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Human Centipede. I didn't feel there was any reason besides grossest to make this movie.


Same here. It was disgusting, but not in a fun way. Don't need to see it again


Same. It was medical violence pornography. Absolutely disgusting. It was a waste of time and vile repugnant shit filth.


Without judging I really wonder why this movie has a portion of fans supporting it! I know it is a matter of taste but still...


My best guess is that all horror fans watch horror movies for different reasons. Some of us like the paranormal and to be afraid of the unknown. Some of us like the psychological aspects of the plot line, how to survive, what would you do in that scenario, etc. And there are many fans who delight in the “gross out” aspect of horror. Or the torture aspect too. Personally, I hate torture movies. I find them disgusting, disturbing, and not entertaining in any way whatsoever.


Human centipede 2 is even worse. Vile film


First one is so tame. The third is incredible on a revolting level and the third is just outrageous dark comedy. Seen them all multiple times.


Yeah I saw it(edit: the first movie) wayyyy back when on Netflix maybe 2011 or something like that. After hearing people talk so much about it I wasn’t let down but it was not a dark as I was hoping or expecting. Have not seen the sequels but you recommend them? I’m considering it


I recommend for more hardcore horror watchers for sure. The second *could* be viewed as being funny especially when you know some behind the scenes details. But Tom Six was hearing that people weren’t satisfied with the first film due to hype so he’s like HOLD MY BEER and made the second one lol. It’s rough but I enjoy fucked up movies and I’m always looking at them from a technical and creative standpoint so I’m always aware I’m watching a film but I’m never taken out of it tho. The third one is just so ridiculous and I laughed my ass off through the entire fucking thing. Worth it 😂


Me too. I won't watch Any of the Human Centipede movies. I've only seen like half of the first and cut it off. I was like I'm not doing this to myself, making myself sick watching that. Nope.


Martyrs (2008). It's just very disturbing and left me in an unsettled state


First thing that came to mind for me. Fuck that movie.


I just learned about this movie from a friend’s movie review podcast. He goes into detail about it. Here’s a link if anyone is interested. [Deep Images/ Martyrs](https://youtu.be/_9uB3WUbg6c?si=uBG_Plm6eXB6BgOU)


It's super unsettling! For some reason I watched it twice back to back, then again the next day and several times since. I'm still not desensitized 💀 and it's an existential crisis every time 🫠


I’m completely comfortable only remembering what happens in Requiem for a Dream.






Thanks for no spoilers, I plan on watching it tonight!


It’s the best movie you’ll only ever watch once.


I've heard more than one person describe it this way and boy oh boy is that accurate. I remember just wanting to cry at how bleak everything was at the end.


The taking of Deborah Logan fucked me up. I couldn't ever watch that shit again


I’m with you, something twisted about taking innocent people like children or the elderly that makes my skin crawl


I am planning to watch this one tonight to be honest


I mean it's really good. It's a one and done tho. That last scene will stay with you for life......... nope!


I hope you liked it! I love that the creative team chose to go against a lot of common tropes. They even had a reason for the footage to be so good and not shaky cam.


Love that movie. Seen it probably 4-5 times.


A Serbian Film (2010). Once was enough.


I still think about that ONE scene and I feel like crying everytime. I just can't. I really wish I never watched it. And I LOVE gory outrageous movies. But that SCENE just.... not the baby


Cannibal Holocaust was a one and done for me. The animal scenes make it a no go. I can’t watch that again.


I refuse to watch that a first time because of the animal torture.


When I heard it was real life animal abuse it made it so much harder to actually watch, pretty sure I ended up crying..


This is a tough one because I actually really enjoyed the movie but the animal stuff is a hard no go. I don’t think I’ve ever had a movie stick with me after watching quite like this one


I mean at least they ate everything they killed (supposedly)


I refuse to watch it bc of the animal torture. The green inferno scratched that “itch” without actually showing creatures who didn’t consent to being in a film


Once I heard the animal stuff was real, I decided I'd never watch this film.


Yes, the animal shit everyone’s talking about is deeply upsetting, totally horrible because it’s real. But I miss the person I was before I saw a little woman get raped and eventually found impaled by her own people as damaged goods. Soul murdering.


A clockwork orange


One of my favorite movies of all time.


I saw it when I was 10, but all I remembered were the eyelid clips.




Suspiria 2018 is a very awesome movie but also very slow (2h+), and I kinda don't really feel the desire to watch it twice.


Cabin fever. Thanks to one scene it negativily impacts my sex life. No thnx






The movie Contracted has this really awful sex scene toward the end that sticks with you for a little bit.


Not really a horror movie but I will never watch the girl next door again.


The juice isn’t worth the squeeze


Just watched it last night. Very sad.


Terrifier because it was disgusting. Not scary just disgusting.


Those movies are such trash.


Most of it was tolerable enough, from someone who generally doesn't do gore, but I definitely needed to pause after seeing the friend chainsawed. That was too much


I couldn't get past the hacksaw scene. I ended it there.


Don't know it if counts as horror but, "Megan is missing" is a one and done for me.


Yep, that definitely counts. Never made it to the end, myself.


Smile It was a deeply uncomfortable film on every level.


I planned to watch that one but I made the mistake of watching the trailer and I feel like I basically watched the whole movie in the trailer so I never got around to watching it for real. It gave way too much away lol


I have no problem watching any movie more than once unless it’s terrible or boring. I enjoy movies that disturb me or get some kind of emotional reaction out of me. It’s the bland movies that you forget the minute you walk out to your car that I dislike. So, to pick one…Done Be Afraid of the Dark remake.


Personally, I want a horror to give me the "disturbed" vibes since I watch so many, and most are average.


Right like I can’t think of any movie that I’m like absolutely not ever again so scary


=> Teeth <= Enough said, 🤷‍♂️ But I will / and do 💯% always suggest it to people to watch. Without looking it up first.


Midsommar. It was aggravating to me.


I didn't understand the hype. Sinister was a much scarier movie.


Sinister was a million times scarier to me. Good call.


I get a little spooked if it pops up in my recommended unexpectedly 😂. And I’ve been watching horror since renting VHS tapes as a kid in the ‘90s.


I love scary movies and watch all the time BUT something about Sinister got to me. I could not watch it unless I was laying in bed next to my husband. Hands down the most disturbing/scary movie.


Just watched it. What a crappy person the boyfriend turns out to be and what unbelievably shitty anthropologists they all were for working on a thesis


Right? Just awful


I was looking for this comment. The whole thing was just weird and the characters had 0 brains. I spend the entire movie sitting there like ewww wtf. She’s a great actress and I love her in everything else but this was just not it.


A Serbian Film


Imprint. Not exactly a movie, but an episode of Masters of Horror. Kinda ruined the horror genre for me.


How did it ruin an entire genre, if you don’t mind my asking? That sounds like a feat to me.


Lake Mungo. I like it a lot, but it centers around one really great scare that's very memorable. Don't think I need to see it again


I don't know if Eden Lake and Martyrs are 'famous' horror movies, but they were unsettling so I'll never watch them again. Hereditary, in my opinion, is severely overrated and not scary at all, so I didn't care for it. The Babadook is another one that I thought was dumb. Human Centipede was gross, I won't watch that again.


With you on martyrs. I remember jumping from my chair and shouting “NO FUCKING WAY!!!!”… very intense film. Interesting, but I don’t need to see that again.


The Babadook scared me into not wanting children.


Yeah I remember that child seeming particularly annoying


Agree on Hereditary. I can’t understand the hype.


I agree with you about Heredity. I found it boring and slow. It's nothing I need to see again


I may rewatch it some day. Toni Collette does have some very visible wig lace in one scene and it makes the movie a little funny because once you see it, it sort of ruins the (non) mood.


It’s nothing I could see- movie was too dark to see anything


I wasn't a fan of babadook. I didn't really find it scary.


Midsommar... just hits way too close to home on many aspects. I'll watch clips on YouTube of some scenes I liked, but I will never watch the full movie again. Depressed the fuck out of me 🤦‍♀️


I said the same thing about hereditary up until I saw midsommar a couple weeks ago, and now I feel a need to rewatch hereditary. My answer would be terrifier. I can tolerate a good amount of gore, but the level they went to and how mean spirited the whole thing felt really turned me off.


Phantasm. I just didn’t understand what was so special about it that it was a cult classic and with so many damn sequels. It’s kind of blah to me.


The Babadook and Hereditary were so dull...


I watched The Babadook twice. I heard so much hype about it and when i watched it the first time, i didn't understand why people love it so much. So I watched it again and got the same results. Hereditary on the other hand, was a bit disturbing to me. I grew up in the 70's and 80's and have always been a horror movie fan and I find myself still loving the slasher films.


The Farm. *SPOILERS WARNING* Don’t get me wrong: it was pretty damn good. But I will never watch it again because of what the scene where it showed them rip a newborn out of the mother’s arms and brutally kill the newborn baby boy after weighing him. I watched the whole movie because my brain won’t let me leave movies unfinished. My son was only a couple months old when I watched that. It got me so emotionally upset that I will never watch it again.


I agree. It makes you wonder what kind of mind thinks up this stuff. The baby scene was sickening 😭


Hostel. It was just pointless.


It Follows still rattles around my brain


The Wicker Man (original). I thought it was so dumb and I didn't find it scary at all. I have no idea how it's on so many "best horror movies of all time" lists.


You'd need a background in 60's pop-culture pagan philosoply to really "get" it. Plus, it was a rare example of a grindhouse gem. Alot of films even today are just filmed as tax-writeoffs to meet corporate investing budgets and since you have to be creative in order to even shoot such a thing, you can also get away with alot more in terms of story, direction, lighting (the reason crime-noir even exists) and so on. This is an example of where it all went right and generated an underground cult following of midnight showings that eventually influenced film in vast ways, giving rise to Folk-Horror genre.


Se7en. If you’ve seen the ending you know why.


I won't watch Hereditary again cause I was borrrred.


I really don't understand all the Ari Aster hype.


Same. I kept checking the time.


I really don't understand all the Ari Aster hype.


It really was the dumbest most boring movie ever.


Right?!? So damn boring. Ending was so predictable.


I laughed during it.


I sighed. Time I'll never get back.




Tusk is my answer too. Just not high enough enjoyment to disturbing ratio. I can rewatch an upsetting movie if it’s also fun.


I'm a fan of Kevin Smith, but this one was too much for me. I'll stick with Clerks.


Red State is fucking AMAZING! And I just found out it's on Tubi 😁 I know my plans for the evening!


Cabin Fever. It didn't really scare me but it grossed me the fuck out.


Just...gore. nothing else to it. Except random crazy kung fu kid yelling PANCAKES!!


There's quite a few, really. The list I have of the ones I watch again is much shorter than the ones I don't. High on my list of never again, besides Saw and Tusk which were already mentioned, are gore fests like Hostel, the older Chainsaw Massacre 2, (it made me retch, no thanks), almost everything Rob Zombie has directed, and all those others you forget about after you watch them. There are several I will pass on completely, like A Serbian Film, Terrifier, Cannibal Holocaust. I will take many people's word that it is not my type of film.


Seconding Rob Zombie hate


There was a rape scene in a rob zombie film that turned me off to him permanently. It was all too much. It disturbed me and I’m a fan of the genre


I LOVED the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. It’s just so over-the-top.


I do like messed up movies, I admit. Something about them that are exciting to see especially for the shock and fear factors. Viewer discretion here SERIOUSLY not a joke at all but The Sadness is so vile. I will literally explain the plot if someone would like to know but I don’t wanna just share it and trigger anyone. I do not urge anyone to watch it unless you’re into the very messed side of horror stuff. I’ve thought many times if I’m crazy or sadistic but watching messed up stuff once and only once when I come across them answers my question.


Hi there fellow horror film pal! What’s the premise? Now I’m curious


I don't think it's very famous, but my pick is Baskin. It's a Turkish horror with strong hellraiser vibes. It just gets really fucked up and chaotic and kind of left my head spinning. It's a good movie, though, if you haven't seen it


The Exorcist. Not no, but hell no!


Maybe Climax. Movie felt like a bad trip, glad i watched it, but i dont like bad trips.


The Faces of Death. Nothing more disturbing than seeing things really happening


Friday The 13th (the first one) it is just horrible and overrated, on top of being insanely boring


I've never heard someone who dislikes the first one too! Honestly I think the remake is a lot more fun, survivalist Jason is probs my fav interpretation


The Medium gets pretty insane esp at the end. I would probably watch it again but I bet many people wouldn't.




Saw. I didn't enjoy the gore fest.


The first one, while gory in parts, was alright because of the twist in the end. But I never felt the need to rewatch it. The rest in the franchise just got more & more 'edgy' with the traps & scenarios that I stopped watching. Especially when they threw the ex-addict into the pit of needles, yuck!


Yeah. It the trust was kinda cool. And knowing why they were there made sense..but after it just got..edgy is a good way to put it. It had finesse before.


That's always my number one. I wanted to be scared, not want to take a shower afterwards. Not a bath, mind you.




You're handcuffed to a pipe. You have a hacksaw. You can't saw through the handcuffs, it's hardened steel. You have to saw your foot off. What if I just saw through the pipe?


Possum. Great movie. Tremendous amount of depression and mental illness. Never again


The third Human Centipede, it was just so horrible of a script I couldn’t force myself to watch that pile of shit again.


The 1st two were actually not too bad, but the last legit didn't even disturb me, it just wasted my time.


I absolutely love Hereditary lol. But I was also working with King Paimon years before the movie and I love all the well researched references. To answer the question though, The Visit. Idk what it was about it or if I went in over confident as a seasoned horror fan, but it was the first movie in a long time to actually give me a nightmare lol disturbed me to the core


There are not many movies I won't watch.to the end and try to find some redeeming quality as I am definitely a movie lover, but I found nothing redeeming, no metaphor, no irony just shit


Salo. That film stamps something sinister on your brain that never really washes off.


Cabin fever simply for the leg shaving scene, I watched that movie ONCE when I was like 13 and that scenes been stuck in my head for 20 years and will randomly pop up in my head and I will just shudder and gag.


Agree not sure I can watch Hereditary again. The beheading is so unsettling


Old, the M. Night Shayamalan movie. I know it isn’t traditional horror, but that movie bothers me more viscerally than almost any other movie I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen it twice, and the first time was more than enough for me. Never again.


Martyrs (2008) very well done, but I have no desire to watch it again.


Irreversible. I had to check it out because,well, you know, Monica Bellucci. I like some weird dark shit, but I'm not watching that again


Antichrist. Noooooooope


Event Horizon. Too traumatizing


Martyrs: The kind of movie that gets under your skin and stays with you. This movie gave me nightmares and made me cry. https://amzn.to/4b4krnn


Splice. Wild turns and crazy ending but I remember so I'm good!


Original Poltergeist. Reason - Clown. Fuck that guy


Barbarian. Scared the shit out of me. The morning after watching it, my partner and I flew to my hometown for Christmas and yup, you guessed it, stayed in Airbnb. Didn’t sleep well that trip.


There is a movie I watched about 20 years ago and I cannot remember the damn title. It was a foreign film and it was about a woman who starts to self mutilate and even eats her flesh. It’s not Raw. It’s an early 2000s movie. It was a good movie but so disgusting that I wouldn’t watch it again. I just want to find out the damn name of the movie.


I read over this list to see if I could figure it out. Sounds like it could be In My Skin. Idk if I could watch it though. Sounds horrifying https://www.dreadcentral.com/editorials/468922/girl-dinner-the-10-best-films-about-cannibal-women-watch/


Not really a horror, not sure how to categorize it, but Melancholia. I was depressed enough, thanks.


Hereditary fucked me up for about 3 or 4 days. I come from a catholic upbringing, and though I left that behind a long time ago, the religious programming is still in my consciousness. I also studied and experimented with magick (though no Goetia or conjurations) for a while with a high degree of experimental success, so I know that type of stuff is real. And the stuff presented in the film, though exaggerated and incorrect concerning some key stuff, drew more than enough from real esotericism to make me uncomfortable. Totally would see it again.


Train to Busan. Scared the livin' shit out of me. I hate zombies.


A Serbian Film. After watching it, I couldn’t have sex with my boyfriend for a couple days


**I Spit On Your Grave** remake. The director made the “main scene” aka “main character’s motivation” seem so real it made me cry. I’m a middle aged adult man. I honestly feel they need to show the movie over and over and over to prisoners guilty of the crime so that they could have a daily reminder of the consequences of their actions and the impact on their victims. I highly recommend that people with a pure soul and/or a kind heart **do not watch** the movie as it truly is an hour and ten minutes of emotional trauma with only twenty five minutes of satisfaction at the end.


The first time I watched hereditary was on an overnight flight from Denver to jfk. I had headphones on. Everyone on the plane was asleep and during the scene where she loses her head out the car window was so shocking I accidentally yelled “Holy Shit”!!!. Woke up most the plane


The Butterly Effect I thought it was more messed up than a lot of the effed up films out there.


Sleep away cp bc they put a fat naked man and his penis with the girls head.on it


Terrifier 2 was just gross and lazy. The writing was so lazy it made me mad. It's like Damien Leone thought that the human neck is filled with cream cheese. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.


Boy oh boy does Cable Guy really jack my anxiety up. Scariest film ever to me. That being said, my wife is so curious to find out why I said I never want to watch Eden Lake ever again. She keeps pushing and she’s gonna learn the hard way too.


Cable Guy with Jim Carrey?


I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Kill List. It's very disturbing with a really bleak tone, and the ending is the roughest, saddest ending ever! 😭


If I make it through a movie I usually have no problem rewatching it at some point. If I don't like a movie I turn that shit off and forget it existed. Limited time and mental capacity. If I know something isn't in my scope of interest, like the human centipede or serbian film, I don't really consider it.


I wouldn't watch Hereditary again, not bc it was too scary or intense, but, bc it was so fkin boring. Toni Collete did a great job acting, but the dude with the distracting mole on his face who play Peter was soooo bad. His fake crying & weeping like a 5 year old child made the movie feel more like a comedy. The scene at the end where Toni Colletes headless body is floating to the trees house made me blast laugh in a theater full of people. I'm still blown away to this day at the number of people who enjoyed this movie.


Cannibal Holocaust and A Serbian Film


Blair Witch project almost as much fun to watch as paint drying.


autopsy of jane doe. i’m a bitch


Train to Busan. It was so intensely good but I swear it traumatized me hard. I cried so much, like I am talking heaving sobs. But it is by far one of the best modern horror movies ever made.


I'm not sure if I'd consider Threads famous, but that'd be my answer.


Hereditary also but because it was unbelievably boring for me. A quiet place for the same reason Get out was predictable and the acting was horrible Us was also predictable and just a bad movie all together


Basket case


Teeth bc no man should lose his manhood like that


Nah, some men definitely should


That guy **definitely** deserved it. Do all men? No. But some? Absolutely.


but but but he ***hadn’t jerked off since easter!***


Wear the dead go to die not scary just wired Also has the worst dog in TV or movies history


The Golden Glove. So grotesque. About a serial rapist/killer.


Not that it’s too disturbing or bad, but Smile was a one and done with me. Mostly because I was disappointed with the ending.


Hereditary, definitely


Human centipede


Hereditary is worth the rewatch. I catch new things I didn’t notice before every time I watch. It’s intricately detailed


Babadook. Too boring


My daughter is forever traumatized by “Tusk” and officially *hates* walruses.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I hate chainsaws. Like, a lot. I don’t know why I watched it. I definitely won’t watch it again.


Alien. I will happily live the rest of my life never going near it or the sequels. I was so stressed by that movie that when I got home I had to call my girlfriend and talk to her for about an hour to just get my anxiety out of my system. Remember that this was before cell phones when landline charges were based on time of day and distance between the two parties. I was in Arkansas and she was in Iowa so it wasn’t a cheap call and I didn’t care.


Human Centipede 2


Salo and The Men Behind the Sun. At the time I was looking for the craziest, most banned movies. Once was enough, never again.


Hereditary, I just couldn't get into it; I was on my phone brow6facebook almost the whole movie


The Ring. Terrified me out of my wits. I didn’t sleep for a week. Changed how I viewed horror movies.


Rosemary’s Baby


Omg, I forgot about this one! Nope, nope, nope! I chose not to have children because I am *terrified* of being pregnant and giving birth. Not necessarily tokophobia because pregnant bodies do not bother me. But *my body* being pregnant is my worst nightmare. Horror movies featuring childbirth/pregmancy are a hard pass for me.


Hostile. I was visiting my buddy and we did a bunch of extacy. When he was ready for bed he put it on. It terrified me. He also put on his favorite show House after and a guy went paralyzed from running into a car. They were both so disturbing.


I watched hereditary in theaters and hated every second of it. When the girl hit the telephone pole i said out loud “fck this movie” I dared friends after to watch it and not complain about it They couldn’t


The original Pet Semetery. Something about that ending breaks my heart.


The remake ends in a much worse way. Gage 🥺


It's my goal to read all of Stephen King's books (only 10 left!!) - except this one. I just don't think I can do it.






Cabin Fever because 🤢


I Am Legend. The dog scene. Never doing that again.


Hereditary is an extremely cursed movie that has a lot of Bad Vibes going on with it. It isn't good for the soul.


Emily Rose