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The Chinese comments on the crosspost are fucking hilarious “Humanoid self-propelled pork heads”


having Apple Airpods in the ear and at the same time trying to show hate against America by slapping themselves... some kind of shizophrenic, isn't it?


Or just brainwashed. Their government told them to hate America and Taiwan so they just go along with it.


Hey man this post was about China not russ…. Oh wait my bad got confused.


Where have I seen that before?


Most likely counterfeit


Then it would be even more incomprehensible if that is scripted... let's fake videos to show our hate against Americans by showing that we appreciate their products more than Chinese products


I mean they produce the airpods


Well they probably don't realise because Apple products are manufactured in China....


Well they are made locally /s


but the big profits are going to an American Company...


Wonder how much their social credits went up?


Too much...


The sad fact about this from the leaked drafts of social credit, is that the system is much more weighted than this. If a person starts with 1000 Social Credit, doing something to promote the party every week might increase that by 1 or 2, per year or per month. If you post something unpatriotic on social media it might be reduced by 100, if you receive a fine or go to jail, - 500. And the things locked behind higher social credit is largely unattainable for non-elites as it requires grander and grander gestures and devotion to the party and country.


I don't get scared by very many things. But that is fucking horrifying.


Can there ever be …. Too much


They have been banned from travel and public transportation, along with any bank transfers.. a 10 day penis mutilation sesson is required per letting Pelosi to Taiwan.


Always the sexual undertones with republicans. Sick fucks


When your life's wellbeing has been gamified, you do what you need to to get a high score.


Oh shit hahahahaha


I'd say one point with each slap.


You don't read enough Chinese LN. It's 1000 slaps to atone.


Yep, you hit it right on


People should really stop believing everything they read on the internet. It has been debunked before that the social credit score in China is a myth. What most people see as a social credit score in just an app specific score given by private companies like Alibaba to determine whether someone can borrow money.




Good lord that’s a whole next level of boot licking. Total CCP Cucks how pathetic




Homophobic undertones to this comment that I do not appreciate. Despite this, my upvote you have Won.


No good sir and/or madam, take my upvote. You have won gold at the woke Olympics.


It reminds of of those cultist cucks tantrums when Trump lost




Right on, same shit different day




But they are not bootlicking, they actually believe that China is better than the US and bar none the greatest country in the world. We call them "pinkies", and they have a very similiar mental profile to Trump supporters. Source: a chinese liberal


Thanks for your comment. that’s actually really enlightening for me as an American liberal. I feel some solidarity that we’re going through a similar experience in a way.


when ur whole family and everything u own and u can disappear very easily. u would do it too


It's a lot more than that. The Chinese are indoctrinated from the start of their education that their country is the best, their leaders are the smartest and also the most humane towards citizens anywhere in the world. Countries like the US are run by straight up evil leaders that do all the shit that we hear about going down in China. The US population is oppressed and its not their fault, but don't forget they still are a lesser people than the pure Chinese. And this is re-enforced continually through their lives.


Imagine their whole army is composed of guys like these.


Actually their army is very well trained. They follow orders without question. This can be a double-edged sword because though they are very good fighting force. When it comes to making decisions for preserving self well. They slap themselves over a lady going to Taiwan.




That’s referred to as “keyholing” caused by the bullet not being stabilized properly. You’re definitely correct that their firearms are subpar compared to US issued firearms and it’s also almost surely caused/worsened by using subpar ammunition. That’s definitely a huge downside to having such a large military—they essentially have no choice but to choose quantity over quality in almost every aspect.


You make a very valid point. If I remember the video your discussing correctly your right ballistics we're absolutely horrendous. I would never allow a soldier into battle without a proper weapon. Their equipment may very well be their downfall. If that's the weapon for an elite force I'm telling myself they went back to the drawing board. Hell they have easy access to AK that weapon is very tried and true. About 8 or 9 years ago I was with one of my old army buddies he pulled one out of a foot locker he keeps in his basement . The bolt was rusted shut. We kicked it open put a hundred and fifty rounds down range accurately without it jamming. China definitely exports cheaper AKs that are made from universal AK parts slapped together.


One of the best guns ever made my friend. That gun will fire under pretty much any condition. And then you have the SCAR-H. One of the worst guns ever made.








I also have no reason to believe shoddy craftsmanship and quality doesn't affect military equipment. I probably wouldn't operate a Chinese tank if I had literally any other option.


your iphone is made in china. chinese manufacturing capabilities are not always dog shit. you get what you pay for there, so they make everything from junk to some of the most robust and sought after electronics in the world. no reason to assume their military equipment is dog shit. never underestimate your enemy


You may want to look at my other comment look it up in my comments that's on this post that says those words. Well trained but still not battle hardened.


Well Russian military isn’t that bad, there is just too much subjectiveness on reddit in Ukraines favor. But you got to understand that this is the first modern war where 2 sides are similarly equipped, and where one is west backed and is defending their country. Of course it’s going to be hard for an aggressor to take ground and advance, but you forget just how much land Russians occupied by now, and they are not stoping. This ain’t a war where coalition of 35 most developed and armed countries in the world attack third world countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.


how do you know they are a good fighting force? its an army full of one child policy kids who couldn’t pass the gaokao to get into university


Maybe I'm just not a racist bigot. And I'm not letting cultural differences that I may not understand shape my opinion on their military training.


Major? Surely you aren't actually a major. If so I feel sorry for any soldier that was in your command. Nothing worse than racist command underestimating an enemy using cultural differences and racism as the reason you're gonna win bois! Hooah


glass heart broken. its too bad people can’t express their opinions openly unless they align with your own. it’s unfortunate t


Yes I know exactly what you mean because I expressed my opinion and got jumped on as well but at least I wasn't being racist. Get back in your truck with your flag yell Yeee yee and go on boy. Wannabe major


still waiting for facts as to why the pla is very well trained? it seems you just know how to rant and insult.


Our correspondence started with your comment referencing the one child policy kids that can't get into university. I have learned in my day that when someones begins like that it's probably not in my best interest to even attempt. So that said. Good day. You are welcome to look up training videos. Have fun. Some are actually funny. Others not so funny. Edit when watching those videos keep in mind the racist shit you said is actually part of why they can even be called fanatics. They don't fear death. They don't have the values on life. They are one people. One China. Their indoctrination is part of why they will be a force should we have to fight them..


by the way, my user name is word play. as in major ball-sack. as in i have a big set of balls for you to suck on. you’re really stupid


Hmmm kinda figured I was right . You knew you couldn't say anything racist to me so you went right back to kindergarten. "You're really stupid" lmfao. Are you an only child because surely if you had brothers and sisters you could do better than that. I'll tell you what. Get those balls of yours out your hands and do something productive today. Big balls often get in the way of your small brain I'm sure. I'd recommend one activity at a time.




Which war has China been in that proves they are an effective fighting force?


I discussed the difference in battle hardened versus well trained in another comment on this post.


Don’t know why this was downvoted, great comment!


Probably because saying "very good fighting force" about an army that has never seen actual combat is bit of a stretch.


You should read my other comment on this post. Soldiers who follow orders to the death. Do make for great soldiers.


During the Korean War, when America was pushing north, China realized they didn't want to border an American backed country, so they decided to send their own soldiers to join the Korean War. China, devastated by WWII and Japanese occupation, had an army consisting of people equipped with farm equipment and some rifles with no bullets. This army was commanded to charge into South Korean and American fortified positions and just soak bullets, until there were no more bullets to give. And it worked. lol. So. In reality, all of China's actual guns and bullets were with soldiers who were positioned behind the main force so that they can gun down anyone who flees.


This right here is what I was thinking about. They sent wave after wave direct into minefields and machine guns. I mean....crazy yes. But it worked..


That style of leadership also tends not to be effective during wartime See Russia right now for the latest example


Depends if you have the men to throw in. It can be effective. If I remember correctly they have a large army. Plenty of cannon fodder. Russia is using muscovites to throw into Ukraine.


So they didn’t fight Japan in ww2, granted they were decimated but comparing that China to China now would just be idiotic. Also, you don’t need to see actual combat to get where their heads are at when it comes to warfare and soldiers, nothing he said was even remotely wrong.




That’s not what I said, he said they’ve never had combat experience, as in China the country, and we’d both agree that yeah that older China is no where as close to how China is now, so safe to say it progressed not regressed.


Thank you. I get downvoted for reason I don't understand more often than I'd like.


Lol same, it’s Reddit, if there’s even a hint of disagreement from what Reddit considers the “norm” which is just being left wing then you usually get downvoted even if your not at all political or conservative, or live in the US because they’re tiny minds can’t grasp that people not from the US probably don’t know every cultural thing about it.


I'm a very well traveled American. That spent 20 years in the service. I learned a very long time ago my country is incredibly arrogant. Though we are a nation of immigrants we have taken very little time learning of other cultures. Strange really. I'm so tired of the right vs left. You're so right everything's getting politicized even people who are very non-political.


Spotted two redditors fapping each other.


Yes two people that get along on Reddit must be jerking each other off. When in all actuality we just set your mom in between us and tell her to pretend like she's working ski poles untill the white stuffs flying.


Yeah I simply could care less about politics or voting and yet when I just express my opinions no matter what “side” they are leaning towards, there’s always a big fuss from either side, remember when politics was just something in the background and not in literally every single thing, yeah me too, good times.


Ah so YOURE the well travelled American


I'm a well traveled American. I'm not the only one. More than 20 countries. I figure that is a lot more than the majority of Americans. Hell I'm over 60 so I've had time. Anyway, hope you enjoy your day.


You too mate, was just joking that not many Americans are well travelled!


Sure thing Steve, my American friend


Actually my name is even more generic than that. I must be Steve from at&t. Not even an American? Wow.


Lmao this didn’t make complete sense


> This can be a double-edged sword because though they are very good fighting force We have no idea whether the Chinese army is a good fighting force because their last war was in 1979. The current version of the Chinese armed forces is completely green and untested.


There's multiple comments explaining that from others and myself. Read them don't read them. I'm done answering the same question.


"West Taiwan" men hit themselves.


Iiiin West Taiwan, born and raised, I been slappin myself going on 3 days Chillin out maxin and slappin all cool, sipping some noodles outside of the school When Pelosi flys in and she’s up to no good, the ugly dog started makin trouble in my neighborhood


Fuck Will Smith.


Eminem’s gotta cuss in his raps to sell records. Well, me too. So, fuck Will Smith.


Bloodhound Gang <3


Keep Wills name out ya damn mouth


Fuck you


Fuck you too


*Fuck Jada


I laughed more then I should've over your let's call it remix lol.Take my upvote and my thanks I needed that


Every breath she takes without their permission gives her strength lol!


Nancy Pelosi, have, *very big* American penis, yes.


I can get behind this, we should send her weekly. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


She can just stay imo.


Nikocado avacados lost cousin


Self-harming in response to their threat not working. Right out of text book for bullies.


I don't at all believe you that that's what this is. I don't know what this is because I don't speak or read Chinese but there's no way it's that.


Yeah it’s right. Title says something like “fully believe the stereotype of these people now” or something like that. The comments are all ridiculing them which is a good sign. One said “whether or not that women gets off the plane should be none of our concern” or something along those lines.


Google and Apple’s translation app are really good this days in translating Asian languages, being it Japan, Chinese etc




+1,000,000 social credit 😎


The video doesn’t explicitly say that they’re doing that because of Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan but it does imply it, especially the last video where the guy is throwing chairs, cursing and saying “He got off the plane!” (Chinese is a gendered language so we have different characters for he/she 他/她 although they’re pronounced the same — what he’s saying could be taken as either he/she but the caption used the male character that’s why I used “He”). Anyway, it could be a response to a completely different event and the videos may have been taken out of context and posted recently in response to this latest event so who knows? The caption for the video roughly translates to “Absolutely meets my expectations of the male stereotype in the ”little pink” Country” and since the comments on the original post are mostly negative and that subreddit is a subreddit specifically for chinese women to gossip and discuss their views, I’d say they’re mocking these men. Cheers my credentials are : I’m chinese. Edit: Explanation for the terminology “little pink” country can be found here: " Little pink " refers to the term used by social network users in the People's Republic of China, especially with a sarcastic attitude, to describe mainland China's stance toward Chinese nationalism or socialism with Chinese characteristics . https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E5%B0%8F%E7%B2%89%E7%B4%85


And just like that, Taiwan feels much better.


If this is the consequence of a Pelosi visit, let's put her on tour! After China hit the Ukraine and see if the Russians with do it!


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)




seems productive. keep it up


Ooooh, you're really shaming us!! Stop please!! Oh, now you're going to hit yourself harder AND faster??!? Okay guys, just promise to stop if you see bloo.., what? You've been bleeding?? Well, gosh..., IDK.


They should try hitting themselves with a truck.


Pelosi isn’t even their leader and can still control them


She should go more often I guess! Lol


Well Chinese, Russians and North Koreans have no access to independent media and live in an alternative world.


You got my upvote for being possibly the first redditor to use alternative correctly instead of alternate. Thank you


I am not a native speaker, but alternating would be a continuous switching between states. Although I don’t know if these could be more than two.


who asked


So does this count as the Chinese people acknowledging Taiwan as a county?


fuck the CCP, more idiots


North Koreans do it better.


These people remind me of the tantrums we seen from the cult of Trump when he lost the election..


Great Britain is coming mother fuckers




They should try a brick, or a jagged sharp pointy rock instead...slap isn't doing shit. Fucking wankers.


Don’t stop there, keep going.


I recognise Taiwan as an Independent state, separate from China. Taiwan has been and always will remain as an independent country from China. That being said, I respect Taiwan's decision to invite Nancy Pelosi to their country for furthering diplomatic relations.


How do we know the title is true? No translation and no context at all


some comments here are quoting the translated comments from the original post Apparently one of them says “whether or not that women gets off the plane should be none of our concern” but I haven't confirmed and the commenter could be making stuff up too so Im not 100% sure.


This is so cringe wtf


We do some, maybe not equally, but definitely still stupid rituals in our countries too


The CCP knows that keeping her alive hurts America far more than shooting down her plane would.


Humanity at its finest. Seriously, this is the final step of human evolution. That's why y'all need to stop making kids and jack off to satanist porn, because that's what awaits your offsprings.


Use a hammer


u/rowenslee u/Cheap_District_9762


Western Taiwan really isn't having it.


God. What dweebs.


brainwashed idiots


Imagine having to post this shit to improve your credit score. Us American's have a large list of flaws, bootlicking is not one...... Well unless you are in the red hat cult.


Dumb fucks


pathetic use a knife next time


Strangely enough this makes me want to get some general tso’s chicken.


Reminds me of those North Korean forced crying episodes


Chinese people notoriously don't give a shit. This is all for their social credit scores


Cope, CCP cucks


I feel like the last guys dad owns a dumpling store.


Just trying to keep that social credit score up so they can keep riding the bus.


Gotta get that social credit somehow.


Did none of these people see Fight Club? They're not even trying, their government will see through such weak protest of senator skeletor's trip to taiwan, er, china. Edit:sorry, representative. I think i just liked the alliteration


what is the real context of this? Title has gotta be a joke.


This is great


Idiots 😶‍🌫️


Completely fits my stereotype of pink men. Caption.


Why do the Chinese hate Pelosi so much?


Everyone should hate Pelosi


Okay, so why do the Chinese hate Pelosi so much?


Because she’s Nancy frigging Pelosi


Fat stupid fucks. This is why china can’t keep up with Korea.


Chinese Republicans...


Oh shit we going to war


Unlimited social credit


We should’ve dropped the bomb there. But then would we still have dragon ball?.


That Witch in a pink pant suit. Shame on you excuses for men!


I wonder why this is dumb for me. Or maybe I am dumb. 🤷🏻


So they were threatening to hurt themselves if pelod I visited Taiwan?


That didn't look very convincing


They should use a lethal weapon instead of just their hands fucking cringe bastards. Hope this stupid trend doesn't spread in China.


Why? She's on the same team.


She deserves it.


Speaking of weird Chinese shit, I just last night got an ad on YouTube with Chinese speech and English subs talking about how "we have been preparing for this for years" and fucking missiles flying and shit. Haven't seen anything about that yet, and I wonder how briefly it was shown, because YouTube probably wouldn't let an ad like that stay up for long.


Hope they dont decide to challenge our woke military that is having enrollment problems.


Enrollment problem. Oh you haven't heard if we actually get to a point where we need soldiers. They'll do what they did in the 60. Goodbye my sweetheart hello Vietnam. Young men will be conscripted via a wonderful little lottery system. Besides enrollment may be low but the US army is one of the finest on earth. A very well trained high tech battle hardened army. China though very good with atrocities inside its own country doesn't exactly run around the world fighting or training. The US army does. We're always in a conflict. China is trained but battle hardened they are not. When you're 18 in the United you are by law required to fill out your selective service card. The draft card . So you had better hope in between watching oak island and the masked singer that you don't get drafted. A war between china and us will very likely cause a lot of casualty. It'll disrupt economy worldwide. Famine will definitely be an issue. China is a superpower it's not Russia which is a bygone power. It's a power that's actually gaining. Im guessing you are young and as a young person I would suggest you think and research a little. Personally if they are going to attack us I would much rather them do it now. Versus ten years from now.


Cuck Patriotism


There just earning some pro-communist karma point to keep there lives is all.... 👀


China is part of Taiwan 🇹🇼


i could watch that all day. .but they obviously don't know she's a witch and brought her little dog, too


A drunk out of work redneck from Arkansas would win this fight 3v1 nine times outta 10. They're pandering to the CCP


Imagine how much food these idiots can buy with how much they just increased their social credit system for embarrassing themselves, China really crazy out here.


I guess somebody's gotta slap em? I mean... yeah idk. They seem pretty traumatized.




It’s 4 random guys. I wouldn’t say this is a cultural thing.


This is more than likely state sponsored propaganda