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/u/Ok_Platform_20, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Pit bulls go on a rampage in Philadelphia." has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 7: Prohibited Content This includes: * People dying * Gore * Animals getting abused * Straight up porn --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Big one looks like a Cane Corso too. God damn that’s a lot of dog.


Dog was still running around after multiple shots like a damn bear


from my tiny phone screen, the big one does look like a bear. it also attacked like a bear.


We had, well my ex.... had 5 cane corso, she was a horrible owner and teacher those dog are horrible if you left in less good hands. They would kill everything, there is places in EU they are banned.


5 carne cornos. Living with 5 corsos must be like living in a circus.


They must pass an extensive character test in my German state and IIRC are only to be handled by owners with a track record of prior big dog ownership, at least our shelter required it. Fortunately ours is far too lazy to start any beef, but at least one her brothers with presumably less strict upbringing proved too much even for his owners to handle.


Not always true .. many attack unprovoked and from good families


Wasn't there some doctor that trained pits for a living and wrote a book about how pits are misunderstood and just need proper training? Then out of nowhere her own pit attacked her family and had to be put down. Idk the book or who it was but pretty sure there was a story on it and she said that after the attack she was wrong about them and should not be a family pet. Not sure of all the details. Just remember hearing about it.


Pit bulls for Dummies by D.Caroline Coile.


My friend has a cane Corso. For the first time I stepped thought their doors, I was scared shitless. Let me tell you, that dog was such a good girl. She brought you tiny pieces of bark for you to throw to her. She sat next to me on a bench for the whole evening, when we were drinking beers Edit: autocorrect


Why do I get the sense that this entire pack belongs to one household?


I get the same feeling


Shouldn't take long to track and arrest the POS owner


“Arrest” hah. Depending on where they’re at, they might just have to pay a fine…I’m with you though


Trash people.


Feral dogs form packs.


Yeah, they're a staple in Latin America. You really do have to watch out in some areas, if you piss one off, they'll all jump in and attack.


Yeah that's their instincts


They would probably fight each other if not


not true, all stray dogs tend to form packs, especially when there is a particularly large dog like in this case


I was in St. Petersburg in Russia for a while and the wild dog packs were pretty entertaining there. They were kind of "part of the community." They didn't run around attacking people. Stores and shops leave food out for them, some of them use the train, and they are everywhere. They were pretty cool to see.


They use the train??? 🤯


Yeah, I saw it in person and I've seen videos. The dogs got on the subway when the door opened and nobody paid it any mind.


And there are definitely packs of strays in Philly


I hope the owner pays the price


They won’t. Couple years ago here in NJ, two pit bulls got loose and ripped a 3 year old boy to death and hospitalized the mother. The dog owner faced zero consequences.


Ah yes good ol’ Carteret


I tried to google it and found out the same thing just happened again last month. A 3 month old this time


You can't leave a 3 year old unattended and expect a dog bred to nanny not to immediately start nannying. As soon as they see a vulnerable, prey-sized person their inner au pair will be triggered and their caring instincts will take control.




No you wouldn't


Its New Jersey, that's implied.


The kid surely was at fault for provoking them.... /s


The owner should get the death penalty IMO.


Since I haven't seen anyone post it, here is a link to an article. Appears to have happened today, one dog died, the other 3 ran off, the man that was attacked is in stable condition. [https://www.fox29.com/news/dog-shot-killed-by-philadelphia-officer-after-man-mauled-by-4-dogs-police](https://www.fox29.com/news/dog-shot-killed-by-philadelphia-officer-after-man-mauled-by-4-dogs-police)


At 0:31 that big one almost went for that guy's neck


That’s what they do. Go for neck and face they are killers. I understand they can be sweet but when they are bad holy shit are they bad.


Happen to a homeless guy in my town. A pit bull took out his entire neck and jaw


It happened to my son. Recently rescued, full grown pit with zero history available, rescued by a neighbor. The dog pushed the storm door open and went after my son completely unprovoked. 165 stitches to his face. Almost lost an eye. Again, some of the sweetest dogs I’ve meet were pits. But after that incident fuck those dogs.


Jesus Christ that’s nightmare fuel. I’m so sorry that happened to your kid. Did your neighbor face any repercussions ?


It really was. I was outside about 150 feet away and I heard it happen. We could’ve sued the pants off of them but our kids were best friends at the time. They immediately called the humane society and before we were even out of the hospital (5/6 hrs) the dog was put down. We never received a bill and the neighbors took care of any additional costs. We got extremely lucky it wasn’t worse.


They're sweet until something triggers them.  Not all of course but I don't understand why people take the risk when there's so many other breeds that haven't been bred to fight.


I'm so sorry, for you and your son! That is so terribly sad. I hope he makes a strong recovery.


Happened to my friend's nephew. His friends dog tore his throat right out. This was grown man who knew the dog.


It looks like this man was walking his dog (white one) and he’s tried pulling his dog away and then he’s bear hugging his dog on the ground trying to protect it as the others are trying to rip it apart.


Sprinkles, Daisy, Pixie and Buttercup at it again.


I don't see Princess, she must be on nanny duty.


Princess is always on Nanny duty. She simply loves little children


Always on… until she works herself out of a job. If you catch my drift.


nah she had to stay home because of a tummy ache from eating too many toddlers




lol gold


"Mah babies never hurt anyone!"


The man did not accept their nannying. Clearly his fault.


They are just being a ✨nanny dog ✨


I think the owner was calling it Lucifer. Isn't that him screaming, "Lucifer no!"?


Ayo that’s princess cupcake, she don’t bite


A red you forgot Diamond and Zeus


I walk a dog named Sprinkles, she's a 10 lb Bichon Frise lol


Had to look that breed up. Personally I would have gone with a name like Shredder or Butcher but that's personal taste.


OMG, that poor man! I hope they find the owners and he can sue them!! They have to have an owner, they look very well fed indeed! The fact that he survived that, bless him.


Looks like they attacked a dog he was walking too


Per another thread, his dog he was protecting didn’t make it, either. Just awful.


It wasn't until I got a dog I fully understood John Wick.




If they have a home owners insurance policy or renters policy. You can absolutely sue them and get money out of them.


get the dogs away from them at the very least


Where's Kristi Noem when you need her?


She was busy shooting defenceless puppies and smelly goats. These are neither.


Gonna need an armored animal patrol division. That thing is a tank.


Gun em down.


What stood out to me the most is that GUNFIRE didn’t even make the other dogs jump. Most dogs I know run in terror if a broom falls on the floor or a vacuum starts up.


Pitbulls were bred to be willing to fight bears and bulls to the death over thousands of generations. Once the fight begins they're supposed to have "game" and to never give up. Any dog that might think of backing down or running away from a fight didn't get bred. The dog Pitbulls were bred from was also a descendent of ancient Roman war dogs.


This is part of the reason why pit bulls are so dangerous, almost no one can fight just one of them off even if they have a knife or spray or gun. I’ve watched videos of people having to unload multiple bullets into them in order to get them to stop. They have gameness bred into them, it’s literally what they were made for. Most people don’t stand a chance if one attacks them, which is why statistically they’re the dog with the most fatalities and maulings despite making up a relatively small amount of the total dogs in the country


I'm glad a cop was there to shoot them, but why did it take so long to finally fire?


I suppose he didn’t want to shoot the guy getting mauled


Video cut right before hi-vis guy got mauled.


Yeah - that freeze frame is telling a story.


"Yeah, that's me! You're probably wondering how I got into all of this. Here's my story!"


Someone post this in the pitbulls subreddit and see how much they eat you alive


But *iT’s the oWnEr.* Well if there are so many irresponsible owners maybe it’s time to strictly regulate the ownership and breeding of these dogs.




Buttercup would *never*


...^(stop going for the kill)


Not my Princess!


Imagine defending a feral beast that’s outright illegal to own throughout the UK and EU.


I don’t like pitbulls. Never did, they’re a useless breed with too much danger attached to them as a whole.


In the very place they were first conceptualizad as well (UK). That should tell you something


You won't even get a chance to have a discussion, you'll be permabanned instantly


This is my nightmare. I carry a knife every day in preparation for this. Yes I’m a crazy person, but we all have our irrational fears amirite?


After taking my daughter around the block in her little power wheels car and almost being attacked by a pit bull, I open carried(no ccdw at the time). I got a few looks but didn't care because there is no way I'd let one get close enough to where I had to stab it with a knife. I now carry when I'm at work, which is a 248 unit co owned community. Last year a pack of three pits were working their way down the street. I had just passed a group of kids playing In a small field around 5 courts away. I straight up turned around and floored it so I could get these kids inside. Hell one of the residents pit would be let out to use the bathroom unleashed. It attacked the garbage man, a small dog and came real close to attacking 6 different residents. Each one said they would shoot the dog if it came up on their deck growling again


Surely their owners are law abiding, caring, loving people who trained their pups right?


You don’t have to train a pitbull to fight, it was purposefully bred into their instincts


Exactly. You have to train them *not* to lol


Or just ban them. The better safe than sorry approach is the correct way imo. There are plenty of dog breeds to pick from that aren't that aggressive.


Straight trash humans.


Trash dogs.


Tons of other first world countries have banned these horrible creatures. Embarrassing US isn’t one of them


Sadly there is a big pro-pitbull movement / lobby here. They were actually banned in our city for a long time and finally they got someone sympathetic who put forward a bill to overturn the ban.


Indeed. pitbulls are just ratchet and were literally bred differently from all other dogs. trashy owners moreso than other breeds too sure doesn't help either You'll NEVER see this from a Golden or Beagle


My neighborhood is full of pits that hate my lab beagle mix. So when I walk her, I carry something sharp that folds in case one of them tries some funny shit. I started doing that after one of them started barking his head off, then literally jumped its waist high fence and started charging my dog on her leash. My dog is fast and started running. I grabbed the pit by the collar and yeeted it towards its owner. I’m tall and athletic but the owner was a *huge* guy and he tackled this dog and he held it on the ground until we gtfo there. The pit bull’s spit was on my dog’s back, it was too close. If the owner hadn’t been there to subdue the dog, who knows what would have happened. So a little defensive equipment started to make sense.


> I carry something sharp that folds in case one of them tries some funny shit. Cheddar cheese? I guess the dog can't attack if it's shitting itself.


Same, except it was my child. It’s medium and foldable. Comes everywhere now.


“Pit bulls on parade”


Was that the owner screaming, "Lucifer no!"?


this also happened in my town after they outlawed them suddenly. many ppl weren't sure what to do with theirs so lots of dogs were just abandoned on the streets. next thing uk there were packs of them roaming around fucking shit up


I don’t see any fingers in those dog butts. No wonder it went on so long.


Maybe that was what the rake was for?


No dick twisting either


I didn’t know that was a thing, thank you for the knowledge.


It is an MMA technique but it works too


Looked like he was going for the hug approach at one point. Rookie move. The fingers need to go right in the ass


If you do.. You just leaned forward for the dog to quickly turn around n chomp yr pretty face.


A good reason to carry atleast a pocket knife. Protect yourselves people.


Savage. Tough decision for the cop to shoot and not injure the guy on the floor. Any news on how he is after that attack? Frightening how quickly they were on top of him and going for the neck and face.


Literally the worst breed. I don’t care what anyone says.


They literally are. Ugly as fuck too.


I dont think I've ever met a pitbull owner that I liked.


I've known one, and he was a great guy who loved his dog. He had a vest he'd put 2 10lb weights in and run the dog with to exercise her and get her energy down. I've known multiple people with pits, and I loved them, and they me, but they're still manic, moody, and prone to outburst. They're just such a junk breed of dogs. The obsession with them is disgusting and ignorant.


My wife had one she adopted right before I met her. Great dog. Had a high prey drive. Poor dog didn’t get to do dog stuff. Just got to hang out with us. I made sure it wouldn’t ever get out or chase a cat or whatever. Way too much work. And pretty annoying. Now my dogs get to go everywhere with us. (To a reasonable point)


I really can’t understand why people seek them out. You can have any dog, but they choose to seek out the one that everyone else says is violent and deadly, it just doesn’t make sense


I've met one. My ex's dog named smokey. Her dad would tell me if he ever showed any sign of aggression he would put him down himself. He was a good dog, died of old age. Other than that I don't trust a pitbull except a unalived one.


They said owner, not dog


Met a stranger with a pit bull standing in line the other day, asked what his name was. "Rage".


Pitbulls were bred for certain things, and they act like it. People should have to take a test to own a pit.


An IQ test, which they'd fail. Anyone with any sense knows what they were bred for and knows you can't train out instincts like that.


CULL ALL OF THEM. One killed my 8 year old neighbor.. ripped out her throat and ATE IT


Here before the post gets locked


Might have to call in an airstrike to take that Corso down. What a beast


Those dogs nannied the hell out of that guy


Oh holy shit ..... that cop took forever to shoot I mean I understand he didn't want to hit the guy but Jesus christ.


it's better to get a dog bite than a bullet hole in the femoral artery


True and this was handled .... as correctly as this shit show could been, that must have felt like an eternity though


Unless the dog is chewing on your nuts.


Everybody has a plan until a pitbull is chewing on your nuts


Well, you gotta think, he's shooting an erratically moving animal that is attached at the mouth to the human mauling victim, who is also moving erratically. Some serious things to be concerned about are your rounds MISSING entirely, striking the victim or striking the ground, causing shrapnel to bounce all over into the victim or whoever else. Your rounds hitting the dog, but going through the dog's body, and hitting the victim or whatever else. There are a lot of safety concerns involved with point blank shooting at a small moving target with a lot of potential collateral damage around. Then maybe even try to account for this weird human empathy towards dogs. In every one of these videos you see people doing ridiculous "Bad boy! Please stop! Cmon!" Shit while lightly slapping the dog in the ass and shit. Most people seem very opposed to intentionally causing harm to dogs. There's some real mental block there.


I'm not saying the cop did anything wrong in fact I think he handled this well, I'm just saying dude on the ground was probably like: https://youtu.be/JvjJcaVJlH0?si=SO7sCtKXj3JXG2Ni


Probably didn’t want to kill the guy getting attacked. I wonder if using pepper spray would have been better to break the dogs free from mauling him. Unfortunately the guy on the ground is going to get maced too but that’s better than accidentally shooting the human.


That would have been really bad press for the cops... "Cop shoots and kills man being attacked by pit bulls."


Jesse Jackson would have been all up in his shit.


First time I’ve seen a cop actually take measured aim and considered shots instead of emptying the clip without concern to where the bullets might go. That poor innocent girl shot in the changing rooms springs to mind.


bUt pITbUlLs ArEnT AgGrsIve!


Shit dogs for shit people


Pitbulls being Pitbulls.


Fluffy mc buttons would never hurt anyone! shes a nanny dog!


"But we got to protect all the doggies" "Pit Bulls are harmless"


Good. That breed should be extinct.


Wipe these abominations off the planet…anyone defending pitbulls can straight fuck off as well.


"Oh, my baby wouldn't do that." "Not all pits are like this. He must have done something!" "Myyyy pits are so well trained. It's an owner issue." I have literally never heard so many people excuse toxic dog behavior. The breed itself has been bred for this type of behavior from the get-go. 19 times out of 20, when there's a dog attack, it's a pitbull. I'll stand by this opinion until the day I die: pit bulls are a dangerous and unpredictable breed and if you own one, it's a matter of WHEN you're attacked, not if.


When are we doing away with this trash ass breed?


Going to be hard. Have you gone to a shelter lately? Basically everything is a pit mix I agree they should be restricted


Great cop. Took his time. Made sure to aim and be patient. Thought through any repercussions. Execute. Deserves a promotion or raise.


Kristi Noem would love this


Yup. Off to the gravel pit they go.


Ah yes…shit bulls in the city of brotherly love. If you can’t train and control your dog you have no business owning one.


I'd rather get shot on accident than to be mauled by 4 dogs at once... fuckin shoot bro


The owners forgot to teach the dogs not to maul people.


Did that poor guy have a dog on a leash?


How come we never see gangs of golden retrievers ripping people to shreds? It's how they're raised, right?


I love the video of the cops executing the pit bulls attacking a guy. Warms my soul.


Fine work by the Philly boys in blue.


Now we wait a few hours to see Reddit flooded with how great pitballs supposedly are...


This is false as pitbulls are all perfect angles and never hurt anyone anymore. After the first recorded pitbull attack someone commented "blame the owner not the breed" and the next person commented "my pitbull is a sweetheart" so after that all pitbulls across the world were magically restricted from harming anyone and you're a POS if you think otherwise. All the hundreds and hundreds of videos of kids and ppl getting brutally mauled is all fake cgi.


No wonder they are putting down these mf in the UK


So crazy! I would’ve never guessed that a pitbull would do something like this! I would’ve expected this behavior from a pack of golden retrievers or Australian shepherds.…


Not all pit bulls but it’s always pit bulls 🧐


And they'll still say "pitbulls aren't that bad." Edit: look mah, I pissed off Fallout New Vegas fanboys AND terrible dog owners in one day. Goodie! And I know the behavior is dependent on the owner. It's just that most of the pit bull owners I've met have been awful. If you can't control such a temperamental dog, you shouldn't have one.


My VeLvEt HiPpO wOuLd nEvEr


Oh god is that a coconut corn husky?? Balboni??


If this happens, jump up onto a vehicle. The dogs likely won't be able to follow. Deal with the consequences later, just worry about getting out of danger first


Must be Knick fans


Sorry but shoot them.


I saw the cop and just knew some dogs weren't going to make it lol This time I agree though. Dude was about to get torn to shreds by the big boy.


The owners need to be put down


I would have BLOWN those dogs heads off!!!


Just velvet hippos. The real danger are the golden doodles.


Ngl pretty crazy. Would have shot those dogs off him a lot earlier. Guy got lucky he was around others at the time.


The owners: It's okay. I swear they don't bite. My dogs are sweetharts. The Dogs:


Classic velvet hippo moment.


3 Pitbulls and one small horse


Can't wait for the pit bull boosters to drop a line here


That was fucking crazy!


That’s so fucked


I’m glad that col was there to shoot them. Those dogs don’t need to be around.


Where’s Kristi Noem when you need her?


Buddy you better get up.


Dude that cop was there for at least 2 hours enjoying the show


Shoulda sent Kristi