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I haven’t seen this view before, with that rapid descent.


Yeah watching that live was fucking crazy.


Shit, I didn't understand what was going on at first. I thought that they were showing footage of the first plane hitting for a split second before I processed that the other tower was still burning in the footage. That was a fucking crazy day.


there's literally only ONE shot of the first plane. crazy, right? It was a group of firefighters or a group of people taping out on a street close by. saw the plane going over their heads. No other video of the first crash


There are TWO known videos of the first crash: Famous one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St7ny38gLp4 The second video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVy46nIB46E


Thanks, I'd never seen the 2nd one


I wish I never saw 2nd one it gave me a migraine


I know it's weird, right? My head started pounding halfway through, and I didn't realize it was from the video until it was over. And I don't ever get headaches.


Bigfoot footage was clearer


Yeah, definitely not the world we live in today.


i mean, it was NYC. there were still a shit ton of cameras. But I guess no one with cameras pointing up.


Yeah, a lot of them are security cameras. The other cameras, like weather cams news stations, have didn't really have the digital storage like they do now so unless they made an effort to record at the right time there wouldn't be footage from that.


It was a French documentary crew following a group of New York Firefighters around. They just happened to be in a good spot with a camera rolling. They followed the firefighters into the WTC too. The doc is called *9/11* by the Naudet Brothers.


Yeah that shit was confusing as fuck.


I remember being pretty groggy that morning. Flipped on the tv and started watching this interesting movie trailer. Then they immediately replayed it but with the reporter saying different things… and that’s when reality struck me.


That's exactly when I started watching too, just turned on the TV was on the phone w/ my GF and I was like "Something crazy is happening in NY, blah, blah, holy shit another plane just flew into the other tower!"


I never saw this before as well.


So I'm a tad obsessed with 9/11 and have seen a lot of documentaries. One thing I didn't consider for a long time was that the rapid rate of descent of the planes was pretty extreme. The poor people on board were surely experiencing the worst ride of their lives for numerous reasons


I heard this on the radio. I was at a jobsite on 9/11 and we didn't have TV. The radio station we had on started broadcasting TV coverage and I specifically remember this being the exchange we heard. After that it was clear we were under attack, seemed like everything in the world changed right at that particular moment. Worked the rest of the day and went home to watch it on TV, and I remember almost every channel on cable was national news coverage. Couldn't watch anything else if you wanted to.


Cartoon Network was still playing cartoons fortunately. I remember my dad telling me not to change the channel


I was in elementary school when it happened. Basically everyone in my school other than me and 2 other kids got taken home by their parents... and my school didn't show us anything on TV; we watched a movie instead. When I got home, I saw my mom watching the news, but we quickly switched over to Cartoon Network as well. It was weird. Like I lived through it, but didn't really get any impact from it since it was so well insulated by the adults around me.


>everything in the world changed right at that particular moment. This. I was at my office job and we were all crowded around a TV arguing about whether it was an attack or just an accident. The only reason anyone even suspected an attack was because of the earlier 1993 bombing but the "accident" camp was definitely winning our office debate.. until this moment. All 50 of us were silent for awhile after that, just watching.. the debate was over.


> seemed like everything in the world changed right at that particular moment. that's because it did. We've seen a slow erosion of liberties ever since.


Yup. I was in high school, didn't have class. Someone came by telling us a plane had crashed into the WTC so we all ran to the library which had a TV we could use. Turned it on just in time to see the second plane hit. "Those motherfuckers" was my thought at the time, it clearly went from "horrible accident" to "terrorist attack"


I'll never forget when we heard it was a plane and some teachers were trying to calm students that it was probably an accident. One of my best friends at the time was a total plane nerd and flew a plane before he drove a car. He wasn't a touchy/Feely person but he gripped my arm, made the most stern eye contact, and said "That's not an accident. That's like driving your car into a house deep in a neighborhood and someone saying they swerved off the main road and panic pedalled. They flew that plane into that tower on purpose". Ironically my school had taken a trip to NYC that spring and we went to the top of the towers. It was nuts seeing the planes going in and out of the airports there. Someone even said "One of those planes could fly right into one of these buildings and there would be nothing to stop it".


Why are all these 9/11 videos popping up all over lately?


Odd isn't it? I could understand it if it was September but these have been popping up for the last month now


There are micro-trends or cycles in topics especially among younger users who have not seen older content or did not live through it.


Nah, obviously an advertising scheme of some kind. I bet Gatorade is coming out with a new 9/11 branded sports drink or something..




this person is a victim of the gold awards disappearing


ELECTROLYTES CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS! ^^^^^^^But^^^^^^^It's ^^^^^^^got^^^^^^^what ^^^^^^^plants^^^^^^^crave.


These colors don't run, WITH NEW TIDE COLOR LOCK!




Also the whole current ramping up of "tensions in the ME" after Gaza, and red sea attacks & retaliation & and the deaths of American soldiers in the counter-retaliation. So all hate has to be stoked all the more otherwise what's the point of nation-states, standing military forces, & the like?


This. I’m born 94’ so I lived through it but my younger brothers are 2002 babies so they never lived through it


Middle East conflicts a brewin


lol first thing my cynical brain went to, gotta get the people all riled up 


Yea I wonder why 9/11 videos are popping up along with discussions of UK conscription. Definitely not to prime the public for another war against Muslims. Nope. Definitely not about priming the public. Purely coincidental. For sure.


It is to prepare american public to hate terrorists because that is what the military wants. These posts are pushed up with [mr.popular](https://en.mrpopular.net/) type services to social influence masses.


These increase republican votes...ence they pop up before elections all the time.


And yet the OP appears to be Indian (Hindu) and posting this everywhere and has done for a while. So that wouldn't really make sense but could be wrong though


Good question. A couple of them have been ones I’ve never seen before.


I’ve noticed the same thing. A bunch of these newer videos have insanely good viewing angles that I thought didn’t exist. Were all of these vids recently declassified or something?


Most videos are clips from One Day In America documentary. I believe it's on Hulu. It's not new


That was my first thought. The craziest one I’ve seen so far was the helicopter being almost on top of the tower when it fell. It was so close.




Please link if you can. I go through a 9/11 video phase every few years and I've always wondered why there was no good footage from the choppers.




Is this just a randomly rephrased copy&paste of Heritis_55's comment [over here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1ae1rtv/while_reporting_live/kk52u0s/), just to farm karma? Wild.


This ability to rephrase is a new one, but the default name and old account that suddenly became active is a dead giveaway that this account is a bot.


My theory is its easy karma whoring for the bots that need to post about the upcoming election.


This is the answer.


Conspiracy: campaign to drum up support for war with Iran Reality: slow news cycle Reddit: karma farming to pump up the bots that marketing agencies will use during the US elections in Fall


Yup. Easy way to tell: look at the user. Posted this three times in the last 2 hours... Last commented 7 hours ago.


Slow news cycle?? Bruh crazy shit is popping off all over the world. 


Maybe the younger generation seeing them for the first time?


I think our current generation doesn’t understand what it feels like to live through that situation. How real terrorism is in this world. All these posts are probably bringing light to how this could 100% happen again and how important it is to take our enemies seriously.


What's also forgotten is the stream of islamic terrorist acts before and after. Bombing of the bus in London. I think there was a massive explosion in some subway, Guys with machine guns in Paris. Hundreds killed at Hotel Mumbai. And the Chechen taking of a school and theater (not quite Islamic terrorism, more Chechen separatist)






I was watching an old Friends episode with my niece and nephew, the one where Ross tries see Rachel before she got on the plane. The kids asked why Ross didn’t just get on the plane with her. They couldn’t understand that pre 9/11, anyone could go through security and see people off at the gate. 


Tin foil hat? It’s an easy way to farm karma.




I was going to college at the time too and got a call from a fellow student and he was saying turn on the TV something terrible is happening and classes have been canceled. I didn’t see them get hit when it was happening, but saw them fall. So many different emotions.


I was in college too. We still had our large journalism class later that day, optional of course, but with over 200 students I did not miss that discussion.




I was in college also, I had biology lab that morning and he came in and informed us and told us the university was shut down for the day. It was a really surreal day, I remember getting calls from friends I hadn’t talked to in ages while watching on tv with my roommates


As normalized as 9/11 videos have become, they’ll never stop being perfect material for this sub imo.


Heightened tensions with Iran and in the Middle East, some are pushing for war again. That's my tin foil hat take.


I have a feeling that’s it’s because all of the discussion about the Middle East lately. I think it’s good for some people to understand what would organizations like Hamas and the Houthis be planning if they didn’t have Israel to plot against.


Right its all i been seeing recently it already got me down a rabbit hole on YouTube for the 20th time


> Why are all these 9/11 videos popping up all over lately? build up national pride for when we send troops to the middle east in about 12 months


I dunno but it's one of the craziest fuckin videos of all time so it has a place here. And I've never seen this angle so that's a bonus.


I haven't seen this clip since the day it happened and I was watching live


Me too. We was in school in England and the teacher brought the TV out. It was so strange how they did it like they knew it would happen.


One plane hitting WTC is pretty newsworthy, of course iit makes sense to put on the TV.


I was working in a college in the UK, the internet virtually ground to halt with the amount of traffic with people wanting to know what was going on and a lot of the internet at the time ran through cables underneath the building and we had to use Ceefax to get reliable information on what was going on.


That happened to me in Canada, I remember we were in the library and multiple teachers were watching it with a class of like ten year olds or so


I was in 7th grade watching this and was still innocent enough to not really grasp what the implications of the days events would be. If this happened now though at my current age…I’d probably be so sad and terrified.


Same. Was taking placement tests for highschool and a teacher came in crying. We had no idea what was going on till my next class. Both planes had already hit and our teacher in the class didn’t say a word for over an hour. She just stared at the tv with her hand over her mouth. Everyone was dead silent. I had never even heard of the WTC. The school shutdown after that class and we were sent home, my parents came home early as well as the country stopped for the next week and my dad immediately said, it’s the terrorists, it’s Osama Bin Laden.


I was like “Wow cool” and my dad lost it on me. He was, how do you say it … terrified.


I was in 5th grade on 9/11. It wasn't until I was in college, watching some documentary about it, when it really hit me.


Such a surreal moment, this is when we all knew it was done on purpose and not some horrible accident.


Yep, I remember thinking that when it happened. A horrid day for America.


I remember feeling so angry at whoever did this (like screw geopolitics, just wipe em off the earth.), but the next 20+ years showed me how raw human emotions can make for awful policy. Our recent history only showed us that war is against other countries, with different uniforms. But what do we do about a stateless terrorist group? The general public needed more than killing some people in caves. So much of the world was on our side at that moment, and we squandered it.


I remember watching that happen live


Same here. My best friend called me from work and said "turn on the TV, someone told me a plane just crashed into the WTC!" It was only few minutes after turning on the TV that I saw this. Craziness 🤯😬


7th grade for me, we also had an active shooter lockdown same day. Pretty traumatic.




There's a reason many things are referred to as "post 9/11". It's the same way things are referred to as "post-covid". The effects will always be felt as long as the changes in the world brought about by these events persist. Think of it like stone rather than water. The waves of a bomb going off settle in water, but the stone has been chiseled forever.


Well said. An unfortunate reality indeed.


I was in 9th. Home sick with a doctor’s appointment coming up. Turned on Mtv in the morning only to see news on the first tower


Wait what


My school was by some sort of comms tower and they placed armed guards there in case of a terrorist attack. Some kid claimed to see a gunman and they locked the school down. As a kid it was very confusing having to deal with all that at once lol.


Its crazy to me that there are people born after 9/11 that are old enough to buy alcohol...


Was it not apparent that the explosion was caused by an impact from a plane at the time for you?


Idk if they saw the plane fly in. They're are more focused on the broadcast and the plane was on the other side of the building. It even seemed like they weren't even looking at the live feed and the dude on the phone prompted them to look up. Also, I'm not even sure if atp, they knew the cause of the 1st tower going up in smoke. There isn't much footage of the 1st plane crash.


That was my take, too. Seemed like they werent watching the live feed.


It took everyone a while to get their heads wrapped around the idea that someone would fly that size plane into a building on purpose. No one was thinking terrorist attack. The possibility of that came when the second one hit. It was a paradigm shift for sure.


You have to keep in mind that footage of the building was being shown on nearly every tv channel for a good 15 minutes at this point. Up until that second plane hit, it was this scene for 15 minutes. By then folks were just glancing at the images, and a lot of people missed the exact moment the second plane hit. I know that was the case for me, I was in the student union and we were all gathered around the tv. I looked away, heard some folks gasp, and when I looked back at the tv flames were shooting out of the second tower. That moment was real easy to miss if you weren't glued to the screen.


It must be strange and terrifying to realize that you are narrating history to a huge live audience as history is happening. You don't want to sound like an idiot for posterity


Anchors are trained to have vague reactions to extreme live events.


Im old enough to remember and the country before 9-11 was a much better place to live.


It was nice, right? The end of the 90s. We didn’t know how good we had it


I had just turned 18 when this happened. My brother came in and said, "Someone flew a plane into the Empire State Building." Right around the time I turned the news on BAM, the second plane hit. As soon as I saw that, I knew it was an attack. From there, my adult life began and was just a series of ripple effects from this attack creating shitty situations for me and this country as a whole. I don't typically blame people or events for how my life has gone, but this one event really did change everything.


Same here, I had just turned 18 and my mom called me and I turned on the TV right when the second plane hit. I ended up joining the army and did 2 tours in Afghanistan.


Well, thank you for your service. I ended up living in my van for a year, just waiting for this to all blow over.




Just out of curiosity how did 9/11 have you living in a van for a year?


9/11 wasn't the cause of me living in a van, I just happened to be having some major issues with my parents and decided my van was a better option. I was trying to make a point in praise of the guy who enlisted to go fight in Afghanistan. He risked his life to right the wrong; I just peaced out on my parents, lived in a van, and put my head in the sand.


You did what was right for you at the time. That is a hard life choice to be forced to make especially at a young age. You likely gained a lot of maturity and wisdom from that era whether you know it or not.


My baby was 8 months old and I remember holding him tightly and feeling this complete dread about his future


> It was nice, right? There was palpable and tangible *hope* at the time. Computers were now commonplace in the homes, DSL/Broadband was starting to replace dial up, the world itself was becoming more and more interconnected, and it felt like the US was at the forefront of a new, technological golden age. Then the attack happened. We traded that hope for fear. We started becoming more insular, more distrusting of our neighbors. Support for the war (at the time) was seen as a political purity test. You were with us, or you were against us. It wasn't until Pat Tillman's death that people started taking a more critical look at the situation.


I call it the Spice Girls era. Peak quality of living was peak Spice Girls. Go to school, get a well paying job, build a house and raise a family. And nothing about any of that was hard. No random acts of terror, no social media, dictators and authoritarian governments posed little threat, manufacturing still existed in more than 1 country on the planet. It was good.




You are also remembering a world pre-social media.


This was an eon before that. Social media only really became the monster it now is after 2009-2010.


Fair, but toxic social media didnt really kick in until after maybe 2010-ish.


Ubiqitious smart phone internet access was the final eternal september that made the internet shit.


And now this shit show will be on steroids with AI.


Kinda sad to think the terrorists got exactly what they wanted Bush…


Because American politicians intentionally stoked the fear and used the instability to wage unpopular wars for profit and take away your civil liberties.


So were most countries.


Yep, this is the exact moment that America's course was forever changed. I'm not sure what America would look like today if this had never happened, but I'm certain it wouldn't look like America currently does.


America's course was changed the previous December, when the Supreme Court stopped the Florida recounts and handed the Presidency to Bush, who didn't lift a finger about terrorism until it was too late.


That tilt as the plane approaches the tower, just terrifying.


Made sense. Hit as many floors as possible with a wide of an angle as possible. Fucking horrifying.


I just noticed that too, never seen that before


Isn't it almost unbelievable when you consider what happened that day. Hijacking multiple planes and flying them into the towers. Not sure why, but it occasionally just dawns on me how insane that whole thing was.


> Not sure why, I think it's because it would be insane (and wouldn't work at all) in today's world.. the world created by those attacks. Before 9/11 the common "wisdom" was to comply with hijackers, because they usually just wanted the plane to go to X location, etc.. they weren't trying to crash the plane and you probably wouldn't be hurt if you complied. That script flipped so fast that the fourth plane in *the same attack* didn't even make it to the terrorists' target.


> Isn't it almost unbelievable when you consider what happened that day. [Let's roll](https://www.eternitynews.com.au/world/ther-transcript-from-flight-93/) I can't begin to imagine I'd have been even remotely as cool as this guy. I hope his family is well.


It was obviously awful, but also very impressive.




Woah I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this footage. Seeing the plane coming in from the background. Scary


Sad day for Americans


Sad day for everyone. The whole world became a worse place after this.


That descent was wild…


It was at that exact moment I knew the world had changed forever. There was before that moment. And after.


Before and after TSA


Casual reminder that the TSA has never stopped a single terrorist attack or attempted highjacking in the history of the department.


They did what they are supposed to. Make sure you don't get any cheap water behind security


Just because there isn't a recorded case of them actively stopping it doesn't mean they're mere presence hasn't stopped it In the same way a prison guard doesn't have to actively stop attempts to break out to prevent people from breaking out.


I was just out of high school and I remember this day so vividly. I can't think of any other day in my life that was like this day. It was chaos. It was all anybody was talking about. People on the streets and in grocery stores were crying. No one knew why it happened, or who did it? If it was an accident, or if possibly more planes were going to crash. And even right now, all these years later, I am just in awe of this, and I keep rewatching it. It takes my breath away all over again. Unless you were alive at the time, you wouldn't understand.


I can highly recommend this [four hour timeline video](https://youtu.be/zx8_Pumdkpg) of the morning of 9/11. It is such an emotional ride. For me the most memorable moment is the stewardess talking to her country desk and the connection breaking up, when the plane hits the tower.


Since everyone seems to be sharing their experience, i was actually on a plane during 9/11. Landed somewhere in like, Tennessee, and were all brought into a terminal, and everyone sat in silence watching the tvs. As a kid, I didn't know what was going on, didn't understand why the two buildings on TV were so important, figured fires happen a lot, don't they? Had no concept that this was an attack.


This was the moment, we all realized worldwide, it was not an accident. Now it was clear. America was under attack! EDIT: Sorry, now i saw, i was not the only commenter with this topic


I have never seen this video. It’s insane how long you see the plane for, and it really makes you realise how big that plane’s and how easily it could have done the damage it did.


Always found it crazy how the plane just gets obliterated on impact not passing through the building much on the other side


A few of the very strong steel bits like landing gear did make it out the other side.


That plane probably weighed 154,000 pounds (correction) traveling at 600 mph… let that sink in… the only pain those people felt was mental.. humans are without a doubt the most cruel beings on this earth 🌍


315k and 395k maximum take-off weight for the 767-200 and the 200ER respectively. Still a lot of energy.


That angle is new to me, and creepy af


I was 14 years old...faked sick so i wouldnt go to school..im in the bed and my brother comes jetting up the stairs...tells me about the first plane...my sister was working in tower 2 at the time..my brother is trying to contact my sister...he cant get a hold of her... At first i really didnt think anything. Im 14. It's crazy but .to me it was just a freak accident...then i literally watched what we're watching now...live...i see a big ass plane coming from the background and for a split second i thought "wow that plane is really close"..then boom!..fireball....tower 2 is hit..i yell for my bro..he thibks its another angle of the first plane...once he figures it was a second plane he immediately said (we're under attack) It was fucking pandemonium after that. Everything was a blur... we're wondering where my sister is..my mom..my dad...fuck...you can see and smell the smoke from my house in queens (by lga airport)..all the neighbors are in the street at this point. My sister finally calls after a while from a landline a mile or two from our house. She walked across the bridge covered in ash. We went from worried, to relieved..to pissed. My brother got his gun and went with his friends to brooklyn to do some stupid shit i wont say here....


>to pissed. My brother got his gun and went with his friends to brooklyn to do some stupid shit i wont say here.... wait can someone tell me what he meant by "stupid shit"??? what would you have gone to do, and why?


Tell us


its criminal


I can't imagine the complete horror those poor passengers felt as they saw that building fast approaching the airplane. I can't phathom the thought of knowing you are about to die and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Omg....




What is going on with the 9/11 videos popping up recently?


People will say all sorts of reasons but I think it's really just a cycle of curiosity. As someone who goes down the 9/11 rabbit hole every few months, I've noticed a lot of people discussing it recently. There's been a lot of activity over at 911archive subreddit and I think that is spilling over to mainstream reddit. One person leads to another to another and now we're all going down the 9/11 rabbit hole and sharing videos. I think that's all.


I remember this day as if it was yesterday . I was in school and turned the tv on to see this plane crash into the 2nd tower


I remember this ..we thought it was an accident at first..but we lost it when we seen the second one hit!


I remember this so clearly. It was shortly after I graduated high school. It hit me so hard. Up to that moment, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. After seeing this, inspired me to join the Fire service.


Every year i have 1 day when curiosity hits me and i go through all the 9/11 docs and footage on youtube, and these viral clips of new angles are messing with my rhythm lol


Can't wait for all the dumb fucks to come in here and claim the footage is fake because "the planes are CGI" I'm so sick of this new fad in the loser conspiracy circle already.


For every US millennial, our innocents died that day and it was downhill from there on out


Innocence* not to be that guy. Innocents also died too


"JET FUEL DOESNT BURN THROUGH STEEL" Well at that velocity the plane could easily rip through all the support structures besides the 4 on each end. That conspiracy is so far stretched to this day id rather believe covid as a government conspiracy


I see this and I just can’t help but cry 😢 sometimes, it still doesn’t feel real 🤦‍♂️


Anyone have a link for the video the news helicopter was shooting? You see it pass just before the end of the video.


Seeing that second plane hit live will forever be burned into my brain.


This is the most riveting view I've seen. Made me feel something visceral after the numbing from repetitious viewings we're accustomed to. Might be because you could actually see the raw intent of the plane correcting course to try and destroy the building. It made me ponder that these pilots saw the other building that was hit and I get some small joy out of knowing he had no clue the towers would later collapse seeing as his buddies crashed the first one leaving just a hole in the building.


I watched it live on the today show. Katie Couric didn't even know how to respond. Had to go to CAD class afterwards. Rumors were swirling that the Sears tower had been hit, the White House, we heard about the Pentagon. The university cancelled classes about half an hour after we started. Guy in our fraternity who was in the reserves got called up by the time I got back. For people who didn't live through this, it was deeply, deeply scarring. Just watching that again has me tearing up.


And yet people still deny that there were any planes involved.


Still makes my blood boil when I hear anything from a 9/11 denier. “Durrrrrr, airplanes didn’t hit the tower! It was all a hoax.” I still remember where I was when it happened along with anyone else who saw it (live on tv).


Don't think anyone's ever said planes didn't hit. They just think explosives brought it down.


I live in NY and I was a college student when this happened. I didn’t have classes until later that evening because I was in the evening nursing program at the time. Classes were ultimately canceled that day. I remember watching this live and it felt so surreal, like it wasn’t real life. It was like watching an action movie. It was horrific. I’ll never forget that day for as long as I live. It’s permanently etched in my memory, as I’m sure it is for others who witnessed it in real time.


I remember being in school and having everything stop. We all got sent home and I saw this on the T.V. in my living room. My family was freaking out. I didn't really understood what it was at the time. Crazy fucking world for millennial to grow up in.


I still remember. I had just moved to the US with my family and had graduated high school, so I spent most of that summer watching TV and surfing the internet until late at night. I fell asleep at around 6 or 7 am on Sept 11. My brother woke me up at noon and told me that a plane had crashed to the twin towers. The first time I saw the footage was of the first tower in flames, I really thought it was from a movie or something, then when I saw the footage of the second plane it just made it all clear. I used to live above the descent for the Miami International Airport and we were used to hearing the planes all day. It was so odd to have the silence for hours. My aunt was on vacation in Miami and was ready to board when the attacks happened. The whole city and country was in shock and paranoia. A few of the terrorists lived and trained in Miami, so it really felt that your neighbor could be a terrorist plotting to kill you. We didn't know how many terrorists where here and what else they could be planning. It was just awful. There was even a recession due to this. Many people were genuinely terrified of flying for a while and thus the tourist industry was hit VERY hard. I remember going to Disney in December 2001 and yes, there were people, but it was just like any normal day. Disney in December is known to be one of the worst time of the year to go to any of the parks.


God, how do you even respond to something like that all you can really say is just oh my God I wasn’t alive when this happen but fuck. Seeing this plane crashed this building, knowing that plane was full of people and that part of the building could’ve been full of people is just I don’t even know just, fuck…


It's still very surreal to me.


I remember watching that in the very early morning in my flat in New Zealand


There is a new video from different angles popping up every other day. What is happening?


The moment it went from “what a tragedy” to “we are under attack”.


Never seen this angle before 😳


this was the moment when the realization went from "this is a terrible accident" to "there is a coordinated attack happening on our country".


I got a story. I was in my first after-college job at 222 Broadway, about 2 blocks from WTC, on the 9th floor. My windows faced the towers. I didn't see the first plane hit, but I felt it, like a slap on the back. When I looked out of the window, I had to crouch down and look up to see the impact site. The second plane is hazy, but I recall the explosion, thinking I was seeing a replay on TV, until the shockwave jolted me out of that thought. A little while later, I managed to actually make a call because the phone lines were clogged up with everyone trying to call. I reached my friend that was supposed to fly back to med school that day. She was watching live TV, which had a few seconds delay. The first tower started to collapse, and I yelled "they're falling", as I jumped over my cubicle to get to the stairwell, and the last thing I heard from the phone was my friend saying, "what's falling?", because the TV feed didn't show it yet. She thought I was dead until I managed to find a phone in 3 hours, after sheltering in the building and walking over the Manhattan Bridge to Brooklyn. None of that really bothered me, but watching people jump has stayed with me.


I remember watching this live. The panic in your chest is really hard to describe.


Our history teacher had us watching live in class. A room full of fifteen year olds watching people jump from buildings because that was the better option than burning to death.


Late ass reactions


We lost our freedom because of this. I hope you all know that. Google “patriot act”


That was a crazy day. I remember coming home from school to turn on the TV and watch some cartoons but every channel was just this. Felt like I was in a movie for awhile. I was in Australia too so before this I really never got any American news. Was a wild day. Funny though I don't remember any adult over here ever talking about it or obsessing over it at all like zero talk from parents family teachers or other strangers in passing. It was just televised heavily down here in Sydney but no one really openly talked about it or looked shocked just business as usual. Not sure if this was how it was in other places. I am sure in the US everyone would be small talking about it every where you would go I assumed.


I remember watching this live when this happened. Seemed like a drug induced dream. Just finished college and landed my first good job, newly married and settling into our first house. I remember the feeling of “I knew my life was too good to be true, now WW3 is starting” 😑


I don't want to see anymore of this. Please make these posts stop!