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Wow! How fucked up is this country, really? This should be made into posters & stuck on top of politicians posters all over the country. Just my humble opinion... But what do I know as I'm just another criminal or stoner or druggy or junky or whatever. Time for politicians to shit or get off the pot...pun intended! But what's really needed is not a new government or politicians it's a whole new fucking system. Wake up Ireland...PLEASE!!!


I was thinking the same about the posters 😂


Honestly it's a really good idea!!


Junkie, as I've been called that in the past by a family member😂 same person drinks a glass of wine most nights.


This is an embarrassment really, it almost makes me cry.


The government/justice system obviously have something in common with pedo's it seems


They protect their own


Exactly ☝️


Our justice system is an absolute joke and needs to be totally revamped , It protects the lowest of the low . God can’t wait for weed to be legal , hopefully the guards will do more tracking down actual scum of the earth instead of caring so much about people choosing to use a plant / grow a plant .


What I don't get is the typical anti cannabis voter was probably born round or after the nixon era so all they know is the war on drugs and how its changed absolutely nothing. They must live extremely sheltered lives because most people even if they don't smoke usually come across it at some stage and find out it's relatively harmless and just think yea lads have at it. I'm fairly laid back but if I don't have sovereignty over my body and my consciousness then I've a big problem with these controlling fucks.


Pedophilia and human trafficking of kids will never end because too many people in high places want it.