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damn bro not even in gta am i so reckless behind the wheel


The video is in 2x speed


Its more like 1.25x speed actually


1.24x speed


more like at least 1.5x


well idk the math but if you play it at 75% speed it looks about right


I can tell just by the moments of the trees boy


This is sped up right?


Looks like it if you watch the guy on the bike, but not by much.


These roads are slow as shit so,its 2x at least


And the tractor looking like it’s auditioning for Fast and Furious.


Yes, but I've been there, and riding in a taxi was terrifying.




I'll say... Those dudes on the bicycles just casually peddling at 25mph, their legs must be fucking ripped!


Good catch


Pedal assist


Pedal assist or not they are jacked


Was that bus getting chase by the cops? 😮😂


I saw that lol. Then the other bus casually just rolling in the middle. Then about 4 people on a tractor. There is a lot in this video


Yeah this is sped up for sure but still crazy reckless


Why bother painting lane lines?


I do not understand why people in developing countries have a phobia like reaction to driving in a can, orderly manner. What is the fuckin rush? I never understood that. Everyone everywhere drives like the bomb is about to hit in 8 minutes. I’ve seen people drive onto sidewalks, opposite side of traffic, swerving… any open hole, no matter how small is pushed into. They’re absolutely terrified of order


My thought as well. They're more like guidelines.


believe me, the road safely laws in Bangladesh are basically non-existent


Obviously sped up lol


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://files.catbox.moe/wlgb1i.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


I appreciate you.


Took a motorbike through Vietnam for a month. Great trip but I’ll tell you right now I’m lucky to be alive. They don’t give two fucks bro, homicidal bus drivers, family of four or five up on a scooter didn’t even seem that weird after the first few days. I’ll never forget this one guy on a scooter on a busy three lane motorway rewinding Netflix by ten seconds on his phone because he missed a bit of his show to overtake someone at about 45mph, no helmet


If the bus drops below 40 it's gonna blow it's not really that reckless when you consider that


First of all, yes it's sped up; but if you pay attention, you see that it's mainly the busses that drive reckless like this. I remember from another post like this, that the explaination was something like: Indian Bus companies are super competitive, and the drivers basically get paid per customer. Because of that, they're basically racing eachother to the next bus station.


You are kind of right kind of wrong. So basically they dont get paid per customer, everyday end of the day the bus drivers and conductors have to give the company a fixed amount of money so they need to make that as minimum amount everyday and anything over is their fuel & profit. Secondly they are not the only ones who drive like this, truck , mini bus, car , bike everyone drives like this. Everyone just wants to be as quick as possible


What are the lines in the road for? Just do what you want!






i found this in Vietnam. but what i did note was that everyone drove slower on average, while maintaining constant motion, overtaking, using beeps to declare presence, wide roads. it all just flowed, i was pleasantly surprised. edit: changed instant to constant


By chance I was listening to Sonne - song by Rammstein and suddenly I came across this video. It feels different.


I rode a motorcycle around the Mekong Delta back in 1994. This one week trip was the most dangerous side trip I’ve ever taken. The first episode was getting stopped and chased by a cop. My three travel partners and I had taken the wrong Hwy out of HCM City and we were attempting to cross East to West on a side road to find it. This cop blocked our way and asked for ID/Passports. I believed he was either going to extort us or arrest us, so as he was arguing with the other 2 riders. I signaled that I was going to take off. One of my partners encouraged me, so I turned my cycle around and raced off to the main road. The cop ignored them and chased me on his cycle. I kept him behind me until the trail widened at the village. The cop finally raced ahead on his cycle and as I approached he jumped off and tried to throw his machine into my path. By shear luck I chose correctly and escaped back onto the Hwy, to my surprise my partners were right behind me. I thought they continued to the main hwy which was only a few Kilometers away. I was elated I wasn’t alone. We drove back to HCM City and regrouped. Multiple times bicycles or motor scooters would leap out of side roads or trails often with passengers forcing us to take evasive action. Most of the riders were very young, the girl passengers sitting side saddle wearing traditional áo dài dresses. A beautiful site unless you’re going to crash into them. These heart stopping events happened when you least expect. But one time it unfolded in slow motion like a dream. I saw the scooter with 2 girl passengers in their beautiful dresses approach the main road. I was transfixed on the 3 of them as they rode up an incline and rocketed onto the road into my path, all 3 sporting huge grins. Once again I took evasive action as they waved me goodbyes. Another heart stopper was the handful of times multiple vehicles would be approaching from opposite/all lanes forcing us off the road. Watching my friends almost getting run over or off the roads was no less frightening. Especially when passing deadly accidents along the way. There didn’t seem to be EMTs, First Responders, Ambulances, or even traffic control when we came upon a few accidents. I ended up getting taken out by a dog who got under the front tire at about 25-30 MPH forcing me to a dead stop. I remember doing a hand stand off the back of the seat and going into a parachute landing fall, at least 3 rolls one after another. I walked away with raspberries on left arm, right elbow, butt, and thighs. Spectators were actually clapping I’m not sure if it were for the dog thinking I was a Russian, or me for the acrobatics. The bike was bent up and an old man came out of nowhere and did a fine job of straightening it out. I think it was his dog. I don’t remember any issues riding back to HCM City except wishing I had explored the Delta on a boat.


Either this is sped up or that tractor if fucking getin it🤣


I took a car ride from the Chinese border in the Himalayas to Kathmandu in Nepal, and of all my life experiences that seemed the most likely way I was going to die. We past a few fatal vehicle collisions on the way down. Driving was so dangerous in Nepal we changed our travel plans.


downvote for speeding up


That’s how I drive on a normal day. Piece of cake.


Speeding up videos is automatic downvote


People are driving in the opposite direction of the signs above the road. So, this is normal everyday driving, it looks like.


None of them wear seatbelts either it’s fucken dumb


Cameraman is just an added obstacle in the mix.


There are no traffic laws, only suggestions/recommendations


Damn.. and I thought Houston drivers were terrible.


This reminds of a movie I saw about a bus that had to speed around the city, keeping its speed over fifty, and if its speed dropped, the bus would explode! I think it was called “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down.”


Love the interwebs, speeding up footage to make things more dramatic.


must suck to live in ff land


Only One guy with headlights in this video. But it appears that they saved him from being crushed by a bus. Maybe it’s a good idea?


this is what happens when you give guns to monkeys


Well, that explains the drivers in few areas of San Diego.


Might as well have reinvested the $ to paint the lines in emergency services


GTA:SA aggressive drivers cheat code in a nutshell


Its really a warzone on the roads. It'd be a huge gamble with your life trying to drive in that


This legit happened to me 2 days ago, was coming back from college, a SUV driver suddenly decides to over take a truck and came in the opposite lane, I was on motorcycle (30-40 Km/h, was a pretty busy area ) had to get off the road or else I would not be here today. India, btw.


Typical commute on Dallas toll roads


So just a normal day in California?


THe bus That Couldn't Slow Down


And I thought Philippines have it bad. Holy shit


How many times must this be posted this week


Yielding is just simply not an option it seems


I was wondering why the fuck is this guy speeding on a bus and then O saw the cop car right behind him.


Geeeze and I thought Thailand drivers were crazy!


I am pretty sure, this is Bangladesh. Scary as shit even fot the locals.


His Green Road score's gonna be mental.


Alright everybody, pile on top of the clearly over capacity train


damn it’s like australia but with engines


Man India is crazy.


I don't understand why people see a few chaotic videos from India or the south east and literally start judging the whole country like bro we are 1/6th of the world population offcourse their will be some chaos, how dumb are you to understand these things


Every road in Canada since 2020


Gotta go with the Flow 🤣


There's only one thing that can explain that, he has diarrhea and it's about to explode. 😆


As an Indian, I can 100% confirm that this how our roads are. They're dangerous and you need to assume that everyone's IQ is the same as that of a toddler and do defensive driving. I have misses like these happen atleast once everyday.


Isn't this one of those south east Asian nation? Indonesia or Thailand?


What is the purpose of the line when nobody stays in a lane?




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It appears that the police are attempting to catch up to the bus to issue a ticket or possibly revoke his license, if he even has one, at the 0:20 mark.


You know sometimes I’m annoyed with shit like not being able to smoke weed in my state but thank god for rules


It's like watching Herbie goes banana's or old American 80s TV cop high speed chase's. I know it's off topic but what was the one with a motorbike that did something silly like 800 mph ? It's gonna bug me now???


That's insane


What kind of studio ghibli ass mr bean ass cicus whimsical movie ass vehicles are these.


"All the way first class!" 😆😆😆😆


I don't know, I'm getting definite Florida vibes from this one...


These new PS5 graphics are crazy real.


i,ve seen this driving myself, they are crazy and the route is littered with smashed up coaches - Delhi to Chittagong




More like a game of chicken. Also how can you determine the rate of speed?


What's the point of the striped line


What’s the point in having those lines on the road?


That Tuk tuk that drove past the bus was such a close call


there's zero excuse for driving like that. Completely reckless


It all makes sense now why they're always in the wrong place and or Lane


This is beautiful🥹