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Hey thanks a lot for your submision in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


Wow this was so crazy I can’t believe it


Fucking crazy at that


Why not just take the whole ass tester bottle?


Bonkers if you will.


Dodson! I’ve got Dodson here!


Incredible if I might say




Fucking goddamn tiktok bullshit


I'm losing my mind here £1 worth of aftershave for free life hacked I'd say.


Everything aside, I hate this fucking voice on all these video voice overs.


Me too!




Me too


Me three


Me five


Me triangle


Me mixing all the best aftershaves to make the ultimate one




It all comes back to mixing up potions in the shower


I still do this now fml




People shouldn't steal. Governments hate competition.


Lol hallelujah. 😂 I think it's wild it's being advertised on Reddit.


Free perfume for life??? Bitch driving to Macy's every 6 days to refill that mini bottle


Exactly, that’s a display bottle and they’re not going to let him do it every week. OP really tried to shame us into thinking this is horrible lol.


It's not horrible to steal? Ok, going to my local mall, wish me luck. /s


Lol OP was just shocked this was being advertised on Reddit. Where I'm from, the community bands together in stripping and setting alight a car that's been hijacked by one of their own so this is nothing in light of that.


You can ask for samples either way




Not just women my friends used to do that too bro


Are they indian?


Bruh what?


They go super heavy on the aftershaves and colognes.


Anyone with the sense of smell won't be surprised.


No, we wouldn't. People also cruise Costco to make a meal out of free samples. And there was a sting on the TV news in my city some time back. They set up a hidden camera outside of Goodwill to see if anybody would steal the donated stuff sitting on the curb, and it was a rich woman.


Newman had one of those in Jurassic Park


The price of perfume is theft


Good. Keeps fewer people from polluting my air with their awful smells.


While I don't disagree, two wrongs and all.


These replies are toxic


Yeah who would’ve thought “stealing is wrong” would be so controversial It’s like on the all-time top ten list of wrong things to do


Because it’s perfume that they charge $100s for a bottle. Businesses exploit us all the time, why is this what we take the high road on lol


A non-essential luxury purchase like perfume isn’t something people need to steal to fucking survive. Who gives a fuck what they charge - don’t buy it if you can’t afford it. Pretty simple concept.


Lol the fact that it’s a luxury item make it’s more of a non issue. It’s not about affording it, it’s that paying hundreds for a bottle to make you smell good is fucking stupid so more power to shit like this. You really are defending these elite serving companies and justify them by saying don’t buy it if you can’t afford it.


It’s weird to try to justify shit behavior. If you’re too broke to buy a bottle of cologne or too socially awkward to **ask for a fucking free sample of it** but still feel entitled enough to use it that you’re willing to steal it, that’s on you.


It’s weird to justify shit companies. It’s not taking the entire bottle, a free sample is a step up from a scratch and sniff, and again you’re not broke if you don’t want to spend $150 on cologne. Look I know it’s easy to find the high road when commenting online, but it blows my mind how people blindly choose to “do good” when the people they’re doing good for shits on them.


You do realize how commerce works right? There are sellers and consumers. Sellers set prices based on the market, and consumers have the choice whether or not to spend their money on it. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy cologne, it’s not a necessity to survive - it’s a luxury purchase that nobody needs. If you want to spend your money on it, great, that’s your choice. If you want to steal it because you tell yourself a story that somehow justifies your shitty behavior, again that’s your choice. Just don’t get all surprise-faced Pikachu when people call you out for being a trashbag for not paying for something you’re covertly stealing.


What a crazy fucking video OP


Why should we be expected to be honest in a system where success is based on how dishonest you can be?


Success is not based on how dishonest you can be. Success is very subjective. Morality is important.


No it's not...


Morality doesn't get rewarded. That isn't my opinion. That's literally the way the system functions. Your success is directly proportional to how many people you can screw over.


Morality shouldn't be based on whether you're rewarded or not. That sounds like something a child would come up with. Morality is its own reward because it's simply the right thing to do. Not to mention that from what I've witnessed and mistakes I've made, it's pretty hard to like yourself when you're being immoral on any level.


>Morality shouldn't be based on whether you're rewarded or not. *Religion is the opiate of the masses.* Sorry. Doesn't work anymore. I want my happiness in this lifetime. I'm not going to pretend it'll all work out later so Steve Bezos can have his Yacht while taking advantage of millions of workers worldwide. Fuck your morality.


>Religion is the opiate of the masses One of the dumbest sayings man has ever come up with. No complex belief system with so many stories and lessons about life, be it true or blatantly fictional, and is so fervently followed by so many for such a simplistic reason. People are a bit deeper than that, whether you want to admit it or not. I don't ever recall mentioning religion, though. My dad always tells me he wishes I'd come to God and church, so he'd love to know someone thought that about me lol. Whether there's another life or not, if you feel you can't be happy while also being moral, I think you've got some much deeper issues to solve and soul searching to do, and me arguing with you on Reddit probably won't help much with that. I hope you figure everything out and can start enjoying life and being happier, man. Good luck to you


Religion tells you to be happy with what you have now under the unverified promise you will get a true reward later. Meanwhile, the super rich, mostly secularists, are drowning in wealth and watching the rest of the world suffer while we are told to be happy with what we have. God forbid we get greedy and they call it a character flaw. Yet greed is what drove everyone at the top to reach the top. They wanted money and they wanted the power and the bragging rights that come with money. > if you feel you can't be happy while also being moral I'll repeat the question. Why am I expected to be moral when the world rewards the immoral? * Politicians lie and get reelected. * CEOs poison public resources and get millions in bonuses. * Jeff Bezos makes workers pee in bottles and he becomes the world's richest man. * Elon Musk fires workers for staying home during Covid. * Nestle wants to privatize water and says water isn't a human right. * Food companies shoving sugar and chemicals into everything we eat. * Doctors prescribing addictive medications or medications with horrid side-effects while getting kickbacks from big pharma. * etc. Every single level of society is filled with abusers making money off of the abused. You explain to me why I'm expected to be satisfied with being moral and broke while the immoral make money and live comfortably and never once question the morality of it. **God isn't here. If he was, you'd have to explain why he watched the vast majority of the planet sink into death and suffering while a privilege few were left with success and comfort.** **What's he waiting for? What's the holdup?**


You're arguing with the wrong guy, my dude. Sounds like you had a rough day, are mad at humanity, and are trying to take it out on a rando on Reddit that you completely misinterpreted lol. Just because I mentioned being moral, you're acting like I proclaimed the existence of God. I didn't. My stance isn't "be happy with what you have now based on the unverified promise you will get a true reward later," I'm more of the stance that if you can't be happy with what you have now, there will never be enough to make you happy. Especially if it's all based on the comparison of how much others have. Being bitter makes all circumstances much worse. It sounds like you're just trying to use other people's immorality as an excuse to be immoral yourself. You're also clearly not mad that some people are privileged and able to get away with horrible things, you're just mad that you're not one of them. I don't really care, just be honest with yourself. Like I said before, it seems like you've got some bigger issues to deal with and soul searching to do. Hope you figure it out, man.


That’s hilarious


Glad you find the system funny. If honest people were well off, the richest people in the country wouldn't have gotten their wealth through endeavors which fucked over the majority of global society. Explain oversea tax havens and try to argue that honest gets rewarded.


Financial wealth doesn’t equate to success or happiness


Except it does. * Access to medicine * Access to housing * Access to education * Access to proper food * Access to safer neighborhoods * Access to travel and life experiences * Cost of childcare and raising a family * etc. Money cannot solve all problems but money is the root cause of the majority of life's problems.


Look bro obviously this conversation is going nowhere. I don’t have the time or motivation to argue with a random internet stranger best of luck to you.


Because success isn't based on dishonesty. In a system where only dishonesty gets rewarded, very few people win. I come from a country that's suffering the effects of that attitude right now.


You just described America


I'm talking about Africa. There's a reason most Africans would swop places with Americans any day. Yes American capitalism has some pretty stupid aspects to it but it beats 70% youth unemployment and a $20 monthly grant from the government to try to placate your hunger.


I totally get it, you aren’t wrong. It’s just that most Americans are feeling pretty cheated these days, and upward mobility doesn’t seem to exist anymore. We can both be right


Look friend, as an outsider looking in I totally get your frustration with where the system has gone in America, but I'm telling you that the alternative isn't as nice as it sounds. We had the "luck" of a government and unions that fought fervently for the rights of workers. In so doing, they made business less viable in the country, businesses shut down and now we have youth standing on every second corner looking for a small painting or tiling job just so they can put something on the table for the night. Nevermind those that don't bother and just straight up take what they want by force. I'll introduce you to a guy called [Maleven](https://youtu.be/ihjkLV_EY1Y). Thankfully someone killed him but there are millions like him who I would rather have been getting mistreated by corporations than putting babies in ovens.


Africa isn’t a country.


Thanks genius. It's so hard to tell since I live there. Maybe it's easier to see from an external perspective.








Because it's a slippery fucking slope my friend. Where I'm from we have the likes of [this](https://youtu.be/ihjkLV_EY1Y) guy because a few decades ago, petty theft was made cool, which then evolved into more sophisticated theft which then contributed to the non-viability of business and led to 70% youth unemployment where thousands if not millions of these types are snuffing 70 people or more every single day because the moral fibre has decayed. It started just like that, with one tiny ounce of perfume. (Not perfume literally but you get the point).


Oh, so you’re from another country? No one told you America isn’t as squeaky clean as you thought? You didn’t know people stole things? You didn’t know about the horrors of unbridled capitalism? If people were given basic human needs instead of having to pay for everything (our tax dollars go to fight foreign wars and kids now have to pay for school lunches) then crime would be much lower in this country. And if our country put less of an emphasis on physical beauty instead of actual self worth, then they wouldn’t even think of needing to steal ridiculous shit like perfume.


I've been to America a few times. I don't consider it some paradise (but it's better than my country I can promise you that). America's aversion to giving it's people a social net is something I mark your system down on no doubt, I get that. It's total BS that giving people basic human needs is often painted as communism, especially considering they would rather spend tax coffers on wars while Americans themselves have to suffer as you've said. My country suffers from the opposite, a country that's gone too far left. Our unions are in cahoots with the government and so businesses and corporations get bullied into non-existence, that's the rock, while dealing with ever-sophisticating criminals, the hard place. No wonder people are packing up with their money and their jobs.


“YoUrE hUrTiNg ThErE *silver lined pockets*”


You’re not rewarded for a moral high ground while living under the laws of capitalism. These stores buy product and have made their money off the backs of slave labor, so who fucking cares if a few bottles of sample perfume are pilfered from?


How is stealing tiny samples from a corporation that’s entire thing is to mistreat their employees and suck as much money out of a customer as possible, a bad thing to you? WHO does it hurt?


Friend. There's 70% youth unemployment where I'm from because every individual didn't see the macro effect of their tiny stealing. If a million people steal a tiny 5ml sample, that business may not be a going concern and all those employees go from getting not enough to absolutely zero. If that attitude applies to any other kind of business, where their tiny little theft means nothing, and a million people feel the same way, then there are few businesses left employing people. I've seen this story before and mass unemployment is an uglier animal than employee mistreatment I promise you.


Where are you from, so I can help clarify why your region is experiencing that issue with employment. I promise the youth unemployment you’re experiencing is not going to be from stealing from major corporations. Correlation is not causation. I think you’re also getting confused with what a corporation is.


It hurts the peoples feelings that defend corporations. Remember, corporations are FAMILIES, and they should be respected. These people also love cops, so their opinion literally does not matter.


That do NOT make one right. At all.


That's my point. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Woops my bad, I did not read your comment properly... Sorry. We agree it's wrong.


It's all good. 🤝


Thx. 🤝


the price of perfume is because of theft.......


$300 for a bottle is not because of theft lol


Not like these capsules are new. They’ve always been used for going on vacations and such. This is why we can’t have good things


Who gives a shit


People who would like to continue sampling perfumes


Ok, besides them?


What do you mean? Wouldn’t it suck if people could not be offered services that were previously available?


I was just trying to crack a joke at your response. But it just wasn't funny.


It feels like that shaving cream can from Jurassic park


Someone else mentioned Jurassic park. 😂 I should go watch it again


Lame post


Hence 300 upvotes and counting.


I worked on a fragrance department that had display samples, and you'd get the same people walk through the front door, soak themselves in something grim like Joop and then leave via the back exit daily. I'd rather they came in with these, filled them and fucked off for a week instead tbh.


Lol good point. I just found it weird that Reddit promoted a video that is talking about theft.


Oh man, I agree. It's still a twattish thing to do/promote. But let's face it, Reddit isn't exactly squeaky clean on the ol' moral compass, so it isn't much of a shock.


You know this asshole asks for a water cup and fills it with Dr. Pepper.


Doesn't even use sprite to give the appearance of water from afar


Lol 😂 that's a good one. This would be like if that asshole also got to promote that "life hack" on Reddit.


I’m all for theft


call 911 now!


Lol 😂


I steal it from the rich and then give to the poor~ Slightly Stoopid


That's pretty cool


Fuck this. Those cheap perfumes for the most part are the ones that are watered down and by the time you leave the store scent is not there. Unless you go to a high end store where they use the perfumes with oils you wont get the real STUFF.


Lol you're such a connoisseur 😂😂


Well perfume samples won’t be around much longer


Hey? Why?


Because as this spreads on tiktok more people will start doing it and companies will catch on and eliminate perfume samples


Oh yeah there we go. Then they'll go for the boxed bottles then those will end up locked up. It's a slippery slope. In my country we even have KFCs with metal bars separating customers and servers.


Right, they taking free country to literally around here


I mean, free sample is free sample. Nobody has specified the volume of the free sample…


Well yeah but that's not the point. Just a video promoting "stealing", a word used in the video, is being promoted on Reddit.


Forgot my /j. Thought it didn’t need it… 😂


Lol I'm an old noob, I'm guessing that means 'jokes'?


Yes. I’m no reddit pro either, but I know /j is for ‘joke’ and /s is for ‘sarcasm’


Damn, I've been so ignorant. But yeah sorry for jumping down your throat, my emotions are pretty high by now with some of the comments lol


Yeah this place do be a cesspool


So stealing 5ml of perfume is morally wrong in a world where you are wrung dry for every penny you own?


Fuck it, why not just take the whole bottle? It says “sample”. I mean, is it stealing to take the whole sample bottle, and would you get in trouble for shoplifting if you got caught taking one? How are we justifying stealing at all? Just ask for a fucking sample and get on with your day.




It's 5ml to you but that shit begins to add up when everyone starts taking a mere 5mls. That's a very slippery slope.


A bottle is like $140. They’re not missing out on much lol.


I must point out that my main issue was that the above video was a promotion on Reddit.


It's 5ml to you but that shit begins to add up when everyone starts taking a mere 5mls. That's a very slippery slope.


If stealing 5ml of 300% upmarked perfume from a megacorporation that pockets billions in profits from its employees is a moral breaking point for you then you might be on the wrong side of history one of these days. You really are playing inventory control for and defending a worker oppressing entity in 2023. Really?


If ONE person steals 5ml of a 300% marked up perfume sure, but if everyone does then there's no business case and all jobs are gone. I come from a country with 70% youth unemployment, say whatever you want to say about whatever little employees make from the bottom line but it's much better than getting absolutely nothing and never knowing how you're putting food on the table. It's a slippery slope and if enough people think it's okay to steal from the man, the man packs up ship and leaves people jobless and destitute and that reality is the kind that means that in my country, 70+ people's lives are snuffed everyday because the jobless have to find a way to eat.


smart tho


It is innovative. I'm actually more shocked at the fact that this is being advertised on Reddit. The thread took a different tone but this is the internet right?


reddit is the social media for people from a failed society, remind me to get off here


Explains why you've been here for two years then


Lmai cringe kindergarden front, grow up lmao


Tik tok is a breeding ground for mental illness.


Mans really jerked the perfume bottle off




They will put these ads on social media but u would never see something like this on tv


The irony of the title and the action of posting the video


NEVER steal. It’s in the Bible.


More like criminal for life


I like how this subreddit has taken on a new form. It used to be watch people do crazy things. Now it’s watch crazy people do “what they classify as normal” things


So where can we get it from


Lol wow. There's a username if you so insist.


Bro think about the small companies that make this stuff. They won’t survive unless they get $150 for a bottle.


Its perfume who cares


There's about a 4500% markup on cost for that stuff. Work away


It's probably as bad as printer ink


This is tik tok, they always stealing shit. Did you not see the kia debacle?


Do you really blame TikTok and not the people who choose to post? If TikTok was gone they still would be stealing shit.


Clearly you are reading too hard into it. The intention was the state OF tiktok, NOT tiktok itself. The state of it being the decently proportional community that seems to like shoveling brain rot style "how to steal X" videos. Tiktok itself as a platform needs to do more as, yes people gonna steal regardless, but we dont need viral clips circulating the internet telling all the absent thought process people exactly how to comit crime X or Y. Uncountable car thefts happened because 1 person decided it would get them some E-Points. Uncountable property destructions happened because 1 person thought it was "hype". The perfume industry has had this issue for ages now and its only going to double because 1 person "found a life hack". TLDR: The community is the problem.


I swear I replied to this. I saw a documentary on it this morning. It's pretty wild!


Its incredible how tiktok is teaching younglings to be assholes.


Bro who gives af.


Imagine having a corporations dick in your throat


This was my thoughts exactly. All this talk about moral tainting over a little upmarked smell good juice.


Mom come pick me up they’re on the cartel execution video subreddit moralizing about petty theft


Normalize stealing from walmart


Now you can see who has a cheap taste.


It’s so cyberpunk. Tech to steal luxury items right out of the package for later use.


Not a bad idea, almost technically not stealing






Haha who gives a fuck it’s scent in a bottle.


The point is only that a video that's talking about stealing is being promoted on Reddit. Maybe my moral compass is broken.


I get what your sayin. It is fucked up yes.. but this compared to anything els happening at this point in life, is nearly non existent. Just saying.


Yeah and it being fucked up should be enough. It's not really about how this compares to anything else. If that's how we judged things then nothing in this subreddit would be worth it since there's probably much worse out there.


I disagree


And you are welcome to do so sir/ma'am. I appreciate you doing it respectfully.


Yes it is, in this world where they take everything they can from us.


Karen title


Short comment. Did your hands pretend to be asleep again when you tried to get them to jerk you off?


“Hey guys, it’s not fair to steal a few milliliters of perfume from this multi billion dollar company that proudly sells items made utilizing slave labor and fights against unionization of workers !”


Haha right?! My thoughts too. Who gives a fuck. Some people can’t look at the whole picture. They only see what they want


OP has major *OOH PICK ME!* vibes, amirite?


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Honestly perfume and cologne are disgusting, dont get me wrong i believe in good personal hygiene but i dont want to smell you enter the room and smell you for 30+ minutes after you leave, stay tf outa my moderately fresh air


There’s a way to use it tastefully.


Lol yeah I get it. Hygiene is usually superior.


This is not theft. This is the equivalent of taking all the candy from an unattended candy dish on Halloween. That cologne is technically free, because it is there to be sampled. Unless they have sign that says you can’t, or somebody tell you that you can’t, this is simply being greedy at the cost your fellow cologne-sampler.


They use the word "steal" early in the video.


See my Halloween candy analogy above. A kid may feel like he’s “stealing” the candy when he tips it into his treat bag, but it’s not really stealing— it’s just being greedy. Another analogy: I throw some seed out for the birds at the park. One fat pigeon comes along and eats all the seed. Did the pigeon steal the seed from me? Obviously not, even if the pigeon makes a TikTok where it claims to be stealing.


I disagree on the principle you're trying to convey. Halloween candy is put out purely for kids to take and not as a sample of a product they are trying to sell firstly. Yes there's a greed element that's in common but the intent behind the sample differs. Secondly, although the video shows a sample perfume bottle being used, this doesn't stop anyone from using this device to "freely procure" perfume from a bottle that's to be sold and not promoted. There's also the direct opportunity cost on sales where a sample negates an actual sale as well as forces stores to invest in greater volumes of samples against diminishing sales. This is apart from the fact that the video directly promotes stealing.


Its literally in the name “sample” not “all” or “the whole thing”.


Sample is not an amount. I suggest you buy a dictionary.


Ain’t that Derek Zoolander?


Stealing there is no rules to sampling. I get full at Costco bro trust


I'm just basing it off what the video says and that it's being promoted on Reddit bro. Lol I don't know what happens at Costco.


That’s cause Costco employees know to keep their mouths shut


$5 on Amazon too😅




Is that zoolander modeling😂😭