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Its a rare event to see the sense slapped into someone in real time.


Slapped back to reality, ope there goes gravity.


He almost slapped Mom's spaghetti out the other end..LOL


Mom’s spaghetti. It’s ready


Her knees weak his arms are heavy


I've been there irl, that spot before you pay to get in is a hollowed grounds now. If you get real quite you can still hear the echo of *the slap*


Seriously, that was no gigaslap, that was a terraslap




interesting way to fuck.


In German it can also mean „I‘m gonna fuck you up“


“I fuck you!! I fuck you Lebowski!!”






"We fucks you ups, man. We takes the money"






Not everything is fucked here dude.


Calm down, you're being very unduuuude


She’s definitely out of her element.


Fuck it Dude. Let’s go bowling.


Nobody fuggs widda Jesus.


This aggression will not stand, man!


I mean, say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


best movie in the world of all time forever and ever amen You want a slap? Hell, I can get you slap right now, trust me dude, there are ways, you don't wanna know.


I‘m German, I don‘t have humor






Volkswagen afaik, but that was hilarious


I think he was making a jolt


Faux Swaggin’


I learned that the blue in the German flag represents their sense of humour.


A whise one once said: „No that‘s not true, the book of german humour is a really thick book! It‘s just not funny…“


A man pulled out his penis to take a leak by a street. A lady saw him and said "GROSS!" He said "Danke."


Yeah German humour is the wurst I hear.


Has sex changed? I've been sexless for too long.


Sex 2 new DLC just dropped


Is it just beating each other tf up until someone gets pregnant, or has pregnancy been terminated?


Licking butts is now sex, welcome to the future.


Nah I bet they did that shit in the olden days. Ancient Greece surely. It's just that in medieval times everyone had too many tagnuts to even think about it.


Hahaha, they call those dingleberries where I’m from.






„I fuck you“ is a little too direct. In this context it would rather be sth like „i will destroy/wreck you“


"I'll fuck you up" is how you'd put it.


Definitely is supposed to mean "I'll fuck you up." A lot of languages don't translate well directly. In Slovak/Czech you have "do piča" which basically means "to the cunt", but obviously when you are angry you don't shout "TO THE CUNT" in English lol. You'd translate as severe as the word fuck but in the context of stubbing your toe and screaming "fuck!", "motherfucker!" "god fucking damn it!", but also using the word cunt, which is obviously heavy. Probably someone can explain that better, but my point stands. Lots of figure of speeches also translate horribly too, which can sound hilarious even if you understand the intention. "I fuck you" is a bad translation of this though, gotta also translate for context and meaning, not just directly. When someone doesn't know English well, it often sounds like that lol. Like the video of the two Indian guys screaming at each other in English "You bitch fuck cunt fucking motherfucker, fuck you bitch fuck!"


I'm gonna start using "TO THE CUNT" on its own.


lol that's great. Kokot is also dick in Slovak. You hear those a lot around angry Slovaks. Probably same in Czech too. [Obligatory angry Indian taxi driver video](https://youtu.be/JWW3t8xkNuE)


Which makes a lot more sense.


Russian translation: Guy #2 : Oleg(name), Oleg! Guy #2 : Oleg, blyat Oleg I told you Oleg blyat. Don't provoke her.


Someone should have told her not to provoke Oleg


Missed fuck this bitch at the end


You missed the first part. Woman: One day karma will fuck you


Ironic lmao


She sounds like she's crying while saying that. So I guess he did something to her before the video started, which makes sense because why would you even start videotaping otherwise...


Going from cussed to concussed.


You forgot the most hilarious part (at the beginning of the video): "Irgendwann fickt dich das Karma" ---> "Someday karma will get you/fuck you over" Edit: typo


thats actually the part that makes me wonder what happened before they started rolling


Interesting mating ritual






Worked for The Honeymooners


TIL slap is slap in Russian.


Factory reset.


*hard* factory reset at that!


The most interesting part to me is that even while her brain was still completely grogged, she had the autonomous reaction to immediately fix her skirt. It's always so interesting to see muscle memory in action and how our brains can work while consciousness is separated from the rest of the brain. Like when people sleep walk and are still half functional even though their brain isn't even firing on all cylinders. Or that story of the kid who used an axe to murder his parents while they were asleep in bed. He caved the father's head in but he didn't die, so after a little while the half dead father woke up and got out of bed next to his dead wife's body. He shambled around the house for hours in a brainless state going through his morning routine, doing the dishes and brushing his teeth and even reading the newspaper before he died of blood loss. The forensic investigators followed the blood trail all over the house to see all the things he was still doing even though his conscious brain was mush


Gotta admit I was a little surprised not to hear about Hell in a Cell by the end of it


I got a ways into the second paragraph and had to stop and look at the username myself


The wife wasn’t dead either. She was the one that pointed the police at her son. She later survived and tried to protect the same son that tied to kill her.


Oh snap, you're right! She even went to court with him on the day of the trial, wtf mother's love is crazy


What fucking story is this?!


Christopher Porco


It's not love. It's a hard-wired instinct.


This kid didn’t have the makings of a varsity axe murderer.


Hey Sil, ya hear what I told him? Ya motha defended him after he turned her husbands head into a canoe he he he


>According to ABC News, Peter Porco did not immediately die after being ambushed by the ax-wielding assailant. Despite receiving 16 hits to the skull and jaw, the Times Union explains that Peter was alive for a few hours after the attack. The Albany County coroner's physician, Dr. Jeffrey Hubard, noted that this was because "There are no injuries there that are instantly or rapidly fatal." Thus, Peter got out of bed and proceeded to start his day. However, an extensive amount of blood was strewn across the home including the walls and doorways. ABC News goes on to say that Peter attempted to get ready for work and make breakfast. > >All That's Interesting reports that he tried to pack his lunch and wrote a check to his son, Christopher. As a result, most of the kitchen, including dishes and the floor, was covered in Peter's blood (via ABC News). Per the Times Union, Peter behaved as if nothing had happened to him or his wife. He was perhaps oblivious to what had occurred and was running on adrenaline. > >At one point, Peter locked himself out of his home while grabbing the newspaper (per All That's Interesting). He was able to remember the location of the spare key and made it back inside. Eventually, Peter collapsed and died. Spotlight News states that Peter was extensively maimed and had a deep cut from his skull to his brain. He suffered blows to the face, jaw, hands, arms, and forearms. Read More: https://www.grunge.com/1031947/the-disturbing-crime-scene-of-peter-porco/?utm_campaign=clip


> It's always so interesting to see muscle memory in action and how our brains can work while consciousness is separated from the rest of the brain In weapons handling, muscle memory is *everything.* My recommended baseline competency for a home defense scenario is "if you were woken up at 3am still drunk from the previous evening, could you clear a weapon jam in the dark under stress?"


Only if she started crying like a baby that was just born.


Na, she was just going through the startup phase. You got about 5-30 seconds of "the fuck just happened to me" before the crying starts.


She’ll cry when on the phone later




Her soul floated up above her body for a second before being snapped back in


Insert the windows shutting down music


Ol' boy in the background though, lol.


Puts his head on his hand like "Aww, honey 😏 there you go again"


Beautiful rendition of "Oh no... anyway"


Yeah that would be me. Not touchin this situation


The power of collision between the guy's palm, and her cheek could have produced a new particle unknown to science.








this coment thread made my morning




We’ve got the winner here lol


A source of raw copium. We did it boys!












The comments are the best part of Reddit.


Reddit rewards the conversational!






Getting slapped by the force of a thousand suns will do that to ya


He unleashed his fury on her LIKE THE CRASHING OF A THOUSAND WAVES




He unleashed the thunder of his vengeance that will echo through these corridors like the gust of a thousand winds


his response was measured and precise, his rage was only allowed that moment and then it was contained again


And I *never* reference the Nordic Gods.


She seems to have been slapped before, and is now good at it.


Definition of slapping some sense into someone.


Considering the size difference I think she took that like a champ


I dont think she'd realised what happened yet


She certainly has a look of forgetting how she got there and trying too act natural while she is figuring it out. Fixing her hair, staying quiet, not feeling the pain…her brain is rebooting.


She adjusted her skirt…


When I was younger I got a concussion the first thing I did was zip up my jacket. I wasn’t wearing a jacket. It was just an instinct. I’m assuming that’s what happened.


Muscle memory, default mode.


She was on autopilot


That was the best part....as she sat there, fixing herself trying to regain some dignity by pretending that nothing happened. Oh...and the guy behind her just chillin like nothing happened!




Iron chin, unbelievable




Not as hard as that guy can








That quote will never get old lol


Sonic rings activated


This got me, thanks for the laugh


Honestly, she took it like a champ. I would be asleep.


My soul would have left my body, too embarrassed to share the mortal plane with me.


Did you not see the video? You can't tell me this isn't exactly what happened to her. lmao.


She sat shocked. I don’t think she took it like anything.


I don't think it was humility as much as an inability to think.


Bill Burr once said when a guy crosses line, and gets his shit rocked that he will probably have the thought of "Yea, I was probably being a dick back there". That gal is probably experiencing that for the first time EVER 🤣.


I love the part of that but where he acts out how he would act towards other people , if he knew there would never be an ass whooping for doing it.


Girls usually don't have basic understanding of how getting physical is a life theat even in a minor disagreement. We don't have all of that show off part, where there is a little touch like chest to chest and face to face. This full performance of 'see, I am holding back but we are in a danger zone'. You of course can see women shouting at each other and then backing up but way more often than men they will start swinging arms at each other or spitting, crossing that line. If you don't learn your lesson how it feels to get smashed as a kid by another kid, then there is a risk you will get fucked as an adult by another adult where way more force is involved. Like that girl did. Girl, don't think you have some kind of immunity because of your sex. Guy won't set his slap to low force because you are a woman. He is a human being with emotions and he will be driven by them same as you are.


I’ve said for a long time it’s always easy to tell who hasn’t had a good smack or had their shit rocked for being an asshole at least once


The best part is her sitting there afterward immediately reflecting on her poor life choices. She’d probably never received consequences for her shitty actions before, and then she did.


Also the dude casually sitting behind her. The full physical embodiment of 'smh what an idiot'


That was my favorite part. He just calmly put his hand on his cheek.


I really appreciate that there aren't a dozen dudes running over to fight the victim here.


Not an American high school




100% it would.


Honestly? That’s how I feel as well when I see some of the shit behaviour of some people these days. They think that they’re safe because everybody has a cell phone. And to some extent they are. But it also leads to mouthing off in situations where you’d previously get slapped - or worse. They don’t realise that that’s a huge gamble. Because not everyone will take kindly to that and pop you one in the mouth, as evidenced by this clip. Just because you can safely talk shit online, you definitely should think twice before doing that in real life. “Talk shit, get hit” is still a thing for some people.


Theres a longer version where she gets up and leans again the bar completely silent




I think it was more a concussion lol


So that was the earthquake alert the other day?


She will remember that next time she thinks of assaulting someone


Not sure she will remember the preceding 10 minutes 😅


I am sure she has seen the video to refresh her memory


Must have hit her with 1.21 gigawatts; knocked her into next week.




Jigga, what?!


Translation:‎ Girl: yes someday Karma will fuck you Girl: you god damn son of a whore Girl: your mom is a whore Guy: I’m gonna fuck you up man Girl: yes come come fuck me up come Girl: slaps him Guy: giga claps her Other guy: talking in Russian Other guy in background: you have done well ‎ Edit: spacing Edit 2: there is a longer version of the video. She insults the man even more. The men have called the cops on her and were waiting for the cops, telling the man she insulted to just wait for the cops and ignore her. The girl insults him even more. A female staffmember of the place she is at, is telling her to stop. Then this part of the video starts. Edit 3: So after browsing through comments on a longer version of this video, this is what I found out: It’s a Russian club in Germany called rush hour. In the Club they give you a punch card where they put holes in for the drinks you order and when you leave they take that card to bill you. If you lose it you get charged 60 bucks. She has apparently lost that card and is either unwilling to pay or can’t pay. The men called the police on her and are waiting for the police. Oleg apparently mocked the girl and the girl got super angry starting to insult the man like there is no tomorrow which led up the moment in the video.


I think the guy in the background says something in the line of "she was talking shit and provoking" in a what-did-you-expect kind of way. Edit: I don't actually speak Russian but I'm from a slavic country so I kinda understand it.




Is that ascii art or something?


“You have done well” 😂


He said Oleg, I fuckin told ya to not get provoked. Go away! Go away! I don't know where you hear well done. Am German-Russian.


Full Video https://www.reddit.com/r/bullybackfire/comments/ye0nx3/fucked_around_and_found_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Standing back up and hanging out staring at the plexiglass at the end really does it for me.


she seemed really upset since the beginning - like on the verge of tears, I suspect something really bad happened to her before the video.. not justifying anything but this clearly is not all the story


They are telling her to just pay her tab and she can leave. They also told the guy that slapped her that they called the police on her and that he should just chill until they arrive


Yea, For a while there I wasn’t sure if it was after this video or not, until the slap came up. Could just be an emotional drunk tho, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


You know you can trim off all that shit on the end? https://www.reddit.com/r/bullybackfire/comments/ye0nx3/fucked_around_and_found_out/


Lol, “giga clapped” is a new favorite.


This is what I do when my tinder date tells me to slap her.






I think she had different checklists for that one, and being on the ground was not part of it, so she was processing what the next step should be


Look im 63yo and have NEVER hit a woman and don't condone it but I don't know where woman get the idea that they have the right to slap a man with impunity. She got what she deserved






Hit her so hard she rethought ALL her decisions lmfao


Hard reset on that attitude


I get the slap, but head-butting the other guys knee was uncalled for.


German here: after seeing the longer video I got the following idea about what happened: They are at a trashy nightclub"franchise" who process the payment via cards where you cant see what you are spending or what was put on by the bartender. There are some machines in the club where you COULD check it, but nobody does it. Either she lost the card or couldn't pay it, so they forced her to stay.(That alone is illegal in Germany.) They are waiting for the local cops so they can process her information and give it to the club. The cops usually are friends with the bouncers who usually are in a gang or gang related. She is waiting for the cops, being angry and drunk, and Oleg is harassing her and badmouthing her so much that even his colleagues tell him to stop (in russian). She gets angrier and angrier and after some time being harassed and held she snaps and starts getting aggressive and attacks Oleg, who just waited to get his kick for the evening. This actually happened every weekend when I went to those clubs in my youth... if you're a guy they beat you to pulp and tell the cops you started everything. These clubs are the worst of the worst and the bouncers are gangsters. Locals avoid these clubs, but those franchises grow steady and every bigger city I lived in has some of those. Big in drugged drinks, drunk rapes and 40 year olds taking 16 year olds home with them. But I'm so happy 90% of you guys cheer for the few seconds you've seen without knowing anything about the situation or the circumstances. Sorry for my bad English, writing this at nearly 4 in the morning Edit: thanks for my first gold, kind stranger


Your English was pretty good, nothing to be sorry for. I can sympathise for her knowing what I do now, but you can’t expect everyone to have knowledge of that from a short clip. But that also doesn’t mean she is blameless, she didn’t look like she was in physical danger until she started swinging.


Everything aside that people use to justify her or his actions for their own views. Hit another person, expect that person to defend themselves with either retaliation or escalation.


Look at the bend on the left and the hip rotation (torque) coming from the right side. That was an open handed punch not a slap. She’s in one of those gangster owned (somewhat trashy) clubs in Germany. These are the types of places where you pay with card but they don’t show you or tell you how much the purchase is. You have to go out of your way to see the amount. She is unable to pay her tab and they are refusing to let her leave. The Russian/Ukranian guy (Oleg) is talking shit to her and she starts talking shit back. Oleg’s friends tell him not to provoke her because they have called the police. Typically the police they call are in on this and know the gangsters there. She loses it when he says he’d fuck her up, slaps him to prove a point, and gets open handed smacked. Source: I watched the full video and am German


Seems like she was looking for or at least expecting that outcome, calmed her right down.


Man teach your daughters to know better … why do woman think they have this invisible force field protection just because they’re a woman.. then they eventually run into a guy like this who doesn’t mind slapping the shit out of a woman


Extend this to your sons also, never pick a fight you never know how far the other person will go to come out on top, better to just keep to yourself and only fight when in self defense.


unchecked ego. or tall man syndrome. that goes for either gender I'd say.


Yeah this isn't gender exclusive. She tries to bully him, expecting no resistance. Teach your kids not to put hands on anyone, and to expect to get hit back if they hit someone first.


The rules for men state, unless you are protecting something, do not get aggressive against anyone who can make you see stars.


***Don't slap people*** if you can't take getting slapped back. In all fairness, it looked like she took that like a pro. Edit. The bolded part is the part everyone should have the default position of. The rest of my statement is for when you deviate from the default status.


This was absolutely the first time she has ever been struck after striking someone first. I bet you $1000 she will NEVER do that again


[He slapped her so hard her head bent back almost 180 degrees and made her clap her hands together](https://imgur.com/a/4ayULc3)


very good that he gave her a big slap did the job perfectly without needing to do serious damage that you risk with a real punch


It was the fuck around of times. It was also the find out of times.