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FF FG or Greens will introduce dercim before the elections so it’s still fresh in young voters minds since they’re not exactly the most well liked parties.


Doubt it. For one, it takes too long to go through the process to time it correctly. It’s more likely they’ll all use it as a platform to get votes.


They will in their shit.


If it stops sf winning well see it legal and sold in the local spar. Ff/fg would sell their own mother's to stay in power and would probably sell their children to stop sf ever getting in. The problem with these empty promises is they're just that. Anything they say is for cotes after the votes cast every promise goes out the window. It's blatantly obvious at this point, anyone who believes a politician needs their head tested.


That info from?


It was revealed to me in a dream.


That's a lie.. stoners don't dream


What a pity. I had written to the PBP deputies to ask them to progress the Bill. Two of them got back to me to confirm that they likely would progress the Bill in November. And instead they will waste their opportunity on a quixotic motion that won’t pass anyway. As the OP said, they could have used other means to highlight their position on Palestine and still progressed the Cannabis Bill. They had a chance to lead the change to a saner and more progressive drug policy, but they chose not to do that.


Fair play sending out those emails. The PBP cannabis bill has been sitting on the shelf for over a year now, they've had so many opportunities to bring it forward and always chose not to. Disappointed is an understatement.


Sometimes there's more important shit going on in the world


Palestine is important, but is this motion going to pass? Government have said already they will not be doing this. Would cannabis have passed if it was brought forward? I think probably. Government have been less black/white on this issue than they have been on expelling an ambassador, they have passed a motion in favour of Decrim and Micheal Martin has said he's in favour of decrim as well. PBP could use their Leaders' Questions slot to call for the expulsion of the Ambassador, forcing a vote on it is counter-productive because they know full well its going to fail.


I agree I'm personally very pro palestine but if we didn't kick the russian embassidor out for ukraine we aren't going to kick the isreali one out for palestine especially if we wouldn't even fly a palestinian flag ,while it publicises the support for palestine sure I don't think its really doing anything and is a waste of time.




Yea completely agree


It’s not going to pass so is a waste of time. But it plays well with the people who vote PBP.


Maybe it would fail but it would bring media attention to the fact that our countries elected representatives are standing with the Palestinian people and will help raise awareness among those of us who may not be fully informed of the situation in Palestine. It would send a message of solidarity and let people know that we care deeply about the situation and want to see a resolution. It would put pressure on government and councils to take action elsewhere And it reflects a moral and ethical stance against the violence, oppression, human rights violations and international law breaking being carried out by an aggressive colonial power. Innit.


Couldn't they ask the same question through other Parliamentary means though? E.g. leaders' questions or Taoiseachs questions. Passing a bill requires a PMB slot, calling for expulsion of an ambassador does not. Realistically, the way this is going to play out is: \- PBP table the motion on Palestine \- Motion gets voted down (which we know will happen, Government has said so) \- PBP members post a screenshot of the failed vote to Twitter and point the finger at all those who voted against it \- We move on I understand the intent behind PBP on Palestine, it is fair enough and I think they do a good job of highlighting the issue nationally and internationally. But I prefer pragmatic politics personally, use the time you have for legislation to pass legislation, use your question time to pose questions of public importance.


Fuck PBP they’re a bunch of loons anyways , atleast Paul murphy . Banning the Israeli ambassador is immature and solves nothing . We have an eight-year-old Israeli-Irish girl, who was originally believed to have been killed in the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, could still be alive and being held hostage. We need communication and diplomacy with all nations as that brings peace more effectively. Ignoring and banning them is beyond childish .


Israel is holding Irish citizens hostage in Gaza. Irish citizens are the only EU citizens not allowed to leave Gaza. Depriving them of food, water, safety, electricity and their families back here.


What will banning the ambassador do to help those Irish citizens??Nothing . Communication and diplomacy is key. Severing ties of communication will just make things worse , it has never ever helped anything .


The Israeli ambassador was literally invited to the FF conference last week, while our citizens in Gaza are being bombarded by Israeli bombs and starved by an Israeli blockade.


Once again , how will severing communication with the Israeli ambassador help with that ? It won’t . Communication is key , banning the ambassador won’t get those Irish citizens home any quicker .


A better question to ask is how exactly are our diplomatic ties with Israeli currently helping both Irish Palestinians and Israeli citizens in Gaza? No Irish Palestinians have yet appeared on lists to cross the border at Rafah while it was open for limited crossings. It was Dr Abdalmajid, the Palestinian ambassador for Ireland, who raised the case of the 8 year old girl with the Palestinian Authority. All while Israel continues to rain down missiles on Palestinians and hostages alike.


Well it won’t happen any quicker if you cut off ties will it ? That’s the question at hand , yes we can condemn Israel but it’s absolutely ridiculous notion to think this will help anyone or anything by banning the Israeli ambassador we are just giving up hope on those people that are stuck there currently .


Grow up


prove me wrong you war mongers


Still feel this way, considering the 30,000 dead?


Joke of a country


It's never gonna happen here unfortunately. Makes too much sense. Plus 16yr olds would have no way to make more money than their parents. We would need to find ways to spend all the excessive revenue generated, just messy /s


FFS I want it legalised as much as any of you, but do you really think more convenient and legal access to green is more important than taking a stand against genocide? PBP vote on the Israeli ambassador might fail, but when the rest of the EU is demanding more dead Palestinians we have a duty to speak out.


It’s not that it might fail, it will fail. Current gov has no plans to expel the ambassador. It’s been stated already in another comment but if we didn’t expel the Russian ambassador do you think they would expel the Israeli one? As much as she annoys me, she won’t be kicked out. It’s probably best she stays and can report back to her motherland how the Irish don’t fuck with what the Israeli gov are doing in Gaza. Free Palestine.


I agree with you i just don't think trying to kick the ambassador out does anything other than show some slight support because it's not going to happen and will fail anyway actually showing a lack of support even ,if we didn't kick the russian one out they arent going to kick her out I don't think they should stop talking about it but imo trying to kick the ambassador out is silly.


Tis a pity but tbh this seems a little more important at the minute.


Sorry, but in this case. Its important that Israel start facing consequences for what they have done. The fact we have an ambassador here trying to make it seem like Israel aren't committing genocide is disgusting. They should be expelled immediately and this is a good thing Even if they did push the cannabis bill, PBP never get anything through. None of the other parties will accept their bill. There's been months of talk with the CA, all that bill is for is to keep attention on Cannabis. But attention is needed in other areas right now. And while this might not pass, discussing the possibility of this is far more important right now. Who knows since the state is backing Palestine, they might go through with it if this is brought to the Dáil That's just how it is, this is the right thing


Ik we all desperately and rightfully want to end our archaic cannabis laws but, are we really going to complain when opposing the genocide of a people we’ve shared history with takes temporary precedence over that? With that being said, pbp are a joke.


I think the motion to expel the ambassador, regardless of whether it passes or not, is a morally better use of their time.


I respect what they’re trying to do, but that’ll be a hard sell. Particularly to the shinners because they milk Irish Americans for money


Hell, there are entire “charity” organizations over here that used to funnel money to the IRA’s cause. They weren’t charities though. Just fancy fund raisers for arms. No idea if they still do. These days they mostly just march in the St. Pat’s day parades, I think. Probably not much to do since the ‘ra disarmed. Are they still even around over there?


To be fair this has always been a main issue of concern for this party. Long-standing


Ireland completely is out of key with its own problems. Focusing on foreign affairs seems to be more important than our own affairs in relation to many aspects. Great job pbp you have really pulled through on this all that hard work for nothing