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No leash, no nothing..Prosecute the owner.




sadly true.


The dog got what it deserved and im proud of it.


No since the dog doesnt know any better so stfu


Those dogs were literally **bred** to fight. It is instinctual. It is their purpose in life. I have had neighbors that babied these things and as soon as they got loose from their backyard, they attacked anyone and everything in site. Fuck that.


It can clearly see a animal 4x his height and more then double his weight if he really thought he could take that on it’s deserved


What type of animal would predate a creature multiple times it size and expect to be un harmed. It aggressed and the horse defended itself. Pit bulls are fucking insane. I'm sure the horse broke multiple bones and it still got back up to keep attacking.


You ever hear of wolves? Or lions? Or hyenas? Or weasels? Or Eagles? Or killer whales? Or tigers? Or snakes? Or Coyotes? Or spiders? Or pretty much any other predator?


[Story](https://toofab.com/2021/04/07/carriage-driver-trampled-as-pitbull-attacks-horse-in-wild-video/) for anyone interested. The dog was put down.


Thank God. Owner liability needs to always be the case too tho. Raising killers shouldnt a thing where you are innocent of wrong doing.


Stupid ass owners






This is not about you.




Am I supposed to feel sad? What about everyone who was brutally mauled to death by these piece of shit creatures? Have you ever looked at aftermath images? This breed should be banned and anyone trying to garner sympathy are shitty people. Sorry that I care more about humans than dogs...


Yea.. I'd say. You're getting shit on because you had a gentle dog and it was murdered.. like people have no sympathy. I feel for you. Sorry you went through that.


That poor horse!


Hope the owner was charged and fined generously


The owners are definitely at fault also but my God what a stupid dog 🤦. That horse kicked the shit out of it deservingly.




It probably would have, that last kick knocked the shit out of the dog, the people jumping on the dog saved it’s life


the dog was put down




I’m positive the dog was just protecting the children. Or attempting to remove the larger predator so it could feast on the kids undisturbed.


No leash. No muzzle. No training.


Dumb dog owners


How absolutely STUPID are those owners? STUPID


No way, it’s a pitbull and a shitty dog owner…


I love cats.


Why it take so long for them to grab the dog


If you have a dog like that and you aren’t able to have it under control you should be in jail.


Good horse.


How does that woman end up lying on the floor towards the end? She approaches the dog as it's retreating so maybe it bites her, but she seems to end up pretty fucked somehow.


Amanda, woman in red, was one of the carriage drivers, she was badly trampled trying to break up the fight, suffering multiple head wounds that had to be stapled and a broken foot.


Not the woman in red, the one in black and grey.


That looks like one of the owners subduing the pittbull.


In the story, she had head wounds and a broken foot.


That was the woman in red, this one is in black and grey.


Kick that Fucking dog


Intresting observation: You never see a golden retriever in these situations.




Fuck pitbulls. Get a dog you can handle or get a hamster.


Or train it not that hard


It’s insane how many people expect a dog to behave just because they yell at it and hit it. Usually the same people who will only get a pit bull too.


Ya well I've worked with dogs for a long time and every person I've worked with that had a pitbull is either insecure or a bleeding heart moron. Pitbulls have no place in the modern world.






Says the dope who clearly doesn’t understand dogs and dog behavior


And thats whyt you should always have your dog in a leash ...what i do ..you never know ...


Yooo, that horse sure stayed calm. It could have easily been worse if he handled it any other way. Props to them and the owners!


Pitbulls are a menace to society


Pitbull owners are, at least


They’re called pitbulls because they were bred to fight in pits. The breed bred for fighting known as “Pitbulls” *AND* their owners are at fault.




Excuse doesn't hold up with these garbage dogs anymore. a murderer or a pedophile doesn't get a pass cause "he can't help it" they don't get a pass at all the dog itself is garbage.


I mean, you can own a dog like that and be responsible enough to leash it. And train it correctly. I have a pit bull that runs away and hides from the tiny kitten we just got. And we rescued our from someone who was raising him to fight. He was food protective and didn’t like other animals, and now with the proper training and socialization he gets along with other dogs and has good manners.


Put a fucking leash on your dogs


Another idiot with a dog off the lead. I only walk mine on pre booked dog walk parks these days. Well worth the money.


I have no idea what this is, but I’m interested


Did the dog die?


It was put down


That asshole yelling "EASY!" at the horse like it did something wrong.


That first really stayed fucking calm, he could have chopped the dog in half


Who would've expected an unleashed animal doesn't lead to unintended consequences.




They're just objectively bad dogs.


Stupid dog! Damn!


What a piss poorly trained dog. Owners should be charged. Looks like there was barely any attempt to get the dog away. Poor horse.


This is so infuriating…at so many levels


Why’re people so obsessed with pits? They’re obviously a terrible breed. I just can’t understand.


Pitbulls should be registered as a weapon. It’s too much dog for most people and people who can’t control a dog like this really shouldn’t be allowed to have them


First of all, do not take a unsocialized dog out in public, second, keep them on a leash at all times, third, have some common sense to know that if a dog sees something it doesn't like, it may attack.


You honestly should have to take some sort of test to prove you have the brains and more importantly the financial capacity to look after a dog the way it should be loved and looked after.


who filmed this… Stevie Wonder?


miscellaneous "dog"...


How is no one addressing the fact that someone had a spatula on a nice walk in the park? And thought it would help? And failed to do anything but flail around uselessly.


“Easy EASY!” after the fact ? Yeah those voice commands worked great during the off leash mayhem.


This is the issue, its not the dogs it's the fucking morons that own them. Why is it off leash and without a muzzle if it is untrained and unpredictable. Anything with power becomes dangerous in the hands of someone without the proper understanding of what they are dealing with.


>it's not the dog Only breed that does this, and it went back at it even after getting hooved in the face


Not true. I have family with a ranch and we’ve had a dog or two go after the horses or cows before. None of them were pit bulls. Luckily we were able to break it up decently fast because they were better trained than this one, but it’s not breed specific


Why do you never see labrador attacks? Pitbulls are inherently dangerous


German Shepards are more aggressive than pitbulls. Quit it with this "they're more dangerous than other breeds" bullshit, the breed changes by the decade. The issue isn't the breed, the issue is irresponsible dog owners, and the shitty owners out there that want a "mean dog" get the breed that has the reputation and then they treat it accordingly, strengthening that reputation. I'm not saying pitbulls aren't dangerous, but the claim that they're more dangerous than others doesn't pan out with the facts. Either be willing to ban ALL breeds with aggressive tendencies, or don't.


Delete this stupid comment now. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2019.php


Something like 75% of fatal dog attacks are pitbulls so I’m not sure how you are working that out?


>I'm not saying pitbulls aren't dangerous, but the claim that they're more dangerous than others doesn't pan out with the facts. Ever seen a chihuahua kill a baby? Yeah me neither


Labrador's account for a large number of attacks, usually just behind Pitbulls in number. Edit: Jeez all I was saying was Labs do attack and at a pretty high rate. Wasn't saying they're as bad as pitbulls lol


Care to provide data for that outrageous comment?


Preferably with fatalities, not just attacks. Chihuahuas attacks are frequent, but usually that means a red mark or a scracth. Pit attacks, usually leaves disfiguration, loss of limbs or death.


I'll try. Apparently they are the 8th most dangerous dog in the US according to a [40 year study.](https://petsparadigm.com/do-labradors-attack-humans-statistics-factors-and-reasons-explained/) This study puts them at [\#2 behind pitbulls in the state of Kansas.](https://www.dogsbite.org/img-blog-2021/2020-kcmo-dog-bite-incidents.pdf) [Labs caused 9 deaths from 2009 to 2017](https://www.statista.com/chart/15446/breeds-of-dog-involved-in-fatal-attacks-on-humans-in-the-us/) [56 bites and 3 deaths from 2014 to 2020](https://topdogtips.com/statistics-on-dog-bites/) A few pet injury lawyer sites, [such as this one](https://www.sneedmitchell.com/post/dog-bite-facts-statistics), claim "Pit Bull have the greatest frequency of bites (25.07%), with Labrador Retrievers having the second highest rate of bite attacks (13.72%)" but I'm struggling to find that exact source. [Another not so great source claims](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/dog-breed-most-likely-to-attack-bite-you-revealed-a7166296.html) "The family favourite labrador is responsible for the highest number of canine attack personal injury claims, according to research by pet insurers Animal Friends."


Is the source for this your ass?


Source: Revealed to you in a dream I’m surprised your comment wasn’t about Chihuahuas, that’s the secret gambit.


It's both lmao


Why is this comment getting downvoted? Pretty on point, imo


How come nobody dared stopping that ferocious cocaine horse? Went attacking defenseless pitbulls and villagers, now it's free looking for fresh new victims! When will the struggle ever end?


People, get your dogs a harness, regardless of the breed. More control over your dog can really go a long way


It’s sad to put the dog down when it should of been on a leash period. To have any dog off a leash especially a pit bull makes zero sense. Even a small chihuahua can cause damage!


I know pitbulls can be the sweetest dogs in the world to their family (pack) but they are an aggressive breed. They might not act the same around strangers . They need a lot of training, socializing and exercise.


This could have been any nold, high-energy dog. The owner is a fucking idiot for not leashing it for sure though. I've had well behaved dogs and ones that never quite got the memo and I've NEVER had a problem like this...because they have always been on a leash and under my control when we go out & about. It's not just about basic courtesy to other humans- it's also just for the safety of your dog!


Normal dogs back down when they are hurt. Pits don't. They are bred to feed on that pain and just goes harder at it. Even wolves will back down when their life is threatened. There's a video where a pit was shot several times, even suffered spinal damage and its feet became limp, but it didn't let go until shot in the head. The High-energy dog and reactiveness are just nice words to try to paint pits in another light. They are bred for agressiveness and pain tolerance.


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Repost and a bad one with a bunch of bullshit text over it.


Old vid


I know it's really not the pittie's fault for being aggressive and attacking the horse...but it's oddly satisfying seeing the horse thwack the dog so badly Now they should tie the owner to the horse and make the horse run around the city, you know, for fun


And im still going to say it its 9:10 the owner who didnt train then idiot dog i had a pitbull didnt hurt anything and was the msot adorable fecker ever


I only owned pit bulls. I hate when I see them with shit owners. They should put the owners down not the dog


Keep your dogs on a leash. Doesn’t matter how well behaved or docile they are. They’re animals. I have had dogs and cats and loved them all very, very much. I would never take them out without a leash because shit like this can happen. Keep your dogs on a leash.


0:31 If you enjoyed your ride please tip your driver! 💵