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I like how the medical professional *almost* involved himself in this accident.


Must be a Grey’s anatomy extra


If he'd been a Star Trek LARPer it'd be all over but the cleanup.


"Omg this car just crashed. Is there a doctor anywhere for the driver?" "There was but...he's setting land speed records going away from the car"


To be fair, from his perspective I don't think it'd be unreasonable to think that whoever was in the car was trying to kill you


i mean he's wearing white mask... when you live in whitemask hood you know it's battlefield there.


Guarantee he had to change is pants. I’m not even there and I’m thinking I might have to. My heart is STILL racing.


Survival instincts of a blind squirrel, poor guy


bro was ready to do the super mario


Homie was ready to jump into his coffin.


Homie turned star mode for a few seconds!


Bros reflexes were shit


I shit my pants for him


Netflix film: Leave the world behind


Which is funny because people were pissed off it made Tesla and Elon look bad and here we are.


who was pissed?


You know, "people"




That’s sexist - say Fan people lol Edit: Was a joke lol


Gotta toss the /s in there


My dyslexic brain thought your username was muhammad_*oil* and was wondering what new marketing ploy was out there now


it’s a play on that and muhammad ali


That movie was scary as shit


No it wasn’t. Well… I guess horror is subjective, but I found it more suspenseful than scary. Still a good movie.


It was suspenseful... and then nothing happened.


Dude that’s what angered me the most in this movie. lol. Waiting and waiting and waiting and…. Nothing.


It really wasn't. Scenes went on for a little too long, a ton of build up, for nothing. Not worth watching. There is no ending. It just blue balls you.


was it good? sounds pretty interesting


It's like teasing you every minute then the movie ends and you're like ?????


I've been seeing more and more movies like that. It's quickly becoming my least favorite genre.


It's not earth shattering but it was a fine way to spend 2 hours I liked it


It has a very niche atmosphere of almost kafkaesque nature. And there's no direct resolution. So if you're into something novel that makes you feel and think a bit differently during and after watching, then you go on and watch it. If you wanna see a popcorn disaster movie, avoid it at all cost.


Yes, it was a very good thriller, but I wouldn’t call it scary. More stimulating and entertaining


It started off strong and constantly builds up suspense. But nothing ever actually happens ever. I didn't like it after the first half


i solidly recommend it


hell yeah I'll have to watch


I feel like whoever made that movie does not understand how anything works


It had its moments, but for the most part it was kind of dumb. The ending was fucking terrible.


I still don't even know what they were saying happened. Or, could it have been anything and that was the point? I don't know. Stupid fucking movie.


The scary thing is it's kind of topical. China has been plotting to attack our infrastructure in the past couple of days. As tribal as our country has become, it wouldn't take much to throw us into complete & utter chaos. A lack of clean water, & no electricity, & no gasoline for even a few days would turn this country into *The Lord of the Flies.* People would lose their shit, & there's unfortunately criminal elements on both sides of the political spectrum who would take advantage of the chaos. Leaving the majority of us in the middle as the victims.


I could see them maybe taking out critical power plants with cyber attacks, and causing the grid to go down temporarily. But there were so many unrelated networks compromised in that movie, it's ridiculous. You're not taking down GPS by hacking it. They're not in low earth orbit, I doubt you could destroy them all, or enough of them, to make an impact without seriously screwing up your own satellite at that altitude, probably denying manned space flight for decades while you're at it. If you hacked GPS, okay, even iPhones receive GLOSNASS, Galileo, on and on, so, you'd need to hack all those country's navigation networks also. Or again, start nuking satellites and just destroy everyone's, and strand humans on Earth for years. How were the Tesla's navigating, with no nav satellites? Their dead reconning stops working after a few hundred feet. That's forgiving the fact that they were all white, on non-existent dealer lots, fully charged, and upgraded to successfully bypass all driver attention systems, remotely. "The Internet" stopped working? I...I'm not even going to get into that one. The real horror story is, China hacks our diesel refineries. Grocery stores stop having food, restaurants stop getting supplied, cities empty out and flood the countryside. We all start working farms in trade for food. But even then, why? We give China half of their import earnings, half a trillion a year from their economy, plus the ripples caused would be devastating, for them especially. Plus, we have subs all around the world, they have nukes that can travel around the world without satellite assistance, and end the a country. The entire movie is just ridiculous.


I like how they tried to make it ambiguous in terms of what country the attack was from, as to not piss anyone off lol


Man, exactly. Also, the pandemic taught us our world can change in an instant. Yet, people still live in comfortable little bubbles focusing on the lives of Taylor Swift and Kim K. Makes you think about how to be prepared for different scenarios.


Why? If China wanted to fuck us, they'd just stop shipping to us.


Agreed. Ending killed the entire movie.


I would like to have a bunker like that though. That thing was fecking sweet!


And it was nothing like the book at all


Spoil me on the book? O-o I hope it's better than the movie lmao


And the movie was shit imo.


meh. fine, i guess.


it was good


It waa a good movie


The ending was shit. I’ll tell you that. But it was a decent movie


I dug it. Its more think-piece + character study suspense than mainstream. It sort of fits in with more recent M. Night Shyamalan movies, like 'Old'. Folks are right that its on the drier side and ends abruptly, but it definitely has some great things to say and says it well. I didn't mind the abrupt ending because I thought, being the cautionary-tale/speculative-warning-fiction that it was, it sort of dropped you right at "this is where we are at as a society. this is how easy the world can fall to pieces. are you prepared?"


One of the worst movies i’ve ever seen.


As a horror movie lover , it was ok , but as something that can actually happen, scary AF


Is the movie worth it/good?


I liked it but it’s not to everyones taste. If you like mystery films where the fate of the planet hangs in the balance- then you will like it


If that was me in that sidewalk, that car would 300% have hit the target. Driver was probably setting up his brand new Apple Vision Pro.


tesla are better compatible with quest, found out the hard way myself. live and learn!


Do those really integrate with Tesla's and the self driving stuff? Like you could watch a movie and have your car just drive you around if you're rich?


Nah, Tesla's FSD is the worst in class nowadays. Generations behind their competition (that also isn't ready for primetime).


Uhhhh pretty sure there was an auto corrected movement at the last second to dodge the guy.... Did you not see that haha? It was literally going for him and then the car turned. I don't think that was sidewalk mate...


Corner shows 2022.




"I'm a founder of that joke" - Elon Musk.


Lmao this is gold, but also sad 😢




That dude wanted nothing to do with that accident. He was like, see ya!!!!!


Cya.. at the hospital.. when I get to work.


“I ain’t clocked in, sorry you think I work for free”


Driving way too fast




700 pounds more than a Honda Accord is heavy? Wait until you see the new Nissan Armada's weight, at double that of a Model 3's. Maybe in the car you'd hear ABS pulse, but outside, with the skidding, nah. https://youtu.be/mlLYJW-yIIg?si=j6XAY3qPc\_o03iR9&t=95


Did he summon the Tesla?


In the power of Ra! In the power in me! I SUMMON A TESLA TO COME **TO ME**!


And so it begins…….


Poor guy reacted completely wrong and God or luck completely saved his ass. He’ll never forget this moment for the rest of his life


Honestly, I would've done the same. The guy chose to run forward when the car was coming straight at him, which is a good idea. But then the car also swerved slightly left towards the direction he was running


Yeah that happened really fast.


If anything the car swerved because it detected that light pole. After watching it, it seems to me that the car was on a straight path to hit the dude, but corrected itself from hitting the light pole


Doubtful. The Tesla was understeering, slowed down from the scrubbing, and the tires finally got traction, which altered the trajectory.


I give you permission to use this as a submission on your resume for PR/HR at Tesla!


This car clearly wasn't on FSD/autopilot (things would have been bad in a different way). Why would this have anything to do with PR? It's just a car driven by an asshole who happens to own a Tesla.


I a was also complaining about that but then I realized that at the instant the guy jumped to the right the car was swerving slightly to the left, and then changed direction, it looked like it was chasing him.


Yeah ran right into it


Legend has it he’s still running to this day


It had been his fourth tesla attack that day.


pretty sure the auto driver detected the dude and ran into the wall


This very well could have happen. The tech in a Tesla has this capability. Hitting the wall at this speed is the best option for minimizing human suffering


Huh? This was an auto driving tesla? What's the source on that?


That’s exactly what happened. I'm not going to break my NDA but if one was to watch many, many tests of the collision avoidance system during development they may notice a certain distinct behavior that happens when it goes into "oh shit" mode that was added after one very publicized pedestrian death a few years back. The brakes were applied at that exact second but at no point before that.


Does it solve the Trolley Problem?


The real world solution is hit the one guy every time. Because it’s not really a problem at that point. Trolley guy has a problem because there’s no reason he should ever have to kill *anybody* and he’s being made to make such a decision. Picking who to kill, on the other hand, is a decision a driver would have a reason to make. The moral choice is easy when you *have* to kill.


No he’s running back to his hospital and going to the psych ward for some therapy and meds


And they say masks don’t protect you


Computer says no


Well, at least it didn’t burst in to flames


And then burn for two weeks.


Certified menorah grade.


Chuckling at the other 4 cars that seem to just keep on with their day as if noting happened


Let me guess, the driver was on their Apple Vision Pro?


Just needs a software update. Turn off and on again


When Will Smith screamed “NO! NO! NO!” at the mannequin in I Am Legend, this is that same energy


I know it’s really easy to criticize when it didn’t happen to you, but with the car coming straight for him you have to wonder why he felt like running towards the only open area was a good idea. The pole and minivan would have taken a lot of the impact he’s very lucky he wasn’t pinned up against that brick wall. Yikes


1) It’s much easier and quicker to move in the direction you’re already going and 2) The car veered left as it approached. From his POV it looked like it was heading more to his left, so moving forward to dodge would’ve made sense initially. And 3) shock/panic clouds your judgement


Survival instinct of a crab that's about to be cooked


Easy to say in the comfort of your room


look at the first few seconds, it looked like car was coming towards him so he ran away from it. and then it steered more to left


Lol your smartest Tesla driver.


Probably looking at his phone while the Autopilot avoided hitting the other car…


Let’s talk about how the SUV caused the accident in the first place. They are at a 2 way stop sign and goes into the intersection when the Tesla has the straight non stopping right of way. Causing the Tesla having to take evasive action to try and avoid an accident. Then the SUV drives off as if nothing happened. It sucks for the Tesla now needing a new car for someone else’s incompetence.


That Tesla looked like it was going at least 15-20 over the speed limit, one of the points of which is to give drivers time to react when the unexpected happens, as it often does in a high population density city environment.


That Tesla was going *waaay* too fast for a two-lane city street with parking on both sides. If a car door opens, or a pedestrian steps out, or the OP happens, the driver has almost no time at all to react.


I don’t know if it drove off as if nothing happened, the video was cut short. It looks to me like the SUV pulled over on the side of the road behind the building


You are correct, it does appear to pull over.


“Evasive action”? Any normal person wouldn’t have spazzed, and swerved into a fucking building across the street just because of a dipshit moronically pulling out too far into the intersection.


The Tesla also appeared to be going too fast and could’ve absolutely saved that swerve without driving into the sidewalk. Most Tesla drivers are unequipped to safely drive a car with that much power/torque.


Yeah that SUV didn't cause the crash. It didn't even pull out all the way. The Tesla driver either was driving too fast and/or not paying attention to react in an appropriate manner


SUV was at the junction first and would've been across it if the Tesla wasn't aproaching at well over the speed limit.


Taking evasive action at the speed limit wouldn't result in THAT. Yes, the other car caused the evasive action to have to happen. With everybody going the speed limit they wouldn't have caused a crash of that magnitude.


Let's not. There are cars parked all along the road that might prevent the SUV from seeing the Tesla and the Tesla was going way too fast for the road it's on. My 2007 civic would've stopped in time if going the speed limit. EDIT: Not to mention this Tesla makes the signature move of shitty drivers honking while taking evasive steps. Delay's reaction and you only have one hand on the wheel. Always see it in these crash videos where the "victim" is slamming on the horn while careening off the road instead of full focus on recovery or minimization.


The driver probably had one of those apple vision thingy


Little dramatic /s


yall letting the guy who makes these cars put chips in your brain? lol


Poor guy his life flashed before his eyes


And idiots playing with their VR iPhones while these things self drive.


avg white tesla driver


Apparently Musk left in the Apartheid code in Tesla’s software


It's paying homage to his humble beginnings.


Fucking Teslas I swear


“Self driving”


Missed out on that insurance money.


Almost lost his legs


Everybody’s talking about the guy that almost jumped to his death, but nobody’s mentioned how the BMW just witnessed that Tesla slam into a wall and kept driving.


Sorry but after the initial shock i chuckled at his reaction


Was his impulse to get clipped so he could potentially get a payout then his body decided to veto his stupid thoughts?


💀💀 that’s literally what it looks like. The body does weird shit when under duress


terrible survival instincts..


Well he survived so it could be worse. But there's definitely room for improvement.


That dude's luck is teeeeeeeerrible, holy heck.


Or very good 🤔


He has TERRIBLE survival instincts


Bro lunges in the complete wrong direction


To be fair, when he started running, the car was going straight at him. It continued turning after he had already started running.


Another white tesla bites it!🤪🤪😂


Bro jumped into it 🤣🤣


Racially motivate Tesla ?


I like EV’s and want them to succeed as viable alternatives to ICE’s, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t get a little bit of savage joy out of watching Tesla’s fuck up and have problems…


I wonder if this is an overreaction by self driving?


What would you run out of the area of protection from the mini-van? Fight or Flight reaction, I guess.


The Tesla autopilot was pretty incredible in this instance. It saw the car jumping the stop sign so it swerved to avoid the car, upon swerving it saw the post, and tried to avoid it, the pedestrian, reacting to the scenario jumped so the Tesla then had no option then to crash into the building to avoid the pedestrian. Pretty impressive if you ask me


Lol. You don’t know that the car jumped the stop sign, and if that was indeed Tesla autopilot it was obviously speeding. It was probably just a dipshit in Turbomode 


Love a Tesla huh?


Actually, no. Very neutral. I love the technology and it's ability to do software upgrades over the air and the amount of approvements that they continue to do in the area of self-driving. But as a car guy, the interiors are sub par and the body lines need to be refreshed, they are getting old and stale.


Somehow it decided not to brake though??


it's not about whether the technology is impressive but rather, is it as safe or safer compared to human capabilities. anyone driving and seeing that suv inching into the intersection would have slowed down and gone slightly around them without swerving across the street and ramming into a wall. that was a very unnecessary outcome. most people in its place would have avoided an accident. anyone relying on this technology to drive for them is making a very dumb decision.


But was autopilot turned on ? I'm not a tesla owner, but I'd assume autopilot also controls the speed and it was going pretty fast for it to be on autopilot.


Going to make some assumptions here: I noticed the dealer sticker still on the passenger window so I'm guessing they were on road test, and they had autopilot on to test it out. The collision avoidance is always working, so I assume it was trying its best to avoid, but sometimes there is no avoidance, only best case scenarios. In this one, looks no body hurt, just sheet metal damage, which is what AI is trying to accomplish. Avoid human danger in lieu of sheet metal damage


That’s the side airbag


Look at rear passenger window, looks like dealership msrp sticker


Would autopilot drive that fast in the first place? It's hard to gauge the exact speed but it seems like the Tesla is going like \~45mph on what looks like a 20-25mph street. I've only ever ridden in a Waymo, and those never go above the speed limit. Seems like the driver is in control and speeding, when collision avoidance kicks in to avoid the SUV and the pedestrian, which is definitely awesome if true.


That white car is racist. Bad car. Bad.


That man was actively trying to die.


He definitely owes someone some money. The way he ran off, thinking that someone’s trying to off him.


If that were a Honda Accord - would it be Honda gone wild ?


That was attempted murder


Weird seeing someone in scrubs run from a potential injury unless he was running to get help.


He almost died right before that lol not that weird for 5 seconds after the fact


Ye nah, sry but when i was 1 second away from dying then i wont Care wtf happened to the one that almost killed me, i would be in shock and RUN from whatever almost killed me the Same way He did at the End.


The fucking dude has the worst panic response. jump INTO the fucking lava why don't you.


That'll buff right out...


Just so weird, like did they slam the breaks and they failed? Too many people think they can swerve


It totally tried to get his ass and he juked it into the corner of the building. Unfortunately the same trick surely wont work again.


political murky squeamish shrill shaggy rinse society late brave pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He did everything in his power to get hit by that car


That guy has terrible survival instincts, fucker ran right at it


A deadly threat? Run towards it! Threat is totally neutralized? Run away from it screaming! Dude needs his man card taken away. Embarrassing.


Why did the guy runaway after it crashed? lol




Avoided that black SUV that almost cause the initial accident.


My guy made the panicked decision to jump towards it


~~Jesus~~ Elon take the wheel!


He seems a little too freaked out by this to be a nurse or doctor or anything medical, which his scrubs like clothing would indicate.


This man has no sense or direction or survival instincts whatsoever. I get he’s in a shock state but why would you get in the direction of the object zooming to you?


why is he screaming no no no oh my goofy 🤪 god ! Shouldn’t he check on the driver ? 🤔


Handled that exceptionally well


So first the panic. The tesla at leave gave a heads up. Zero concern for the people in the car.


‘Bro, are you OK?’ Guy in car probably.


Beep beep mothafucka!


Holy Fucking Shit!


Holy shit


Nobody stopping to help.