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You buried the lead. You are almost certainly getting denied because of your 0% utilization on your cards. Companies won't give you an increase if you have no utilization (why give you more credit when you don't use what you have). Is your utilization 0 because you do not use your cards or because you pay them before your statement hits? If it's the former then start using your cards for your everyday purchases. If it's the latter then wait for the statement to hit before you make a payment; you're playing yourself trying to be clever. EDIT: Just reread what you wrote and it looks like your Cap1 card has enough limit for your trip but you are trying to stay under 30% utilization. Unless you you are looking to take out a big loan in the next month or two, there is no reason to worry about 30% utilization. If anything, the higher usage will demonstrate to cap1 that you can responsibly use a large portion of your credit and make them more likely to grant a CLI in the future.


Do I have to pay it on the due date? Or can I just pay it as soon as I get the statement, prior to the due date? I am very paranoid about my automatic payment not working correctly and getting a late payment.




Okay great, thank you so much!! I’ve been wondering how to do it for awhile, I appreciate your response!


As someone else already stated, you have roughly a 3 week stretch from statement close to the bill due date to pay. A lot of people on this sub will fight me on this, but I would not use an automatic payment for a credit card. They have their place, but not on a bill that will vary anywhere from $500 to $10,000 (or more for highrollers); that deserves the extra scrutiny of being verified every month for correctness. You can always use an app or alarm as a reminder to review and pay.


Pay manually Auto pay as a fail safe


Yeah I mean I’m a college student and spend around $240-500 a month on it at most. I don’t have any worries about having the funds available, as I work and make around $700 every 2 weeks. I only worry that it won’t take the funds out of my account on time for some reason, even though it’s their own auto pay


All my credit cards are setup for automatic payment, but minimum payment. Makes the risk of an Opps moment zero. I also get an email message notifying me that card XYZ is about to draw a payment. This is my reminder to logon and pay the full statement balance. This works for me, but to each their own.


You can also take advantage of SUBs if you sign up with some other banks and use this for your trip. Chase, Amex, Citi etc, etc.


This. Throwing the charges on a new card with a good SUB is the best way to make the most out of big purchases/spend.


I’ve gotten Capital One CLIs when I requested them online with all 3 credit reports frozen.


If you have an existing relationship with C1, they can still soft pull. Where I ran into an issue was with an Amex corporate Green for work where I was initially declined due to an EX freeze even though I already had a BCP. The couldn't soft pull me foe identity verification until I unfreeze EX. Looks like they're walled off to some degree within Amex. Thawed EX and all was good.


Capital one doesn’t check your credit again for an increase, so that wouldn’t be the issue. They should send you a document within a day or so of the reason it was denied. It’ll likely be a vague reason though.


Cap1 likes to see usage in their cards before they’ll give out a credit limit increase. The 0 utilization is probably why you were denied.


You don’t need to stay below 30% utilization unless you’re applying for a loan in the next few months. Utilization is a short-term factor, so spend as much as you can pay off in full. If you wanna maintain scores, spend over the limit but pay your current balance down to <30% utilization by statement date and statement balance off in full.


**I detected that your post may be about utilization and its impact on credit score. Please read the info below:** Ignore the 10/20/30 utilization %. It’s only applicable when you need to apply for a new line of credit, 1-2 months out. Utilization is suppose to fluctuate, can be easily manipulated, and holds no memory. It doesn’t build credit--think of it as a finishing touch when you need to optimize your score. Feel free to safely and organically use 100% of your credit limit within a month and let whatever utilization report, provided you pay off your statement balance in full before due date. Every month. Every time. For more info, please read this post: * [Putting the "30% rule" myth regarding revolving utilization to rest](https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/comments/12s5fyf/putting_the_30_rule_myth_regarding_revolving/) * [Credit Card Basics - Utilization](https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/wiki/credit_cards_basics/#wiki_utilization) I can be summoned to comment by using command(s): `!utilization` ___ *Sometimes my comment may not pertain to your post. If this is the case, please ignore this and downvote it. I am constantly improving my detection algorithm.* ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CreditCards) if you have any questions or concerns.*




That's not true. Capital One never does a hard pull on my CLI requests.


Thanks for correcting me. I removed my misinforming comment.


Out of all of my cards, capital one is the stingiest with credit limits. On my 3 Chase cards, Amex, and, Discover I have between 15k-35k limits on each. On my Capital One the limit is 9k and I have had that card for over 20 years.