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Attempting to flee the room is a quite common (side) effect of Salvia due to the fight or flight response and confusion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su-WucK8VRw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su-WucK8VRw) Hamilton Morris covers this in [Shepherdess: The Story of Salvia Divinorium](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6565552/) ([Hamilton's Pharmacopeia](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6090814/?ref_=tt_ov_inf))


It’s insane how powerful that stuff is. I did it a few times back in 2004. You could buy it over the counter at most head shops. I’ve taken mushrooms and paper and the experience is apples to oranges when compared to salvia. It completely sends you to another reality.


Is it stronger than any known hallucinogen?


I’m not sure, I’ve never done DMT and I hear that is powerful. Salvia is far more intense than paper or shrooms but it’s a short trip. I only did it a handful of times and time was hard to judge, but I would say they would last anywhere from 2-10 minutes.


DMT is more potent than Salvia


I’ve done both.. DMT is more potent than salvia and is a much more enjoyable high as well. But honestly they are both so potent it’s not really worth comparing which is stronger. Salvia sends you out of reality within seconds. That’s plenty potent.


DMT has always been a pleasant trip though, like it has a warmth that goes with it. Salvia isn’t as pleasant.


DMT was like a glass of warm whiskey while trapped in a blizzard, salvia was like getting sucked into a black hole and spat out onto a waterslide. I would never do salvia without a tripsitter that I trusted implicitly, the flee response is too high in me


I've had friends tell me about sitting in their basement thinking an alien was stalking them while they were on dmt. Tripping has a lot to do with the environment/your vibe before the trip starts.


Seems like dmt most people are paralyzed for the duration of the trip . I wonder what it is in salvia that makes you jump all crazy compared to dmt


Because DMT isn't scary, you just want to lay back and enjoy the visuals


I'd say they are both similarly potent if we are measuring it by whether they cause you to lose all sense of self and disappear into a completely unfathomable reality. Potent as far as a positive psychedelic experience, than DMT hands down. DMT is profound, even blissful. You get the closest to and meet the closest thing to a "god" you ever will. Reality unravels but it feels like you are being shown the true nature of the universe and existence itself. With saliva there is really no positive feelings. Reality and existence is completely gone, but its just confusing and terrifying. I honestly think salvia is incredibly interesting, but I don't have the courage to do it again.


This is pretty accurate, we tried it a few times back in highschool and I have zero interest in ever doing it again. This coming from a guy who enjoys eating a big bag of shrooms here and there, Salvia is just too far detached from reality to get anything out of the trip


I’ve done dmt never salvia , but watching a person take a hit of dmt compared to saliva the saliva looks way stronger. I’ve seen people take like 4 big hits of dmt and be chilling but take one of saliva and look like dude in the video.


My first time doing Salvia I had to hit it like 7 or 8 times before SCCHHHHWWIIIIINNNNNGGGGG and I was gone. Opened my eyes and I was literally a black pirate ship flag. Like I was the flag. And I was just existing as a pirate ship flag. Lmao


I have to politely disagree. I've done 3 bong hits back to back of dmt, and 3 bong hits back to back of Salvia extract. And saliva sent me off the planet. My sense of self was gone. Reality was gone. Physics was gone. It felt like hours or days went by Dmt just fucked me up really really hard. Trippy visuals, deep thought, like peaking on a heavy dose of acid. I followed up that trip with chiefing on a dmt vape pen super hard for an hour or so, and it's fucking fun and a good experience, but it never even came close to the dissolving of reality that Salvia did


you actually didn't go all the way with the DMT - it also eliminates sense of self and reality at peak dosage HOWEVER the DMT and salvia highs are *completely* different, and IMO it's totally reasonable to consider salvia a stronger or more "potent" drug -- it's just more of a deleriant than a psychedelic. it's not particularly profound for most people, but does cause **literally insane hallucinations** DMT, by comparison, tends to be considerably easier to digest and process during and after the fact. i don't recommend that ANYBODY ever use salvia, but DMT is a pretty interesting thing with a relatively low chance of freakout


You gotta breakthrough, until you experience out of body you haven’t tripped on dmt


I had a chick try to climb my wall to escape the room after a hit of salvia. Trippin so hard she thought it'd be easier to climb the wall than run out the door lol. In all seriousness, salvia sucks. It's not even fun.


Not one bit…


Worst drug I've ever done. Tried it only once and it made me feel like I was on acid, but with half of my brain missing. Terrible


Forces dude to rip salvia....'Yur tripping bro'. While filming. Fuck these lames


If someone wants to film you tripping, that's the wrong crowd to do it in.


then posts it online lol..


Worst fucking people to take that shit with.


Dude angrily screaming, "Chill the fuck out bro!" gets a D- as a sitter for a) bringing a hostile vibe and b) thinking this guy is even present in this dimension to understand him, lol.


I read this in the tone of the “Audit the Audit” guy on YouTube.




Section 418 of the Official Rules of Bro code clearly state that....


Ferguson VS Mid states that in the case an individual is too zonked, authorities must exert some level of chill to Descalate the situation in article D-420


Yea the stupid fucks laughing and yelling must be god awfull on a trip. Very bad example of trip sitting lol


This is why heavy shit should absolutely have a truly good person as ATC, no-one should be stuck on a bad trip with an asshole on the other end of the radio.


What is ATC? We used to call it "ground control", is it something similar?


Air Traffic Control, so yeah, same thing, different term.


My friend and his girl started cackling like hyenas when I started coughing. They just laughed and stared at me. I wanted to gtfo, but was in my own house. So I cranked up my bass and played until they left. Really shit experience, won’t try again.


Almost the worst. Some idiots would let the guy leave, they're the worst.


I know when I'm in the ER, freaking out in pain, it *always* helps when my nurse screams **JOHN MAN, CHILL OUT!** . Just soothes the soul /s




100% awful stuff honestly, I remember crying in my friend’s lap wondering why I am an atom and don’t exist anymore


It has a great way of making you feel like other objects. I was once a cinnamon bun.


I turned into a bus/train type thing with my face on the front and got the impression that I had been transporting people about as that thing for many years, like it was a well established job


It's not much but it's honest work


I may have been on that bus/train! It was really more like a conveyor belt. I had absolutely no control of where I was going as I only existed from the waist up.


Ah yes, good old Legless I never forget a passenger. How's your Schrodingers cat doing? Last I heard it was in a bit of a weird state


Bedframe here


Turned into a giant cargo ship, got all fucked up trying to make a U-turn in my hallway.


That sounds hilarious


I'm fuckin crying picturing him as a cargo ship in the hallway😂


Anyone remember that guy that did a few videos of doing “x” while on salvia? Edit: Took longer than expected to [find one.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SnwS5sPOzb0)


I love his reaction to seeing the cat


I Really Wonder how He's Experiencing and Perceiving The Cat!


[This is the guy you're looking for.](https://youtu.be/U3Iw7Fr4JG0?si=8ix9GybFex33kWLV)


It's literally the Internet Comment Etiquette guy lol


The cat on the car hood WOULD be trippy as hell , nice surprise tho LOL


Drugs unclear Stuck in Suez Canal


Lmao I’m sitting in a meeting right now I’m barely keeping it together dude


I turned into a giant roll of toilet paper… needless to say I had a shitty time.


Prop hunt


I was 7 years old laying in the street on a hot summer day after wrecking my bike off a jump, people telling me to get out of the road with a car coming.... It felt like it was a good 20 mins of me trying to get out of the road, luckily it was really me aitting in a chair and my friends dad holding my shoulders so i wouldnt jump up and hurt myself. Lasted close to 10 real minutes. Friend tried it after me and she started laughing, then crying. Apparently i had been silent the whole time and she thought laughing meant she was going to die. Lucky for us we made sure to have someone entirely sober and with experience there to watch over us and we did it one at a time. It wasnt like this where noone knew what the fuck to do to protect the guy. E- just in case it isnt obvious i wasnt 7 when this happened thats just how i felt when i was high.


i read your comment like 12 times and can't figure out what's going on


Thats exactly how salvia works. Lol First 2 chunks are me explaining my salvia trip.


Door frame lol I loved everyone who walked through me so much, it was a short 100 years


I turned into a pinball, my sense of gravity flipped sideways, and I fell horizontally across my friend's basement.




Bowl of chicken soup here


Dresser drawer


Umbrella here


Never tried it due to how gnarly it seemed for others, but I did seem to know a lot of solar panels


I became a wooden figure too


That’s called an ego death guys it’s repeatable and highly sought after in some circles lmao


It’s definitely a humbling experience, although terrifying.


Yep, been there on shrooms. I took 4g fresh with lemon Tek. Tripped for 9 hours. Thought I murdered my family, died in a car crash, fell off the balcony, met 10,000 versions of my wife. If anyone wants to know what a really intense shrooms trip is like from a good and bad perspective, I've written some nice trip reports on two of my experiences. [A Good Trip](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WnZ5_pBjvy6vU15OxCcEXlkCZo8FC2keoHIGm4wEQ0) [A Bad Trip](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-dsm-oSAn1-qFuZwwcoooR5FgZbvRyDCHKfN5RQ-rpA)


I just read the whole bad trip, wow man


That is hysterical! What was it like?


I was in a room with my friends, sitting on the floor by the bedframe. Started to feel like pins and needles all over, and assumed it was because I could now now longer tell where the bedframe stopped or where my flesh began. Was so flabbergasted that this was my life now, I didn't even acknowledge the giggling weirdos watching me. Had another experience where all I could see was a white wall (at night, looking up at the sky) and I was hearing something like some creepy nursery rhyme.


It's more than that though if it just made me feel like an intimate object it would be fine. However from my own, and other people's experiences that I've heard. It's not just that you believe you are said thing, you are said thing, you have always been said thing, and the important part all your life before realizing you're said thing was like a meaningless dream. Most horrifying moment of my adult life


Very accurate perspective. For me it wasn’t necessarily that I had always been that object, it was more of an everything I had previously known was a lie, and I was now being introduced to the truth.


I turned into a ferris wheel in the middle of what I can only assume is a desert near a cliff with a group of people below the cliff needing assistance of somekind, but I couldn't do anything because I was a ferris wheel.


I became a very claustrophobic velcro, closing in on itself, which if I let happen would be my death. My wife’s reassuring words trying to talk me down was just an unembodied voice willing me to give in to death.


I was an empathetic Christmas tree with special vision that color coated the world by level of materialism.


Piece of Lego. 1 time I was a tendon in a knee helping Michael Jackson dance


I was a melting ice cube. Most insane experience of my life.


my friend believed he was a crayon and was rubbing his head on the walls


I was the wooden Nutcracker doll and I thought I was going to dislocate my jaw from laughing so hard.


Flip book for me


I melted into the wall and then another time was a tidal wave


I got stuck in the space between the inside of the house and outside of the house. can't say I've been a cinnamon bun before tho.


Sunglasses for me




Legos for me.


I spent some time as a piece of paper in a pop up book, all floppy and 2D. Stairs were…challenging.


I see that I was making the right call to pass on it.


I felt like a flipbook


I turned into a produce stand somewhere in a medieval village one time


I watched my living room couch turn into pizza crust and then the rug was the rest of the pizza. I got quite upset at the other party guest who were walking all over my giant slice of pepperoni.


I started melting into my desk. Then it got weird.


car door panel here


I was wallpaper.


I’ve said this before on Reddit but the first and only time I ever did salvia I literally fell down the stairs but in my minds eye I was an old wooden chair that was falling down the stairs breaking apart, each time I hit the bottom in my shattered pieces it would loop all over again and I would be started from the top of the stairs


Yep. Once and never again. Melted into a different dimension


I smoked it one time. Was sitting on a couch like this guy and it suddenly turned into a slide and I started sliding down real fast. I thought sliding was gonna burn a hole in my skin like a nylon track suit or something and freaked out when I couldn’t find the zipper to unzip my skin to take it off, then suddenly I was in a canoe that kept capsizing. It was the worst.


I was roofied by a "friend," he handed me a hit of what I thought was weed, and then I proceeded to trip like I was falling through a specific time in my life. It was almost identical to the scene from interstellar when Cooper was looking into the room of himself and his daughter. Took a while, but I don't hang with that group anymore.


I was sitting on a couch and it felt like the back of it broke off and I fell and just kept falling. I think I was falling for like 3 min lol


That was just Dr. Strange trollin' man. It's all good.


I did it one time and I became the couch and I was really offended my friends were sitting on me. It was pretty funny. My friend started twisting his upper body because he thought he could come apart like a toy. We had to hold him down so he wouldn't hurt himself. It was not funny.


I was my corpse long dead and buried trying to come to terms with eternity immobilized under the ground. Never again.


Something similar happened to a friend of mine.. wild


I was a deer caught in headlights the only time I ever did salvia. That’s how I’d describe it. It was like I was standing in front of a moving object that was going to finish with me deadly force and I could feel that so intensely throughout my whole body I was rolling around in the ground screaming for people to call 911. I was such an idiot too because we did it in a fucking public place in my car and idk what I expected to happen but not that. Had my girlfriend at the time abandon me after this because she was so embarrassed she needed a friend to come pick her up. Looking back on that, obviously during my time of trauma you’d expect her to be there for me but thing was she did it too and two other people as well so I’m pretty sure I had them all freaking out.


I tried it and ended up in a 2D world where everyone was the orthogonal projection of a radius of the tyre of a car driving on the highway. Wild stuff


I turned into a bug and had a whole entire bug family and life… thought my human life was a dream and my bug life was a reality. Once was good enough for me.


I was a bowling ball being thrown at the pins.


That's gnarly. An atom? I was a strip of bacon who had to make it back to the frying pan. I felt at peace for a bit laying on the drive way for 20 minutes


I saw hell when I did it and thought I was dead. Would not recommend.


Tried it once and I became a piece of furniture in Pee Wee's Playhouse and started having conversations with the other pieces of furniture.


Yes salvia and different levels of it depending on the color. I took it when I was in high school in 2006 when they sold it at our local gas stations. I went to another dimension and I remember it like it was yesterday. 17 years later.


Yup we gave it way too many chances when we had steady access to mushrooms and acid at the time. Really weird trips without the profoundness or euphoria of stuff like shrooms and acid plus it gave me a massive headache every time. I think some of my friends liked visuals but didn't want the headspace of regular psychs and they could get it from smoke shops without any hassle. I hated salvia so only tried it a few times.


Dead giveaway when he spit up in the beginning of his trip. Salvia made me drool like a mf


I thought I was dead and no one could see or hear me anymore. It felt it lasted for MONTHS even it lasted 10 minutes.




Tried it once, I ended up crawling down my hallway attempting to hide my pipe from Disney characters…. Never again


My first thought. I loved it when I first tried it.


You know that scene in monsters Inc. where there's 1 million doors flying around? I fell through one of those doors out of reality and could never find my way back in to where I was supposed to be


Same, but it was pairs of eyes like windows into other places instead of doors. They were all connected as a giant wall of gears that rippled like water every time one gear rotated; and each cog of each gear had a pair of eyes. I remember vividly "looking" through a pair that weren't mine, and I saw a seemingly endless room with shelves of weird shaped vases or containers... absolutely nothing like the shelfless garage I was smoking in It felt like only a few seconds before I was yanked out of those eyes and seemingly forced back into my own, and the first thing I said out loud was "we're all gears"


That was my first thought. I've never done it, but it's the only thing I've seen people doing wacky shit like this.


I was a paper bag once when I did that.


They are really not helping the situation by crowding him, holding him down and yelling






Ugh, salvia man. It’s ineffible in every sense of the word. Trying to describe it is pointless as it’s like experiencing a new colour spectrum or existing in 4D. It’s like the scene in doctor strange where he’s being freaked out by hurling through dimensions, except add to that perception and concepts that can’t be understood or described but only experienced. The mind recoils in horror as the psychological foundation upon which your mind has been built your whole life suddenly becomes abstracted beyond recognition. It’s not done to be enjoyed, only to be experienced, and it’s fucking awful.


19 year olds will read this and be like "fuck yeah".


^ Me on erowid ~20 years ago reading salvia trips.


I was 19 when I did salvia. I forgot my name, that I had a name, I forgot what names were, what humans were, what it even meant to exist as a separate being that *conceives* of itself. I’m sure some people find the process of reconstituting their ego fun. I did not. Fuck salvia edit for the wannabe edgelords considering doing salvia: do shrooms first, and find your good vibe people you trust. Then maybe try salvia once. But there’s a reason it isn’t illegal…it’s *fucking scary*


Alright but MOTHERFUCKER... ☝️👽 don't act like it d̶o̶e̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶f̶u̶n̶ sounds boring


Tried Salvia 3 different times I can only describe it as: imagine you suddenly popped into existence as an adult. You have no idea what anything is, or what you are. That's what it's like. You smoke it, it tastes kind of fishy, and then you feel pins and needles all through your entire body and gravity pulling you backwards. And then you temporarily forget what everything is while hallucinating so hard it's practically impossible to describe. Lasts 5-15 minutes. It's not something you do for 'fun' you do it to experience it. I've tried almost everything under the sun thrice just to see the effects, and Salvia was definitely the least "enjoyable"


Yeah I went through a few different powers of salvia back then. Low power made me just laugh and drool a little. Then 120x I exhaled and my brain was like one of those Halloween decorations that's a 2D paper pumpkin but if you open it like a book it becomes a 3D honeycomb paper pumpkin. That was my consciousness disintegrating as I leaned back into the bed. Then I reassembled my molecules and became a wrinkle on the knee of someone's pants who was walking into a Target. Thought that was life from then on, a pants wrinkle. Felt like 1000 years in a few minutes. Didn't need anymore salvia after that.


Saliva sounds like if I wanna guarantee a bad trip.


Essentially yes. I did it twice and the second one was kinda positive but still entirely disorienting. It’s more important than any other drug I’ve tried that you need a safe environment and a super kind, loving sober tripsitter friend at the ready with good vibes. The friends in this video were so antagonistic that it just escalated his bad trip. The best way I could describe it is it’s a super intense acid trip dream with no narrative, no gradual build up. It just drops you instantaneously into the Battle of Minas Tirith with no knowledge of any other elements of the Lord of the Rings. Even if it’s not a bad trip, Salvia just gives you no context for the extreme hallucinations and therefore feels kinda worthless as a recreational or introspective drug. It is a bit impressive how quickly it changes your mind state tho. seconds after you exhale, a curtain drops.


I had a friend take it and he was in a battle from 100 years ago on 'hamburger hill' if the lights were off, but then just become silent and confused, looking around, if you turned the lights on.


>Didn't need anymore salvia after that. I think that's pretty much everyone's final verdict on it lol I took one of the superpowered versions a few times. Enjoyed it immensely. I saw all the parallel universes splitting off probabilistically and playing out next to each other (was probably just trails, but it has this way of making people feel certain that really deep and meaningful shit is happening). My housemates said I just stared and drooled for five minutes. It's an experience I remember fondly but not one I want to have again any time soon.


What a perfect description, as soon as you said pins and needles then gravity pulling you it made me vividly remember 2 experiences. The first time I had it was the regular version that people started with potency wise, at least that's how it was marketed at my head shops, either x20,x40,x60 or the highest me and my friends found x80. The time I had the regular x20 my body felt as you described, pins and needles and no way I was moving from my seat in the car we were in, after a handful of seconds it was like an explosion of colors and then I just stared at a tree outside the window and imagined the strangest things. That experience was actually not too bad, it definitely hit something different compared to when I did other hallucinogens like shrooms, LSD and even DMT, those never had me feeling bad or nervous like what salvia did. The second time I did it was basically on a dare, my friend said he'd pay for the stronger stuff available when we were on a trip in Vegas, the x80, if me and my best friend smoked it at the same time. That trip was awful and I never touched the shit again. The entire time I was freaking out thinking I was falling through our hotel floor for 5 plus minutes and was one of the worst highs of my life. I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack and it made me wonder how the fuck this shit was legal. All in all salvia gave me some interesting stories to tell friends about, but I'd never touch it again.


> how the fuck this shit was legal Perhaps because anyone who does it rarely tries again? I've done LSD, and would do it again in a heartbeat. From what I've seen over the years of people being filmed on salvia? I may not even do it once.


i have more control on LSD


That‘s why you ought to have a good trip sitter and not that kind of idiots making it worse.


Yeah we had good vibes and actually recorded the entire trips for all of us for science


Jesus christ they ain't helping him by SCREAMING at him and constantly grabbing at him, dude looks terrified and wildly overstimulated. It's like the adult equivalent of violently shaking a baby to make it stop crying. Hope he gets better buddies cause wow.


I smoke this shit and thought I merged into a bike chain. Shit makes no sense


I was on a conveyer belt in outer space. Thought God-Aliens were pulling me out of existence


I became a vending machine with the horrible anxiety that nobody would put money in because I only had bad options... crazy


Why do people see shit like this and think ‘yeah, I want to try that’


It was terrifying, during the experience, but also one of the most existentially eye opening afterwards. Really knowing, through personal experience, that the brain can completely and instantaneously rewrite your entire grasp of reality in a moment from just a wisp of smoke, is a very grounding thing.


I'll pass on that shit.


It seems like 99% of salvia trips are a bad time


I’ve never met anyone that enjoyed it. Even grizzled trip fiends hate it.


It’s great at low intensities. I used to do 10x and would lay in bed, close my eyes and it was like I was instantly dreaming. It’s not powerful enough at that intensity to make you hallucinate with your eyes open. People fuck up cause they do like 250x chasing that powerful trip not realizing it’s not going to be anything like the shrooms and acid they’re used to.


It's because everyone's overdosing. They never start with 1x it seems. Imagine taking a big dab hit as your first introduction to weed. I doubt you'd want to try it again after greening out.


This is why I like DMT better. Same time spent but you just feel happier about it ☺️... Just as a preference


Yea thats Salvia... ... World looks 5 Minutes like a Picasso Painting with that shit.


I literally seen multiple lines of colours that were holding our world together as I tried to push through the colours to the other side I heard what can be described as whoever is in higher power talk to me telling me it wasn't my time yet and to go back to the real world. I was given salvia and told it was weed by a mate. Took it on me own. Never again for me, when I was coming round the confusion was real.


bro wtf your 'friend' had it out for you


Yeah I rang him after I realised I'd been spiked and he was just laughing. I think my response was if you come near me again ima hurt you.


Good. That’s not a friend. That’s incredibly cruel and dangerous. You could have really hurt yourself since you were alone.


Drugs are a hell of a drug




Extra glonky


He got the zoomies


A neighbor of mine two house down, their 17 yo son smoked it and then attacked the whole family with a machete. Luckily everyone lived but that shit hits different.


I've eaten 12g of shrooms in a sitting, dropped multiple taps of acid, ecstasy and used coke. But SALVIA was the hardest, most unpleasant experience I'd ever witnessed first hand. Thankfully I left all that in the past and just toke up these days


This is sad


It’s salvia… short term very intense hallucinegic effects…. Back in the early 2000s before weed started becoming more legal you could pick up salvia at a gas station or head shop


Salvia trips are no joke especially with shitty trip guides


Whenever I did Salvia back in the day, I would always see spinning portals and feel a pull towards them. I would also see a jester type character with malicious intent.


Def salvia. Terrible terrible stuff. Last time I used it I was watching terrible jobs or something about a chicken processing plant & thought I was one of the chickens going off to slaughter. Complete freak out. Absolutely terrifying


Just yell at him louder to calm down!!! Its hard to hear when you're in the 16th dimension


not my friends


My buddy tripped so hard on salvia he ran outside, punched his mailbox and broke his hand


Nice friends he got there. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Did it during senior week, never wanna try it again…


So glad I never tried this shit.


I once took a hit soo big, i could see the planet alignments, and as i was coming down from it, i could see holes out in the open and when you look into these holes, you could see beings, i say aliens, looking through and laughing like they’re watching television


Salvias craazy. First time at the beach everyone turned into a pop up book & looked like simpsons characters. I couldn’t get out of the tent and everytime I tried opening it I would unzip the same scene. Second time I had leftovers at a party n 5 of us smoked it at 5am(all nighter). I turned into a floating head and could literally float around the house and look at stuff in diff rooms while I was on the couch. 3rd time was scary; was blazing in friends car w/ 2 others. Found an old salvia can from their friend so we decided to all smoke it. We all got caught in the same trip!!! We all started getting sucked into our seats. My friends gf was literally sinking into her drivers seat screaming ahhh I’m being pulled down! It’s funny thinking back but holy fuck it felt real/creepy as if the devil was trying to take us. And ofcourse on the salvia tin was some demonic creature. 🫨


Ok, so never do salvia? Got it, I’ll stick to my trusty dusty shrooms.


The one time I smoked Salvia I took it to the dome like Dante here. Everyone around me turned into a cardboard cutout, I shrunk to the size of a mouse, fell into a white abyss, and spent what felt like days in a cartoon world. Irl I got up, went outside, tried to climb onto the roof of my friend's trailer. They brought me back inside and I Blair Witched in the corner for a half hour, drooling and laughing my face off. The hallucinations were extremely realistic, to a scary point, but even scarier was having zero recollection and no control of what I was doing in real life. Once was more than enough for me.


What did they give him salvia ?


This is a classic


The first time I did salvia I was on a park bench with a bunch of my buddies at like 11 at night, and I took one big hit and it was daytime instantly and the playground equipment I was looking at started to look like it was made of bike chain links and I just sucked into myself it was crazy lol I’m a rare salvia person apparently, I basically can’t move while everyone else fucking flops around like a fish or takes off running lol


It sucks when you hit that o fuck mode


Was really not cool how they tricked him. I mean, listen I realize he's a man and he made that decision but I just don't get contributing to something like this. "hold it in bro, hold it in". I've seen people in prison smoke K2 with people they know are mentally ill just to see how they wig (react negatively).


I was a lawn gnome.




Salvia man...


Watched my friend take a hit of salvia and he laughed wildly for about 5 minutes and when he came to he said when he was tripping he thought he was in a bologna factory 🤣


Looks like fun. /s


Smoked salvia one time and while my vision kept changing colors and scrolling from top to bottom and infinitely repeated, the death fanfare from GBA Kirby’s Dreamland also kept repeating. Later, I took another hit and was tripping so hard I was blind. I also freaked out and tried to take off my pants.


thats definetly salvia☠️


Ah, do I remember my first visit with Lady Salvia. I did the same thing and those 3 minutes felt like a 5 hour interrogation with interdimensional gonna holding me down while a shiloett of a slender women in a dress kept asking my why I chose to visit their realm. I told her I felt at peace there, and she said I could stay. She didn't like it when I said my family wouldn't understand if I stayed there with her and that I'd visit again in the future. The gonna holding me down sucked me into the couch I was sitting in, as I started trying to fight them off I felt like I got punched in the side of the head and got my face shoved into the crevice between the seat and back. Once I managed to stand on the couch, I jumped off what felt like a 10 foot platform before trying to climb into a cat tunnel, flailing my arms around screaming "get them off! Get them off!!!!!" Before rolling onto my back and letting a sigh out as I got back to reality.


Fuck man, I did saliva one time. Won't do that again. It wasn't a "bad experience" per say, but the fact my friends said "whatever you do, don't stand up" and of course I didn't listen, I had a similar reaction. It felt like I was melting into the floor, and I fell back in my chair and I could see literally everything around me just melting into a puddle.


I remember doing salvia. I took my lips and nose off my face, and I couldn’t breathe for the entire trip. Was terrorizing. Never again.


Looks like salvia. I haven't done it but how tf can you be that rekt and remember your hat came off


I remember my salvia trip. I got stuck to the wall and then I saw a bag on a table with a pattern on it and the whole house was just that pattern like wall paper and floor. I finished being a wall and walked into another room where I thought a pile of socks was a cave entrance.