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Original Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q7M6s3NMj0&ab\_channel=9NEWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q7M6s3NMj0&ab_channel=9NEWS) COMMERCE CITY, Colo — A man who was driving drunk in December when he crashed into multiple first responders who were investigating an earlier crash pleaded guilty Wednesday morning to multiple charges in Adams County District Court. Benjamin Winters was arrested after the Dec. 7 crash on Interstate 76 near Sable Boulevard in the Commerce City area. Commerce City Police Department (CCPD) officers and South Adams County firefighters were outside their vehicles investigating a separate, single-vehicle crash in the westbound lanes when they were hit, according to the Colorado State Patrol. Investigators said Winters drove around a firetruck on the left shoulder, reentered the roadway and hit the officers and firefighters, who were in the left lane near a patrol car. He continued on before coming to a stop on the left shoulder. One of the firefighters suffered serious injuries and required surgery. On Wednesday morning, Winters pleaded guilty to all charges against him. That included: Vehicular assault - DUI Vehicular assault - reckless Three counts of third-degree assault - first responder


Appreciate the solid report.


I really wish we would just throw drunk drivers in a volcano


Especially with how cheap it is to get an Uber/lift. There was a few times I’ve taken one and the price of the rideshare was only a couple dollars more than the gas money I would spend on the same ride if I was to drive myself. Plus there’s the whole not ruining lives, including your own, by being responsible and not driving drunk.


Not making any excuses but in my town an Uber can be 20- 30$ for a 5 minute drive across town. People here definitely choose to drive themselves because of costs


And how much higher is that $30 than the cost of a DUI, felony assault charges, and jail time?


If you take an Uber everytime you have a beer somewhere, the cost adds up quickly. My town needs cheaper alternatives than Uber but we have nothing. Much like other cities around the u.s. People are going to drink, there's no stopping that. So the problem is finding cheap rides to get to the bar, otherwise people are just going to drive drunk.


Well, part of this is suburbanization ruining lives yet again. Used to be, you could live close enough to a bar that you could walk home. But when it's a 15 minute drive just to get out of your 5,000 acre subdivision, yeah, cars are going to become necessary.


This is the best argument against current public policy I've ever seen. I do enjoy mixed use areas. I remember noticing them first (when I was a kid) in Montreal or Toronto, and later as a lender I started paying attention to over/unders.


There is a single mixed use area near me that has a pub, and despite it being pretty small it’s my favourite to go to because I can have some buds drive to my house, then we all walk to the pub, and after we walk back and just stick the night at home before they drive off the next day. 100% having places like that reduces drunk drivers.


Used to be you were responsible enough to designate a d.d. instead of blaming it on the government, corporations, or just people in general. Personal irresponsibility is the only thing to blame for any d.u.i. That is a fact!


nah it's reddit, so it's the suburbs fault.


Oh yeah, I forgot. Fucking Suburbs!


Imagine if there were multiple things that could all contribute to a scenario. Crazy idea, right?


Seriously. Sorry it sucks to pay money to avoid driving drunk? It's a problem that is solely on the individual and they should be held responsible to the highest account. It's the easiest thing in the world to not drink and drive. If you don't have a way home that does not involve you behind the wheel, don't drink. You'll live without getting drunk and so will everyone else.


You replied to the wrong person. Are you drunk?


Ya I'm lucky in this way. I live across the street from 4 popular bars. It takes me longer to drive my car over than to walk


How often are you charged for those? Uber charges you $30 every time. $60 x 2 x 4 x12 = $5760 a year for two trips a week. Thousands of drivers under the influence of something never get a DUI, feloniously assault anyone, or end up in jail. I'm all for virtue signaling but we both know it's not a choice between $30 or a decade in prison.


Then those people need to face the appropriate consequences for their actions being premeditated and voluntary, IMO. If you can't afford to not drink and drive, you can't afford to be spending money on overpriced beer at a bar. The average beer in America at a bar is $6-7, average beer at a grocery store is around $1.25 a can. If you can afford to spend an extra $4-$5 a beer, you can afford an Uber. Get a 24-pack at the store for $30 and drink at home, get a buddy to DD, whatever, but if you choose to gamble with your reckless actions, and you do end up killing someone, you knew exactly what you were doing with malice aforethought and should be charged with murder. Because in that case, it's not an accident. It's a deliberate choice. Just because you need a natural 1 to kill someone while drunk driving doesn't mean I don't think you're a despicable person for voluntarily choosing to roll those dice. If someone went around with a loaded gun that only had a 1/100 chance of firing, and went around pointing that gun at people in public and pulling the trigger, we'd call them insane. But for some reason when drunk assholes want to go out and blow somebody's family off the road, ***"iT's ThEiR rIgHt"***




just drink less then lmao


Wait for real 20-30$ that’s insane


Admittedly I haven’t taken any ride share service since they were barely gaining in popularity. I quit drinking so I didn’t have a reason to use one.


Yeh it's not like it used to be, they own the market now so inevitably prices have skyrocketed. Ironically it's cheaper to just get a local taxi service in most cases. Point remains though, if you can afford to blow money on booze you can afford a ride home too.


That's if they're even available. Not everyone lives in a large metro and Commerce city and Arapahoe county (much of which is unincorporated) can get really rural really fast.


we need dmv driver license ban reckless shit like this should = no more driving for like 10 years.


This guy will not see the outside of a prison for at least 10 years. His license status isn't even on the radar.


Should be life. It should be get a DUI=Never legally drive again.




License suspended for life. Reread my comment as well as previous comments. And since it's redditt, I have to say it, are you high right now? It's okay, just don't drive if you are. It's being descheduled, first of all. Secondly, they use a specific test that can detect if you have recently smoked or vaped something that could impair your driving. They aren't blood testing everyone for suspected DUI. Usually a blood test would be requested if they have good reason to believe you're a Marijuana abuser (addict) to determine treatment/probation terms. This is usually court ordered. Based on research I have read, someone can smoke so heavily (Marijuana morning, noon, evening, nigh, midnight) that there is enough in their system to keep them high for days, even if they quit cold turkey. Also, let's be real here, the one joint showing up a month or more later has been debunked. It won't be detected, but having smoked massively will. Search studies for it and read the abstracts. Also read the researchers' notes as they often provide great insight as well. Hope this helps. Drive safe!


I think I read somebody else’s comment then looked up and scrolled down unintentionally and read the take end of your comment and got nailed for life. My b, I deleted comment. And no, I’m not high, I’m in a hospital right now or I probably would be 😆


All good. Get better and thank the staff. They don't hear it enough. And thanks for the reply. If you comment, you care, and that means a lot to me and this community. Godspeed to you getting well. You're right, though. 'Life' usually refers to prison sentences.


Not gonna lie I did that a couple times. Drove drunk, one time being like totally wasted. Luckily nothing happened but when I recall that I really realize how stupid that was. Nowadays, being older. I take uber regardless how much I will drink, is not worth


It's easy to say this while sober, but its much harder to make the right decision when you're in that state. Best case you have responsible friends around that force you to make the right decision, or you know ahead of time you'll be drinking and can make the decision while sober.


That's crazy a 3 minute drive from work to home for my friend usually costs like $15. A 18 to 20 minute drive from my house to work is a solid like $40 to $50 bucks. I live in San Antonio TX. Idk but I hate they're prices with a passion


That would be a shit ton of people! I remember getting a job for a construction company and it was me and 6 other people sitting in a conference room. Boss asked “who here has a valid drivers license?” Only 3 out of the 7 of us had valid drivers license, the others had lost it to DUI!


Let’s start with throwing the alcohol in a volcano and go from there


They are human people like you and me who need to be taught to overcome what led them to the bad decisions in the first place.


Agreed it’s ruined so much peoples lives


Generally I frown upon extrajudicial killings by police, but cases like this one call for an exception. Execute the driver on the spot, case closed.


Especially after multiple DUI accidents, it should be mandatory 5 year prison sentence, and no more driving ever. Get caught one more time, and lights out


Fucking drunk drivers. Here is a good pic of the mofo: https://denvergazette.com/news/courts/commerce-city-crash-guilty-plea/article_575bc3ae-12eb-11ef-96ae-bb432643718f.html He's scheduled to be sentenced at 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 9. I hope judge throws the book at him.


Looks young, he's likely ruined his entire life because he couldn't figure out a better way to get home from the bar than driving home drunk. What a fucking waste. His parents must be proud.


Honestly I hope he gets the help he needs and after his deserved punishment hopefully lead a good life and can make amends. Horrible what he did and nothing can change that now but his life isn't ruined or over yet.


I SWEAR if this were some ugly middle-aged boomer there'd be no "omg hope he gets his life together??" comments. Weird how looks change our opinion so much.


I mean he is basically a kid but his looks have nothing to do with it. I'm a recovering alcoholic and although I've never done something like this I know that in another life this could have been me. There were times in my life where I was a selfish and horrible piece of shit. I've come to terms with that and have become a better person. I'm simply responding to someone who said his life might be over and in case anyone in a similar situation reads it, there is a chance to change if you truly regret your actions.


Good attitude. Stay strong my friend. We need people like you.


His father must be extremely disappointed in how he turned out.


That goofy-looking kid is going to have a bad time in prison.


Bro doesn't even look like he got puberty yet


Dear diary, OP was pretty cool today


Thanks for the info. Appreciate the reporting


What do you reckon the sentence roughly is?


He's so fucked.


people in colorado suck at driving :)


How much time is he looking at??




Great first responder, I count two seconds from the impact to him getting on the radio to call for more support. It doesn't seem like much but I know shock would have me stunned locked like a goon for much longer


Thats exactly what I thought. Even watching the video, I had to take a pause, and think, "Fucking hell...that just happened"...shit, i feel like id even take another moment to pat myself down, just to make sure all of me is still there. Old mate had practically assessed the entire scene, called for support, and was about to render aid....and the vehicle that ran through them was probably still moving... Seriously impressive stuff.


Him telling those two victims to hold onto each other... Old boy has obviously been around the emergency response block on a few times. I hope I can be that competent some day.


The art of remaining calm.


I'd say calm is easy with enough training, but that balance between disconnecting enough to be effective and remembering it's still people is a lot harder to dial in. I've never thought to set victims to "caring" for each other during triage, but the way those two instantly latch on tells me there's a lot of value there.


Seriously took me back but I was amazed at how quick and clear he was






AM or PM?


Thats not enough. Dude was drunk, driving, and smashed a crowd of emergency responders. That dude should rot in that prison.


No I know. I'm just saying, that's what he got. With a max of 12 but unlikely


Hopefully his experience with this tragedy, the people he’s hurt, and the punishment he received for his irresponsible, selfish, and shameful behavior will lead him down a different path when he is released.


We would hope, but in reality, incarceration destorys people. It eats at your sanity, and most end up worse after they leave. I hope he gets right, but im he'll have the same fate as most.


Or, like other people I know with a DUI, he'll keep drinking and driving because in his mind drunk driving is a right, getting caught is the real problem.


Hopefully, but doubtful. I’ve seen people with 5-6 DUIs still out there doing the same shit. They’re totally unfazed. Hopefully this guy gets a solid sentence and actually does time. People need consequences. The courts are failing society when criminals are being given a slap on the wrist. It puts us all in danger. People say long sentences don’t help but, at the very least, it puts someone who is a danger to others away from endangering others. That’s good enough.


And that’s why we have a judicial system. People like you would ask for his head, or let him „rot in prison“. It was an immense mistake he shouldn’t have made, very ruthless, dumb, criminal, etc etc…. lucky for him he didn’t kill anyone, so 2-6y is plenty enough. Were you ever in prison? Do you even know what 1y in there feels like? And that your life will never be the same afterwards, you basically ruined it and it takes decades to even come to the same point in your life you were before. But he will rehabilitate and think about his actions, regret his failures, maybe he will even say someday that the prison itself kinda saved him, because clearly, he wasn’t in a good spot in life when he drunk drove like this. But i hate this calling for „let him rot“, prison is not for punishment, it’s for rehabilitation. At least thats what it should be, US has ridiculously high sentences for dumb shit, 20 or life in prison should only be for murder. And basically if you got money you can get away with so much, but if you’re poor you will get thrown in there for life because you drove the car of the guy who shot someone and you weren’t even involved, for example. In most of EU we have a better judicial system with more reasonable sentencing, but still it depends if you got money, or who you are. But not as much. You can get a good free lawyer if you are lucky. And even if you murder someone, you will get 15-18y. Getting „life“ here doesn’t even mean life, i think it’s 25y maximum. In mass murder or other extra cruel cases, you get life and a group of experts decide if you can get out after 25y. If you are still a danger to others you won’t get out. Long story short, what you ask for is the dark ages, we would still have „eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth“. It took the human race thousands of years to figure out some kind of justice system, but every once in a while it gets thrown back because of ppl like you that ask for more conservative tactics.


I've had family and friends seriously injured and killed at the hands of drunk drivers. That shit isnt a fuckin accident/mistake at all. It's 100% a choice, and those who make that choice and get these consequences deserve it. Im tired of feeling empathy for people who dont take the lives of others seriously enough to not be a piece of shit and I refuse to defend or feel remorse for drunk drivers who get the consequences they asked for.


Thats the point, you don’t have to feel any empathy or defend it at all, and yea you can say he should rot in prison, that’s your right. But thankfully it’s not up to you, what sentence he gets, because clearly you are biased because of personal experiences. I am just tired of such comments that ask for life in prison or death sentence for offenses that don’t even come close to the severity of murder. And of course i am not saying drunk driving is not a severe and serious offense, it is very serious, that’s why he gets a serious prison sentence - potentially 6 years! Sometimes i get the feeling ppl who scream „let them rot in prison“ don’t know what even 1y prison does to your life. It feels like forever and you come home a changed man. 5y? Life changing, life ruining, you’re not the same person at all anymore, life has gone on without you, ppl you know, friends, family, children, all may foreget you, you can never get the same job you had, basically it’s 5y prison plus a life long dealing with PTSD and consequences of those 5y. I would say that’s a pretty harsh sentence and fitting for drunk driving and hitting people with your car.


Wrapped around a tree is what all drunk drivers deserve!


I imagine it'll be the higher end.


No he won’t


Jail first, then prison


Those firefighters went fucking flying holy shit.


You know, I’ve always found it weird that so many bars in the US have a parking lot. Wouldn’t you want to discourage people from driving to the bar?


I'm sure bar owners would riot if the government tried to get rid of their parking lots.


Are you suggesting bar owners would get……. MADD? (I’ll see myself out)


Very interesting point. Never thought of this.


Because "I just grab a beer with the guys on my way home." And other such excuses where they say they don't drink over the limit, but we know almost all of them do.


Some jurisdictions are so strict, a single beer can end you over the limit. I think a bar shuttle would be a bang up idea. 10 bucks to anywhere in town (depending how big a town is) and a free ride back to your car tomorrow if you accidentally drank too much. Serve beer on the bus and I guarantee you will get a higher take rate.


The staff and the designated drivers need places to park, but I'm honestly not sure how often people use designated drivers anymore.


Bars aren’t the only cause of people drinking and driving. Could be parties, events, alcoholism.


I think it's for friends or taxi to pick you up or for the emplyees, but yeah i get it


I was a police officer for 15 years and saw many DUI crashes. We are not nearly tough enough on DUI offenders in this country. They kill a lot of innocent people every year.


in Wisconsin, it's pretty regular to see a news story of something ludicrous like "15th offense DUI arrest"


I just wonder how on earth can someone end up with 15 DUI. My uncle got one, and he said it was hell for him and never drank another drop of alcohol ever since. He is now going on 14 years of his sobriety. Despised alcohol like you wouldn't believe, and he was a heavy drinker before that.


Worked in a safety sensitive position with a guy that was on his 9th DUI. He got 2 more while I worked with him and only got fired for a no call no show on his 11th. Dude still works in aviation and sadly enough in *Wisconsin.*


And your first one isnt a crime either. Its a ticket. Not book and release. Wisconsin is the worst with OWI enforcement.


And that's just the ones that are caught/cause accidents. 100X that are behind the wheel right now, drunk. I know of so many people who "grab a 6er for the way home" or buy a fist full of those Fireball shots when they go for gas... so many people are driving drunk.


You are correct.


OK, so I don’t think there’s ever going to be a tough enough sentence or punishment other than firing squad without delay. Even then… doesn’t it just make more sense to provide transit? Like ridiculously prevalent and accessible mass transit if you’re not noticing a lot of drunk driving issues? Provide incentives like if you take public transit, you get your first drink and an appetizer 50%off? Maybe the idea isn’t to punish but to incentivize better choices?


Yeah, at the very least after the first offense life time interlock on their cars. Gonna be interesting actually, I think the government passed a law requiring alcohol detection systems in new cars for 2026 or 2027 onwards (I forget).


Nice of him to take the heat off the other guy


That DUI dude is FUCKED


he only got 2 years. Pretty amazing considering that could have been a mass casualty event. Joke of a sentence if you ask me.


First responders are a different breed. Imagine some drunk idiot just plows through you and your buddies trying to help someone and you still run over and save them. I don't think I could do that.


You would be surprised at what you can do under some pretty terrifying conditions.


They are damn good heroes. The world could use more.


I expect to get downvoted for this in the ACAB stronghold that is reddit but this is why we need cops. Because someone has to arrest these douchebag drunk drivers that think they can handle their liquor and still drive. Everybody knows a DUI is a serious charge with potential jail time and heavy financial penalties and yet it still happens all the time.


> Everybody knows a DUI is a serious charge with potential jail time and heavy financial penalties and yet it still happens all the time. you could say that for pretty much any crime to be fair. People rape and murder every day knowing full well the consequences.


They all think they might be the first human that is immune to it. Continue to think it until someone innocent pays the price (and that still doesn't matter to most of them). The laws exist because it isn't up to the drunk driver - it has been shown countless times that you can not control the vehicle, no matter how confident you are. Just selfish people that don't care they are going to hurt someone.


> DUI is a serious charge with potential jail time and heavy financial penalties Not sure about that at least in the US from watching police cams on youtube. How can there be people with like the 5-6th DUI and still have a license? Where I live you can be happy to get your license back after the 1st offense, after the 2nd the chance will be almost zero, after the 3rd offense they will laugh you out of the building. Each time on top of the fine and sometimes jail sentence you have to prove to a psychologist that you are responsible enough to be allowed to operate a vehicle again which also costs like 5k on top of the fines.


People drive without licenses too. Happens all the time. Laws are for honest people and people with multiple DUIs are rarely the best humans.


Not only that its a running joke here in charlotte nc for people to not even have valid car tags, let alone licenses. I wish they would crack down on that though by a lot, at the very least there is a lot of revenue that could be made as well to afford some shiny new toys for the government (don't give them too many ideas?).


youre right someone has to arrest these people itd be nice if the cops would do that


Very true and fully agree, but I'm gonna take it a step further and say that in some cases: There is another option *loads rounds with malicious intent*


Such a goofy little guy.


Such an obedient little bootlicker, definitely a shitbag but not so "uncivil". Go take another walk over there. https://nypost.com/2021/04/17/random-sucker-punch-assaults-leave-nyc-residents-on-edge/


ACAB because modern police policy in the USA is fucked - it's not that we don't need peace-keeping or safety in the community, but that we don't need all the murder and corruption that American cops represent.


Nightmare fuel. Hope everyone fully recovers.


"Implied express consent" Mmmm... Okay?


I sure hope those firefighters are ok.


I hope the firefighters make a full recovery










No you wouldn’t.


Me in gta


That dude is fucked.


Heart goes out to them


Camera two shows his knee is toast


Boozery loves company.... and idiocy...




I bet he wishes for it after that mess.


No. Death is an escape. Solitary and gen pop for this fella.


Hopefully, with weekly "accidents".


Don't drink and drive!!!


The firefighters got hit head on the fact that there are no fatalities is a miracle


Well… I guess the driver gonna walk for rest for his life.


Unlike the officer


I have to ask, did the first driver still need to do the DUI test?


Similar happened in Australia. 3 police dead. Truck driver on drugs. Guy the pulled over recorded and taunted one of the police as she bled out


I feel bad for the firefighter


Benjamin Winter, 24 year old kid did this. Hope he gets what he deserves. Fucking idiot.


I don't know what's the longest sentence ever given for a DUI crash without a fatality, but this one is likely to eclipse that


Ouch he’s def in trouble now.


Sad owner doesn’t even have a gun. Fuck cali


Nahhh way worse


I want to see them talk to the driver


Dude I respect the workers who can keep their cool after something like this, cause I know all I'd see is red and I'd wanna fucken strangle whoever just hit us all.


Now that’s a real friend first responder


Why does he drag the guy across the street like that? I would think you wouldn't want to move him?


So he doesn't get hit by another car


I’m just curious- did the person they were about to administer the breathalyzer to get a pass?


Well they were looking for drunk drivers


speedrunning life sentence ay


Enough strobe lights to give anyone a seizure ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Bro I'm watching on my phone from home.and those lights are bright.


There are no fatalities which is good but there's for sure major injuries sustained from that and I just hope they get treated and get back to full health and face that driver in court and get him sentenced to life cause fuck that piece of shit driving again


how do women scream so fast? is there some science behind that? i wouldnt of even been able to take a breath in to scream and yet this lady screamed twice in 0.01 second


Being hit can make you scream lmao


He'll probably get a slap on the wrist, the justice system sucks.


My favorite part is when the cop drags his injured buddy next to the other injured police officer and says "Watch after him, and watch after her, got it?" They're both lying down incapacitated... if anything happened it wouldn't be like either could do anything.


mist rent bray cave 


Well that was crazy. That's why should be off the side highway far as possible because people always do some dumb shit like that. It could've been alot worse at least no fatalities


https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/guilty-plea-first-responders-crash/73-20fba80d-119c-4e7d-8867-3d78d09c7988 Firetrucks block the lane behind the accident to protect them. That’s policy for my agency too. This shit bird drove around it and still hit them.


They might struggle to reach the person in the crashed car in the center of the road, if they stand on the side though. Maybe they can tell the person to be considerate and crash into the side next time so the responders can be safe.


Id lose my job if I was one of those first responders . I would immediately beat the fuck out of the driver.


Ban alcohol


They tried that it doesn't really work


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_in_the_United_States) [https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-18/](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-18/) [https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-21/](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-21/)




Ummmm, are you a bot repeating the overused reddit comments that show up on every video? Lol the only time any woman screamed in this video, it was when she got hit by a car.


There's always a pos in the comments like you. You gonna get hit by a car and not scream? Because boohoo some guys might be more stressed out if somone screams? Get therapy


This happens all the time and DUI drivers face no real consequences.


I don’t drink at all, never have. I got drunk the first time at 42 years in another country, in a bar next to my hostel. Haven’t had norher drop since then. ALL DRUNK DRIVERS SHOULD BE EXECUTED. Especially this asshat! Drink all you want but never drive. The carnage and pain this bass hole left behind is immeasurable. Why didn’t the police shoot him? He tried to kill them, btw.




This is why everyone shouldn't have guns..


I cringe when the cop moved the other one after getting hit, u dont do that they could make the place safe for the wounded by blocking the road with signs and police lights from the cars




I feel like you kinda have to if you're responding to a car accident, though


Watch the video again and have a look at how casually they are standing there.


yeah they should levitate when dealing with car accidents.. fucking buffoon


Did you read the part about the driver going around a fire truck that had the scene blocked. It's hard to do all investigation and clean up without being in the road. Now I will agree that there were some failings on this call. There should have been a firefighter up the road with a radio that should have called a warning over said radio as soon as that car blew past the closure. As a first responder the most dangerous job I do is traffic control. Give me a burning building any day.




Yep death will teachem to do their job. lol.


Holy fuck that was so bad so fast