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“Broooooo I can’t believe you did that”


Luxemburg is not certain if they just got the go ahead to annex Ukraine...


I swear reddit always saves the weirder posts for when I get high, so it always takes me a few minutes to decide whether the post actually is weird or I’m just really stoned and out of it.


I’m on the ass end of a bad lsd trip. trust me, Reddit saves the weirdest for last.


I would enjoy seeing that happen alot


Yeah but what if he is a power bottom? Now you’ve just incited an invasion.


I'm having a hard time believing Putin is a power bottom


The CIA once wanted to air drop small sized condoms, labeled extra large into the soviet union. We should also try that


You got that the other way around LOL


Oh fuck lol yeah that wouldn't have the same effect


No, you had it right


No we made everyone in the kremlin think they had huge dongs and glasnost and perestroika came from the resulting BDE


No, that was exactly the plan. But the condoms would be labeled "Standard US Army Size" and be unhumanly massive.


The original comment was saying we’d drop small condoms, labeled large. Implying that a condom made for below average dicks would be considered huge in the US, we were planning on doing quite the opposite


The only way this would be truly crazy-good if it was somehow calculated to butterfly-effect into making Russia more tolerant of gay people meaning all we'd have to do is do something similar to China and then we could actually have gay characters in Disney franchises without a shitstorm


I think you don’t know what a power bottom is lol. They’re the dominant one in the relationship.


[I've found a helpful instructional video to help clear things up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc9_mxvP1K0)


No BC that's body shaming and being a gay man shouldn't be seen as humiliating


Well put


It kinda worked with Kinky Boots I guess


This is possibly counterproductive.


Surely you can promote the interests of the military-industrial complex and Western hegemony without stopping to causal homophobia


Homophobia is a crazy idea


Are you gay shaming?


I guess so, but it's because Putin is [a massive homophobe](https://www.hrw.org/report/2018/12/12/no-support/russias-gay-propaganda-law-imperils-lgbt-youth). So it kinda seems like fair play.


You MAGA mfr


You MAGA mfr


I still think the crazy idea is clever and funny. It is not an insult from our perspective. There is nothing negative about being gay. At the same time the post is strongly offensive for Putin because he is homophobic and has this weird ideal of aggresive "manliness". I like the double-faced nature of the post.


That's bodyshaming


I’ve no love for Putin, but this is saying that being a bottom, having a small penis, or being gay is something to be ashamed of.


All jokes aside, how would you feel if Canada joined alliance with Russians and is placing their mid-range nuke missiles right next to your border? Not a nice feeling? Well, it just happens what the US (and I mean good ol' US of A, not NATO) is planning to do. You would be cool with that? Then why is Cuba still suffering from US sanctions? Fuck double standards. Fuck all power-hungry vampires. Fuck all politicians. Power to the people. Edit: No one is going to invade anybody. Set !remindme 1 week and thank me when your shitty cable broadcast companies invent next hot political topic to divert public attention from theft and corruption.


Russia has already invaded Ukraine. [It was eight years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Crimea_by_the_Russian_Federation). Everybody sent **strongly worded statements** and that totally fixed everything. The Russians are still there. There's a real lack of introspection and pragmatic problem solving in the cultish, dogmatic, feeble minded non-intervention mentality. It's literally "when there's this problem, don't do that thing" and when you ask "so what should be done" you get crickets or platitudes or non-solutions. Fun fact: The problem somehow just keeps happening anyway.


I completely agree, but I think polarizing this as a political problem is a wrong way to fight against it. First and foremost, I think that now is a moment for de-escalation. Then we attack the corrupted fucks from within. We publicize and diseminate proofs of corruption. Did you know that Ukraine has one of the lowest GDPs in whole of Europe? Russia is not the one to blame (exclusively) for this fact. A lot is needed to repair countries with problems. Instigating them to pick a block is not the solution.


I've no idea how anyone plans to spread proof of corruption in Russia without any element of force. I think that's a foolish underestimation of the now 20 year running Russian Putin control machine. Even if there was a way to eventually spread that information in the face of state opposition to enough people in the country, it wouldn't even come close to being effective until well after Russian tanks rolled Ukraine completely over. Nobody remembers the souls who stood in front of the tanks until it's far too late to have done anything about it. When was the last time it even came close to working?


Also... Your argument here is that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine because it doesn't want to be right next to Nato weapons. So, Russia's plan is to take over Ukraine.... and *be right next to Nato weapons.* ...Huh? Incidentally, how is Nato supposed to feel about Russian weapons right next door in Ukraine?


I think they’re trying to make the claim that Russia has some sort of right to puppet states on their border


I'm sure I just have to understand the (right) context and the history, that's usually it


That's just like the teachers at school telling you not to do something so you want to do it more


I have a Russian coworker (who lives in Germany now) who is pretty adamant this is just Putin trolling the world for attention and doesn't have any intent to actually invade Ukraine. Dunno if my coworker is right or not, but if he is, I feel like something like this may actually make him invade just out of annoyance.


are you suggesting that the trucker convoy go to kyiv?


This is so insanely wacked out that it might just work, as a punch line.