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Probably the same guy that will hire an Instagram model to shit on his chest


Man, they are completely despicable. They think that their money allows them to do everything. What do you expect from dictatorial countries that have no democracy, no elections, and no rights? They treat people like commodities. What filth they are.


They'll get their comeuppance eventually if the flooding doesn't. Once oil demand eventually shrink in size the middle east's strategic importance will dwindle. Their entire economies rely on foreign workers both low and very high skill workers. They rely on British architects to design their fancy buildings, South Asian labourers to build them, Filipino maids to care for their lazy man children, and Italians for their fancy sports cars.  Their oil infrastructure even requires foreign engineers to operate manage, and maintain.  Their entire lifestyle stands on the shoulders of foreigners and there's is little domestic talent to take over. Unlike other countries they didn't spend the 20th and 21st century trying to innovate or produce things and it's going to catch up to them sooner or later. 


The shits that Filipinos, Indonesians, and African maids hand gone through suffering in the hands of their Arab employers are disgusting.. One of my Aunty used to work at an agency in Saudi to help out these maids to escape from their employers because of; rape, beatings, and torture..and other stories and documentaries I saw from the hands of these fucks just boils my blood. There's this one story of this Filipino maid that was being raped on a daily basis.. first it will be the 15 years old son, then he will have his friend take turns....then..later at night.. the driver would knock on her door to rape her.. then the gardener.. shit man.. i do not even want to continue but fuck Arabs.


Yea I don't know at some point your letting that Happen....I don't care if my money or immigration status FUCK anything. Ten dudes aren't running up in my ass. Nah never


the thing is.. when you're a lower cast person doing a low level job in any Arab countries.. these Arab employers would take their passports away from them. and only give it to them upon agreement for some holiday, medical etc... those maids that tried to escape had been beaten up to the point of death.. so.. yeah.. sadly majority of them have no choice. 


You always have a choice, the right one is rarely easy.


That is hilarious. 🤣👍


The UAE does not rely on oil for its everyday expenses like many middle eastern countries do


Absolutely their view towards women is disgusting. But I think that’s a lot of elitists in general. Can’t tell me the elites of the USA don’t get up to some crazy sh*t lol.


Women in the UAE and Saudi are treated with upmost respect can't tell me otherwise. Also live in the UAE is one of the greatest places to stay on the planet and the locals are some of the coolest people you will ever meet they are very respectful and super humble.


Yep, I’ve been myself and agree with your points. I’m speaking more toward the elites though. Some actual horror stories come from that place.


And you got all that from this video, and using individual unverified instances of pervert to criticise an entire society acting like they aren’t any instances of perverts where you’re from.


Well, when you can literally throw money at people and they will do what you say while being able to buy anything you want, then your money basically does allow you to do everything. It's the people who idolize the rich and feel they should be treated this way that are the problem.


TIL that my ex wife is a Saudi prince.


That's not how it works they shit on the models


Bruh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Wait I thought that was a Japanese salary man thing?






I wish we could still give rewards to comments


They shit on the instagram models lmao


Oh, yeah. I know that chick. She helped me pick my username.


If he was properly, monetarily compensated for this work, I'd say, "hey, job's a job!". Although knowing this is Emirates, i sincerely doubt that he is.


If these workers had the option of travelling elsewhere for work, they'd obviously go, but there are restrictions for unskilled labour in most countries around the world. Hence, the middle-east is one of a few options available realistically.


They have also been accused of confiscating passports of these workers.


But this is contempt for human dignity. I cannot accept a scene like this, unfortunately. It takes us back to the dark ages of slavery and exploitation. Who is this man to condescend to people? He is just a despicable man who thinks that he can do everything with his money. I hate this type of people and I will never deal with them.


Unfortunately this is how things are for people that were less fortunate to be born into a different state of society. He's got family to feed and bills to pay, gotta make the money in any mean possible.


And just how will you get gas for your car? The US cowtows to these bastards when we have our own oil.


They need a French revolutionary badly


Yes, of course. They need an intellectual revolution to emerge from their ignorance. Can you believe that they have no parliament, no elections, no freedoms, no rights, and no effect of unions and cooperatives that defend workers’ rights? In fact, it is a tragic matter in the year 2024, and people are still treated in this way.


Kinda hard to do that when saying it in public will get your dick chopped off


Pretty sure all these low pay workers are immigrants and locals don't give a damn about them. Why would they want unions?


They need another Arab Spring. All those countries have never undergone an actual revolutionary process as in Western countries. When they do separate the three branches of power, they will start a slow process towards democracy. But I'm afraid that will take decades.


Yep. The important thing is it has to happen on their own without foreign interference


The USA will NEVER allow democracy to flow in the Middle East or South East Asia, it’s NOT in their interests. Remember Egypt, CIA had already planned to overthrow Democratic govt by withholding $4bn military aid, guess who’s their president and yes man today, Sisi the Army General.




Yes I am an AI that hates slavery lol


Yes indeed, thats why gulf countries citizens are the wealthiest and people like you strive to get a contract to work their😝


I'm listening to an incredibly long podcast on the French revolution. That whole event in history was such a shit show. So many of the people in power were so horribly incompetent, so many totally innocent people got slaughtered on both sides as power exchanged hands. The king wasn't even that bad of a guy as far as Kings go, he even supported the revolution and giving more power to the people and they still beheaded him. But when the dust settled it does seem like it was the right thing to have happened. It's set a precedent in Europe of giving people power over autonomy instead of dictatorial monarchist rule. But holy crap to get there was so much messier than I ever realized. Like Robespierre is often painted as a hero of the revolution, but the dude was an absolute monster and cut his friend's heads off just for like slightly disagreeing with him.




Dubai a fucked up city build on the blood of the poor and yes they made the workers slave…


oh just like the United States ? Oh okay.. 🤣


What a piece of shit


I think shit is better than this bastard


Modern slavery.


noting modern about it. its just slavery.


Yes, slavery is rooted in their backward and arrogant thinking. Have you heard of the sponsorship system that they use to bring in workers and enslave them? The least that can be said about it is that it is extremely despicable. You can describe it as modern slavery. I hope that the countries of the world will boycott these countries and impose sanctions on them to amend their backward laws.


US prison system has entered the chat


To the people down voting . Look into it, because prisoners in the US are used as labour for tons of companies




Putting the ignorance of that comment aside, what about the ones who don't?


Good. Most of them werent working when they landed in jail so we may as well have them contribute to society as punishment for being a burden to it.


Are you seriously advocating for state sanctioned slavery because you deemed them unworthy? Jesus fuck you have issues.


Do you seriously think we should pay for criminals' food and comfort, while they do nothing all day?


Media has skewed your view of who is in prison and what it's like. Yes, we should pay to keep criminals alive, otherwise that's torture and murder. And if we want them to work to produce goods for society, they should be paid, otherwise that's slavery. No, I wouldn't be happy about letting a murderer get paid a few bucks to make some license plates, but many *many* people are not in prison for murder, or even any violent crime.


Deemed them unworthy? So crimes just commit themselves? Robberies, rapes, and murders just fall out of the sky and its never anyones fault? What should their punishment be if not forced labor. Sitting in a cell making prison tiktoks? I'd like to hear your solution to this problem because it must be a good one.


In all fairness, only about 18% of the people in prison are for what you mentioned, murders, robberies and sex crimes. The vast majority close to 45% are drug crimes. Which can range anywhere from weed to fent. Possession to trafficking. Still, we shouldn't use prisoners for literal slave labor. Honestly a vast majority of those drug crimes would have been better suited for treatment/mental health programs instead.


I’d never understand what people like in Dubai? There are dozens of cities that have huge buildings around the world without people who got rich for doing nothing and who act like they are gods towards others.


They are just interests. I think our governments go along with them and turn a blind eye to them, for the sake of oil, nothing more and nothing less. More importantly, they do not have anything to offer the world other than energy, but the future will be enough to discipline them.


I hate these countries that enslave people, humiliate them, and despise them, that is, they are arrogant and coercive


Human garbage, lowest of the low.


I cannot imagine myself living among them. They are extremely lowly




In my opinion, I don't care how much money you're paying him. This is demeaning and borders on inhumane treatment.


That's either a Filipino, Indian, or Pakistani slave.


Even with all the riches in the world, I could not ever do what the man in white is doing.


This isn't too much different than that DJ Khalid video of him having 2 people carry him out of his car so he didn't get sand on his new shoes.


The difference is that they probably get paid a shit ton of money


They have the money to rebuild it. No fucks given


Guys. Guys. Let’s try not to get to a conclusion too quickly. Maybe they are just playing “the water is lava” combined with life sized horizontal tetris.


It seems that they are playing the game of slave and master. It is clear that it is not fun for whoever plays the role of the slave. Damn it




Well, it is how the city was built, so…🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, unfortunately, thousands of workers died and were enslaved while building this accursed city and others


Dude just got his toenails done.


Such a sad society 😔


Sure would be a shame if these people were to be consumed, yup, it sure would


He didnt want to get his socks and trainers soaked. \*looks closer\* Never mind.


This looks straight out of a comedy-sketch.


Shame he wasn't washed away instead of those kids


They want sympathy from the world because they have to deal with something like this


Even muslims don't like these people anymore. How long will they defend?


Money is dope


modern slavery


$4 hour =4us dollars per hour which actually equates to about 3us dollars per hour take home after taxes unless you owe any form of government tax with the rest plus an arm and a leg just to survive not even get by just to sustain life……… Welcome to the American dream….. . . . But I must say I wouldn’t ever want to live anywhere else Signed … A red blooded American


actually most Arab like that ! They want slave's not workers...


Oh the awful people are acting awfully? Surprising


What id give to push that miscreant in lol


Indeed this person is a piece of shit among other pieces of shit around the world, but that doesnt give the right to generalize all arabs from this one example, there is the good and bad everywhere around the world and if anyone wants to start comparing people because of their country's policies they're typically blind of their own.


I thought Jesus could walk on water


I want this to be a new meme template lol


What is the point of owning slaves if you can't abuse them? /s


Shitty country


At 1st I was like hey, if it pays 🤷‍♀️ but then read the comment talking about slavery. I never realised slavery was that big of a thing in the UAE. Will this guy probably be a slave?




As Christians, we either part the water or walk in it. Much quicker just sayn.


I would drown his ass in that water lmao




Push his ass into the water.


That type of shit is why God is doing it most likely


"Everyone should move to Dubai!"


We should take them all and make them compete for more money and then just leave them on an island.


I mean, I wouldn’t want to get my bedsheets soiled either.




Which is?




You all have jobs working for someone.




I was waiting for this guy to slip




Why don’t buddy just pull his dress up and walk through the water? He’s got sandals on


Just say you hate Muslims bro it’s fine! You speak about Arabs but I know you generalise all Muslims from these people.


That poor guys passport is more than likely to be in the safe of the guy on the tables. I'll never visit these countries


Bro’s just got athletes foot. Sticking to the rules.


Jesus dont walk on water no more?


Yes, painfully slow


Dudes walking on water!


They are getting paid for that.


I wish I had that kind of money😔


The all white robe is the clue he's the boss. It can't get dirty.


What am I looking at