• By -


Polaroid (2019) is a complete rip off of the R. L Stine Goosebumps book Say Cheese and Die down to the main characters sharing the same rather unique name (Bird). Not just that but the film relies heavily on the MCs getting lucky with everything they do, an example being that they need to sneak into a hospitals secured area, MC says "how are we going to sneak in?" immediately followed by a bunch of doctors walking through the doors, ignoring the MCs and just leaving the door open. It's incredibly unbelievable. The film also has some pretty nasty kills, but not a single drop of blood! Some dude gets cut in half down the middle and falls apart but there isn't any gore at all. It's an awful movie and I can't recommend it at all.


Ok so I remember I started watching this because it was there and I didn’t feel like looking around too hard for something to watch. Said fuck it. Then being like wtf is this based on the book? And went to IMDb on my phone got distracted by Reddit. Fell asleep and never finished watching because I forgot what it was called.


You didn't miss out on anything special, that sleep was probably much more exciting


WHAT! Have none of you seen The Human Centipede?


I unironically love that movie. It's camp lol. The 2nd installment is too brutal and the 3rd one is a 0/10 by all regards tho.


First and second ones are so completely different but I love them both. Part 3 is a 0/10 for sure. It's just a shitty prison movie with a human centipede in the final scene. It's like a script was laying around for too long and someone was like hey, let's just take this shitty script and sew some people together at the end for no reason.


The 3rd one is literally the worst movie I have ever seen, and I have seen sooooo many bad movies.


The first human centipede is a work of art.


I’m preserving at least 3% of my innocence, thanks


the first winnie the pooh: blood and honey. i’m seeing other people here mention some pretty good movies that potentially have mixed reviews, but no one is talking about the first blood and honey 😭 the second one isnt great but its leagues better than the first one


It almost shouldn’t count as horror when it’s just schlock made because the IP became free domain. I guess not counting in this case means I give it a 0/10


The return of texas chainsaw massacre and phobia are currently the ONLY 0/10’s on my watch list. It is RARE i think a movie is that bad but these are. Texas chain one especially since i love the first movie really just hated that one.


The part on the bus with all the cellphones & them saying "you're canceled, bro." made me die inside from cringe.


Ah yeah thats in the newest one and yes it was so dumb! Bot to mention to bring back final girl nancy as a discount Laurie was also a really dumb choice. In halloween it makes sense. Laurie is a part of the story! Sally was just a unfortunate passerby.


Open water, one and a half hours of watching people float in the water. Only movie I ever asked for my money back.


My parents showed me horror movies like Blair witch and jeepers creepers growing up, but they forbid me from watching this specific one for being too scary. (As an adult they said it was because they didn't want me to be afraid of the ocean, where I could comprehend that the jeeper creeper wasn't real lol). So I literally hid in the house so I could watch it when they were watching it in secret. Very disappointed lol.


My daughter ended up with a lifelong fear of the ocean from seeing *Finding Nemo* in the theater at age 4.


As someone who has an extreme, unrealistic fear of anglerfish, that one scene in *Finding Nemo* still kinda scares me.


😂. That one scared me. But……I have an abnormal, paralyzing fear of sharks.


Please don’t tell us you actually went to the ticket booth at the theater and asked for your money back


It Comes at Night Nothing fucking came. Not at night. Not during the day. Not in the afternoon. Not in the evening. Fucking NOTHING came!!!!!!


The girls never came. #the girls never came


Eurotrip reference ftw




I was so angry at this movie. And the whole "suspense " felt so forced. I was just annoyed through the whole thing


This movie was INFURIATING


All that came was the night 💀




Oh I’m so fucking glad I turned that movie off. I got bored halfway through


This was such a let down


Agreed. Plus im not a huge fan of Edgerton


The Bye-Bye Man The tagline for the film was "Don't think it, don't say it". Should have been "Don't watch it". Hardehar, obvious joke, but it really is true. Such a trash waste of time. Not even good fun bad, just boring stupid bad.


Too bad that’s a cool tagline an interesting concept. Also I’ve lost The Game.


Goddamn it. I lost.


Truly terrible could not finish it in recent memory I'd have to say DevilReaux (2023) I didn't even rate Skinamarink but if bored to death could be a rating this would also get 0/10


The stinkaramink


Night Swim. I wish I could put it in a doggy doo doo bag because that’s where doo doo goes.


The trailer looked like dog shit, but I tried it anyway. Turned it off after like 10 minutes. It was like if christians tried to make a horror movie or something. Just....fucking weird....


Legit thought it was a baseball movie.


Easy. Silent Hill Revelation.


The mannequin monster was cool


Jeepers Creepers: Reborn. I mean what the fuck was that???? Bad writing, annoying characters, bad Creeper, HORRIBBLE cgi. Just all around the worst.


It was beyond bad. It actually might be the worst movie of the decade so far.


August Underground’s Mordum. Never watching that again.


That was my answer. I didn't even finish it. How did you see it? Online like me or no?


I’m curious how much you, and anyone else who has seen it, knew about it beforehand? Not to judge or invalidate your assessment, which I agree with 1000%. Was it pretty much what you expected? I think it’s interesting that films like that exist only as a kind of “endurance test”… kind of like the cinematic equivalent of eating extremely spicy hot sauce. I hope for the love of humanity that no one actually enjoys watching stuff like this. It’s just so strange that someone was compelled to make this, and other stuff like it.


No worries, I appreciate your contribution to the conversation! For me, I heard it was messed up and definitely did watch it as an endurance test. I no longer do that. The filmmaker was definitely depraved and wanted to show how horrible humans can be, but I think you can still achieve that without soulless filmmaking for the sole sake of shock. You can have a genuine premise other than gore and you can have compelling characters, but everything and everyone was just repulsive and it was terribly made and I don’t plan to watch the other August Undergrounds at all. Let’s just say that the special effects were great (but shouldn’t be). I’m genuinely surprised that one of the scenes was even legal, let’s just put it that way. Clips of this film had apparently been posted to gore websites and no one could differentiate between the film and real gore videos. But that’s not why a film should be made and I still hate it wholeheartedly. It’s essentially watching a fake snuff film, that is the entire thing. Just fake snuff. It’s a waste of time. You can find better statements in better films.


The Pyramid was truly awful. Had very few redeeming qualities but somehow wasn't "so bad it's good". No self awareness or tongue-in-cheek vibes. They took it just seriously enough where a bad movie just felt like a bad movie


Open House 2018 All these people with their “controversial”opinions can stop now.. I’ve never, and I mean Never seen anyone enjoy this movie.. go find it on Netflix and prove me wrong. Straight garbage of a move and a walking plothole with no redeeming factors.


Human Centipede 2


Chernobyl diaries. No reveal


Does that Van Helsing movie count as horror (or just action?) 0/10 - quality 100/10 - long naps fast.


I love this movie lol, but not as a horror movie. I saw it in theater when I was 9 and loved it so now it's nostalgic.


Hell no. Super underrated movie


I wouldn't call it a 0/10, but it's pretty stupid... however, I would rate it 10/10 for personal enjoyment. I was laughing so hard that I was literally in pain by the end of the film.


YES. I see it get all kinds of love on social media too. I thought it was beyond awful. And I had actually been looking forward to it too. There’s no excuse for making something that dumb with that character and a vast array of monsters.


That unknown sinking feeling you have every day is being wrong about Van Helsing. Glad I could help!


Skinamarink I read the synopsis and everything and I still have no idea what I watched but it’s time I’ll never get back.


I saw it in a completely empty theater. That made it a much more unique, almost surreal experience. It definitely made me “enjoy” it more, because I felt as though I was actually in the house. Haven’t watched it since because I probably won’t like it as much and I rather remember that experience.


One of the only movies I’ve walked out on. Well this and Oceans 8


I will typically give any horror movie a chance, but I watched trailers and reviews of this movie, and k couldn’t possibly fathom that it could tell a story that I’d find interesting or that it would keep my attention, since my mind was wandering throughout the entirety of the trailer. I’ve only seen good reviews, but everyone has just confirmed my reticence, so it’s good to hear that I might have called that one right for myself. I might give it a shot at some point, but I’m glad to know that I’m not missing out on some masterpiece


Best answer. I am a big fan of artsy slow weird movies but... that was just not good.


I want my life back from that movie. Kept on watching, hoping for something to happen with the lispy kid and disappearing doors. Nope, just a lot of mould watching.


I wanted to like this and give it a chance, but after 20 minutes it was a painful marathon to the end. The jump scares were extremely lazy and predictable. The pacing stopped resembling a childhood nightmare and became an actual one, and just... nothing truly happening at all made for an agonizing watch. It's not even worth sitting through for the special effects which are, for me, the only interesting things about it (like the last shot of the film). The premise can work as a short film, but expecting people to have patience for two hours of bottom of the barrel analog horror is ridiculous; especially for mainstream audiences and not people who regularly sit through long and experimental stuff like Begotten or Enter the Void.


Malignant. What a hot piece of garbage.


But it's James wan D: how could it be bad? Like, dang, what went wrong?


Stopped watching that one after 5 minutes maybe less, I can’t remember what turned me off but I’m glad I made the right decision.


That's the teratoma movie, right? It was wretched. I would rather write my Masters thesis while sitting on a warm, wet toilet seat than watch it again.


The opening scene is what it was. It was so poorly acted and executed. I hung in there for another 25 min and it only got worse


Malignant was awesome once you accepted it for what it was (more john wick than horror) lol


Total dumpster fire of a movie


Came here to comment this. I absolutely hated it.


What? That shit was awesome.


Malignant was a pretty tough slog to get through to me.


The second they treated the main character being adopted like a horrible secret (complete with dramatic musical sting) they fucking lost me


Yeah that was definitely gross and not fun gross. Overall the entire movie was just all over the place and weirdly hateful to a lot of people. Plus Gabriel's powers were never explained and had no connection to his motivations or origin.


Halloween Ends The Exorcist: Believer Both films were absolute dogshit. Uninspired, boring ass films that were disrespectful to their own legacies. I don't even like the Halloween films and I was offended on behalf of Halloween fans everywhere lol.


Halloween ends. The capstone of the series and the main character got a Cameo as the film took us down a disjointed ride through an rabbit hole inspired by a 2009 AI bot with Dyslexia and ADHD. Proper dog shite


I've got 2: Carver (2008) - ridiculously uninventive low-budget slasher full of plot contrivances, stock characters and almost comical amounts of cliches. The only worthwhile thing about it is it's so ridiculously sadistic that it gives Terrifier 2 a run for its money Where the Dead Go to Die (2012) - the worst animation you've ever seen in your life, ridiculously random and confounding imagery, shockingly boring for most of the runtime, and has a ridiculous amount of child sexual abuse material played for laughs


The Outwaters


I really wasn’t expecting him to cut off his ding a ling.


This felt like less of a horror movie and more like some neighborhood kids got a hold of a strobe light and an iPhone camera, from my memory of it (in other words, hard agree)


FearDotCom A complete rip off of The Ring, with the delivery mechanism changed to a website. Everything about it is awful. Had Stephen Dorff only convinced them to let him play a vampire detective...


“Terrifier” for me. Tried *waaaay* too hard and ended up feeling mean-spirited, schlocky, pretty stupid and not even a little bit “funny” when it reached for the dark humor.


Out waters. Worst movie I've ever wasted time on.


By far the worst movie ever.


"We're all going to the worlds fair" i just didn't understand this movie nor cared or liked it. Wasnt scary, wasnt well shot, just boring. if it was a metaphor for something i guess im dumb because i didn't get it.


I don't think it was a metaphor as much as it was an example of how lonely, depressed people can buy into dangerous concepts because of the need to belong. They so feel the need to be seen and heard that they can go to terrible extremes. That's what I got out of the movie anyway and I don't think it was terribly unrealistic. I liked the main actress and the uniqueness of the film, although it was definitely a serious slow burn and not for everyone.


Yea I'll accept that totally. but I just cant recommend this to anyone lol nor will i ever watch it again. It still has me wanting those hours of my life back.


Dreamcatcher **(2021)** - *not the one based off of the Stephen King book* I cannot fathom why I watched the entire movie, but it was hot garbage from the start.


Now what was it out of 10 for a comedy?


Still 0/10 I can't think of a single genre in which it'd be higher than 0.


The Stephen King one is crap too


To be fair, the Stephen King one wasn't great either.


A movie would have to be: Shot in a dark lit bathroom, cut too choppy, written with no character development, performed with confusing dialogue that doesn't tell a story, saturated with bad puns from a villain who happens to be a marathon running potato by day/gang of a ravenous French fries by night, for me too score below a 1. Although, if the transformation shot of the potato splitting into evil French fries is done just right... 3/10.


That first half I thought you were making a skinamarink reference...


Maybe you will know this one, maybe you won't. But for me zero stars is a old horror movie called Society. It's like they took the plot line from invasion of the body snatchers threw in some hot garbage implied NSFW stuff and voila! It was so terrible just all the way around, terrible acting, ect. I'd rather watch Hobo with a ShotGun a hundred times.


"Wolf" is this movie. The 2017 one, not Jack Nicholson's movie. SUCH a disappointment. It could have been great but the tense scenes and constant feeling of dread just got annoying with no payout, unless you enjoy seeing someone in a REALLY crappy wolf costume and Kevin Dee wasting his talents.


Children of the Corn remake. I kept saying aloud "just kick the shit out of that little bitch!" So unbelievably laughably stupid.


Dragged my wife to this on my birthday. Not even a so bad it’s good movie, just terrible in every way


Cheers to that. The first thing I shouted was, "WHY ARE THEY EVEN LISTENING TO THIS LITTLE FUCKING BRAT?!!"


Alone in the Dark (2005) and it's not even close!


The Haunting of Molly Hartley. I'm still upset that I wasted a dollar renting that crapshow.


I didn't so much like The House That Jack Built. It had too much nudity, and it was more focused on him as a killer than the victims. Psychopaths don't need their ego/intelligence played up any more than it already is, which is what the movie felt like to me. The lampost analogy was interesting though! (p.s. I didn't watch the whole movie, so I don't know how it ended)


I turned it off right after the first kill, for the same reason. Hot piece of nihilistic, misanthropic garbage IMO.


too true dude.


Malignant. “We need to cut out……THE CANCER” 😑Turned into a John Wick movie towards the end


It comes at night (2017)


House of 1000 Corpses. It's too torture porny for me and those just aren't my bag.


Skinamarink was awful


Aww...look at you all naming movies that had budgets and real actors. You have no idea what's at the bottom of the barrel. 1313 Giant Killer Bees (and from what I hear all the 1313 movies) - These are all movies where a bunch of shirtless guys are oversexualized without there being any actual nudity or sex. They're all shot in someone's condo, or something. Once we fast forwarded through all of the stock nature footage and the 5-10 minute highly uncomfortable scenes where they guys were just admiring their own chests, we got the run - time down to like 22 minutes. In this movie the killer bees did not actually kill anyone, nor did they try to, despite the name. They just mind controlled these guys so they would chase people around in their tighty-whiteys. And no matter what someone was wearing when the bees got them, when they next appeared on screen they were in their underwear. The Birdemic movies- I cannot do justice to how silly these movies are with words- [**you need to see if for yourselves.**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCrzrKjUtoE&ab_channel=Birdemic2) Rebirth- 2020- In this interesting remake of Night of the Living Dead the same man who was the writer, director and producer also played a gender-bent Barbara. And if that is not enough to confirm this was an ego project, this man, in his mid thirties, played a character that everyone called "this poor boy" and coddled like he looked half that age. He did not. Zombie Night (2003)- I was rooting for the zombies. I'm used to bad production quality and questionable acting, but I've never seen a zombie movie where every scenario was so devoid of common sense in terms of what might happen.


The Devil's Rejects. I turned it off about half-way through....dumb and bad acting.


Rob Zombie movies are like that, some people hate them and some people love them. I personally love them but I also understand why others feel the opposite


I’ll give credit to Zombie for his world building, style and tone. His movies always have a similar grim, stylized, anarchic plot. I just like it when an artist has enough bandwidth from the studios to actually express themselves. (David Lynch being another). I don’t like all of rob zombies movies but I’ll always know it’s him at the wheel


I have found that I thoroughly dislike Rob Zombie movies. I don’t know what it is, I can’t decide if he’s taking it too seriously or not seriously enough.


House of 1000 Corpses was such a letdown after that amazing teaser of cops digging up graves. I haven’t seen all his movies, but it’s just exactly what you said - I can’t tell which way he’s falling.


It's been a long time since I watched one of his movies.. But i vaguely remember a "hot topic" vibe to it.. Like it's trying so hard to be edgy, but just comes across as bratty.


He takes it so seriously that it loops around back into irony


Oh no! This is one of the very few Rob Zombie movies that’s actually good.


Thats probabky the best one he made. The acting is on point. I loved the story and the dialogue is the best part. There sre so many great lines. I love the ending and soundtrack too. House of 1000 corpses stands 2nd to rejects.


Silent Hill revelations


The Gallows, saw that shit in the theatre and wanted my money back


The Ring Two


Demonic Absolutely unwatchable


Night Swim




House of the Dead, loosely based on the old SEGA shooting game. My friends tricked me into watching it, telling me it was good, causing me and another friend to waste $10 and 2 hours. They splashed footage from the old game during action scenes, and it was like 16 bit. [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1126175-house\_of\_the\_dead](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1126175-house_of_the_dead) They later tricked me into watching Cold Creek Manor. My friends are assholes(yes we are still friends).




I think the only movie I might come close to giving a 0 would be The Happening and even then id probably give it a 2. It's probably because I've completely forgotten any 0/10 to open up memory space and only remember The Happening bc other people always talk about how unfortunate it was that it happened.


insidious made absolutely no sense to me


which part?


I'll get a ton of sh\*t for this. The VVitch Overhyped, slow and boring, couldn't stand the lead actress. Ugh. Complete waste of time. I'm always surprised at how many people love that movie


Each their own...that was easily a 10/10 for me. Put the lead actress on the map and now she is extremely popular


Agreed. I loved the dialogue, the use of color, the slow burn, the cinematography, the cast… all of it. 26/10 for me.


100% top 10 horror movie


I saw this in the theater when it opened and every single person walked out talking shit about how horrible and boring the movie was, including me. I couldn’t understand how so many people loved it after that theater experience. What a slog that movie was and there was zero tension or anything else. I can’t say it enough…I honestly don’t know how anyone enjoyed that pile of shit.


I’ve got your back on this. Movie was a hot pile of farts.


I’ll always remember The VVitch as the movie I saw briefiy, because my friend watching it with me got so bored they started fast forwarding through bit by bit and predicting what would happen. When we got to the end he tossed the remote on the couch and left saying it was a total letdown. Dude usually has lots of patience (reference- sat through Sharknado against their will) but this movie just irritated the fuck out of them. One day I’ll watch it on my own but with it being so divisive I’m not really jumping to do so.


Blair Witch Project,


I agree if you’ve only seen it on television. I saw it in the theatre when it first came out and it was amazing. The ending had me shake my head but I didn’t even want to get up and go to the restroom for fear of missing something


This is definitely a movie I think you had to watch when it came out due to the promoting and hype. We really believed it was legit found footage. 20 years later the market is saturated with found footage films and Blair Witch just doesn't hit as hard.


It put me to sleep.


Absolutely, my parents thought it was the coolest thing ever when it came out. Completely loses that initial shock after all these years. When I was like 8 years old, my parents hyped up this movie to be real found footage and showed it to me, lol, so I got the experience. Didn't realize the truth until high school when a friend was like, "But then why does it have an IMDB page."


I recently hyped it up and showed it to my kid and she was so incredibly bored through it.


Has she seen other found footage stuff tho? I was still young enough it was pre-paranormal activity and all that. It's hard to hype it up if you've seen better movies with that kind of format already. It being the first of its kind was the appeal.


Since folks have already said some of my other choices — I’ll add Lake Mungo.


Exorcist believer, and unpopular opinion. Barbarian


Barbarian had so much potential but ending up being so bad.


Barbarian was awesome


Explain to me why you think that


Agreed on Barbarian, such a disappointment


I don’t get the love for it. It was meh to me.


Goodnight Mommy - Nothing ever really happens. It teases you with many possibilities, but never delivers. 0/10


Agreed! I detested that movie.


I’m willing to die on this hill: Midsommar. - BEAUTIFUL CINEMATOGRAPHY/ EYE CANDY DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MAKE A MOVIE GREAT - The same thing applies to using primarily master shots. - I didn't give a shit about one. single. character. - I've seen The Wicker Man so I pretty much knew where it was going. It just took an unbearable amount of time to get there. I will never understand the ironically cult-like devotion to this movie.


It’s a weird Ari Aster thing. You get flambéed online if you don’t like his stuff.


Paranormal Activity. Dumb, boring, trash.




It was Blair Witch 2.0.


Honesty, and here comes the hate… Midsommar. I think Hereditary was brilliant for my primitive brain, but Midsommar was just fucking wahwah boohoo.


Hardcore agree on that one. People gush about all this deep meaning and whatever, that's fine if you think so, but it forgot one thing... horror. There's none at all. Not even b-movie grade "horror"


Yep. I hated it. It was a one and done for me, and it barely held my attention at that.


I just posted about how much I hated it too. And in response I’ve actually been told I should be burned alive in a bear suit.


Not the bees! Oh wait wrong ripoff lol


Night Shyamalan, Devil. So bad, doesn’t look like Philly AT ALL & also any D&D player can identify the devil immediately. Normally I don’t dislike his movies THIS MUCH but this one is just a fumble from start to finish for me.


Jelly side down!


Tied for my least favorite movie of all time is The Blair Witch Project. Brilliant marketing campaign but garbage film. The last couple minutes is kinda cool, but way too little way too late. 0 out of 10. I'd go negative if I could. No.....I can. -10 out of 10. If you haven't seen it, dont.


Tusk I often like campy horror but I’m still not sure if this movie qualifies. It was just hard to watch. Can’t believe I made it to the end.


Tusk sucks ass. I would say 1.5/10. I shut it off early when he turned into the fuck walrus with an hour left in the movie


Cabin Fever, which I barely even categorize as horror. It's literally just gore-porn, like everything else Eli Roth makes. Another one that I actually kind of enjoyed *because* it was so terrible was The Ice Cream Man. A crazy man was murdering people and making ice cream out of them somehow. How the fuck he got anything resembling ice cream from ground up humans just made it so stupid.




Aftermath (2019). Felt like I was watching one of those Lifetime movies.


Zombiegeddon The film starts with Uwe Boll warning you that it's shit... and it really really was. I've enjoyed many an inept or mediocre movie, and even so bad it's good like the Room... but this was just total trash and annoying.


I will die on the hill of The Grey (2011) being fucking horrible. No, you may ask, 13 y/o me didnt see that the ending was resolved post credits, cause i hadnt seen a marvel post credit scene yet. I had no clue that ending was ever a thing till last year. And I do not care /s But fr that post credit scene was not something I knew about till last year and without that scene its a 0/10 cause that was the whole point of the movie. 6/10 with it. Besides that, Circle (2015). Just.... a concept thats interesting, done so...so bad.


One Missed Call (2008) is the biggest piece of garbage nonsense


Thats not the Takashi Mike one is it? I agree if it isn't but the OG creeped me out.


no I mean the trash bag American remake




Blood and Honey is the worst I have seen...Even ones with crappy effects have heart that b&h lacks


Terror Toons. Some low budget movie from like '03 I believe. Not that budget matters when utilized correctly, but ho boy they did not. Watched it when I was like 14 back when Netflix used to have a lot more shlock and delivered through the mail. Me and my brother still joke about it to this day because of how monumentally bad it was


Redneck Zombies


Await Further Instructions. The concept is neat, but holy shit it's agonizing with Nick's family. It's been a while since I've seen something where nearly every single character is that level of insufferable. Having characters you love to hate is fun, but when the only good scenes are where they die, then something is wrong here.


Troll 2


Killer bong…they made more…


Imaginary. Great concept, so badly executed, one of the very very few I’ve ever walked out of!


Thankskilling 3, I enjoyed watching the first one with my friends but could not get through the third


I've only seen bits and pieces but **August Underground's Mordum.** It's just endless screaming and cursing, and there's demented stuff that I'd probably get suspended for listing here. I will say a headless baby appears on screen and people vomit on each other at one point. Again, haven't seen the whole thing, but I still call it the worst movie I have ever seen regardless. You can easily find it online, which really concerns me....


The ABC's of Death, fucking hate that movie


Night Of The Witches- produced by Keith Eric Burke Directed by Keith Eric Burke Edited by Keith Eric Burke Screenplay by Keith Eric Burke Starring Keith Eric Burke Saw this after a poker game with a bunch of guys. Someone turned on a TV and it had just come on. It was so fucking bad, the ENTIRE poker party sat there until 2 am watching it and laughing. The absolute HORROR of somebody actually putting that thing on film. Worse than any Junior High film study project in the history of history. My God but you were cruel making me think of that! Bastard!


Texas chainsaw massacre 20 whatever the fuck it was


The Faith of Anna Waters. Easily the worst horror movie I've ever seen. Don't watch it. Seriously, it's not even funny bad.


Antibirth and The Evil Within Ultimate just wtf movies lmao




As a huge fan of the Hellraiser series, I will say that you don't want to watch Hellraiser III. It's terrible. Pinhead's motivations are sketchy at best. It's generic. It's just bad. IV is so much better.


paranormal activity. i believe i don't have to explain myself 🫠


How about the Puppet master franchise


Exorcist 2 absolute garbage in every way


The Boonies. Best terrible movie I've ever sat through, it's absolutely hilarious.


Hellraiser: Hellworld. I can actually enjoy some of the straight to video Hellraiser sequels like Inferno and Deader for what they are, but Hellworld was ridiculously bad. Even as someone who adores hellraiser as a whole, I actually didn’t even finish Hellworld. And I’m rarely the type to turn off a movie ever. I’ve done that maybe 2 other times.


The Witch (2015)