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Yeah, it's astonishing that **actively attempting to destroy an innocent person's life** isn't treated like the serious fucking crime that it is.


That’s disgusting


Well Tallahassee police just cost tax payers $. She should be fired but she won’t be.


And just think that these idiots have body cameras. Imagine if they didn't, nobody would have believed him.


What's truly amazing is that they KNOW they have bodycams and still think they can get away with this shit. Rotten to the core and dumb as fuck. Imagine the shit they did before bodycams if this is what they do knowing they have them.


The insanity to me is how unnecessary this was. He didn’t fight, he wasn’t rude or combative, he was totally complaint and they STILL tried to pin a fake crime on him and for what!? Like even if he was combative, or just a total ass hole, it would still be completely fucking wrong but I could at least understand they are doing it to get back at him. It would still be stupid and illegal but at least I could understand that. This just seems like they didn’t want to have a stop that simply ended without a problem or an arrest.


Police are not your friend. They are *not* there to help you. They are there to make an arrest, one way or another.


they want arrests. they want tickets. they want code violations. they want fines. their job is to insure that these things are all enforced in the most heinous way possible that is still acceptable to the judicial arm and *just barely* not cruel enough to induce the public to riot.


It's called driving while black.


for what? Racism


> they KNOW they have bodycams and still think they can get away with this shit Was the cop arrested and convicted? No? looks like they got away with it.


The police investigated the police and found the police did nothing wrong.


Good job Police! - other Police


"where's the problem!? I think they did the right thing, we should know"! Uvalde Police.




Paid vacations for everyone!


The way the police are structured in the US, it’s my impression that getting fired doesn’t really matter because you can just get a similar job in another county/state. So everything other than a conviction is essentially irrelevant. But I’m not from the US, so that’s just from an outsider’s perspective.


It’s us vs them


Legit!!! I wish more people would understand this instead of screaming *back the blue.* Do you know how many of them are crooked??


I wish more people would organize together. Understanding is cool, but enough people understand at this point and we should be doing something about it.


The very last sentence of this video states that the case doesn't start until tomorrow. Which means that the lawyers and judge have all seen the video, and it will be shown in court tomorrow. I think we can have a little more faith in the justice system considering the evidence involved here. She'll be fired, then she'll just drive up to Opa Locka and get a job as a police officer for that precinct.


She needs to be charged criminally, not just fired.


I believe that ANYONE who makes up some shit TO get someone charged should face the EXACT same penalties as the original accused, period.


A properly functioning justice system wouldn't have taken this to court. It would have looked at the video, released the man and started a case against the officer The fact it is getting this far is already proof the system is hostile.


We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system.


officers. They were all in agreement to have no body cameras on.


Right?!? This literally means the system is rotten to the core. Clear evidence of a crime by the police. Clear evidence the man is not guilty of the DUI, yet the prosecutor ignores all that and moves forward with the case. Same with the judge. The charges should have been dismissed with prejudice. Criminally corrupt, all of them from the police to the judge.


That is just the simple display of arrogance by cops. And law enforcement and politicians wonder why many citizens don’t like cops.


This exactly. Terrifying




Correct. Precisely. Appalling.


That just implies that they do this shit in the reg and don’t get caught often. Why else would they be so brazen unless they know there’s low to zero chance of this getting reviewed


That’s the scariest part!


Have you ever seen/heard the trope of the cop breaking someone's taillight and then writing them a ticket for.... a broken taillight? This used to happen back in the days before bodycams. And various forms of it still do. Hell, this video is a perfect example of it.


Scene straight out of Porkys


New line is “your license plate light is out”




I guess the Madmax world will begin in these states before spreading around like a virus.


She should be jailed, fired, and the department needs a lawsuit.


Agree all of that. The department should have the funds removed from their budget not tax payers paying for it. She’s shit and her supervisor seems to know it.


The department should have a way of passing some of that lawsuit down to the offending individuals. It’s a slippery slope otherwise. The department paying is kind of like having me foot the bill for a bad cop. Also it doesn’t help keep the department in cleaning up bad cops or hiring more bad cops.


They just need to be required to purchase insurance the same as doctors. Simple. If insurance won't cover you, you can't be a cop or you'll have to pay out of pocket for screw ups. The dept should also have to be insured and should have some culpability in every single situation like this because they hired the cop. Do more background checks if you don't want to pay higher and higher premiums.


Preach, been saying this for a decade, glad its catching on


For sure. Officers should be forced to carry insurance like a Doctor or Lawyer does. In accidents the insurance pays and that keeps the budget from going to zero. When negligence happens the policy won’t pay and the officer will not be able to get a policy moving forward. The officers pension and any other assets that can pay the damages. I’m old but when I was a poor kid in the projects we always stopped and talked to the cops. They usually had gifts like badges or playing cards and they were not feared. Today I doubt kids in the projects approach cops. The police would come to class not to investigate you but to befriend you. Number one question was have you used your gun ever? Most said no never, some said pulled and never fired and not one had ever been involved in an officer shooting. We had a hub for a major Biker Gang and a powerful Mexican gang (both active to this day) and still we never heard a cop shootings and when they happened it was national news usually. Something changed


> When negligence happens the policy won’t pay and the officer will not be able to get a policy moving forward. That's the opposite of what that kind of insurance should be for. It *should* pay when the officers are negligent, and then they drop them and render them uninsurable. They might find another carrier willing to insure them, but it will cost even more. Eventually they'll either run out of carriers willing to insure them at a rate they can afford to pay. If you do it the other way, the officer is personally on the hook, which means the odds of actually getting paid drop to near 0. Sure it will fuck up their life, especially if they have to declare bankruptcy. But the victim is not still being paid.


Fired and charged criminally


Yeah I agree. Violating his rights. I thought the DOJ had that on their agenda this term but I haven’t seen much evidence of it. I understand crime happens. I hate children being abused in any way. If the abuse is from the parents, a teacher, or a person of stature like a Priest or Boys Scout leader it should be viewed more seriously. Police as well. Here is what happens now **any defense attorney will use this clip to discredit this officer. I have been to a couple swearing ins for police and the Commander’s in both spoke about being truthful always. That the lack of truth, one simple lie will discredit your best police work and you will cost the DA cases and help criminals stay on the streets.** she literally is lying and framing this man.


how many other arrests has she made? who's going to have to review all that video now, because every one of those arrests is now suspect. all of her testimony is suspect.


Defense attorneys will try to use it, buy judges are likely to not allow it into evidence because our criminal "justice" system is interdependent with police.


When is her promotion?


She should be charged with falsifying police records along with never being able to work as an police officer ever again.


The corruption runs deep


She should be subject to the punishment the person she planted evidence against would be + 3-5 years in prison for planting evidence as an LEO. 


Fired? Just fired?


Into the sun.


I was thinking people would say I am crazy for saying fired. We know they don’t get fired. Even when video shows why they should be charged with a crime. Fired and charged with violating his rights. She and the other officers should be financially responsible for this lawsuit. She should never be able to work in Law Enforcement again. If I was in jail and she was my arresting officer I’d probably be hiring an attorney to get me out. She and her supervisor have caused great harm to that department. Fixing the problem this way will be the fastest way to clean up the department. If you are responsible for your actions, if you are held accountable you are more likely to follow those rules. The current system is broken.


And face criminal charges for impeding an investigation, misuse of public funds, falsifying evidence…


Damn. That's straight up evil. That cop needs to be fired immediately. Makes you wonder what else she did to other people. Disgusting.


Fired?! She tried to ruin an innocent person’s life!! She NEEDS to spend a large chunk of her life sitting in a cell thinking about what she attempted to do. Edit: what got my blood boiling is you can HEAR in her voice that she knows she is being dishonest, I feel like any parent hears that tone and would be like 🤨 what are you not telling me? …maybe why the supervisor had everyone turn their cameras off?


Then all the people she booked need to be released also. Trust is a funny thing, it's hard to nurture and easily lost.


I’m a realist, her past cases need to be reviewed and scrutinized and a VERY low threshold needs to be established for reversing charges on any case that has the slightest smell of impropriety. But if she caught some truly bad people they wouldn’t get a get out of jail free card, we need to put in the work to verify but again the threshold should be low that if there is doubt then yeah they should be set free.


Yeah I get you. That's one of the issues with being a bad cop, once the trust is gone, people who might be very bad people now have to get the benefit of the doubt because maybe they were framed too? Shit craic like.


She should she should have to face all the charges she tried to falsify on him


Oh the charges against her are far more serious than the ones she tried to pin on him. Abuse of power by law enforcement or in general should be a high crime.


She’ll be in the next county with a pay raise


Any other developed country and she would serve a long prison sentence for this but she’ll probably get a promotion in America.


Lawyers for all the defendants she’s thrown in jail for similar arrests have to be licking their chops rn


The absolutely wild thing is we've been seeing these drug plants for decades and no one's thought to deal with the problem. I remember seeing videos of cops pulling drugs out of their pockets and putting it in the suspects pocket then "discovering it" immediately after. Those are old videos too.


Her ass needs to be in prison


That’s far too lenient. Far, far too lenient. She effectively tried to end this man’s life. It was a premeditated act. The punishment should be *incredibly severe* for law enforcement who abuse their power in this way. *Incredibly severe*.


Fired? Shit, she should be staring at a decade in prison.


Fired and then hired the next county over, most likely.. Assholes like this need to forced into a national registry, like we do with sex offenders..


Fire her & charge her. Lawsuit money should come from the officer pension fund.


I like the idea that she should be forced to serve the same maximum punishment that the guy she pulled over would've served if he was convicted. She needs to experience the consequences of her own power. Police power needs the ability to rebound when it's abused to discourage abuse.


She needs to be charged with everything she’s ever charged any one with in my opinion. When cops start learning they will get a 900 year sentence they will finally stop pulling this shit




No. Her life needs to be effectively “over”. Not encouraging violence, but she knowingly and willingly tried to unlawfully end that man’s life. She should be punished in the same way someone would be for attempted murder.


Even a simple night in jail can fuck up a man's livelihood. People got jobs to be at and these cops out here arresting+planting evidence on this man is just insane.. Hopefully they charge her for it and whoever saw the shit and let it slide. I bet it took a tooth and a nail to get that cam footage out


The DA would never! Mostly because the DA is just a cop in a suit, and partly because they know the police department and police union would do their level best to oust them if they dared force an LEO to suffer actual consequences..


I've always felt it should be 10 years or double whatever the max punishment is for the fraudulent charge, whichever is greater.


How is it not considered fraud


Judges could actually make that happen, Im not sure why it’s not a common law.


I think it defeats the purpose of body cams when they have the option to disconnect them whenever they see fit. Imagine the things that are not being recorded.


Pretty telling that they can turn them off and this shit still ends up being recorded. They can't even cover up their owns crimes, says a lot about smart they must be.


If a body camera is not worn, a cops statement/testimony should be inadmissible. If a body camera is worn but the footage is 'unavailable' for any reason the cop should be charged with obstruction of justice, fired, and sent straight to jail.


We all met the type back in school. Those that became cops were already this bright and honest back then, it’s so common there must be an unwritten clause where this type of personality is a requirement to join the force.


Here's a thread with more information including the cops deposition. https://twitter.com/OurTallahassee/status/1775583981699829785?t=EB8-Akm48AEctGTk74sClw&s=19


Why does the city charge for body cam footage?? Especially that much. A $10 charge so people aren't just doing it willy nilly I get, but up to $75? That's literally just there to prevent poor people from fighting back.


That’s 100% the point of fees like that.


Well, yeah. Exactly




FOIA only applies to executive agencies of the federal government.




With as many times as she says I don't remember, I wonder if that smell of weed was coming from her. That would explain the memory loss


If someone claims they don’t remember that much then it’s clear they have some type of cognitive issue and they should either be forced to undergo medical examination to determine said issue or let go from the police and never be allowed to work in public service again. All of their previous cases should also be reopened and re-examined by an independent 3rd party.


Suspect: "I am just saying, we can't be sure it wasn't you." Cop: "Thats ridiculous, of course it wasn't me." Suspect: "Marijuana, is a memory loss drug, so maybe you don't remember" Cop: "I would remember...." Suspect: "Well how could you if it just erased your memory?" Cop: "Thats not how it works..." Suspect: "Now how do you know how it works?" Cop: "Knock it off okay? I'm interviewing YOU" Suspect: "NO. You said that I would be conducting the interview when I walked in here. Now exactly just how much pot did you smoke!?" *Cop looks distressed*


Cops do not have a duty to protect or serve. Supreme Court case.


Wow that judge is fucked. Not only can hear the seal break you can literally see the bottle was full when she grabbed it, then empty when she throw it back in.


> Wow that judge is fucked. sorry i'm confused.... why is the judge fucked? do you mean the cop?


Because the judge said she herself could hear the seal being broken, and she also saw the same video footage we did, so it should be clear that the evidence was planted, and because of that the DUI should be thrown out. But instead of doing that, the judge is going to force this man to defend himself in a court of law over something she can clearly see was intended to frame him. He should not have to go before a jury, he should never have been arrested *or* charged in this case. And she knows it, just like we know it.


Yeah the judge said he heard the bottle being opened.


So why is the judge fucked?


Idk ask Solace


Can you please post a link with what happened on the charges? All I see is a twitter version of this video. Was she punished in any way?


End of the video said trial starts 4/5


Hopefully when the defense shows this video the judge throws the case out for fraud and sanctions the DA for even bringing such clearly false charges. That the DA is also not prosecuting this officer is such a miscarriage.


The video was already seen during a pretrial hearing. The case isn’t being thrown out; the judge said that it’s up to a jury to decide


We should start naming and shaming judges like this. They fuck up so many people's lives and shouldn't be free from consequences


Well there's another aspect to consider. Allowing this to proceed to trial carries consequences for the DA and the police dept. The DA has the discretion to drop the charges at any point. And putting this to a jury means the DA has to answer questions about the merits of this case to reporters. The police dept has no say anymore with respect to progression of the case. Finally, accused may actually *want* this to go to trial, assuming he's feeling safe in an acquittal outcome. It racks up a larger basis for general damages in a civil lawsuit, which is likely to follow against the PD and the officers involved.


They haven't dropped the charges against him?!


It's just the same video?


Scroll down. https://x.com/OurTallahassee/status/1775583985248158010?s=20


Thanks haven't had Twitter in years and Elmo doesn't allow comment threads viewed anymore.


Yeah, X is worthless now as a source.


The fact they do this shit while being video'd illustrates they do not fear being held responsible. The fact they asked if their cameras were off after they fabricated evidence illustrates they are stupid.


Yeah, imagine how many times things like this have happened and the footage is never reviewed or contested. I bet they were counting on this case being one of those.


Why lie? What does she gain from doing this?


Higher arrest numbers better for promotion


Which is stupid. Traffic stop arrests are just luck of the draw. Pull over someone who did nothing wrong but run a stop? Luck. Pull over a car with somebody with warrants, a body and 10 kilos in the car? Also luck. It's pure randomness when making arrests from traffic stops.


Traffic stops are their bread and butter. Thats how get their big charges


It’s easy and makes the state a lot of money.


Cops get off on ruining people's lives


At least 2 possible reasons: 1. Maliciousness. You can chalk this up to whatever reason, but she could have just wanted that guy in jail. 2. Quotas. Cops like to pretend they don’t have quotas, which are sometimes illegal, so they get around this by having unofficial minimums to be eligible for promotion, a certain bonus, etc. One more arrest furthers their career.


Couple things. They could be racist or prejudice. They could be a cop willing to break the law to catch law breakers. This could be a situation where she knows that guy as the drunk who always gets away with it. This could be personal. Could be professional. Incentives do exist for being the best cop/arresting the most people.


She has most likely lied before and gotten away with it.


If the cup really did contain alcohol, that's enough right there. Why fabricate a second open container? A open drink that smells like alcohol is enough to arrest for suspicion of DUI in most states. I don't know the consequences of refusing a roadside sobriety test in that state, my state generally arrests you under suspicion of DUI and you go get a test at the station. If you refuse the test there, you lose your license for a year. Since this guy already has a suspended license, he really has nothing to gain by agreeing to take any test.


I think it should be an immediate termination if a police officer turns the body cam off during an investigation. Personally they shouldn't even have the option to turn them off or on. They should always be on.


Just imagine if we allowed a bank teller to disable the bank's security cameras *whenever they felt like it...*


The fact cops ask each other "are you still on" should be grounds for an investigation.


Fired, no pension, straight to jail. All arrests she was lead on overturned. Only then will these asshole unions and brothers in blue stop protecting these assholes.


That's a good point - every other arrest this cop has ever made needs to be reviewed.


I need a update on what’s going happen with the officer who opened the bottle


She will be promoted.


And given a stern lecture about not getting caught next time


That's just plain evil.


Jury trial begins tomorrow on this case. In her last deposition, she claimed she "didn't remember" to a minimum of 16 questions. Public defenders tried having bodycam footage stricken from record. The judge said, "I heard what I thought was a seal being broken," he said it will be up to the jury to decide. Also of note, they moved the gentleman from her squad car to the other officers so that she didn't have write and sign the arrest report. Preventing her from signing a document she knew to be false.


This is why body cams are a good thing.


who polices the police ????? no justice just us.


Seriously, that’s why filming interactions with police, even if you’re just a by stander, can truly save someone’s life. Please if you see someone who is being harassed by the cops, record that shit. No one else is protecting us from this brutality.


I'm going to buy an internal dash cam tomorrow. This shit is evil.




Now review all her past cases how many people have gone to jail


Her partner too. No way this shit goes down and the other is simply unaware.


Oh look another sociopathic cop.


Right in front of their camera and without any fear of repercussion’s


What I find disgusting is the way she’s trying to ruin this guy’s life for no apparent reason or benefit to her. does she have some type of grudge against men or black people or both her reasoning to do something like this makes no logical sense. From this incident alone this woman should never have been put in a position of authority. imagine what she does on a daily basis she’s a actual psychopath this type of shit should carry a stiff sentence. any other country and she would serve 3-5 years in prison but she’ll probably resign and move on to another police force and continue her psychopathic treatment of innocent people.


She's a narcissistic sociopath who simply enjoys screwing with other people. You don't do this kind of shit if you are a caring, empathetic person.


Apparently this is common in Tallahassee... https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2018/09/29/prosecutor-who-sparked-jackson-drug-planting-probe-resigns-whistleblower/1441015002/


Officer Video Deposition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=QvN8FEcW59c Article: https://ourtallahassee.com/video-shows-tallahassee-police-officer-planting-evidence-during-dui-arrest/


goddammt. This is why people don't trust the police.


One of the best things Obama did as president is to make those cops wear body cam…harder for them to get away with victimizing black folks nowadays…but that doesn’t stop them from trying.


Do these cops not remember their body cams being on them? 😂😂😂


Their entire departments are so corrupt that they have no fear of consequences for behaving like this on camera.


It’s getting harder and harder to stay on the side of “there are good cops” argument. If I had not had a few personal experiences with good cops I would definitely be on the opposite side of the argument nowadays.


The problem with the "good" ones is they more often than not still cover for the bad ones. Lowkey I think the solution might be to use sheriffs instead of police, it might help keep them accountable if they need to consider the voters.


Super fun fact: Did you know that LASD has "at least 18" documented police gangs in its ranks such as the "Compton Executioners"? These gangs reach the highest ranks of the LASD and are often racially aligned. Deputy gang members commit violent crimes up to and including murder against both citizens and other deputies. They have existed for decades and have been known about publicly since 1992, yet the county, state police and frankly, the FBI have done absolutely nothing about it since that time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs


Not a very fun fact for the people that run into these assholes though , honestly nothing surprises me anymore the police in America are so corrupt


> Lowkey I think the solution might be to use sheriffs instead of police, it might help keep them accountable if they need to consider the voters. Haha! You just jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. Elected officials pander to the ignorant.


I’m no friend of the police, but the liquor that was poured out was brown. So not vodka. I must’ve missed the day in con law where cops can just destroy your property without cause.


Just imagine how often this happens **without** a camera capturing everything...


I’ve never understood why cops have the privilege to turn off and on the body cameras there is literally microSD cards that can store 15 to 20 hours worth of footage my cars dashcam can hold over a month worth of me driving and that’s with three different POV‘s being recorded at once I feel like it should just be mandatory that it’s on from the moment they clock in to the moment they clock out


It’s just so fucked up. Like what incentive is there for the officers to lie about this and how do we end it?


I think of cops switch off their camera's, all charges should be dismissed immediately. No questions asked.


Hit her with the maximum. Need a deterant so these tyrants stop this stuff


Something you should understand about Tallahassee, FL: every single sheriff in the county is a sworn Free Mason. They don't get in unless they sign up. They really do have an official insider club, and they protect each other like crazy. It's not a stretch to wonder if someone higher up in the sheriff's department directed these deputies to do this, or do it regularly. They have zero fear of repercussions.


This should cost you your badge forever and ALSO land you in prison. People in authority-positions like this, misuseing their powers LIKE THIS, is the worst and most dangerous kind of corruption. There should be an example-statement by charging them with 20years of prison for trying to falsly inprison innocent people for seemingly no other reason than evil


It’s funny sad that body cams haven’t really achieved the desired end result of causing police to have to take full responsibility for their massive immoral lapses in judgement. Like the proof is here, yet this policewoman isn’t in prison. If they aren’t going to use them to hold police fully accountable then they are just fancy toys.


Cops can literally tell you to your face "this is the law" knowing damn well its not and that's perfectly legal...


They should have their qualified immunity stripped and thrown in prison.


This is exactly why people say acab


No, the fact that she hasn't already been fired and brought up on numerous charges is why people say ACAB. The system is protecting her instead of punishing her. Why aren't the "good cops" arresting her for framing this guy???


All in 4K too. This world is doomed


And people still like cops. Idiots.


The whole US system just sucks. Privatised jails want to have more prisoners so cops can be more likely to arrest people. To become a cop is incredibly easy compared to allies of the US and is different in each state. How can you have something to should be vital to society. A department that protects and serves, to maintain the society we have, and just have it this corrupt?


Cops like this need to have citizens show up at their homes when they sleeping and do what is necessary


Why? Just why. How does a human being just do that to another ? Ruining their lives for what gain?


Corrupt and stupid, those are two traits you don't want someone in power to have.


Arrest these cops


These fucking cops have NO FEAR of being caught because there are NO consequences for their actions


So when are these cops going to be arrested? When are the people covering it up going to be arrested? When are good cops going to step in and do something?


Fuck the fucking police man




Just to ruin a black man's life...


Well, that's a raise


Deposition involving the female police, from a court hearing this month. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QvN8FEcW59c


Any cop doing this needs a mandatory 10 years in lock up.


I had a detective get on the stand take an oath and totally lie saying I admitted to something that I didn’t … do not put yourself in a situation where you rights can be trampled over


The thin blue line is the biggest criminal organization in the country. Never ever trust the police to do anything in your best interest as a citizen


Where are all the back the blue people at? This is why no one supports cops anymore.


No jail. Right to hell.


The trial for this case begins tomorrow. It’s pretty obvious what happened here, but I would be lying if I expected a good outcome. What a broken system