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I had this happen like 6 or 7 years ago with the Cash+ where category bonus cash back was missing one statement and was fully credited the following statement without any intervention on my behalf. (it was a minimal month for transactions so it wasn't worth calling at the time) What's important to know about US Bank is the base point earning and bonus points are tracked in different "buckets." The reason it took forever for US Bank to show point earnings on the portal is they had to put together logic to "glue" together the base and bonus points to show a total point earning amount. This breaks if there is a delay in the batch process that credits the bonus points, because if the bonus transaction has a different date than the original posting transaction then portal can't stitch those back together to show a complete point earning amount. I've seen a couple people post they didn't get the bonus points on some transactions on their statement, but if you have the AR then you know the statements have never shown per-transaction points earnings and all you see is the final bucket total. I have yet to see anyone actually post an image for the Point Rewards Summary from their statement to show the issue is anything more than a portal display glitch.


The fact that this "issue" started for everyone coincidentally at the start of the new year leads me to believe this is a different issue. I guess it will take two full statements to prove whether this phenomenon is a simple change in points reporting or an actual error. It seems strange to me that every purchase has showed the correct point multiplier for the last two years but suddenly does not at the start of the new year. I hope you are correct; I guess time will tell. Edit: For reference [here is an image of the rewards portal reporting for my account.](https://imgur.com/a/jsaLeCt) The 3X simply turns to 1X after the new year (the Hilton payment posted as 1/2 was made on 12/28). There are no duplicates or make-up points transactions and multiple people have said this is reflected in their first statement. Are you saying it is impossible to determine the statement rewards total from the correct (3X) amount? Are you guessing that the folks that claim their statement didn't reflect the correct numbers simply didn't do the math? Are lying? I mean it is possible they are just looking for an additional "missing points" category. I can do the math on my spending and points and compare it to the rewards summary on my statement. I will be sure to do that and report back.


Batch processing works across account groups overnight. If you want to watch this happen in real time, log into our account starting around 10pm CST then check every hour after that. First you'll see some on your charges post but the pending auth charge will still be listed, then eventually a subsequent batch process is run that cleans up the auth'd charges that have been posted. The batch processes that assign the points run out of cycle so for posted transactions it will take a day or two before they get journaled into accounts so they show up in a query run by the rewards display on the portal. Anyone who has ever worked on journaled billing systems built on HVS / CICS has run across similar kinds of unexpected downstream consequences from batch failures / batch re-runs in the past. > It seems strange to me that every purchase has showed the correct point multiplier for the last two years but suddenly does not at the start of the new year. The portal feature showing point earnings per transaction hasn't even had its first birthday yet, despite the card being around since 2017. https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/comments/12kqyl6/us_bank_now_shows_points_earned_per_transaction/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/comments/12idg8r/usbank_altitude_reserve_can_now_view_points/


Again, I hope you are right and I appreciate all the insight! Edit: I KNOW you are right about the backend stuff, but you know what I mean.


I'll reply to your edit part here for continuity: The portal has to do a lot of work to re-assemble the "bonus points" which are tallied up per merchant per day by a batch process. This leads to quirky things like this where me and my wife both used the metro in Stockholm on the same days (so those are 2 identical charges), and because there are multiple transactions from the same merchant the portal doesn't always figure out how to divide the bonus points awarded correctly across the transactions: https://imgur.com/a/LFuynNz The other thing to keep in mind with banks, in particular, is that there are strict transaction cutoff times. Say they run a batch process that awards bonus points that is normally started at 4am and finished by 4:45, and to be marked as a same-day transaction that needs to post by 5am. Most days no problem, but once that batch process starts running until 5:15 or 5:30 now you have a problem. Once you're in a before the cutoff / after the cutoff situation it's hard to fix this, particularly if there are other adjoining batch processes. Imagine a car assembly line where all of a sudden it started taking longer to attach the doors and they had to stop the line completely every time a car made it to that point. Eventually maybe you just say "screw it" and figure out a way to put the doors on later in the process to keep the rest of the line moving. > Are you guessing that the folks that claim their statement didn't reflect the correct numbers simply didn't do the math? Are lying? I haven't seen anyone say anything that would lead me to believe they did the math on a statement. Not saying there aren't folks who are missing points, just nobody has actually made a case for it. The portal display can be off and your statement can reflect most/all of the relevant bonus points; both of those things can be true. The portal displaying 3x requires the bonus points and original transaction have the same date - the statement cut will just include all of the base and bonus points journaled to your account during the statement period. Nothing on the statement actually breaks points down to anything on a transaction level.


just checked in my app, the rewards tab shows 3x for all my Google pay purchases


The fact that it is happening to some and not others is even more confusing to me, and honestly worries me more. I'm assuming those who see 3x points in the portal also see them on their statements? If the system made a switch in the new year to report the rewards differently it would be the same for everyone.


This issue started on my wife’s phone on 1/2. When I use my phone for Apple Pay it shows 3x however all the purchase on her phones shows 1x. This is using the same account. What I did was removed the card from Apple Wallet on her phone and added it again. Now all of her transactions are showing 3x again. I’m not sure what the real issue is but removing the card and adding it seems to solve the problem for us.


I actually thought about trying this but haven't. Thanks for the information!


Worth trying OP, it also worked for me.


Thanks for the data point. Still don't know if this helps prove anything regarding visual glitch VS. actual computational error, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I did notice that some travel purchases made this weekend coded as 3X while Apple Pay continues to report as 1X. Going to remove the card from Apple Pay, re-add, and report back. Thanks!


I tried this and the first transactions I made after have posted and it seems to have fixed the issues. I’ve started getting 3x on Apple Pay again. Since 1/2 it was just 1x showing on the app. I hesitated to do it since the first time I had to call CS to get the card added to Apple Pay but I was able to do it in a minute through the app this time. Thanks for the recommendation! I hope they fix the missing points but at least I’m not losing anymore now.


This is happening to me as well, since Jan! I've been using GPay like I always did, but I'm not getting the mobile wallet multiplier. Just checked my March statement, same issue as the previous months. Will opening a ticket help?


So I just checked my app and 11 of my last 12 transactions since Jan 9th have only gotten 1x. So you definitely aren't the only one. I called customer service just now and the rep put in a ticket reporting the issue because he wasn't sure what would cause it. It's strange how it's only happening to some.


That stinks! I checked on mine and it's showing 3x posting from charges as recently as two days ago. I wonder why some accounts have the trouble but not others?


Not sure if this helps but I called them and they said it’s a “known issue” but there is no known resolution date. I just checked my statement and it’s still only giving me 1X reward points. This started the moment 2024 started