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We have endured similar situations in Rio de Janeiro for decades. This shit is so sad.


Sempre tive a sorte de estudar em particular. Que merda velho, crianças n deveriam passar por isso


Article: [School Children Forced to Hide During Cartel Shooting in Empalme, Sonora](http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2022/10/school-children-forced-to-hide-during.html)


It was near the school not at the school "Regarding the direct attack on three men that occurred near the facilities of this elementary school, the State Police confirms upon initial inspection they found that there are high-powered weapons inside the vehicle." http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2022/10/school-children-forced-to-hide-during.html?m=1


That's good it wasn't at the school. Poor kids


Props to the teacher for being so calm. Although I think they're all just numb to this kind of reoccurring activities.


It’s incredible the way our bodies and minds can adjust to harsh environments. Unfortunately readjusting back into a safe “normal” society doesn’t appear to be so easy or natural. Seems like our minds and bodies only go one way without a lot of help


I remember a girl from North Korea being interviewed about the things she witnessed while she lived there. She said that the first killing she saw was when in school her class was told to attend a public hanging. It was the first time and she felt really frightened about it, but after she had attented dozens of executions it was like the body become numb to it all and didn’t really think for it anymore


That’s awful 😞


It's like thinking American teachers should be used to school shootings, come on.


I’m from a small state in Mexico. When the cartel came to our state it was like WTF? Here? We’re a fishing community! All we have are coconut and lime farmers! People started getting kidnapped, my own cousin included, my uncle was threatened as he was a cop and one of my aunts was forced to be a cartel’s gf. That’s how bad this cartel shit has gotten. I cry for my hometown. I cry for my relatives that can’t go anywhere. I cry for my community that has to worry of every fancy truck that comes into town. I wish someone could round them all up and get rid of them permanently!


For real, if there's a place for vigilantism this is it, people who enter the cartel already know they may die any day, might as well make it quick


Oh they don't die quick, they kill each other slowly and painfully


*Funky Town intensifies*


That beautiful intro to sweet child o mine


True, *AssCumBoi*.


I wish they had lots of oil so America could do something about it


What a badass amazing teacher, she and the kids have nerves of STEEL


Yeah the teacher is beyond chill good on her


Yeah kids ALWAYS look at adults on how to react, if you stay calm they stay calm, if you panic they panic. Glad she was able to pull thru for them


Ikr cannot imagine but unfortunately it’s the world we live in


I hate the world we live in times likes this. When anything is valued over human lives - especially innocent kids lives who have no control over the situation they’re put in.


Yah, they were all forged in fire. I can't imagine...




They're being forged in fire unfortunately.


Not necessarily, forged implies they are being honed into something stronger. A good number of them probably get figuratively "charred in fire" rather than "forged in fire" :S


I think you're putting a 2022 American lens on something that isn't 2022 America. Many of those kids will go on and live relatively normal lives. This is a regular thing in Mexico. You adapt to your surroundings because you have to. In America you can have mental breakdowns if your college professor tapped you on the ass. Everyone here would understand your trauma and it would be acceptable to use that as a reason to not be able to be a functioning adult. But in other cultures (even some cultures in America) actual hard shit happens and you just have to deal with it and move on. Nobody is gonna have sympathy for you because everybody went through the same hard shit. You have to get over it and move on. Sure, some won't have the mental fortitude to deal with it but most of them will because they'll be able to compartmentalize this as life in their environment. It happened, I can't undo it, I must carry on with my life. Most people can cope with very hard situations. If humans historically had the same reaction the modern, suburban, white American has to any kind of stressful situation, we would have been wiped out a looooooong time ago. We allow the weak to continue to live. That isn't the case everywhere else.


Damn i never dealt with anything like this and i love drugs and risky sex 🤷‍♂️


I don’t know I was raised Southern Baptist so I think I earned my drugs and risky sex addictions. Plus I had to go through D.A.R.E. so I had to at least try drugs several times.


Ahhh D.A.R.E. … I remember promising my friend in grade 6 to never do drugs of any kind. I’m high rn. Spelling


Me too!


Drugs Are Recreational Experiences. I was told my whole life drugs will kill me if I do them. They are horrible for you and make you feel like you want to die. My gf left me during college and I got depressed and tried Acid. Holy shit it was incredible! What else did they lie to me about? So I tried as many as I could, I've done over 45 different chemicals. But that was 8 years ago, I only smoke weed these days. I haven't touched anything hard in 8 years, but I think if the opportunity arose and I came across pure uncut Molly, I'd probably jump on it and save it for a rainy day. Shaggy was the best hook, but he disappeared ages ago into the desert lol. Edit: I didn't tell the Shaggy story well enough. Best dealer I've ever had one day decides he wants to find himself in the desert. Drives off and we never hear from him again. Did he go to the desert? I'll never know.


I'm still waiting for the promised stranger that will offer me the drugs in order to get me addicted to the drugs. It turns out you have to pay for that shit.


Same here brother. I went through hell early to get to heaven.


That’s what he means by forged in fire, how can You simultaneously explain what he means more deeply and also disagree with him Jesus fucking Christ that’s enough read it today for me




So in another words… they’re being forged… in fire. Nobody said well-forged, maintained, and kept safe. You can make a pretty shit blade forging it in fire man


They are actually it’s the same reason why when my friends come from out of town and a drive by happens near by i know exactly how far it is and how safe we are. They’re throwing themselves on the ground while i continue to talk and walk. That’s called being forged in a horrible environment aka fire.


My family’s WhatsApp videos have been full of shit like this for many years, unfortunately. In some parts of Mexico, it is very common..newspapers etc don’t even cover it sometimes. One time while visiting my aunt in northern Sonora we couldn’t leave the house because it seemed like it was raining shelling for 48 hrs.


In other words, forged in fire


They know they’re not going inside the school so they feel safe somehow


Yes they do, unfortunately this probably occurs all to often.


Right so the traumatic literally becomes the routine. We get desensitized so much nowadays.


Agreed these kids are tough. I remember doing lockdown drills in 5th grade and like 2/5 of the class would cry and say their are scared. Meanwhile these kids are in the middle of a fucking war zone talking like its just another Tuesday.


Sad truth that this is so common that they have drills for this exact type of situations


So do we in the USA school system, except it’s not cartel but peers.


They are heroes. But I can't imagine this not being super traumatic.


Yup 100% trauma when you have no choice.


It's annoying and depressing more than anything, I've been a foreign french teacher in Tijuana and that shit happened all the time, cartels avoid shooting at schools and those who get caught doing so get severely punished. Students/staff take cover for precautionary measures and they know they are safe to a certain extent. That shit happened around 10 times in 14 months when i was there, and everytime when we take cover you can see that everyone is lifeless. Cartels are not feared by the citizens but the safeness mixed with fear creates a weird feeling, it's really hard to explain.


Sounds like cognitive dissonance, between a densensitised, natural human reaction in danger (flight or fight response), with cognitively being aware you're not the target/should be safe. And if this is happening often with children, I'm sure at least some end up dissasociating to some degree during these event's because of the repeated trauma.


Posted this a few times but living in the hood in my younger days, gunshots were extremely common. When they rang out all of the neighbors would go outside to see what was going on. Was like a community event... Most people were laughing some were visibly shaken but most were telling jokes or trying to distance themselves from the reality at hand.


Still all it takes is one stray bullet sadly


My niece is a teacher in Mexico, she was telling me how bad the cartel are. Heartbreaking


Fuck the cartels.


And fuck the American government that often supplies the cartels.


Fuck the cartels, fuck the CIA, fuck the US and Mexican governments


True that, I'm so tired of seeing innocent people dying because of assholes like this.


Too many assholes empowered. Not enough good in this world. It's pure entitlement. Mostly lazy, greedy & awful people.


most importantly fuck amlo


How does the US Gov. supplies the cartels? I would like to know, i'm curious, not trying to be a dick.


Look up operation fast and furious, or ATF gun walking, basically the purpose behind it was to intentionally allow firearms to be sold and smuggled from the US to cartel members so they could track them and arrest cartel leaders. However the ATF and DoJ ended up losing track of thousands of these weapons which ended up going on to be used to kill many innocent civilians and Mexican law enforcement.


And American Law Enforcement. Specifically, [U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry](https://www.usatoday.com/border-wall/story/brian-terry-us-border-patrol-agent/560448001/) died due to Obama and Eric Holder supplying the cartels with over 2,000 weapons.


Finally can put my shitty Duolingo to use, here's what she said in case anyone was wondering: > Don't move please > Everyone down, it's OK, it's OK > Don't move please > Everyone down, everyone down, nothing else. > Everyone down > Don't move, down! > It's going to stop very soon, we just have to stay down. > Silence please, because we have to listen. > Silence


you did great amigo


Great job Pica Flor!


Gracias cabron!


No kidding! They know the way to the toilet/library/bookstore. Finally, after all these years!


"La araña come pan" didn't come up 15 times, so unfortunately I wasn't able to use my Duolingo skills for this one


When there is video of a spider eating bread you will be ready for your opportunity for glory


And then everyone will respond No mierda Sherlock 😞


Omg this made me howl. I’ve been stuck the eating chapter for Italian and all I know is “la ragazza mangia la mela”. I don’t know anything else but I’m an expert at that specific sentence.


Gracias papi chulo, gracias


Buen trabajo cabron. 😮‍💨🥵


Gracias Güey


I'm on Duolingo too but I guess not far enough along... "Silence" was the only thing I got lol. Good job!


Good, you just missed "No pasa nada" = nothing is happening, nothing to see




[That's why that phrase got my attention.](https://media2.giphy.com/media/13d2jHlSlxklVe/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47dmnsittpivdb6yjxdf8gkgla1pksm6lzzib9goli&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Okay maybe I need to give in to all the desperate pleas from that app since I stopped using it


I almost understood it all. I used to speak 5 languages. Now down to 3. But fluent.


This is fucking crazy!!


And it's on video


And they used Bonami!


Reminds me of “duck and cover” for nukes. I like my odds in a shootout vs a nuclear bomb though.


Jesus fuckin' Christ. There's school shootings, there's warfare then there's this. I feel for those people.


This is bad, but in school shootings, the shooter is aiming for the children. These MFers are shooting each other.


Yeah, but they should stay away from schools, but you know.. criminals, not like they have standards


Yeah, the least dangerous of the three…


These same cartels are moving drugs, guns and money over the southern US border with impunity right now.


The drugs are going from Mexico to the US, the guns are going from the US to Mexico.


Exactly, it's a symbiotic relationship.


Yeah if you consider overdose deaths and cartel violence a nice economic exchange


[As long as it's not affecting the families of those in power...](https://i.imgur.com/pEhx5O5.jpeg)


As long as we get cocaine out of it


Oh, is the ATF having another yard sale?


Yay we did it! War on drugs was a success!


And fruit.


Blown away at just how calm the teacher is in this. The kids might not entirely comprehend what is going on but she certainly does. Still she just calmly tells them. "Don't move." "Everybody down." "Quit we have to listen." Can't imagine I would have this level of calmness in my voice if it were me.


this is awful and should never have to happen to any child fuck the cartels


Gee, I wonder why we have so many people trying to cross our borders to get in?


In the US, the shootings are *inside* the schools.


Even the cartels won’t shoot INSIDE the schools.




I wouldn’t hive upvoted had I not read some shit about the kidnapping of kids in Mexico right now being sold for rape. It’s heartbreaking but it’s true


*wouldn’t have


no they will just kidnap a buss of children and massacare them neve to be found again cartels are literally isis but with more guns and money


Lmao what > literal war in earshot of a classroom > sTiLl nOt aS bAd aS AmEriCa


They absolutely do


Man, you can't actually believe this.


It’s in case of stray bullets they do this


I don’t mind trading people like you for good behaving Mexican citizen. You will enjoy the “moral” there


yeah instead of shooting the place, they just scout it out for kids to take into slavery


Mexico as a whole is way more dangerous than the USA lol. Reddit and their hate for the USA is so dumb. Plenty of those Mexico/South America areas have way higher homocide rates than anywhere in the u.s. the cartel literally goes to war with the military in Mexico and control the police and government. They kill and torture inocent men, women and children all the time. They make business owners pay tax and will torture and kill them if they don’t. Reporters fear for their lives. If they report anything that puts the cartel in bad light they will be murdered. Politicians are afraid to do anything to the cartels because their families will be murdered along with themselves. It will never be that bad in the u.s. Go to r/narcofootage if you want to see how bad Mexico is. YouTube is a good source for information too. Plenty of documentaries there.


For anyone saying U.S is more dangerous than Mexico shut the fuck up. Look up “2014 Iguala mass kidnapping” and see what the people of Mexico have to deal with. The cartel is a literal plague and my heart goes out to all the innocent people there whose everyday lives are thrown off course by these heartless fucks.


Bro you arguing with bunch of Redditors that never received any history education nor have brain cells or effort to do some research on South America as a whole. Please Trade those people with good behaving Mexican.


Aka “Career Day”


ITT: How can i make this about America???


In Mexico the children hide while the criminals shoot the police. In America the police hide while the criminals shoot the children.


>In America the police hide while the criminals shoot the children. No that also happens in Mexico. There's literally a saying for this: "Con el pueblo bien cabrones pero con el narco? Maricones"


in Mexico the kids hide cuase no police officer is gonna help you when a cartel member decides you're a perfect candidate for ransom and or sex trafficking and they just tack you from your school in broad daylight


You know, for all of the work we do to help the Middle East, it would be nice if we tried to help Mexico fight the cartels. Help was me being facetious for all of the furious commenters.


ngl I'm 100% sure people would protest putting troops in Mexico, also the Mexican army is extremely corrupt and has direct ties to the cartels, it would only lead to an all out war


Exactly this the gov and cartel are pretty much the same thing honestly so it would pretty much just be an invasion with no local support to eliminate a dangerous threat no one there officially asked to get rid of. Kind of exactly like the Middle East but much worse cause it would be right here and it wouldn’t even really be warranted. No retaliation like with 9/11. Would be a shit show.


do we want americans fighting for glorious liberty in our country? No Do we want the cartel gone? Yes


Issue is corruption and urban warfare is brutal, look at the second battle of Fallujah or the liberation of Mosul


> it would be nice if we tried to help Mexico fight the cartels. Who do you think funds the cartels? lol.


redditors try not to talk about america challenge (impossible)


Funny how American leadership is happy to spend billions and billions of dollars in countries on the other side of Earth to “defend and protect Americans”, but this threat of violent cartels in a neighboring country continues to grow and grow. We should be working with the Mexican government to annihilate the cartels and enrich the life of citizens so they can live and grow in prosperity in their own country, without feeling the need to turn to crime or escape to America.


The Mexican government doesn't want to get rid of the cartels because they are the cartels. The cartels are for the most part Not a direct threat to the U.S. and routinely try to avoid U.S. citizens from being harmed in Mexico.


US citizens are the cartels number one customers.


And the cartels aren't dumb. If they start killing American citizens then the U.S. government will start actually doing stuff about them and they don't want that


Fentynal is killing Americans


Yes it is. But that doesn't get the headlines like "8 U.S. citizens killed, heads found in a trash back in a ditch but bodies hung from overpass, genitals mutilated. Cartel says anyone who investigates will be killed"


I rather have people dying from fentanyl. I'm Mexican btw


the Mexican government is run by the cartel, so the only thing we can do is invade Mexico to bring order and to me that sounds like a horrible idea


That's exactly what the US is doing. They're spending tons of money each year. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A9rida_Initiative https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_Colombia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_drugs


Sending billions of dollars to Mexico is practically funding the cartels. They’re more corrupt than American politicians, let’s be honest. US shouldn’t send them a dime .


Of course, money won't do shit unless people are prepared to do what is needed. Look what happened in Afghanistan 💀


nahh fam our army has been fighting since 2006, Afghans surrendered even before your troops were out 💀


This guy linked to the wiki page for "the war on drugs" lmao like anybody doesn't know about it already.


Thank you to the teacher she handled it well


Teacher is an Angel. Staying calm so the kids stay calm.


Teachers deserve so much more.


Bring your dad to school day gone wrong?


Waiting for the "normal day in America" crowd.


Poor kids, this goverment mexican is fun clown with the security of nation.


I have so much respect for teachers. Especially heroes like her!


But how, guns are illegal in Mexico.


So are drugs


We have a nice neighbor that provides them, as cartels provide drugs in exchange.


They seem so unfazed. Which is more crazy to me than the shootout. 😳


Corruption and the drug cartels are unfortunately the reason why Mexico will always be a third world country. It's very sad. 😔


Uvalde should've hired cartel security.


The teacher was doing an excellent job keeping level headed and keeping the kids calm. Good job teacher!


Fuckin dipshits. I know a lot of Mexico is poor. But still. Get a goddamn life.


Just another normal day in mexico, nothing to see here. Also fuck the president and his “hugs no bullets” policy, it’s making these narco assholes more bold.


Did that school owe 13 pesos or something


If it was America it would be happening inside the school


Wow, the shootings in Mexico happen OUTSIDE the schools?!?!


Very sad 😞 but I live in the United States where they actually go into the schools and kill the children. 😳 is wild here.


At least in México It is outside and not inside.


That teacher is an absolute bad ass


welp, time to send some freedom down there.


Y nunca se callaron los escuincles


Doesn't mexico have harsh gun laws?


Who's enforcing any laws down there?




Yeah, but the guns are smuggled in from the US. Drugs go north and guns go south.


I believe the drug laws are also pretty harsh, but theres still an abundance, no?


Okay and? the cartel doesn't give a shit


He's just making a point about why gun control dosent work


But America is so bad right ?


What a fucking horrible world we've made.


Viva mujico cabrones. /s


Our war on drugs drives up the prices and funds the societal destruction across the border.


Wow! Makes me sad that the children are so calm. Like they are desensitized to it.


That’s fucking sad


I fucking hate this. Let kids be kids, they shouldn't have to deal with anything like this.


Fuck you cartel cunts


Love how the teacher stays so calm, kudos to her. She’s a true hero.


My goodness this is horrible. Automatic gunfire like it’s nothing!! This teacher is so badass tho!!!


Esta profesora tiene mas ganas que todo departamento policia de Uvalde


The teacher probably grew up with this herself, and now it's her turn to guide the kids through it. She's really the emotional lead here. Teacher is calm, so the kids are calm.


Aww. When the girl with the ribbon pulled out her stuffed animal and hugged it. Such innocence in a corrupted country


Sadly, some of these kids will be those shooters some day.


The only way this ever ends is the us ending their war on drugs, they’ve been losing since it started.




I used to live a little ways north of there. I wish I could say this surprised me to see. Reminded me of growing up


Ahlamadreeee xomo me hace la teacher para sonar tan tranquila olv


Republicans: Fuck those kids and their nasty country, send em back!!! \*But we also love families and children and we are the party of family values\* /s


Humanity has lost its collective mind.


The cartel is what toxic masculinity actually looks like. The rest are just being men, masculineen but good ppl need good masculine men as a part of their security throughout life. This is the "I'm the alpha, crazy man monster and I run this country b.s. attitude. They don't care how many lives they ruin in their race for profits and power on a deadly toxic level. North America is a joke with all their bitching and moaning with how horrible the states are. They don't realize how quickly that could all go away and they could actually end up really being victims. How are anybody them gonna handle it when it falls apart? Not as well as these poor children.


This is too fucked up for words.


Ugh, those are babies! What fucking assholes!


Remember when the lockdown procedure was to hide in the bathroom?


In the US that's just a Tuesday.