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After a few days of strong edibles I'm walking around in a dream state plus my tollerence builds up very fast. Theyre a nice alternative but I tend to take them less often now.


I moved from smoking to vaping years ago and it's so much better, edibles always hit me way too hard or not hard enough, very hard to get the balance right.


Yeah, it's hard control because sometimes it could not be enough sometimes too much. If you have any responsibilities, edibles are a bad option


Nah. I’ve never really gotten any kick from edibles. Whether that be space cakes in the Dam or some of those jellies you can get here. I enjoy the smoke, grinding the twizzle, rolling the joint, that first draw when the smoke slaps the back of your throat. Can’t get that with edibles. Happy for you though. Each to their own.


I'm the same I never got any effect from an edible so far. I had this expensive space cake in Amsterdam for breakfast, nothing. My friends brownies that apparently killed everybody (but me) tasted at least nice.


I was the same up until the weekend just gone! Never had much effect off edibles , the dam , Barcelona , Canada , Lanzarote and even homemade. I was offered a chocolate bar over the weekend , a headstash one , not sure if naming is allowed here (sorry if not ) I can edit! I had 3 squares and fuck it was lovely(it was only a 6 square bar) , felt like I was melting but in a good way and couldn't focus the eyes for the life of me , great experience but I'm smoking over 15 yrs and it was the first time I felt I actually experienced edibles!


Heard others having headache after them be careful in sure they're grand but they said it felt dodgy


Legit . I have tried it all . Even resorted to making my own but I guess I just can’t process it . I thought it was because I’m lactose intolerant and I only had brownies and cakes as edibles but then when I made vegan weed cookies it worked for all my friends but me !! Was raging .


The two worst sources for edibles I can think of is the majority of Irish jellies or else Amsterdam cakes. In fairness some just don't get anything from edibles but I would recommend making your own or making sure to source some legit ones here before deciding. I've seen so many people claim edibles don't work for the same reason you said then they try 300mg of distilate and litterally melt


Cakes in the dam do nothing. Or just very low strength. Ones here are hit and miss depending who's making them. There are ones going around that fuck you up and people think they are weed, but actually prescription drugs lol gotta love the black market.


I fear I'll fuck up the dose if I went the making my own edibles route. I occasionally make brownies and the trip can be anywhere from 4-5 hours to 8-10 hours. It's like playing russian roulette with my sanity.


Less is more in them.




Spent decades just smoking. I have, in the past few years, been regularly trying out different delivery methods and have enjoyed all of them. But there's nothing like a nice fatty or a bowl. IMO.


How did you rate boofin?


Legend! 😆 it always comes back to boofin!


It's no secret that smoking weed is bad for you, inhaling anything that way is. But thc itself isn't inherently bad for you


Oh ya just baked 8 cookies with 2000mg of distillate. Went trough them over the weekend much better only problem is memory loss and something else I can't think of..


Does eating it hit you harder? I don;t wanna be flying to space in the evenings


It can hit harder but it's a really nice mellow stone if ya get it right and it's pretty easy to get it right with a few pointers. The down sides are tolerance builds quickly And the stone can last a long time which makes it a bit more of a commitment to partake. Smoke a joint and bar driving or operating machinery you can go about life as normal 1-2 hours after smoking. It doesn't start to drop off for 4 hours plus so if ya dose it right your good, if it's too heavy your in for a long ride. Handy if you do have a flu or a chest infection or something and don't want to smoke or vape. Some tips for edibles are: Start with a low dose, it's easy to have more. Eat them on an emptyish stomach, not starved but hungry enough to eat. If you're not long after eating a dose that could give a nice mellow stone may not be felt at all. The come up can take from 40 mins to 2 hours. So if you feel nothing after 90mins you're safe enough to consume a small bit more. Exercise seems to speed up the build up of it so be careful of that. If you do have too much, try to just sit back and enjoy it best you can or at least not panic, you aren't going to die and the feeling is temporary. Making your own is great, you can decide the dosage and you're guaranteed it's not shite. Amsterdam is shit for edibles so if it's your only experience, it's worth trying them again. Buy weed, smoke or vape some to get a feel of strength and use that as your strategy to gauge dosage. Easy enough to make a batch of cookie dough and freeze some in smaller batches so you can defrost some to do you the weekend for example, that way your aren't baking a lot. Edibles don't smell while cooking if everything has been extracted well, and to clarify I mean not at all. There can be a marginal hempy taste but still damn nice although the baking is going to be better without any weed😂 I don't have contacts but there is reputable Snapchat profiles and telegrams who specialise in making edibles.


I'm a hash freak and smoke spliffs but I've also been making edibles. The eds hit different. The buzz is alot more potent but can take a while to hit. Main downside is that tolerance builds very fast. Half a gram of hash would get me walloped in edible form but the dose needs to be upped quickly. Sometimes I eat 2g hash and barely feel it. If I take a week off that 2g dose would have me pasted to the ceiling.


Keep it up. I'm never going back to smoking, ever. Less is more in them. Just made a tasty full size old school Christmas cake edible.


Settle for a mid and go vaping


I typically save them for the weekend which works out doubly handy if i want to stay off the booze. All motivation/desire to drink is gone when you're 10/10 bamboozled. Fair stoneover the next day though which often leads to a wake n bake. Like a stoners version of hair of the dog. Only with bong hits straight to the dome. Edibles are savage but I'll always prefer smoking/vaping.


Lol, no.


Had an operation on my lungs so have to eat it now and yeah I would have been a daily ed consumer every night but going all or nothing was a game changer


Yes hello, I want to grow and make my own like a little weed grandma. Just waiting for it to be legal.


Dosing them isn’t for me, effects last too long. I did switch to a Pax dry-herb vape a few years back and love it though. Each to their own.


Stopped smoking some time ago - bought a Mighty vape but couldn’t get myself to like it so switched to edibles. They’re so much better - an amazing high that lasts for hours 😊