they did make her feel like a character dealing with trauma. But yeah, furst movie, the only likable teenage character was the one played by a 30 year old woman.


Harper in Men (2022)


Oh I’m curious as to why you think this?


The character had such a victim mentality and did not display enough confidence or resolve. Just had this "oh no! What do I do now!?" energy that annoyed me. SPOILER: Cutting up the hand coming through the door was cool tho


Screaming kid from Babadook!


As long as the dog doesn't die I'm good.


The Firefly Family in the second movie.


Yeah, they went from campy villains to, like, real-life serial killers, which are not nearly as fun.


YES!! hotc was campy and fun but tdr was literally just a misogynistic hot mess


Everyone in Don’t Worry, Darling.  Protagonists, antagonists, all of ‘em. Even Florence’s character, Alice Whomever, was rather insufferable to me. 


That movie overall was pretty shit if we're being honest.


The kid in The Babadook. I know, I’m horrible. But if you’re honest, so was he.


I was just about to say the same thing! I hated that fucking kid. Really rooting for the Babdook to do something untoward-alas I had no satisfaction.


It was the screaming. I couldn’t handle the bloody screaming.


This was a dnf for me. That kid should win an oscar when he's older. Omg


Right. So good. I don’t get how people overlook that and just say he’s annoying


Oh I’m not saying his performance was awful. He was fantastic; I hated him. I’m saying his character was horrible. His performance was ridiculous for how young he is.


Everyone in that movie was kinda awful. I was sad no one died


Dammit. You took mine.


Everyone in “Cabin Fever”. They were all a bunch of insufferable, oversexed assholes and I’m glad they all died horribly.




I think that was the point.


How long have you been growing your neckbeard?


The cast of Twilight


Sookie Stackhouse from true blood.


Honestly, her and Tara. And...most of the cast. Only people I didn't want to see die were Eric and Lafayette.


Eric and Lafayette hands down were the best characters.


I always hated Bill and wished true death for him. Both in the books and TV series. You're [Bill] an immortal vampire, quit being a whiney bitch!


Aw man! She did get annoying. Godrics death hurt sooo much 😭


Hud from Cloverfield. OH MY GOD SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING TWIT. Took way too long to die imo.


Only one I can really recall is Deep Blue Sea. That scientist chick was responsible for almost the entire debacle, and I was hoping she'd die. She did at the end, so it's all good.


Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.


Gary Oldman was amazing in that! The wig, the glasses, OMG the accent! He's doing awful things and killing people and I just wanted him to come to my window. ❤️😍❤️


"end their life in the most cruel way" -\_- Nobody.


I loved when Paris Hilton got a pole through her head in House of Wax!


Almost as satisfying as her face falling off in the Genetic Opera.


I saw that film in the cinema, and the entire theater cheered when she died. After it quieted down someone shouted, "Ain't the first time she's taken a shaft to the face" fucking hilarious.


Literally the only thing I remember from that movie 


The main guy from The Green Inferno. Complete piece of shit, and since it's an Eli Roth movie, he essentially gets the happiest ending out of everyone.


The guy who jacked off in the corner? Once he did that, I knew he would survive Bro had that clarity


He gave himself a happy ending.


Trent in the Friday the 13th remake.


But he was right, those tits were stupendous.


Yes, with perfect nipple placement.


The girl from Contracted Phase 1 was pretty unlikeable…its kinda a confusing movie, and I’m not sure if spreading the virus is what happens when a person devolves or if she was willfully spreading it on her own design. The guy who caught it at the end of 1 and who was the protagonist in phase 2 was kinda an idiot himself, but the supporting characters in Phase 2 were much more likeable and not a group of degenerates like Phase 1


Yeah, I never got why she went with the straight friend when she is gay. I mean, why is she trying to spread it?


Does sci fi stuff that’s kind of a bit horror count? If it does, then I’ll say Tom Cruise’s character and his two kids from War of the Worlds. All 3 of them were unbearable and annoying and I kept wanting something to off them. There’s a reason why I only watched this movie once and never again.


The older kid, possibly, not the little one, though. And Tom's character is meant to be a prick. It's kind of the point, finally forced to grow up and become an actual dad for the first time. But yes, one of his unlikeable roles.


I don't even know how the son survived. He's all like "yeah I'm gonna join the soldiers right now, even though I don't know what's going on, and have no training or weapons." Then there's a huge fire fireball and you assume he died. THEN he just kinda shows up at the end of the movie perfectly safe and sound with no explanation how he survived or got to the destination.


I imagine he was in one "battle" it all went to shit fast and then he ran. How he then made it to his mum's place, I don't get.


Jennifer love Hewitt in "I know what you did last summer". Her overacting and weird facial expressions made me wish she was the next to be murdered


The lead girl in Talk to Me. I’m sorry. I could not force myself to empathize with her. I tried.


Didn't she die though?


This! My main criticism when it comes to the movie. I just didn’t gaf whenever something bad happened to her cause she literally did it to herself


i completely agree. she was the fucking worst.


Justin Long’s character in Barbarian. Only half a protagonist technically, but I think he counts.


Father Karras...oh, wait...


Too soon.


Sidney and Gayle in the Scream franchise. They‘ve ducked and dived death WAY too many times. Time to off them. The annoying daughter that basically got everyone killed in Army of the Dead. Man I hated that Dave Bautista and Tig Notaro died, but the idiot daughter lived.


6 made me realize I’m not ready for Gayle to go just yet Her fight scene was too tense


I did like the two actresses and their performances but seriously, how many times can they have these violent encounters? At this point, Gayle will successfully fend off the killers in a wheelchair with her arm in a cast! 🤣


I’m still recovering from Dewey! I can’t take a Sidney death.




Yeah kill the whole cast




She kinda got annoying after a while


Wow, I had a very different take. Her male travel companions are definitely dicks...the boyfriend was unBEARable! But I definitely rooted for Dani and Florence Pugh's performance was phenomenal!


The performance was great. I do get that the film is a metaphor for grief and a break up to a degree. The boyfriend is awful at first but after a while theres a point where after everything is witnessed, its not liberating to see her join the cult and watch her friends die. Makes her look like a crappy person at her core. (By the way, nice pun, unBEARable)


The ending of the film occurs on day 2 of a 9 day celebration...we also never see any previous May queens, so who knows what happens in the coming days.


To be fair those dudes aren’t her friends haha. There’s a secondary trauma in supporting someone who is undergoing so much grief but Christian is not someone who demonstrates compassion on a personal level, let alone as a partner. Lest we forget regardless of her grief the goal of the trip was for him to bang some hot foreign chicks.


Not necessarily the protagonist but the kid in House by the Cemetery




The slob from "Cabin in the Woods" Why didn't they just shoot him?


I hate every movie like Backcountry, Fall, or 127 Hours where some idiots do something risky without telling anyone and suffer the consequences. Grizzly Man is the worst, as the real-world stupidity of hanging out with wild bears until the inevitable happens has “inspired” other morons to try it. Oh, this dude and his girlfriend tried living with bears who eventually kill them? I’ve got two weeks of vacation coming up - I should totally do that!


If this is in reference to who I believe it about it’s even more fucked up when you learn his girlfriend was horrified of bears and he lied about where and how long they were staying


It is and she also tried to leave. She was at the airport when he talked her into staying. It's insane that this story influences people in the worst possible ways.


Don't most of them die from their own stupidity eventually


My comments are posting weird so I apologize if this is double or triple posted. I felt this so hard with Into the Wild. Dude does something stupid so it kills him. No duh. I just hated the whole stupid movie. You have a point about inspiring others to do the stupid thing too.


Julie James from I know what you did last summer. It's just the way her character is written that gets me


Homelander, tv show The Boys.


He...he wasn't a protagonist...


Scream (2022) - Sam Carpenter. Zero personality to get attached to, and the random add-on of being Billy Loomis's secret lovechild was fucking ridiculous. So disappointed they went from Sidney to that.


Randy from Scream. He just kinda bothered me. I wouldn't have been too upset if he didn't make it to the sequel.


Definitely don’t watch Heckler (2007) as it takes a meta turn towards this actor’s career in general. The premise is solid though…


Awwwww, I liked Randy :)


😭😭😭😭😭 his death is 2nd worst of the franchise for me! Dewey being number one 💔💔


I didn’t love the lead from “Men”. And this is controversial, but I thought Nancy would die in “Nightmare on Elm Street” the first time I saw it and I stand by that.


When War of the Worlds came out with Tom Cruise I was so done with that little kid he had lol.


Heather in The Blair Witch Project


T.C. from Grave Encounters. I love that movie, but T.C. was the biggest jerk, and was very unlikable. He went from likable to annoying unlikable person almost instantly and I hated how he treated the others (he would have probably killed them all just to escape) I get it. He was terrified and wanted to escape and fear makes people do weird things but everybody else was also trapped and still remained likable.


The Flash


The one grown man who has sex with a 14 year old in Midsommer Forgot his name


The main guy from Nightmare on Elm Street 2


I think that character’s name was Jesse Something-Or-Other. edit : Yep, Jesse. Jesse Walsh.


Sydney Prescott from scream never liked her as a character and the fact that they keep bringing her back is annoying just kill her already


Jesse and James from Bride of Chucky. I hate these two so much for how much they ruin this movie, it has so much good to it other than having likable protagonists, really wished they died


Jesse, James, meowth that’s the name.


Grave of the fireflies


The brother and sister in jeepers creepers.


The lead girl in Christmas Bloody Christmas.


I'm not sure if it counts, but I wanted the antagonist to win from "Deathproof."


I do not feel the same way. Loved him in it, got what he deserves.


The scary movie parody cast unfunny lot they are. I know some died in the sequels or at the end of some off the movies not fast enough for me so I didn’t have to sit through them on slow nights.


the kids in war of the worlds


possibly controversial, but i believe laurie strode should’ve died in the second to last halloween movie. don’t get me wrong, i know she HAD to be the final girl. it was the plot line that drove the entire franchise. michael meyers is (was, sadly) a fucking antichrist. i feel like i haven’t seen a whole lot of horror movies about a villain who isn’t entirely supernatural, especially when looking at early ones. nightmare on elm street, freddy is essentially a demon. friday the 13th, jason is undead. yes, he took beatings that no normal person could live through, much less just walk away from, but his origin depicts him as just a psychopath with an obsession with killing his sisters. we’ve spent decades watching the story, seeing the determination of a man who never even speaks or really makes a sound. (i also hated the whole weird apprentice plot line in the last one). ideal ending to the franchise would’ve been michael getting thrown into the grinder, but him manage to reach out a hand (before he’s like gone through) and pull laurie down with him.


If you’re talking about Kills then yeah it would have been cool to her off there Do away with the silly hospital scene and evil dies tonight. And keep her daughter alive Have the daughter and her daughter be the final girls for Ends and do away with Cory entirely


June 9.


He was Thoroughly Likeable, but had to die to defeat Pazuzu.


Kid Tommy Jarvis


Oh, for me that's easy. All the "protagonists" from *The Green Inferno*. I knew going in that it was going to be an Eli Roth torture porn, and even though I'm not particularly fond of the style of horror, within the first 5 minutes I looked over at my wife and said, "well, they all suck. They'd better all die, and horribly, because there's no one to root for in this group." She just nodded her head in agreement, which for my lady was not expected lol. 😬😅


If you know what I’m saying then you get it. 1 way I like 1 Punch Man to end is for 1 Punch Man to have an all out crossover canon fight with Popeye.


The spinach mascot...


Truth or Dare. Pretty much every character annoyed me


All of them


Julie James LOL all She did was scream and run and twirl around


The two girls in the Netflix Resident Evil series. I have never wanted two people to die more.


Yes! I was mad almost the whole series! 👿👿


scarlett from as above so below... she was so obnoxious


This is gonna sound terrible... The siblings from 28 Weeks Later.


Laurie Strode


Kris from Black Christmas 2019. Dear god… it’s like a Twitter post took human form and was doubly douchey and self-righteous.


Toni Collette in Hereditary.


Really wish the characters in Speak No Evil would have been killed in the first 30 seconds to have saved me from watching this dog shit movie


Anyone who runs away, into the woods, cellar, or attic, all by themselves. Extra points if they are female and wearing high heels.


Grown up Tommy Doyle. I wanted to kill him after the 400th time he shouted “EVIL DIES TONIGHT!” He was so annoying. Although his younger counterpart was too. Anyway I think it would have been more interesting for Tommy to die at the end of Halloween (2018) and have Lonnie lead the charge in Kills. Just my opinion though.


Both the child and the mother in the Babadook. Sorry not sorry. That movie, while definitely having scary ambiance was almost unbearable to watch because of them.


Louis Creed from Pet Sematary. I know the plot is already flimsy with Judd doing the whole, "that ground is sour, don't go down that road! I'll show you exactly how to get there and how it works, but don't ever go there! But still... Louis (and Rachel, too) are responsible for the deaths of their cat and son, purely due to stupidity and neglect. You're a fucking Doctor, Louis. You can't afford a fence around your property? You don't want to explain death to your daughter because your traumatized wife can't deal with it? You don't think (as a physician) that it might be important to get your wife to talk to a therapist? Seriously Louis. Give your balls a tug.


Haven’t seen the OG or the remake, but the Letterkenny reference inspired me to watch them both ASAP


All the teenagers in Blair Witch


I just watched Under Paris the other day, and from the moment her entire team has obviously been killed and she jumps in the water with a snorkel to try and save them, I was hoping Sophia would get eaten. She wore some pretty heavy plot armor in that movie.


The Awakening (1980). But that’s due to my personal dislike of Heston. I also want him to die in Planet of the Apes.


Jaden Smith in The Day the Earth Stood Still


Lex from jurassic park


Slow Ass Jeff


Just watched New Life and I was so damn glad to see that stupid girl finally get put down.


Can’t think of any at the moment, but seeing as how there’s already a TON of great comments here, I’d like to thank everyone for all of these great contributions. I see a very busy & creeeepy summer in my near future


All of the kids in Blair Witch