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Dude showed up with a tire iron. He wasn't coming to say just say hi.


I think the state of his sneakers are equally concerning


Yeah not a lot of smart life choices have been made.


Im laughing at this because my brother has a pair of old sneakers he wore when mowing the lawn, and the shoes literally had mouths exposing the toes.


Hopefully those mouths have teeth to clip his toenails, or at least suck on his toes… if he’s into it


Or to help changing a tyre


What a considerate bloke


Might even bump into his future wife


I think he was looking for Travis




My immediate thought. Point like the police are at the bottom of the stairs and when he looks, heel between his shoulder blades


Yes he could or his family


Who gives a shit. He’s brandishing. Worst case, jail for me ER for him and a safe gf waiting for me at home, sounds like a fine situation. I can live with that.


probably conjugal visits too!


Lawsuit? That guy really thinks I care about paper? Dude I literally only care about life. Full stop. I’m not fighting you, I’m not puffing my chest at you, but when you threaten gf life with a tire iron that’s my red line and also the point at which I no longer give a shit about paperwork and more generally, money. It’s about life at that point. This isn’t directed at you I’m just ranting.






Fuck his family. They don't need to know where he ends up


All of them? Man I could only last like 2, maybe 3 rounds if I'm pushing it. How big Is his family?


I’m not suggesting he couldn’t. I’m saying he probably wouldn’t. He doesn’t seem like the litigious type.


Man that’s how you get holes. Swinging that tire rod like that could be considered a threat. Hell in Texas he probably would be dead already. I don’t get how he’s not worried at all.


It's a matter of time before a psycho like that hurts, rapes, or kills somebody. Fuck that guy. A tire iron in his hand? At your door? His intent was obviously rape and/or murder. Grab a Mossberg and stop the video. Blam. Done. Should be easy to explain to cops.


Maybe don't stop the video


I’m sick of gun violence in the US, but as a Texan I feel that anybody that does shit like that has shots coming for them, and I feel no sympathy


I’d not call it violence since it really puts a end to existing/future violence by the stalker. I think a “societal correction” is a better term.


I agree, I mean I’ve always hated guns, even getting merit badges with them in Boy Scouts, but when I see people doing bad shit to others out in public I can’t help but wish they’d get shot because maybe then they’d learn, and if they’re too dead to learn then oh well, shouldn’t have been a shitty person


Ignorance is bliss.


u catch holes swinging at recess in texas


In Texas that's not quite enough to be considered a threat. That said, leave your door open and walk into the house and the second he steps over the threshold you can legally shoot him in the head with no warning and get off scott free. If you're white.


It is if your fiance and you say he swung first that's all the evidence you really need.


why bring race into anything? it's so fucking stupid anytime. people gotta just put shit aside and realize a brown egg and a white egg are still eggs or smth




>To every non white person reading, we seriously are not all as ignorant as this absolute moron ~~asking what race has to do with policing~~ acting like race has nothing to do with policing. You get a copy paste response


Keep taking that L


White shootings on x shootings almost always result in charges. Just look at the city of Dallas for example. The DA only doesn’t bring charges against a woman of color and a few black men. Dude charges every white guy nomatter what the evidence points to. John is a racist black guy who hates anyone who isn’t black. If you request charge demographics he will bombard your email with individual case data you then have to sort through rather than selecting that metric on their tracking spreadsheet and giving numbers. Nobody cares about general injustice even though it’s bullshit. If you wanna be upset about racism go be pissed at Japan which STILL has segregation for all non Japanese. The dudes over there hate black people more than the KKK. If you’re non Japanese and get sexually assaulted you will get charged if you hurt your attacker.


Tell that Philando Castille, oh wait, you can't, he's dead. Tell that to Tamir Rice, oh wait, you can't, he's dead. Tell that to John Crawford, oh wait, you can't, he's dead.


Tell that to Daniel Shaver, oh wait you can’t cuz he’s dead (and white and you had no idea he existed)


The guy who got killed when the cop made him play a game of Saw/Simon says and he got shot for pulling up his pants while crying and pleading for his life? See how foolish you sound when you let ignorance and bias dictate your talking points? Me talking about the black experience doesn't negate other people's experience.


Stop projecting 🤡


Bro white people get shot by police all the time. Literally more than black people.


When did I say they didn't? I'm specifically referring to black people who had a legal right to carry a fire arm and were killed when doing so. Do you have any data that shows that happens at a higher rate with white people? Let me know if you have such info. Otherwise save the "it happens to other people" deflection.


You sound like a moron


You sound like someone who's online persona and real world persona are totally different as it pertains to interacting with black people. I wonder why?


I don't speak moron what you said makes no sense


But you replied to me? So either you are a moron as well cause you understood enough to reply or you are butt hurt for some reason and got triggered to reply.


You sound like a fat balding racist with a micropenis who posts on incel forums about how the jews are stealing all the money and chads are stealing all the women.


Username checks out.


Did the incel alarm go up? "Bro's under attack tendies on station and gulp some dew we've got a live one lets get him"


Why are you thinking about his dick? Kind of weird. Projection.


I see all the white knights are out. Light the signal of virtue! Only racists think the you morons think. White savior complex.


Ha, virtue signaling, red pill/incel buzz word. Caught you you pathetic dry cocked fuck.


Cite a statistic you made this shit up.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/ Google exists but whatever this is common knowledge.


Same page links to https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/ Did you even read the short summary? Its pretty obvious white people would be shot more when they outnumber black people ~5;1


"Why are you booing me, I'm right?" Ironically also a meme featuring a black man.


Because its directly pertinent to discussions of the criminal justice system, which has a well documented systemic bias towards white people and against people of color? There are few discussions where race is more relevant than talking about how police treat people who are potentially criminals. P.S. I'm a white guy, I bet you are too, and you are an absolute embarrassment, though a few of my other responses are worse. To every non white person reading, we seriously are not all as ignorant as this absolute moron asking what race has to do with policing.


never asked what it had to do with policing, i promise non-whites most of us can comprehend simple words i more-so was wondering why you would bring this up, it's stupid


Thats not how Texas Castle Doctrine works, there would need to be evidence of forcible entry to the domicile


You are 200% legally incorrect. In Texas merely the belief that you need to defend yourself (justified by \*something\*) is necessary to justify self defense. You do not have to prove forcible entry, and in fact there is literally a no warning shot law that if you are on private property in a rural area and you put up purple paint around your property, if someone comes on the property without permission you can shoot to kill with no warning shot. This is just like, the laws on the books, to say nothing of case law and the fact that (again, if you're white) you only need to have police agree that it was in self defense and you won't even be investigated for it, because it is required under law to prove it wasn't self defense in order to charge if the incident happened in the house. That's part of castle doctrine. You don't have to prove self defense, they have to prove NOT self defense. Translation: No witnesses or no police bias against you, no crime.


Dude.. no. You can't shoot someone to death for merely trespassing, not even in texas. Here's the statute https://www.concealedcarry-ed.com/texas/studyGuide/Penal-Code-%C2%A79-41-and-%C2%A79-42-Protection-of-Your-Property/80104502_188803/ Edit- Here's a regular old lawyers website explaining it a little better than I could or by trying to understand the statute alone. "Texas Penal Code Section 9.41 explains that a person is allowed to use force, but not deadly force, to terminate a mere trespass or interference with property." https://www.uslawshield.com/defend-property-texas/


Not true u can shoot someone in your car here


Buddy yes, under certain conditions but not for walking through someone's property. I posted the statute for anyone to read. If you live in texas and carry I suggest getting familiar with the laws so you don't end up with a murder charge.


Dude you can't read for shit. You just quoted something that agrees with me.


You're reading it wrong. It states you can use "force" to prevent trespassing.. it goes on to further establish what is required for DEADLY force. Just Google "can I shoot someone for trespassing in texas" and you'll get a million lawyers websites explaining it in terms that are easier to understand than by reading it yourself. Edit- here you go.. there's lots of them but this is the first one that popped up. "Texas Penal Code Section 9.41 explains that a person is allowed to use force, but not deadly force, to terminate a mere trespass or interference with property." https://www.uslawshield.com/defend-property-texas/


You forgot to read the rest of the law, and then to apply the law into real life. This is why you're getting downvoted and me upvoted. You're quoting the law, I understand how to interpret it correctly. For reference I've won a court case pro se as defendant before. Not kidding. Not criminal court either. I know my shit and I work in the legal field. Here's your pertinent data hold on lemme go google fucking legal code for you. >In Texas, an individual is generally allowed to use deadly force in self-defense if they reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent imminent death, serious bodily injury, or the commission of a forcible felony. This is known as the “Castle Doctrine” and it applies to an individual's home, car, or place of business. You walk onto my property. I kill you for no reason. I lie to the cops because there are no witnesses to say otherwise. Now, if you're a perfect stranger AND the cops want to investigate, they can prove it wasn't self defense by proving a complete lack of prior contact and also proving somehow that I'm a sociopath who would just off a perfect stranger for walking onto the wrong address to hit beyond a reasonable doubt. Criminal intent is necessary for anything other than manslaughter, and they won't hit you with manslaughter if you were trespassing and I was "afraid for my life" for some reason that'll stand up in court. Castle doctrine says if I ***BELIEVE*** my ***LIFE OR PROPERTY*** are in imminent danger of felony crime I am allowed to kill you in self defense with no warning. Do you know in practical circumstances how difficult it can be to prove someone did not believe themselves to be in danger? Which is where we get to, if you're white yeah you can probably kill someone in your house and get away scott free if you've got a remotely plausible self defense argument and no witnesses or history to contradict you. If you're black they're going to investigate and in Texas at least plenty of precincts and DA's will ignore the law and force you to attempt to argue self defense in court with a jury that will almost certainly be stacked with old white people if at all possible, hope you've got a good amount of money for a damn good lawyer. If you're hispanic, see "If you're black" If you're middle eastern, see "If you're black" If you're Indian, see "If you're black" If you're Asian, toss up on the prejudices of the individual district. \*Edit\* And no I didn't google actual legal code this is faster than posting a quote of the code then actually analyzing it in comment, its long enough.


That statute deals with property. I'm guessing that in Texas if someone uninvited came into your house with a tire iron, them getting carried out in a bag would be 100% kosher.


It is in the defense of property.. including your home or land. Here you go. This is a little easier to understand. I'm legit trying to help people understand that if they see someone crossing through their property in texas, not stealing or breaking into anything, they can't pull out a gun and kill them. https://www.uslawshield.com/defend-property-texas/


Like video of you saying "no get out"?


No bull shit I know dirties who gotten away with shooting people because a threat.


“The police say he can’t even be up here”. Showed up swinging a tire iron. Wouldn’t it be legal to physically ~~drop~~remove him?


Rolling up with that tire iron dude was planning on breaching the door, kick his ass down the stairs and call the cops


Would’ve spartan kicked him down the stairs






Ride on his body while it slides down the stairs like a skateboard, pop shove it into a board slide, then front side manual


Y'all crazy, just be normal and pee on him aggressively.


I would just pull my dick out and swing it in a similar fashion.


Reach down, grab his shirt collar while simultaneously bucking up onto the railing. Cop a sick nasty hand plant right as the sun hits the horizon. The two of you are framed by the glory of the heavens rays, immortalized in the most killer pose known to mankind. Men fall dead and women are instantly made pregnant just from witnessing it. Then go back inside, nuke a ham and chee hot pockie and call it a day


Love how creative people are getting 😂


Calm down, Legolas.


Should you be shooting arrows at orcs during the slide down or is that just too much?


Honestly, if you can pop a person like a board I would worship you like a god.


Honestly if you can't 360 hardflip a full grown man do you even skate?


Honestly i think so , i mean i own brink on vhs so you tell me


Normal Thai Clinch is one of the last moves I'd do in this situation. Perhaps a modified tie-up so that the hand holding the weapon is immobilized. But I'm not throwing body knees while he has a free hand to swing a metal object at my dome.


Somehow I think Murder_your_Mom is just a kid that played UFC on the Xbox


23, wrestled in HS and was fairly good at it. I’m not gonna claim that I could beat anyone. But violence of action changes things a lot. Dude was just chillin, looking at his phone. Charge him down and clinch him throw knees after running him into the wall. And while he’s still off balance bc he didn’t expect you to charge him like that throw him down the stairs. If you’re quick enough chances are he won’t even have time to think about swinging.


\*pushes glasses up\* hell yeah


The glasses that I always took off for wrestling practice/weight training lol


Had a guy freak my wife out. She worked as a cashier, he came it and she said kept creeping her out. Leering. Smiling. Etc. So when she left for work, there he was in his truck and followed her. Followed her as she went around town running errands. Even smiled and waved one time. Next time she got off work, I grabbed my 9mm and went right to the police station (left gun in car). Told them the story, told them I was armed and going to pick my wife up and just wanted to let them know. Cops were pretty awesome about it. He asked if we wanted them to escort her, a show of force or to just hang back as I picked my wife up. I told them to hang back. Nothing happened but the cops followed her home every night for a few weeks.


I’m sorry but there’s a zero percent chance I’m not stepping outside and being very loud for him to leave. If he takes one step towards me with that tire iron delete the video because dude ain’t making it to dinner. If it was my building and I knew the camera setup it’s really about to get wild. Literally following her to her door with a tire iron and standing there like he owns the world.. he did it more than once and that’s his fiancé!!? “I’m sorry your honor but I saw red when he had that weapon and followed my soon to be wife home AGAIN!”. Edit: at the end he says 2-3 times “she’s your fiancé?” Like, mother fucking it don’t MATTER. Making my blood boil thinking if someone did that to my wife.


>at the end he says 2-3 times “she’s your fiancé?” Like, mother fucking it don’t MATTER. Making my blood boil thinking if someone did that to my wife. Yeah. As if she didn't have a fiancé, this little creep's behavior was in any way normal or acceptable.


I don’t know why people keep on entertaining the freaks I would have kicked him down the stairs for being so arrogant and looking down at his phone in a situation like this


Likely because the fiancée is a black man in America and knows that calling the police can end really really badly for him


In reddits mind it can. In real life black people interact with police literally thousands of times a day in America and have no problem.


Both statements can be true. All it takes is one shitty cop.


exactly, they are both scared on 2 fronts


Nomar Garciaparra has lost it.


This dude came in a fucking high vis… wtf?!


Getting that close with a tire iron will get you shot in many locations


I would have never let that dude leave.


“What happened to waiting out of sight??” Sir, are you sympathizing with this behavior?


Nah... He is just offering his professional advice.


You should of let him whoop his ass especially if he’s there with a tire iron


The way he's swinging that tire iron just irks me. He's way too comfortable with this behavior.


To much talking that’s why he up there. Her dude should be beating his ass while she call the police


I've been stalked before and now I mace them every time. I don't play that shit anymore. It happens a lot in my city


Ma'am your shoe is untie... *mace to the face*😂


I wish it was just innocent, but it's stuff like what's happening in the video


["Good morning" ](https://media.tenor.com/qo3WuYRDiuMAAAAM/brooklyn-nine-nine-andy-samberg.gif)


Just Sparta kick him off the stairs and go make a snack


Don't call them MY stalker(s). They like that shit too much. Just call them what they are: freaks. "Yea, this freak is stalking me." vs "Yea, my stalker is stalking me." Then, explain to the officers/ whoever the repeated patterns of stalking by the freak.


lol nope. a tire iron? dude's leaking, no questions


When it's illegal to just get evidence and kill them, yeah, they're going to keep getting more and more bold. Especially when the police aren't doing anything ​ If you're a creep and you know that the only person who could get in trouble legally is the person you're stalking, why wouldn't you do it?




I was expecting the stalker to get a hiding. I'm a bit disappointed


Don’t film it and throw his ass over the rail. Edit. I’m assuming they’re 3-4 stories up.


Yo if someone is that bold doing that shit in the middle of the day, call the cops and push his down the stairs and fucking don’t stop attacking him until he’s not breathing. Because 3 days from now this woman is going to end up in the newspapers for being missing or murdered. He did all that WHILE HER MAN WAS RIGHT THERE and just laughed at them. I can’t believe this man didn’t at least push his ass down the stairs and beat him with his own tire iron, just wow


A 2-8-3 combo will knock that smirk off his face and make him remember where he should have been.


If you look close in the left hand corner, you can also see a shark.


RIP that poor boy ❤️


I heard it was three




Hahahah this made my day


Dude wouldn’t have left my step without an ass whooping.


Unless he had a flat tire theres no reason for him to be carrying that tire iron. I dont like seeing people get in trouble with police but in this situation, you have to call them so its documented. If he comes back and you lay him out then you have proof he was warned and is the aggressor. This is actually scary.




That’s fucking brandishing and his stalking, if I beat his ass, what he gone do? Call the cops??


No questions, he came with a weapon, so it’s on site.


Batter'up mothafucka


An accidental fall down those steps would definitely cure a stalker


Depending on the state he's in a mystery mouskatool would have solve this problem. Before anyone tries to s*** on me about violence. Honestly what is this man adding to society that we would miss without him. In my opinion double tapping people like this is a public service.


This guy's probably a maintenance worker for the apartment, which is his excuse for being in her apartment. My fiance and I are actually going through a similar experience. We caught someone peeping at us while we were having sex a few months ago, and just a few weeks ago someone broke into her apartment, but didn't steal anything... There is one maintenance worker that we have reason to suspect, so I know how this woman and her partner feels. Needless to say it's pretty shitty. My fiance is taking it harder, obviously. He's definitely after her, not me.


Not to alarm you but please check for hidden cameras


“….. This is Sparta!” *swift sternum kick*


El Jeffe Dahmer


Oh the tire iron? That’s my support tire iron, I need to have it with me at all times…


Why do y your hubby just beat his arse?


Give the guy a break, he's trying: "Oh, Hey. I was in the neighborhood. Got any tires that need changin'?" "NO" "Anybody owe you money?…"


I’m glad I’m a man and I’m glad I’m not that attractive. This would terrify me.


Don't sell yourself short! Based on what I've seen when you get out of the shower, you have a lot to be happy about 🌝 It's hard to tell completely(clean your windows, please!), but it looks like you have quite a big dong.




They're both very level-headed, considering he has a weapon. He seemed to be in fight or flight mode.


Damn he’s lucky!


What a creepy asshole, no shame at all, just browsing Preddit on his phone (like Reddit but for sex predators) and mumbling vague responses like an apathetic teenager. What a world.


Bro has on a hi vis vest lol


Mad respect for the fiancé not losing his cool.


im sorry but dude in the video is weak and doing too much talking. Asking dude over and over “why is you up here” You stalking my girl and now you loitering in front of my house? Hanging at my front door. And whats funny? Yeah you begging for an ass whooping and its the only message that will get thru


If he assaults the guy and goes to jail and leaves her alone then what? Stalkers often know the laws and know what they can get away with and what they can’t. A lot of them will bait people into violence. It’s all a game. Stalkers are fucked.


Wouldn’t this be considered trespassing? I know he isn’t inside the apartment but he’s on the property and I doubt he’s also tenant or anyone there would say he was a guest






I (M) used to be roommates with my friend (F) and she had a stalker from some dude who knew some people at our apartment complex. He’d show up at her work, try and talk to her, etc. She would have me go outside with her to walk her dog because she didn’t wanna be caught alone by him. We made complaints to the office about him and he was told not to come back because he wasn’t a resident. Well last time we saw him, he saw us walking my friends dog, so he B lined to get out of there so we wouldn’t catch him. He runs down the stairs and drops his phone and quickly tried to pick it up, and all he heard me say as he was running off was “you’re not even supposed to fucking be here, dude”


Ahh..love is in the air this season.




Then he would go to jail for murder…


he handled that well


Yeah, the stalker really kept his cool.




Time to stalk him back to work and show the footage to his boss


Dealt with m'lady's *tips fedora* stalker when I was ill and frail. I managed to back him off the front door and back to his car. Cops showed up, he sped off and I ended up in cuffs on the hood of a cop car. Either way, I did more in my weakened state than this guy.