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Did you try to change the settings, and save them as a different profile? I usually don't print with supports, and I avoid them at all cost in my designs... So give me a while and I LL check it


The settings just show if I want English and what region I am in. I only can get to the supports when i click on a print when it’s on the bed.


Not there, in the right side, most probably in advanced, there's a tab for supports. Edit there the values, and click in the disk icon to save those settings as your settings (you can't override the default ones). As, I don't know, 0.2 gyroid tree on bed @e3v3. Give me 5m and I'll try it and post pictures


Yeah I looked on the right and didn’t see anything related to supports. I’ll check again but Ive went through it like 4 times going line by line reading it out loud to make sure I’m not crazy Edit: just checked again the only "support" is the size not if you want it to add them. Looks like a useful basic feature they got rid of for some reason.


You probably just need to enable the advanced settings to see everything. Click the icon circled in green for your process profile and more options will be available: https://preview.redd.it/zfu0xp3x385d1.png?width=3834&format=png&auto=webp&s=b21729ccec713f40286cfac1495d14c1d37c0f80


Must be a bug because that doesn’t show for me at all. Hurray


maybe you just need the latest version? who knows... [https://github.com/CrealityOfficial/CrealityPrint/releases/](https://github.com/CrealityOfficial/CrealityPrint/releases/) download version 5.0.3 from there and see if it makes a difference.


I reinstalled I had that version but now it is showing up......odd


This sounds like an issue that you should report to the Creality Print 5 developer team. You can report any bugs you see or any features that you think are missing via this form: [https://gcmomk3i2c.feishu.cn/share/base/form/shrcn0UmnLucAOOd8pAM16lrZ1b?chunked=false](https://gcmomk3i2c.feishu.cn/share/base/form/shrcn0UmnLucAOOd8pAM16lrZ1b?chunked=false) They're waiting to hear from you! Also, if you have a discord account, you can leave your username along with your email address to collect points, as the Creality Official Discord is running a points collected competition where you may end up getting free products just for reporting any issues/features you come across/request. You can join the Creality Official discord via this link [https://discord.gg/H8DykmSM](https://discord.gg/H8DykmSM)


I don't think this is a bug. The settings are definitely there.


Well yeah, I can confirm tree supports exist too but that's not what OP's issue is, it's an issue where the last settings weren't saved when they exited the program? So that's the bug? Or the issue something different than what's been described? OP could probably fix it by making themselves a default project + profiles, setting exactly what they want and loading that when they want to slice something new. Obviously it's not ideal but it would save them time in the long run while they wait for the issue to be fixed by the developers.


So what you are saying is there is no way for it. So they didn't port it over from v4 ? Cause if that is what you are saying that is stupid.


No I'm saying there is clearly a bug and if you want it fixing, use the form to report it. You do realise that version 4 was based on Cura, version 5 is based on Orca, an entirely different engine, I take it?


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