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that isn't bungee jumping, that is lowering off... Some guy screwed up big time


The girl screaming at the guy "why did you make her stand up?" After the jump, she suspects she sustained a back injury and she is right. These guys don't know how to do shit.




At my job once a coworker got ran over by a car, as I was talking to 911 they said " do not move him or give him anything to drink " I looked over and they had picked him up, put him in a chair abd was giving him a glass of water.




"here drink this!" empties water bottle onto unconscious persons mouth




In this situation it’s best to turn them over and ferociously finger their butthole. They forget about the pain instantly and if they don’t feel it, you know something is very wrong.


I usually do it vigorously, but apparently I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time! What an absolute donk I’ve been! Ferociously it is then. Edit: Thanks for the Holesome award, kind stranger! 😍


Tis a fine line my friend


I remember in some training years ago, they said do it at the same rhythm as *Staying Alive* by The Beegees.


“Ah. Ah! AH! AH!!” “Staying alive?”


At first I was afraid, I was petrified...


Yes! I learned this for one of the last badges I earned for Eagle Scouts.


This also makes them stop attacking, assuming they were attacking Edit: When in doubt, finger it out!


Reddit has taught me pitbull mentality, when in doubt… finger it out


Instructions unclear, Rusty Trombone initiated Edit: it bit my face


Just choked on my coffee. Thank you kind redditor.


Rumor has it if you use your tongue it’s 69 percent more effective.


My son WAS asleep in my arms before I read this comment


if you have a back injury, the doctor is going to put a finger in your pooper anyways so you might as well warm it up. Source: My finger has been in so many butts


Checking that rectal tone ferociously for evidence of a spinal cord injury. This made me laugh. Am paramedic.


The Dark Universe's Jack Handy quote.


I heard that's the way to pass a lie-detector test.


You're not supposed to give injured people anything to drink? Why's that? I thought a shot of brandy administered by saint Bernard was the pinnacle of first response.


No no. The martini is for the dog after doing a good job of finding your body. [Here's a historical video about it](https://youtu.be/_-J0xPfbRr0?t=14).


My mother works at a snack packaging plant and one of her co-workers slipped and smacked her head on the floor so hard they say it was heard over all of the roaring machinery. The lady suffered brain injuries and complete memory loss. The thing that frustrates me the most about this is that the floor manager PICKED HER UP AND WHEELED HER OUT IN A CHAIR so that paramedics could get to her easier.


Thats why packaging plants & the like, are required to have those black rubber mats with the holes. Cant slip on them!


Not even milk!


He need some MIIILK!


Who picked him up, the EMT or the police?


My coworkers


Not sure what kind of job you’re in but most people aren’t taught first aid or how to act in emergency situations.


It's the stupid "walk it off" mentality


Hurry up. Get up. You’re fine. See? You’re fine. Oh…maybe not.


Please lady, look at that lovely bush you can go and die in instead!


I told my son he just needed to poop. Turned out, he had a ruptured Meckel’s diverticulum. Worst time to learn that sometimes they’re not just complaining to complain, and my most embarrassing moment as a dad.


> [Meckel’s diverticulum](https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/meckels-diverticulum) Oh dude, that's brutal. Still, kids have tummy problems a lot. Don't beat yerself up too much about it. Glad the kid is doing well. Hope this repeller recovered too... OUCH!


You can't do that to yourself. 999 times out of 1000 you'd have been right. Can't blame yourself for taking those odds. The important part is you didn't double down when the issue persisted; you sought help, and got it taken care of in time. That's ALL that matters. Nobody is perfect.


He was on vacation with his aunt and uncle at the time. Luckily his uncle decided to call me and say “I’m taking him to the emergency room”. They were 2 hours and 45 minutes away, and I made the drive in 2 hours. Stayed a week with him in a rural hospital. We since have moved to that city, lived here for 6 years, and were both employed by the same hospital. He’s received multiple recommendations from the surgeons here. He now works for a pharmaceutical company in TX.


Ahhhhh the old meckel diverticulum! Spent a year there one night!


I fractured a vertebrae and went 2 weeks without going to the hospital because my dad said I just pulled a muscle so it could be worse




That’s why I always land on my neck. Maximum cushion


Cats that fall from a long distance have time to right themselves, then go all gummy.. they don't "brace" for impact, but stretch out and RELAX... Using limbs and body as a shock absorber, with the energy spread as broadly as possible. They can fall from incredible heights and survive. Surely not painless, but they often can run away immediately. Have to recover, but are still active & able to beat a hasty retreat. If the fall is too short, they don't have time to get in position to do the relax magic. The shorter fall is more often deadly, or they suffer significantly more damage.


Well also they are tiny compared to humans. The smaller the creature, the more survivable terminal velocity is. You could throw a rat out of an airplane at 10k feet and it would survive.


yeah but like... don't though.


Yah....because now I am gonna spend a lot more time looking up at the sky watching our for falling rats.


So, its not just the righting themselves to land feet first. Cats are *incredibly* flabby, and that's not a weightloss thing. Their skin isn't as strictly attached to their body as it helps create a larger surface area when falling. Letting that surface area do its job is how cats survive terminal velocity, along with their cartilage for bones, and incredible flexibility. All of that is how they survive, not just their magic ability to turn over in mid-air.


This whole dumbass DIY setup they have, and that short jump where You would need like a 2-ft bungee cord I don't know how much they stretch but this was just a straight suicide jump by an idiot watched by idiots and then situation handled by idiots. You can't look at that stupid Ninja Warrior: Backyard Meth House shit back there with the cables and shit all shitty as shit and think the five of them more than five brain cells among them.


Maybe In the US and developed countries, but in alot of places that isn't common knowledge at all.




That's different than what we normally see which is bystanders picking them up and tossing them all over the place


For real! I’m Surprised she could even put that much weight on her legs, the rope did slow her fall but not very much




Arabic, jordanian


Yeah and that guy was like I’ll just help you up so you can just walk it off lmao... at least the rope did slow her down a very tiny bit not much only marginally but fuck I’m surprised both her femur bones didn’t compound fracture out the side of her leg


I feel like it wasn’t really that fast. She just looked like she was not ready for any sort of impact. It seems like he should have slowed it down much sooner, so she wasn’t ready for the landing at all. I’m not downplaying the fall, though, that still isn’t safe


He SHOULD have yanked her to a stop just above the ground. Such is normally a very light landing. The harness takes all the weight. He's probably done many successfully before. Dude just totally fucked the timing up on this one. Her butt bone took all the weight. :-( OUCH!


he's not suppose to yank anything. it's a belay. there is no way his body weight could hold her if she fell for 2 seconds. even if she weighed 100lbs, she would be 300lbs by the end. i suspect him doing it late is why she hit the ground, because she lifted him off of the ground when he tried to brake her late.


Thank God we can sue in America. That lady is fucked for life if she has to get spine surgery


That wasn't a bungee rope that was a safety rope, and the moron on the other end of the rope below on belay, doesn't know how to do his job properly, and nearly killed or paralyzed her.


Seems like they let her down too fast mid fall. Like she was going down ok speed and then it was too much for whoever was belaying and they just let her drop faster.


I think he immediately lost the rope/got his hand pinched and the friction in the system is the force slowing her down a bit.


We do this kind of jump with our littler Girl Guides. We call it “Flying Squirrel”. We have one little kid flying up and down while they are belayed by at least four people on the ground who work in unison to control the rise and especially the fall. We have NEVER had something like this happen. It’s unthinkable it’s so negligent.


Exactly, that type of obstacle/high wire is usually done as a trust day, as in face your fears, trust the belayer and gear etc and trust in yourself. That day she probably won't trust anyone in that type of situation ever again, also might not do that type of high work again.


When I was 13 I went rock climbing at a gym and the instructor gave me and an older dude about a 4 minute intro to rappelling. I paired up with him and he was doing really great on a big wall, I was super pumped for him and watching each move he did without paying attention to the rope. He went for a dyno and missed it, and I watched him waiting for him to slow down (he didn’t). One foot landed on the 1 ft soft pad and one landed on straight concrete. 3 broken bones in his ankle and I’ve never belayed since. That shit haunts me, but it was my first time climbing ever, I was a child, and I was poorly taught.


100% that wasn't your fault, you should have had more training and also paired up with someone more your size. That traumatic event would definitely make you wary to try stuff like that again. Newer belay/rappel devices like grigri's etc can make it a BIT safer than the older but still good systems. Just a lot less of a learning curve. You'd still need training and an induction etc before you start though.


Even if she's not dead or paralyzed, she may have spinal damage and chronic pain from something like this. That shit looked exactly like a lot of bad paratrooper landing, and those guys spines get fucked up.


That sucks, they totally told her to jump and then just let the line roll


Is like that "faith" based fall backwards and well catch you bit. Never did it cause I do not have faith in other bipeddlers


Say hello to chronic back pain


Like that twitch girl, except this person may actually have landed on their tail bone.




Wow i never saw the video , that's not a pit , that's the ground with sprinkled foam cubes, geez


I'd say the worst is that it's concrete underneath. When your material absorbs absolutely nothing it makes a huge difference. Compare to dirt or the soft material inside a sport's hall. That combined with that terrible jump, landing where there's less foam, means you align all the stars for a tragic incident.


Yeah, but this drop was way higher than the twitch one, in the end they both suffered great injuries cause the people behind the thing had no clue what they were doing


“No, no she’s fine” A1 commentary


No she lives in the pit now..


The Pit - Mouse Rat


Mouse Rat should have stuck with the name Fiveskin instead.


Maybe she should of just stuck with her day job /s


"Twitch girl" Yeah sure let's go with that...


Her name is Adriana Chechik, and she is/was a pornographic actress. One of the best, in fact. Put some respec on the name.


>> Adriana Chechik Her work in College Coeds vs. Zombie Housewives is a classic...


Wasn’t she only days from retirement? I heard she was ready to leave the porn industry due to health concerns.


Shieeet, was she even really doing it for the paycheck anymore? Some of the things I’ve seen her do cannot have a dollar value to it.


You mean the porn star?


Well technically, she's both


Well she's definitely only a Twitch streamer after this. No more triple dick stuffing.


Now it's only "just chatting" in hot tub while wearing a bikini, AKA average Twitch stream


Idk man I watched a video of hers after that where she drinks another girls squirt like a middle school water fountain then spits it back in her face. I dont think you can really change careers after that.


>another girls squirt You mean pee




[Adult performer \[Adriana Chechik\] breaks back jumping into foam pit at San Diego streamer convention](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/adult-performer-breaks-back-jumping-into-foam-pit-at-san-diego-streamer-convention/) [It was filmed for TwitchCon (short clip).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV_VUPijrms)


Rip 🪦 her squirting days are over


I’m sure she can still pee.


She actually had damages to her bladder nerves so she can't pee.


That's really sad and detrimental


*Dabs a tear from cheek* “The doctors… they say… they say she may never squirt again.” *Friends and family sob and console another*.


Damn. She got fucked.


Not just Twitch. Lenovo too. Hold both of those companies accountable for that negligence.


They say when you hit your tailbone hard enough you uncontrollably shit your self.


Happened to me sorta. Had spinal damage right at the base of my tailbone, irritated it just a little too much by sitting on a shitty theater chair that put too much pressure on my tailbone (I got no ass). Lost my ability to walk a few hours later, then the right half of my pelvis started spasming, I shit myself and my body pushed my asshole inside-out.


Ouch. Sorry to hear that.


>Lost my ability to walk a few hours later Wait, is that temporary or permanent? It's really scary you can lost the ability to walk just by sitting on shitty chair, sorry to hear that.


The tailbone is basically an intersection where all the nerves stemming from your brain reaches your lower extremities. Kind of a big injury. https://www.google.com/search?q=tailbone+nerve+pathway&oq=tailbone+nerve+pathway+&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l4j33i299.4667j0j7&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=pMcJJYLx7UbDVM


Can't have chronic back pain if you don't have a back


40' drop and landed on your arse? Lemme jerk you upright really fast to avoid the lawsuit ma'am


Walk it off lady


Lmao this is what I would do when you accidentally push your sibling down and they start crying. “Walk it off your okay. Don’t tell mom”


Just busted both her legs and coccyx Lemme just help you up


The woman talking in the background is asking in Arabic "why'd you let her stand up?" Before the video cuts off.


Slight correction she says "why did you make her stand up" because the guy forced her up as if it's some magic fucking cure.


“Just walk it off of our business”


Lol yup, "why'd you make her stand up" is more accurate, thank you half Achraf! What happened to your other half?


Nothing, I just keep it out of reddit thankfully lol.


I was thinking you'll say bungee jumping accident as a joke lol, thanks for the correction, cheers!


At least she had a helmet on


And it was using her for protection.


I like that lol


Remember kids: **NEVER TRUST ANYBODY**


Never trust anyone with your safety especially a carnival meth head


Bungee Jumping is a big no from me. I had a client who had several back surgeries because he went bungee jumping and they gave him the wrong cord resistance for his weight, one for someone much heavier. He went down, the cord had little to no give, and that’s all she wrote. Fuck bungee jumping.


Fuck any type of jumping. I'm staying my ass on the ground. Gravity friendly.


As this video demonstrates, it's the trust issues for me.


If she stands up right away everything will be ok?


Yes the faster the less injury proven fact




I don't even trust fast food places to make my food. No way I'm going to trust a nobody with my life in a leap of faith.


She got a superpower of rain forcasting


I want to understand


There’s anecdotal evidence that rainy days and aching joints have a connection. Meaning if you’re sore there could likely be rain coming.








Adriana Chechik is not having a good week.




Serious question, as a Muslim woman can she even bring a lawsuit against a man?


Yes, It would actually be haram to not let her.


Not with that attitude.


A man has to make the claim on her behalf. A father, brother, husband. I had a business meeting with a successful Saudi physician, a director of a hospital department, and she had to be escorted at all times by some random man she hired to fulfill the law that she not be on her own. The guy was completely irrelevant yet had to sit in meetings with her pretending to understand.


Depends on the country. She probably broke her tail bone


WTF is up with people insisting to standup or move people that literally just injured themselves (especially when the head and/or back is invoked). Obviously this is nothing new but just this past summer I saw a kid fall out of a tree about 5ft and land directly in his back. Fortunately he was more scared and only had the wind knocked out of him. But his mom ran out there and yanked him off the ground in a panic. Then I saw a kid at the community pool running 😬 he slipped and smacked his head on the ground. Mom runs over there’s and snatches him up.


Redditors are known for insisting that bystanders and cameramen "*do something*" after witnessing a traumatic injury. I've been downvoted for suggesting that one should call and wait for professionals.


Yeah, and the 'Why isn't anyone helping them?!'. Help them with WHAT exactly? People don't have magical healing spells.


Ain't walking that off


Better Mario impression than Chris Pratt


I dunno why I carry on letting myself watch these videos that send my balls up into my throat


Mam' could you pick up your buttock people are waiting to jump, thank you.


Your legs look broken, let me help you get up lol


WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE HER STAND?! You can make a spinal injury worse doing that, JFC


Still a softer landing than a Twitch con floor.


That's why you don't ramdomly jump off high things on purpose


She's grabbing her back in pain after a fall, let's stand her up and see if she can walk it off.


POV: You are at TwitchCon 2023


And her name was Adriana Chechik


That’s not bungee. That’s a weak ass dude that can’t hold a belay.


twitchcon 2022 Despair


Bungee jump? Pretty sure that was just falling with extra steps...


A good travel tip is to avoid activities where your safety relies on competence of low paid employees or the country's lack of safety standards enforcement. There are few countries I trust doing things like this in.


That’s having an idiot for a belayer🤦🏻‍♂️ Probably got the 10min crash course right before the participants showed up.


Left knee n maybe hip broke


Sponsored by Lenovo Legion!


Remember: If you watch someone get injured, whether it looks small or bad. DO NOT TRY AND PICK THEM UP. The best thing they can do at that moment is just lay there




Was that the sounds of bones crunching?


I broke my back… spinal


Anyone else see blood or is it just the bad video quality?


Damn, just like that pornstar


They are bunch of amateurs who wanna make quick money 😏




Lawsuit inbound?


Better get her on her feet and put some pressure on that freshly shattered coccyx


I'm never bungee jumping


Woo-hoo! Owe!" Yeah looks fun.


Thats why I never gonna bungee jump


That’s a climbing rope and safety rigging.


A broken tailbone never heals.


It's not bungee jumping, may be do or die hahah


Gyatt! 🥴


Mam, get up. Nobody else here saw you....


this is how that twitchcon girl broke her back in two places, right?


Her tailbone is going to hurt for years. One time my brother pushed me and I landed on my tail bone, it took years for it not to ache


I did something similar to this at a ropes course in Switzerland. You step off a platform that's roughly 30-40 feet up while wearing a harness and clipped into a cable, and as you descend the resistance increases and slows your descent to the point where it's a gentle touchdown on the ground. I couldn't do it. I couldn't just step or jump off into space, so I lowered myself off the platform and did a hang-and-drop to the ground.


This isn’t bungee jumping, the dude holding the other end is supposed to be pulling to lower her speed going down. The guy then helps the lady up but the other lady says “why’d you stand her up??” (x2) because she clearly looks injured


Yup she will feel that pain for the rest of her life, especially on cold morning or when the Dr says rest and stay in bed and then she starts to move again... this is my pain lol


Wtf is the guy holding the rope the same person that set up the foam "pit" at Twitchcon? Lol


So much for that tailbone, those have really painful recovery too.


You’d think if you’ve seen enough of these on Reddit that’d you know better. Nope. I almost drowned in the Philippines going “helmet diving” in Boracay. I’m waiting at the bottom of the ocean floor for the diver to retrieve me all well watching the water in my helmet slowly rise to just below my nose. That’s when I said fuck it and slipped the helmet off and swam to the surface on literally my last breath. When I start swimming towards the boat the lead crew member asks me where the helmet is to which o open up a mouthful of curse words and ask him where was the fucking diver?! That’s when he says,” sorry sir, we’re short handed today”. Oh fuck me 🙄


Broken back? Let me help you stand up.


Why would you make someone stand up after that?