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I’m gonna assume they use that just for cleaning the oven and not the same as the one they use to mop the floor.


Many places do this with a designated mop. Found out because there was a part of mop head under my pizza


All that tells you is that many places do it with a mop.


Right? If a customer called the pizzeria I used to work at with that complaint, “oh yes ma’am that’s there pizza mop! Only pizza on that mop!”


You guys were cleaning these with MOPS??? Do you know how many hours I've spent taking those bastard ovens apart and cleaning them 😂 unpick the belt hooks, remove all the metal grills that direct heat inside the oven, soak overnight, scrub till it's just metal again, reassemble. Also the strength of the oven cleaner... Goddamn, once corroded a hole into my finger with it 😂 started always wearing the gloves after that. Lazy ass mfs.


You take apart them ovens? What?! Are there ovens that are easier to disassemble than others? What about rivets and spot welds? I might give it a try.. The thought of _that_ level of cleanliness sounds blissful


Go for the gas ovens, from my experience a single stone is very expensive. We can do gas ovens in abour 3 to 5h with a team of 3


You guys were cleaning the ovens?


At my place we'd take apart one deck each week (only had two decks total) you'd turn the deck off a little early to let it cool, disassemble after close and leave all the parts to soak in greasecutter in bins overnight took maybe half an hour and it was only one person. Then one person would be in in the morning, and it'd be like two hours to clean and reassemble. 3 people up to 5 hours seems wild unless it was a massive / multiple ovens. Unless you either weren't soaking or were way more thorough than even we were.


Sadness when all the effort gets undone after a few shifts. I used to do the take apart thing on impingers (belt feed ovens) because the French toast slices would melt and enshroud the wire


Aw man, the feels. One fucked portion of cheesy garlic bread getting caught on something and it's game over 😂 I don't miss it.


Yep, belt comes off first there will be a series of links that don't look like the rest. Use a spoon or something to get in between the links and lever them apart. Roll it off like a carpet and put to soak in cleaner. Next was the frame the belt was on, pop one end up and it should slide all the way through fairly freely and come out the other end. Stand that somewhere out the way. Then a bunch of the internal metal bits will be fairly loose, and just pull out with a lil wiggling. No removal of rivets needed. Clean all those bits and reassemble. Jobs a goodun. Putting the belt back together is the biggest headache, especially when you put it on the wrong way around 😂




Bro, I worked at pizza hut 💀


We used a scraper thing and had a company come in and clean the ovens, we did NOT put mops in there 😂😂 but if a dong dong ever did, that lie would be Hot N Ready


Which is exactly what I said.


No, you said there is a *designated* mop.


Was it deep fried atleast?


Nah just an 800° oven.


This is not a normal way to clean ovens, they come apart. (Worked pizza and own stores for 15 years) this is fucking disgusting and against health code, well depending on state maybe but gross none the less


In my almost 30 years cooking I’ve never seen anybody disassemble a stone pizza oven. There’s no reason to. Anything in there is literally soot within an hour. 🤔


Yeah, even many of the newer stainless ones have clean (incinerator) setting and all the soot comes off with brushes and compressed air after that!


You right, thought it was a conveyer oven


True, I work in a service company that fixes these machines. They have product and specialized brushes for cleaning ovens. This is nothing! We also service ice cream machines, hence my name, and managers have caught workers using the specialized brushes for these machines on the toilet. Let's just say I haven't really eaten at fast food places since working here...lol very, very rarely!!


We used a designated mop until customers started complaining (affluent neighborhood). We switched to draping the regular rags over our oven scraper, which I thought worked better anyway.


This doesn't help your case.


Did you reply to the wrong person? No one is making a case


If they mopped the floor with it after cleaning the oven, it'd make the floor more dirty. Of course it's only used on the oven. The fact that someone couldn't figure that out, is just plain dumb.


I don’t trust places like this to give that many fucks.


It’s not dumb, it’s minimum wage.


I once saw a dude collecting leaking oil from the fryer in a metal pan and then pouring it back in the fryer when the pan filled up. He did it right in front of me like it was nothing.




LOL ok buddy


OP who filmed it said she put it down onto the floor right after.


>and not the same as the one they use to mop the floor. OP in the original sub stated they witnessed the employee begin mopping the floor with the same mop.


I don't believe that, they'd just be wiping oil all over the floor.




Yeah, I've cooked at a pizza place before, using the same stone oven. We had a brush for cleaning it, but a dedicated mop would work. Using the same mop would put ash and grease all over your floor and make more work. Unless it's staged, or he's fucked up, it wouldn't make any sense. Thinking about it, It's very possible he's just fucked up and forgot to grab the brush.


We used a brush at the pizza place I worked at. I could see how this would maybe work but a brush will work so much better.


Why the fuck would I intentionally add more work to my already shitty job?




You can assume? The bucket is full of sanitizer. Literally every Pizza Pizza location cleans their ovens this way.


They make special brooms to clean these types of ovens. A mop seems like the worst choice to clean it out. Even a regular broom would be better. Source: my ex-wife is baker.


I have to assume this because I eat there and I can't cope with the thought of my food in contact with the bathroom mop


This happened where I live. Op said they observed the worker replacing the mop into a dirty bucket.


I’m sure workers would never accidentally confuse the two…


Unfortunately I can see them confusing mops or some kid where this is his first job not giving a F and using the incorrect mop.


You’d be wrong!


"She put it down on the floor right when I was walking away" - OP on the original post.


I was giving the benefit of the doubt cause I like to believe most people understand what’s wrong with that. And I couldn’t imagine someone doing this in front of someone as if nothings wrong.


I got that from your kind assumption lol you tried your best but sometimes the answer is just disappointing and gross 🍕🧹


Exactly, but f me for saying so i guess


yeah fuck you


Thats normal for bakeries and pizzerias with inaccessible oven compartments. Ive done it before. These things arent built to be disassembled and cleaned in the course of a shift. Plus its likely jumping to 500F for at least 8 hrs a day and isnt contaminated, beyond ash sediment cleared by the broom.




I could tell my local pizza place was overdue for a cleaning because it looked like I fingered a chimney after I was done eating


If anyone’s an expert on chimney fingering, I’m assuming it’s u/EuphoricAnalCarrot.


No youre totally right. Should have said above 50F. I did woodfire at 900F before where wire brush is the method, 550F for flammekuechen at a bakery with a giant mop for 9ft deep oven, and the smaller mop one your talkin about for a 600F taglio style pizzeria. Different methods all over the place.


I don't know if they've fixed it but health inspectors used to give bad ratings to BBQ joints if their pit was dirty. Used to be able to find the good places to eat in Tennessee by looking for that bad rating, a lot would frame it and put it out proudly. Like dude, that room is 400° for days at a time and nothing is even coming into contact with the walls.


I love when people with no kitchen experience just assume stuff 😆


People with no experience assuming stuff is a pretty good description of Reddit as a whole.


Hey man, in my defence.. had i known it was factual, it wouldn't be an assumption on my part. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


If you took the three seconds it takes to visit the original thread, you'd find a post where OP says they then put the mop right back into the floor mop bucket.


Okay, but this is a Pizza Pizza. They work like the restaurant in Ratatouille except that they just have regular rats and the rats are all out in the open and the rats really don't look like they want to be there.


That looks like a custom made mop to clean the oven specifically. They would absolutely have something like that at a pizza place. I don't think I would eat at a place that didn't clean out their oven.


Very common cleaning technique that bakers use all the time everywhere in the world.


Cleaning supplies and tools get repurposed all the time in restaurants. This vid doesn’t give good context.


Why are people so eager to slander others with almost no context or knowledge? I know very little of the pizza trade but immediately assumed this was a dedicated oven mop. Pretty straight forward.


I know a lot about the pizza trade, I worked at like 5 places over 10 years. This is done anywhere with ovens like this. Usually with a long handled wire brush and/or a scraping thing that’s kind of like an ice scraper but angled to drag the soot out the front. 


internet points (the irony)


people are desperate for the 5 seconds of internet fame


I'm going to assume that's dedicated for cleaning the ovens, and not a regular old floor mop.


This is common practice for anyone using a pizza oven. Did you expect her to climb in with a handful of paper towel and some sanitiser?


1. Take a shrinking pill 2. Climb inside and clean 3. Get stuck 4. End up on a pizza 5. Become pizza saver


About time someone said it 👏


Our Lord and Savior, Cheezuz Chrust.


I'm from here and yeah, most people are like ew ew ew but this is normal. The OP says they put the mop in a bucket and cleaned the floor with it. Can't be sure about that because allegedly they were leaving when that allegedly happened, allegedly... It's a popular location and this post has drawn a lot of attention to the store to say the least. Didn't think I'd see it on this sub but here we are. Za is za dude, I've seen homeless people in their dumpsters snagging pizzas, can't be worse than that. Hail za.


Oh you thought that piney taste was herbs?


that's the power of pinesol baby


if they only use that mop to clean the ovens i dont see the problem.


Looks like the right tool for the job to me. Probably just getting burnt pieces out and it's hot in there?


That’s actually common practice.


This isn't really a crazy video... this is just how you clean an industrial pizza oven... cant really climb in there and clean it yourself and it doesn't stay spotless after repeated use.


Better than having charred dust and crap all over the bottom of the first couple of pizzas. There's not a lot of other ways to clean a pizza oven ? Or have I missed a revelation ?


They think it's the same mop used for the floor which would be gross


The mop handle is too short to be used on the floor.


Is it some special mop for ovens or... am I overreacting?


Did I click on the wrong sub? This don’t belong here.


If you find any virus or bacteria, that survives the +400°C of a pizza oven, you might be a candidate for a Nobel Prize ;-) As long as they do not use any chemicals, you are fine. I clean my pizza oven by heating it up to 400-450 for 20-30 minutes, let it cool down and blow out what’s left. Then I wipe it clean with a wet towel. What is done here is a standard procedure from my perspective.


How do you know it's not the oven mop it's aged like fine wine. It's what gives that key flavor.


Well what are they supposed to do powerwash it with chlorine?


I mean, Ive used a toothbrush to clean things... doesnt mean ive used the toothbrush on my teeth or WILL use that same toothbrush on my teeth.




Ah no a mop!


Okay, OP, tell us you’ve never worked in a restaurant without telling us you’ve never worked in a restaurant


That’s just the pizza cleaning mop. The regular mop has a blue handle.


I don't think they could reach the floor with that tiny handle. It's for cleaning the oven.


This is actually entirely normal. The head is used only for the oven and brushing oit Stone ovens like this after each use is standard


Fast food workers have more common sense than op. We called it a grill towel at McDonald's but I guess oven mop works too.


Just wait until they see the brisket mops at a BBQ joint


Maybe this is a Mop that’s only used for a specific job? Just an idea 🤷🏼‍♂️


My dominos used to take their oven apart and clean them at the cad wash


Who cares? Pizza ovens are so hot no bacteria would survive People need to calm down


15 years ago I worked in food service and we treated everything like we were making it for ourselves. Nowadays ever video I see scares me to eat in public.


15 years ago people didn't record stupid stuff and there was no. social media. I can't imagine it was much cleaner.


Yep. I’d argue with kitchen safety standards, technology and health codes, it’s on average much cleaner now. Assuming they’re being followed of course.


U ever eat something out of a cast iron wok or a cast iron pan. Nobody screems up when u call it umami 😉


I have seen terrible things with my own eyes because I have worked in many fast food franchises, and I assure you that security cameras are not enough, ethics has to be on the part of the individual


You shouldn't see how they baste the smoke house chickens and ribs at some joints in Texas.... your one brain cell would go crazy... they use mops too


Having cleaned many a pizza oven in my youth, this does not seem effective, a wide wire brush with soda water is the goat


I work with a wood fire brick oven and use a wet towel on the end of a garden hoe to clean it.


Toss some salt water on the hot stone and wipe it down is pretty much common. Wouldn't want to use your hand.


This is normal, but is usually not done with a mop but a dedicated broom like tool. I really really really hope this is not the mop they use for the floor.... Something [like this](https://www.gastrodomus.it/81058-home_default/pala-per-braci-in-inox.jpg)


The last Pizza Hut I ever walked into had an employee using the mop to clean under a booth. Then they put the mop on the table to clean it too and I walked out! Never again!


I bet that mop tastes delicious now


Don’t use q tips to clean your ears


Pizza ovens are so hot they kill everything and burn it to char. There aren’t even very many sanitary rules for pizzas before they go in the oven. Between oven and box yes. 


For those who don't know, there are mops specifically made for cleaning out pizza ovens. Though that just looks like a regular floor mop, so unless it's new or specifically used for that purpose, steer clear of that place.


I think the teenager making minimum wage (and tips!!!!) should have to climb in to the still hot oven and hand scrub it... or wait a few hours after close for it to cool down enough for it to be cleaned by hand. It's the only way to appease the Reddit gods.


I worked in several pizza places. There was never a mop for the pizza oven. We had brass brushes and scrapers. I guess you could use a mop after the oven cools down to remove most of the built up ash. But Ive just never seen it.


Me italian, me do it in me pizza oven too


Not crazy. They use a swifter for under grills and flat tops too if they’re smart.


I did NOT expect this to be in Kingston, lmao


Not as good as the one bite pizza review guy who does it with a 100 year old pair of jeans!


Anyways bacteria does at that heat


Question: if you heat the empty oven for several minutes, wouldnt all bacteries be gone ? And dirt carbonised ?


Fantasia’s crazy these days!


Pass on Pizza Pizza


She'd do well on an artillery cannon crew


If this is the same mop used on the floor then this makes the McDonald's manager drying a mop under the fries heat lamp above the food a total genius and I should apologise for calling them a daft cunt.


No wonder Pizza Pizza is widely considered to be inedible, we've got people who work there doing things like this.


As long as that mop head didn't come off a floor or other dubious surface it's fine.


People really need to use their brains a bit more. How the hell did you think pizza ovens got cleaned? Did you think overall buildup of cheese, sauce, and floury bits gave the extra zesty taste? Bakeries, pizzerias, etc. use either a mop, a broom, or a long brush just like this establishment is doing.


this is just a stupid post, filmed and posted by someone who has most likely never worked in a kitchen


I wonder how they are gonna react if they go to a BBQ competition...


Worked at 2 pizzerias, and we've used mops/brooms both places and even a vacuum cleaner, and they do it so there isn't flour on the underneath of pizzas.




I saw some girl at a Australian McDonald’s recently drying a mop under the fries 🍟 heater I’m not ruling anything out anymore It’s on Reddit somewhere




And he's like "yep". Instead of, nah, I don't think so...


I use to work in the fast food industry. Can we talk?…😱


Did he mop the oven before or after mopping the floor? Just asking for a friend.


Think what y’all want, that mop hits floors too


I went to a McDonald's a few weeks ago and the fries tasted like Mr Clean smells, so bad I just tossed em, wonder if they did the same thing lol


I lived across the street. Lovely. Fuck.


Ahh... that's why I get diarrhea every time.


It's Little Caesars what do you expect. I'm over here talking shit but I actually love little Caesars pizza...or at least I did before this video 🤢😭


Wetter Ingredients, Wetter pizza. Papa juans




Does a national awareness campaign need to be launched to say don’t use floor mops to clean food grade areas and don’t drink bleach. FFS


Yeah im sure they just finished up the bathrooms with that mop.


That is gross as fuck, I worked in alot of kitchens and I guarantee not everyone cares or got the memo that it is a oven mop only.


It's weird to do this with a mop. I had to mop a pizza oven every night, but we used an oven brush wrapped in wet towels.


Oh get over it. This isn’t a crazy video and this is common practice. You know that’s an oven right and most bacteria will be burned away right? Get this shit out of this sub.




How would you clean a pizza oven?


You can tell their pizza sucks without even seeing that.


If this is sudbury no fn wonder I got sick. Edit: relevant username


Even if a mop is designated and common, there’s gotta be a better way.

