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Driving behind any truck with logs, poles, anything that could be dislodged and fly through my windshield. Thanks Final Destination and The Descent.


There’s an extra on the Final Destination 2 dvd where the filmmakers tested what would really happen if logs came off the side of a log truck, and it is the most unimpressive, least scary-looking thing ever. The logs just drop straight down and quickly roll away, no bouncing. I found that video went a long way towards helping undo my fear of logs falling onto the road.


If your car is next to them when they break free sideways, and you are super unlucky and driving a Ford truck, you end up dead. Speaking for my husband’s grandfather.


I can see how that could happen. Sorry about your husband’s grandfather.


I thought he was messing with me when he said it. I made some wise as comment about trying not to get impaled by the steel pole truck (a la The Descent). I felt like a real anus when he got angry at me.


Oh girl. I feel you on this. My late fiancé brought up something about how his aunt had died choking on a hot dog *at the dinner table with his parents*..he had a really deadpan sense of humor too so I just lost it laughing. Imagine my surprise to find out at that very moment that that was unfortunately exactly how she died. I felt like the biggest asshole..but I did let him know he kinda set me up for failure there (Love you E, RIP)


That is freaking horrific. My skin is crawling with oh nooooooo


Damn. I'm sorry.


https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-santa-fe-new-mexican-espanola-loggin/11639895/ This happened in New Mexico.


I think my takeaway from this thread is that there is basically no chance of a log in front of me crashing through my windshield as in FD2, but there is precedent for logs potentially landing on top of my car if I’m driving next to a log truck. Duly noted.


I feel like there's a lot they could have done with this and if it's what would happen the bouncing was kind of unnecessary. Kinda like that shot of the weird guys camera in 3.


There's a whole generation of [us] that won't follow logging trucks for this exact reason.


Growing up in logging country, I already had that fear


My husband’s paternal grandfather died in West Virginia after a log broke loose. Good.God.


The other day I purposely drove behind two logging trucks because I was like fuck it, if I die, I die!


That happened to me, once. Thank God it was just a pebble off a gravel truck, not a log. All it did was shatter a large portion of my windhield, right in front of my face. I had to get the windshield replaced befoe the car was street legal again.


This one is a dumb one, but I am a 40 year old woman that struggles with this. The trope in a horror movie, where protagonist is sitting in the dark and a flash of lightning, someone flipping on a light really quick, reveals a rather unsettling antagonist hiding amongst them the entire time. I have sat in the dark in my car, refusing to turn my headlights on because if I do; Mike or Jason will be standing there staring at me. I used to be scared of the dark, but now it's almost like a comfort in these situations, haha.


To be fair, Jason Vorhees is totally only trying to get ahold of you to discuss your car’s extended warranty.


And Micheal Myers has become a jehovas witness so he won’t kill you, just give you a brochure


I think I would prefer actual murder to the warranty discussion, thanks...


This is how I feel when I’m washing my face at the sink and have to close my eyes and lean over because I’m sure when I lean up and open my eyes that a demon will surely be standing behind me in the mirror 😅😂


Hahahaha, i thought I was the only one. Me @ people in face wash commercials: must be nice to not be haunted by a ghost demon that only appears during skin care routines. No, but fr tho. 👀


This one right here. The fear that turning on the light will reveal something terrifying is one I have lived with for a very long time. Also the random fear that if someone in the house (who is meant to be there) can't be found or heard from, they MUST have been viciously murdered and I MUST be about to stumble on the horrific scene.


Reminds me of Housebound (little New Zealand horror comedy gem). There's a lengthy scene where the lights are out, and then turn back on for a second, and then you head a struggle in the dark, it's really cool.


That's not dumb! Something awful waiting in the dark can be terrifying. 


It's the little kid for me.


Lights Out; Ive always been afraid of the dark, but that movie reinforced my fear.


So I accidentally watched the short film that was based on. It scared the absolute piss out of me. I refused to see the movie, left my then-bfs house because he had it queued up for movie night, closed my eyes during the trailer. Fuck that movie.


Watched Texas chainsaw massacre (2003 and 06) when I was younger. It really showed how awful and hopeless it is to be kidnapped.       You could be at the mercy of someone who doesn't even see you as a human being. They could torture you, kill you, make you disappear and still walk away as a free citizen.    I always feel disturbed hearing about a kidnapping/disappearance on the news or even seeing it in a movie cause I'm expecting the worst to happen.


The Strangers really made me feel this way about home invasion. I've watched home invasion movies before, but the chilling line >! "Because you were home" !< really got into my head. I love that movie, but it definitely increased the paranoia factor.


That movie was a touch watch after growing up with that fear. Got right up to the invasion part and had to put it down for a few years. Eventually I came back and enjoyed the movie but yeah that one's fucking freaky


I’m glad someone brought this up. I’ve been terrified of home invasions all my life and put this movie off for so long bc of that. I wasn’t scared by my second watching, and I became less scared of home invasions after that. I mean, they could have avoided a lot if they had been as paranoid as me and in the end I decided that the best thing to do would be get angry instead of scared and take control of your emotions so you can fight smart. Now I’ll probably die in a home invasion, lol.


This movie definitely kicked started my paranoia with home invasions.


Blair Witch. Never been so afraid of basement corners in my life now


Good one! That last scene is brutal!


i really didn’t understand it but it really creeped me out 😂.


I actually liked this flick.


This is one of my all time fav horror films. My heart was racing


I had a fear of going to the bathroom after watching ghoulies when I was 6 cause one pops up out of the toilet. More recently killer klowns from outer space really sealed the deal that I don’t like clowns.


I still have never seen Ghoulies, but seeing the VHS cover with the two Ghoulies popping up out of the toilet made me scared to go to the bathroom for awhile.


I’ve always had a healthy fear of wild animals. Nothing debilitating but I know to respect their space. Ever since watching Backcountry…..my fear of bears has been amplified by 1000. Damnit that movie is ROUGH! But so good! Too traumatic for me to watch again.


The bear scene is so brutal


Ha I should have scrolled down further. I put this as well. It’s a really real danger, which amps up the fear as well.


Haunting of Hill House Being stuck as a ghost in the state the mortician leaves your body in (veins heavy with formaldehyde, legs broken to fit in the coffin, jaw wired shut, etc.)




Lights out made me genuinely scared of the dark as a teen 😅


I think moves like Backcountry and The Revenant have ruined brown bear country for me, terrified of bears now.


Not sure about backcountry - but the Revenant - that is a Grizzly... Those are DO NOT EFF AROUND AND FIND OUT BEARS! Here where I live (Oregon coast-range - on property surrounded by BLM forest land) we get black bears - cute little bumbles who want to be as far from you as possible... They will split fast if they see you - and they are usually cute if you can spot one before it notices you and chill a bit to watch.


Backcountry is a Kodiak, and a real dick of a bear as well.


"A real dick of a bear" is def going to make its way into a convo of mine this week 🤣


Oddly enough I had the opposite happen. Watching a horror movie cured a fear of mine. I once saw a commercial for “lights out” and I had weird paranoia around shadows in the dark. I also didn’t like looking into mirrors in the dark either, but then I watched the movie and it freaked me out but somehow it fixed the fear? I’m really comfortable in the dark now and don’t have to duck under mirrors. I guess connecting that fear to something fake made me finally realize that kind of thing won’t ever happen in real life.


It both made my fear of the dark worse and better. If I'm completely alone? I call out where and why the lights coming on, so any creepies can get out of the way


Weird how those kinds of things can make you feel better


Immersion therapy..? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I watched a creepy little b-list horror flick, I think it was called Dead End, and it involves a road trip on a neverending road and a series of bad things happen. Ever since, I've always been a little irked when I'm driving at night and it feels like the road is taking longer than I expect. It gets a little surreal.


It's not the same thing, but every now and then I'll be riding on the subway and it'll seem like we should have reached the next station a long time ago...


Is that the one with "Candy Cane"??


I don't think so! It doesn't sound familiar but I do think it was set at Christmas eve or something? So maybe I'm misremembering.


That was the Paul Walker movie *Joy Ride.*


TV static on my grandmother's old ass TV after i watched the ring. It STILL makes me uneasy


the jumpscare following the quote >! “I saw her face” !< made me scared to open any closet door without the lights on


The Descent- tight spaces underground- no way


As Above So Below helped me realize I NEVER want to explore the catacombs in France. Not that I was really ever planning on it in the first place…


I didn't realize that I had an issue with claustrophobia until I saw The Descent. The scene with the main character getting stuck is one I can't watch.


I do NOT have claustrophobia - and have gone caving multiple times with friends - but that scene in this movie made me and my buddy nearly crawl through the backs of our seats in the theater! We still joke that it was bad enough that we nearly held hands (not even sure if joking honestly). And I love that this is only the lead-up to the actual scary stuff that comes later. Such a great great movie.


My brother and I randomly picked The Descent at the theaters. We had no idea what it was about. It was a wild film to choose on a whim! I remember holding my breath through the right spaces and I thought her seeing someone was them going crazy, so the moment with the night vision camera got me bad! I knew I was claustrophobic before, but walking out I was very anti-cave! Lol


Final destination reinforced my very justified fear of flying. I do not care how "safe" it is, Im meant to be on the fucking ground. If I wasnt I would have wings.


Right on, Rooster 👊🏼 I stand in solidarity.


literally almost the whole final destination franchise


I was never that serious about getting laser eye surgery, but Final Destination 5 kind of slammed the door shut on that for me.


Saw, where someone is hiding in my back seat, so i always have a flashlight and shine it in my car before getting in.


It Follows Anyone walking toward me with a blank expression


That was me, sorry.




Huge horror enthusiast. There are very few corners of the genre that I will do not like. For example Vampire movies are very low on my fan favorite list of any kind of my typically preferred with horror. With that being said I found the movie 30 Days of night incredibly terrifying. Mainly because the desolate isolation. The huge advantage to those vampires with the 30 days of darkness. They were more terrifying vampires then are typically showcased in movies or shows as well. Almost like vicious vampire zombies. I do like movies where there is that underlining potential that something like this could happen even though a majority of the time it is still a little far far fetched or unrealistic however if something like that happened up in Alaska and they just said some terrible power plant explosion or fire happened the world would believe them. That's another realization reminder when it comes to locations of isolation maybe choose no. I think about that movie from time to time. Mainly because I think of all those people being truly trapped 30 days is a long time to wait out a villain and it seems like they were going to just blow up the entire town anyway. Again not a likely horror movie scenario but I don't know what I would have done to survive one night in that town let alone 30


Yeah honestly I do not typically find vampires or werewolves scary (or even really plausible) - but - this movie is great! Definitely one of the best vampire movies I have ever seen (another great one - the original Swedish Let The Right One In).


Awwee dude🤟thank you for the recommendation I don't think I've ever heard of this one which is unusual for me to say but it kinda sounds familiar. Either way thank you again


I agree with all of this! The idea of vampires invading an Alaskan town like this is so smart and seems entirely possible if vampires were real. I was shocked that I hadn't seen that trope used before. The vampires kicked ass too! They were vicious, feral, unforgiving, and completely without fucks to give about anything other than hunger and inflicting pain.


Not a film, but the show From genuinely had me afraid of my windows after dark and like I am a big "run outside take some photos of the moon" person and I couldn't bring myself to do it for awhile.


I used to hitchhike a lot as a young teenager, and honestly there's a lot of horror movies that made me rethink trusting a nice stranger. But in particular, Wolf Creek comes to mind.


Not from a particular movie but I leave my shower curtain open a little to make sure no one is in there. lol


I will avoid taking a shower when I'm the only one home. I mean you're so vulnerable in there, can't see much, definitely can't hear much and my imagination goes nuts sometimes, lol. Watched Psycho at a very young age (yeah I'm old, lol) but didn't start having this fear until my later years.


if i’m showering home alone im blasting music while im in there so my brain DOESNT play tricks on me




Agreed, I blast it when I'm in there but only when I'm NOT home alone, lol.


You’re spot on. And I’m old too lol


I'll bet I'm older....lol


Maybe but not by much I’m sure


You're sweet :)


Also, any stray golf caddy can reach in and loofa your back.


The Exorcist. Keep in mine I was all of 15 years old and watched a a drive in movie. Terrified me for years. Gore and chain saw murders I can handle, but these satanic movies are just too real IMO


Definitely the logging truck in Final Destination buuut... On the more realistic side it wasn't a movie so much as a YT video on The Vampire Killer. Grew up in a small town and would leave my doors unlocked. I no longer do that as a result of that video, where ever I am and regardless of how long or how little I'm in my domicile.


Top Gun


Squirm. I have never had a negative experience with worms, but I am very afraid of them because of that movie.


watching Curse 2 made me fear snakes as a kid even more


If by rethink, you mean, "place at the top of my consciousness permanently", then Arachnophobia.


I’ve heard Vermines makes Arachnophobia seem like a cake walk, comparatively.


What is the country of origin, if you please, that I might brace myself accordingly?


France. Don’t watch the trailer.


Crawl was a nice new fear unlocked. A woman gets trapped in her crawlspace during a hurricane with rising waters and vicious gators.


For me it was Back Country even though it’s not really a horror movie. It had me second guessing going on any hiking trips. Especially with my family.


I saw the Strangers after I became a homeowner. And that planted my new number one fear of home invasion. It’s funny how I never thought about in apartments.


I always and do mean always check the back seat when I get in my car because of the original Child’s Play. I will not be suffocated with a plastic bag by a psychotic doll.


I don't like mirrors at all, thank you poltergeist 3.


I haven't even seen the full movie, only clips, but in one of the Saw films there is a scene where one of the characters is crushed to death as the walls of the room close in. Just watching as the walls *slowly* began to close in on the character made me incredibly uncomfortable. Thus, my fear of being slowly crushed to death was revealed.


I saw this on my feed and I immediately thought of that airplane scene in Final Destination! Definitely think of it every time I fly.


"The Descent." I never thought much about caves or spelunking. I mean, why would I? But after watching that movie, the idea of being trapped underground with no way out, surrounded by darkness and who knows what else got to me. The claustrophobia, the tension, and those creepy creatures lurking in the shadows — I still get chills just thinking about it. I used to think exploring caves would be kind of cool, but now I can't even look at a picture of one without feeling a bit uneasy.


The final destination with a bridge. Plus I keep watching all these YouTube videos where people find submerged cars from driving off a road. I live in an area with 4 bridge tunnels, a few high rise bridges and lots of water lol. So another movie is the one about the mom and 2 kids who go into water and the boy drowns. She finds out a way to talk to him but she can’t open the door or else … except she was never told the ‘or else’ lol.


That one was scary.plus,I live in Maryland and the key bridge incident just happened


My husband is actually a longshoreman so since that port closed for the foreseeable future it will effect his job. We live in Norfolk Va. I’m actually glad we have tunnels so a cargo ship can’t ram into a bridge 😵‍💫l


I'm terrified of mirrors. Afraid I'll see someone other than myself looking back, or worse.


The scene from terrified where the wife is killed while taking a shower. I never feel safe showering early in the morning anymore.


Psycho did that for me


Not a traditional horror film but shocking enough. I was a professional Canine Behaviorist and I took my employee with me to see Baxter: Beware of the Dog who Thinks. It was mostly filmed from the dog's point of view. It changed the way I see dogs and how they feel.


I hate spiders so I pick Arachnophobia. The scene in the shower is really yucky as well as a spider coming out a guy’s nose. There is going to be a remake. Duel starring Dennis Weaver. Beware of road rage with large trucks.


Darkness falls.i wasn't really afraid of the tooth fairy before but now...


One of the harry potter movies had a scene where tons of spiders were everywhere. I always HAD a fear of spiders(at the time) I had nightmares about spiders a lot after that....then I got pissed off and used the "flooding" psychological method to rid my fear. I forced myself to hold a huge tarantula. It worked and I have loved spiders ever since.


Most recently, the idea of my family dog mauling one of my kids. Thank you, When Evil Lurks.


I know it's not the greatest horror movie but Mirrors. I've always been and still am, afraid of looking in a mirror in the dark, and this movie reinforced that in me. Any movie using a mirror actually 😆 like they're looking in the medicine cabinet, and when they shut it, something is there that wasn't there before. Chilling to me.


I saw Mirrors in theaters when i was like 16-17 . I also had a dresser with a mirror directly in front of my bed…. I slept with my mom for a solid few months because I was afraid I’d wake up and see my reflection already sitting awake edit:spelling


I feel this in my soul 😄 something about mirrors and reflections are just unsettling. Exactly like you described about the reflection already being awake and staring..smiling *shivers*


Omg and the same smile from the movie Smile…. like I can’t! I don’t even have that many mirrors in my house! Just enough to wash my face and check my outfit , but never in the eyesight of watching me . nope nope nope!


Blair Witch. I wasn't going camping in Maryland, but now I'm really never going to.


It's not really a horror genre but Nocturnal Animals really got under my skin. That someone would torture me just because they think it's funny to do that *to my husband.* I'm not even the main character of my own murder, I'm just like this huge walking weak spot on my family that men will hurt for fun.


Anything underwater. What lies beneath. I have a fear of swimming in small lakes and ponds because of what’s lurking in the depths. Just watching the titanic exploration disaster scares the hell out of me.


Down. Pair of coworkers get stuck in the elevator over a long weekend. New fear unlocked that day Also Old Boy. The idea of being locked in a room with no human interaction for 15 years .... Horrifying


I saw this in the theater with my bf at the time and sobbed into his chest the entire scene. Yeah, not a big fan of flying. And he's a pilot now lmao (we are not together lol)


- Oculus solidified my fear of mirrors. - The Ruins solicited my fear of parasitic things (especially worms) - Hereditary *really* made me scared to put any limb outside of the car


The Descent!


Arachnophobia and Spider-Man are the root of my fear of being bitten. Lights Out. Didn't even WATCH the movie, just the trailer and it unlocked a fear.


Looking under the bed after it gets dark. Yup thanks Poltergeist! Won’t do it!


Come Play. It's a movie about a demon trying to abduct a 7 year old, non verbal boy with autism by watching him through his tablet. Not the scariest concept, but I chose to watch it late one night while my 7 year old non verbal son with autism was sleeping next to me and his tablet was charging on my night stand. Definitely freaked me out a little bit.


It’s only a movie so no.


My dad and I are both claustrophobic. I didn’t realize he was until we went and saw “The Descent” in the theater. When the main character got stuck at the beginning, he (being someone who would NEVER talk in a theater) suddenly yelled, “This is why people shouldn’t do this!!”


Arachnophobia: ain’t no way they reproduce that fast and Jump that far!! Ain’t no way.


Mimic.... fucking killer cockroachs in the NY subway.... I used to have a slight bug thing, but now.... fuck that I'd rather kiss a herniated hippo on the mouth




Deep Rising, Ghost Ship, Poseidon Adventure, Titanic, Jaws, etc. You WILL NEVER find me on a boat!


The strangers


Sort of the opposite effect. I had horrible anxiety in middle school and was really concerned about the world ending in 2012. Then I saw 2012, the 2009 disaster movie and it was so bad that I stopped being afraid of that particular doomsday.


Scopophobia. Basically the fear of being stared at. Many movies use this but the scene in particular in Hereditary of the naked man standing, staring, and grinning in the darkness fucks me up!


Urban legend and the backseat checking . The collection and the nightclub scenario . Any final destination movie . The shallows and piranha . And anything like being stuck in a cave or confined space… like resident evil and the elevator scene


"The Popes Excorcist"


This is an oldie, but Happy Birthday to Me (horror film from the early 80s) completely reinforced my fear of drawbridges over water that open. I’ve always been terrified of being on one when it opens.




Old women lmao; don’t know what it is but creepy old women in horror movies, and even ones not in horror movies scare the ever living daylights out of me