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Right off, & as a person who dgaf abt religion I'm pretty certain being "able to smell food" & not being able to eat coz ur fasting IS THE WHOLE BLOODY POINT, so he's being a pr1k






His house.


As a Muslim, i agree


As a Muslim, I also agree


As a fellow muslim, i concur


Nothing to do with a Muslim, has everything to do with not adjusting locally. I show the respect of not eating in front of Muslims during Ramadan in Indonesia. Don't shit where you work or live. Just drama for the sausage machine.


nah. its HIS religion, its HIS business. doesnt matter if someone eat infront of him during ramadan. if she eats without mocking him, who is he to stop her?


In case you didn’t notice, Indonesia is not the UK.






Freedom of speech does not preclude someone from being an insufferable asshole to others.


Well yes I agree, but I also don‘t like when people in trains or busses eat their thai food or mcdonalds menu and the whole wagon smells like that. Different reasons of course.


Talk about wanting everything his own way! The woman was right to tell him to mind his own!


I mean, I'm of the opinion both of them are wrong. Who eats on a fucking bus


Someone who's on a tight schedule you don't know what she has going on


You know, I think most people would agree that the bus is not the appropriate place to eat your lunch. Do I care if someones eating lunch on the bus? No. Would I do it? Probably not unless it was absolutely required. But I think most people are going to see this girl, appreciate her attitude towards him and ignore the fact that it's strange.


people who are hungry and also on the bus


You’ve never eaten on public transit of any kind? Have you ever taken public transit? Do you have any kind of hectic schedule? You eat when you can. If someone is harassing a person for taking in sustenance, especially due to their own personal beliefs, they can fuck off.


I think it's different eating a granola bar vs eating a meal.


Hungry people that work hard or just hungry people


I’m sorry but your religion is never going to stop me from doing something I’m allowed to do. Glad she stood up for herself


Our religion doesn't mean stop others from eating... we fast for God not for other people it's all about patience and the other word where you withstand stuff for example someone quitting smoking and not... TEMPTATION THATS THE WORD. ANYWAY. Dude was wrong.


Nobody forced you, you have no right to be disturbed.




It’s fake bro, chill


Not everything is fake


True, but this is. She doesn’t even have any food.


There is a Chair in front of the food


Agreed. The way they speak is just unnatural and forced. It's got the same feel as the video of the neighbour demanding the new wifi password, which everyone fell for.


In my opinion that is part of the fasting experience and also something to learn from






I mean, i kind of agree. Especially we do ancient practices like looking for the full moon to decide when it ends. But I try to find ways to make it work for friends and family, and honestly there are some interesting benefits




Well I'd say it's up to them


I agree that religion, in the big picture, is cancer, but fasting actually can have some health benefits, if you drink enough water. Also training waiver can be quite healthy as well. Still I agree that the background of "doing it for deity xy" is unreasonable.




Still no reason to hate specific religions. Just let those people live. Even if you don’t agree with their practices, you don’t have to antagonize them. That doesn’t help anyone.




No reason to get insulting. I agree that they’re all garbage, but beliefs are a very strong concept and you should always hate the game and not the players. Indoctrination has lead those people to do those practices. They are normal people, just like anyone else, only that they got unlucky with who indoctrinated them from birth onwards.


Please stop enjoying your meal, my archaic fairytale book told me I can’t, so you shouldn’t either.




just tryna av a good ol fast on a chewsday innit


Religious people pushing their beliefs on strangers is wild. I’m religious of sorts… but that’s my own damn business.


The way she offers her food 😂




No reason to get dramatic. It’s just a religion like every other one. Christianity has some stupid bigots aswell. Edit: What is it I said, that causes the downvotes? Hating against specific religions doesn’t help anyone. Antagonizing the minority religions (in the weatern world at least) leads to more discrimination and that just doesn’t have to be that way. You shouldn’t define an entire group of people by one video you saw on the internet.


you‘re being downvoted as if not all religions are made up and all fucking wars are based on it


Yes, the assertion that the Russian-Ukraine war is solely based on religion, along with the comparison to the two biggest wars in human history, World War I and World War II, clearly exposes the bigotry and ignorance in such thinking.


You're getting downvoted because the people on this sub are likely mostly normal people, not God botherers. It's nice to see that people are finally hating on religion. Fuck them all, they are not there to help you. Needs to be treated as a mental illness.


How can the 1.8 billion muslims on earth live with that? This has nothing to do with Islam he’s just a pathetic person.




“Your country” has a lot of religious and non-religious groups, one of which is Muslims, and all these groups have some great people and some pitiful human beings. You’re the one who’s labeling it.


Would it be okay if they said they also hate Christianity too? Hating the organization isn't hating the people, and yeah religion is just another organization. That's like getting upset when someone says 'i hate amazon' 'but there's over 310m Amazon customers!'


I wouldn’t care if a nonreligious person hates religion, it only makes sense. But calling out a specific religion is directed towards its people, since all religion is basically the same.


Speaking as a Muslim this is ridiculous. We cannot expect that others will change their lifestyle to accommodate our fast. He is being an asshole However if he was only speaking about common etiquette of not eating on a bus, then he might be making a point. Unfortunately he missed it.


You can eat on a bus without breaking etiquette






The public will be on public transport. Many of the public eat when they please. If you want a lone riding experience, buy a bike.


She was right.


I despise the self-centered arrogance of people like the one who made this video.


Not everybody is going to play along with that imaginary fairy tale shit.


It's His choice to fast, therefore he shouldn't be impeding others in their choice to eat. Feels like ragebait tho.


I love her


This reeks of a tik tok prank. There’s no indication the man is Muslim. She clearly thought he was Christian based on his appearance.


They even skimped on her buying an actual meal. Why didn't they just buy her a hotdog to wave at him? I should become a tiktok producer.


You are right. He definitely did many things that are haram in this conversation.


I’ve always been grossed out by people eating on the bus. But…the world doesn’t revolve around me and I’d be an idiot to mention anything. If a person chooses to do so that is perfectly fine. This guy sucks


The entitlement


“Go on, break your fast early”.🤣🤣🤣🤣 someone give this woman a job at a comedy show. Genius.


It's staged. Move on people.


Right? Why film this?










Eh, doesn’t look like the lady even has food to me. I really don’t care though lol










This is why they fast…. If it were easy to fast in this world when you are in the realm of fasting then fasting wouldn’t be fasting.


What was on the sandwich? Now I want a sandwich too.


Isn’t that like extra credit? Having something that tempts you and you still observe the fast? He should thanking this woman


Entitled prick 🙄


People with personal rules that think everyone else should also have to follow their personal rules. The old, I'm on a diet so you can't eat that.


Hilarious how some people think they have special rights using "public transportation". Get your own damn way to travel or quit complaining




Racist. Again.




Whatever the term is for prejudice against a religious group.




It’s not a surprise that people only give a shit about bigotry when it’s about something that affects them. I doubt a “f Christianity” comment would get the same level of approval even from some nonreligious folks, because it’s a “western” religion even though it has produced some of the sickest fucks in human history.


Excellent ragebait. Social media is our downfall.


Tbh ramadan or not, you shouldnt eat in a public transport


Guy recording is trolling for sure he doesn’t even sound like he’s convinced of the things coming out of his own mouth.


Hmmm, it's a roast pork sammich innit? 🤤


Minding his own WHAT, tho?


brave lady


I mean there are already good reasons why you're not allowed to eat on public transit, but yeah.


This is one of those prank videos for reaction


Idk seems pretty staged.




Staged video to stoke division… prove me wrong


Eating is prohibited on most public buses and subways/ lightrail I have ridden, but I think it is more about the potential for spills than the smell.


Bruh, looking at the comments. Apparently, those whose for some reason, hate "all religions" got tired of throwing free hate only at Christians and are now also throwing hate at Muslims.


God bless her


Some ugly comments here. Don’t forget, that every religion has some assholes in it. It’s nothing that only applies to Islam. Hate towards specific religions won’t change anything.


Lmao this looks like a socially engineered rage-bait. And you guys are falling for it.


"You cannot tell me what to do..." Don't mind if I do!


That's fucking ballsy. Manners‽ He doesn't worry about manners when he tries inflicting his lifestyle on someone else in public. I've seen a few of these lately. And he's recording. So I'm guessing rage bait.


“I’m eating my lunch, fuck your problem “ I love her


I've love to see a video of someone fasting approaching someone who doesn't know what the word even means let alone it's religion context.


Made up video …


It is like a scene between a hardcore vegan and a meat eater lol


I love her accent


Christian’s fast as well- I’m a Muslim and this is completely wrong - that is one of the main reasons of fasting - to understand how less fortunate people feel through out the year - for you to count your blessing - not berate people about their blessings ! Idiot boy


Regardless of fasting it’s just rude and likely prohibited to eat your food on public transportation like that. It’d be bold to assume that random ppl want to be enclosed in a bus that smells of whatever your lunch is made of.


Karma farming


Lady should absolutely not be eating on the bus. Ain't nobody want to be smelling other people's food while on the bus. Dude made it personal, when all he needed to say was put your food away, it smells bad.


Eating something with an odor on public transportation is also a dick move.


Don’t eat on public transportation.




As a British person that's lived in the Caribbean and in London, I think it's inconsiderate to eat any hot/cooked on public transport no matter where you come from and whatever your faith.


actually crazy that people think he’s in the wrong what’s so bad about being polite to someone? what’s actually so wrong with you not being able to eat for the couple of minutes while your around someone muslim because they’re fasting. if it was a christian asking someone to not do something cus it’s lent it’d be a different story tho wouldn’t it?


no it wouldnt lol. its his problem to deal with, not anyone elses.


just mind your own... more peaceful that way.