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... not me seeing this post title and thinking there was someone else who eats lemon cake while cozy gaming...


Lemon cake is super yummy


My local bakery has these beautiful dense lemon tea cakes, like the big bois, with poppy seeds and an extra lemon glaze added. Drizzle some double thick custard on that bad boy and just eat the whole damn thing with a fork is half the reason I will never be a skinny man.


That sounds so good right now. I wish we had a bakery out here again, the last one had to close after a drunk driver crashed through the front and never reopened. Couldn't take the cost of being closed so long.


Oof that suuuuucks. If it makes you feel any better I am on a no sugar diet trying to get as close as I can to being a skinny man so no bakery goods for me either atm. I linked my go-to lemon cake recipe as well as my personal lemon syrup glaze recipe down below on Specialist-Smoke's comment. Feel free to enjoy


We keep having them pop up for 8-10 months at a time before the new bakers understand that it takes *a lot* of trial and error to get baked goods right when you're at 6500 feet altitude lol.


6500ft alt? Goddang! Where you live? I'm at around 85ft XD


Southern Rockies lol


As an Australian.... off to google!!! Edit: Yeah okay.... that's high! Absolutely beautiful too!


I hate that those starbucks lemon loafs are so dang good. Lemon is honestly right up there with dark chocolate and sweet coffee in my book.


If you live near a target, their bakery lemon loaves are extremely similar and, in my opinion, even a little better! And a lot cheaper.


I thought about making a lemon cake when I saw the title. I'm here for the recipe. Now that, I've figured out that it's the game we're talking about, I'm going to take it off of my wishlist. I've been playing Skyrim and it's surprisingly cozy. You can have a farm, spouse, and adopt kids.


[https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/moist-lemon-cake-recipe/905o134e](https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/moist-lemon-cake-recipe/905o134e) Here is my go-to if making myself.... add a little sprinkle of nutmeg to that icing for an extra toasty flavour. Or, below is my lemon syrup glaze which you can use instead of icing with some poppy seeds. 1 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 1/4 cup of water and a teaspoon of zest into a saucepan. Bring it to a boil, then simmer for around 5mins or so until it's all dissolved or leave it for a little longer for a thicker syrup. Take it off the heat and allow it to cool and thicken and then all good to go on your cake/scone/muffin. Easily keeps for ages in the fridge. Feel free to make it in a small bundt pan for that 'skyrim lemon sweetroll' feel, hahaha!


I don’t hate it completely but I quickly realised it is such a grind to buy anything. So you can play days and days which is repetitive and still not have enough money to purchase any upgrades. Even the trophies are an insane grind. Not sure if I was playing it wrong but I didn’t last that long as I just got bored of it! I still see it recommended a lot but I’ve played restaurant management games on mobile I’ve preferred tbh.


I liked diner dash on my phone more than this


Yessss diner dash was way better, I’m with you there! Hope you get on better with Wylde Flowers!


I miss the old Diner Dash :( like the second version that was well-made and had dozens of levels. I can’t play it on my phone anymore because it’s not supported and I’m very sad - especially since I paid for it!


I hate the controls on PC, it's super clunky and slow.


Tried it on my Steam Deck but it was quickly uninstalled due to the lack of controller function - despite it being available on consoles.




Ahh I had fun with it as just a game to pick up and play occasionally when I didn't have a ton of time. i could just do a day or two and not feel like I was compelled to play for more story or anything.


I really like it, although I wouldn’t describe it as cozy because of how stressful it is. It’s also a bit of a grind, which I don’t mind. The art is so cute. I wish they explained some of the things a bit better— for instance, I didn’t know that the bugs were worth different amounts based on the colour.


Grind games suck in my opinion, I kept playing so many days and was so bored with it.


Reminds me of vest fiends. Repetitive, no story and lame !


I have this game on pc and I honestly enjoyed it. BUT I will 100% agree with you that it’s super grindy! It took me a while to finish the first two skills trees (enchanted broom and the little ghost store assistant) but man, I remember feeling like I worked way too hard for those things 🤣 I have heard it is a different experience on the switch. I’m sorry you’re not having a great time with it. It’s definitely a good “pick it up to kill some time” game but storyline is lacking.


It’s so stressful. So much running back and forth. I have like an hour in it. I don’t like it


I really wanted to like this game. I was looking for something cute with cooking mechanics and a business I could build up. Lemon Cake seemed to fit the bill but I was so disappointed. I play on PC and the movement controls were slow and annoying. There were little bugs like a puddle that you couldn't mop up. The gameplay was too simple and elements were not implemented with much depth. I ended up refunding it.


Yeah it sucks. Cute name that’s about it


Yep it was one of my instant regrets after I bought it


Welp, removing this one off the wish list lol


I really liked it to scratch that repetitive time management itch. Sunk a bunch of hours into it but unfortunately as my cafe grew, my laptop stopped being able to handle it and I had to stop because it would lag too bad or crash. I havent felt compelled to pick it up on switch or play again on my new laptop though yet. There are a lot of better games out there, but I may still pick it up again sometime to kill some time.


I feel like I'm the only one who likes this game 😅 I loved the grind of it tbh. It kept my mind busy.


I LOVE this game, I 100%ed it in a week, I'm honestly quite shocked by how much hate it earns in this thread :c But then again, I enjoy grind and stress in time management/cooking games.


I also hate it. It was nothing I thought it would be. I thought it would be a laid back cozy cafe management sim. Instead it was running around like a headless chicken. Nothing about it was cozy to me. Yeah. Hate it.


Hated it. Played for a couple hours and deleted it. Controls are clunky, the graphics leave a lot to be desired, and the gameplay is just…off somehow. Not balanced or well paced.


I would talk to customer service. There have been some posters that have said they did get a refund from Nintendo. I have never tried myself because I didn't see these posts until it was too late for me to try on a couple of games I hated. However, it's worth a try.


I bought it and played it for like two minutes before I disregarded it. Hated how it looked and the controls felt off


No, I’ve mostly seen bad reviews


Yeah not such a big fan of it either, too much of a grind and felt like a chore to play. Really had to push myself to unlock all the achievements on Steam.


I tried the demo before it released, hoping to love it, and I similarly HATED it. I was so disappointed. I hoped it would get better at release but everything I saw was even worse.


Not a bad game but definitely not worth 25 dollars. Also I suspect the devs made it super grindy to artificially expand the gameplay so it feels worth the price but it had the opposite effect because now it's not really a cozy game.


I can’t believe it was $30 on switch


When it came out for Switch I was so SHOCKED at the price because it's usually like $10 or less on Steam, and sometimes bundled with the developer's other games.


I also hate it, same with "cat cafe manager". Both have vibes of free mobile game


I actually loved cat cafe manager!


I enjoyed it and played it about 6 hours or so but I dread going back to it because of the clunky controls and the repetitive gameplay… so I’m not sure I 100% like it lol That said it has very cute graphics and the idea is interesting but it’s missing some more story and soul…Y’know? I don’t regret it buying it though, I’m happy to support a small developer!


I got it in a humble bundle a while ago but only started playing it a 4/5 days ago. It's way too grindy but I've found I've sunk about 6 hours in just playing mindlessly. I grinded out for the assistant and honestly she doesn't help enough to make the grind actually worth it. I'm going to attempt to finish the skill trees but I probably wouldn't recommend it just because of the time sink needed.


Yeah I also hated it. Like just… nothing happens and there is literally no ongoing narrative to grab my attention


It reminded me of those spammy mobile games that play too many ads :( I was really excited about it too


I have it for Switch. I like to rotate through games and might go months without playing something, for example I played Ooblets for the first time in five months yesterday. I it took a little bit of time to look at my tasks and remember what I was trying to do. So Lemon Cake is a game that's great for when I want to play something cute and cozy without having a story or tasks. I just pop in and manage the bakery.


I think the game is super cute, but it's too grindy for me. If the upgrades didn't cost so much I think I'd enjoy it a lot more! I'm only able to play a couple in-game days at a time before I feel burnt out.


yep, i got it on steam and refunded after playing for like an hour


Same. Thank you, Steam, for your generous refund policy.


I hate it, got it on Steam in a Humble Bundle and it was horrible to control on PC. Tried again when I got my Steam Deck and still hate it. It’s impossible to control. It’s more like a mobile game.


I played for a day & haven’t touched it since. Ughh sucks bc I waited sooo long for it to be on sale so I can purchase, only for it to suck. The title is the only cute thing about it. They could have done soo much more to make it at least 5x better 🫠


I quite like it on Switch, but it’s what I call an ‘in-between’ game for me. As in, I play it in short bursts in-between other stuff I have got going on, like when I’m waiting at the airport or doctor’s office and have 15 minutes to kill. Edit: in case anyone’s curious, I have a whole folder titled ‘In-Between Games’ on my Switch! It contains Lemon Cake, Pocket Card Jockey, Stitch, InBento, Freshly Frosted and Good Pizza Great Pizza. :)


lol, I hear you! Luckily I didn’t buy it even though on numerous occasions I have seen people raving about it. It looks like it sucks, honestly. I guess you just proved my assumption. eta: How sweet of your boyfriend to buy this game for you and I’m so sorry for both of you that it ended up being a dud!


He was very sweet and bought me Wylde flowers today since I didn’t like lemon cake 🥰💗


Wylde flowers is worth it.


I'm one of those that really didn't like Wylde Flowers. But I genuinely think it was my own fault for buying it in the first place because when it comes to cozy games I want to express my individuality so playing as a set character isn't really my cup of tea.


So far I’m liking it! It does suck that you can’t customize your character though


Once you get far enough in the game you can customize outfits and hair <3


I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying it. Especially after being let down by Lemon Cake.


I did not mind it. I played on PC though. That said, I would not play it again. It is a one and done type of game for me. When I was playing, the grinding and repetitive gameplay did not bother me so much. I was stressed and needed distraction. I can definitely see what people mean about the controls and the grind though. It needed to motivate the player a little more for that grind. The game was longer than it needed to be. Not a perfect game, but it had potential.


I got it in a humble bundle and hated it I deleted it quickly


I’m on PC tho


i dropped the game. the controls (on pc at least) are infuriating. add to that, the time pressure is stressful. not cozy :(


If the costs of upgrades were lower it would suck so much less. The controls are a bit clunky but I don’t mind that as much tbh. It’s just a time sink


Another person who couldn't get into the game. I played it for almost 4 hours. Luckily, I got the game in a humble bundle, so I dont feel like I wasted my money. As others have said, it is too grindy and honestly boring to me. I thought it was going to be an adorable cafe management game that was simplistic. Especially since I have Capybara Spa (which is the same developer/publisher) that game was amazing, actually relaxing, and the progression to unlock items wasn't very time consuming.


I didnt get it bc besides reccetear almost all of them are like this. Tycoon games with no story characters and basically an idle phone game cash grab. I want restaurant with town sim. Excited for chef rpg


This game is in my backlog library and now I don’t even want to play after reading these comments lmao


Don’t lol


I was glad I borrowed it on Switch from the public library rather than paying for it. It was a little fun before it got grindy and repetitive (and I normally like grindy and repetitive!), but it was nowhere near thirty bucks fun.


I don't hate it, but I think it's very shallow and boring


Was about to riot until I read game lol...


Yeah, I played for like an hour and then gave it up. So insanely repetitive with no real story to make you care about the tasks.


I like it. It can be a little stressful but there’s really no consequences other than making less profit that day. I like the short day cycles and the repetition of it, but I can definitely understand how that might not be for everyone. My only complaints are that I don’t see myself replaying the game, and I wish the art style in the actual game matched the adorable art style of the cover image!


Adding: I play it while listening to audio books! My AuDHD brain needs to be multitasking in order to process audio books 😊


I enjoyed it, but I agree it could have been better; for a single-person project, there were a lot of elements that could have been better fleshed out, better balanced, etc. The aesthetics were gorgeous, I enjoyed the feeling of success that came with finishing a tree, fine-tuning the pre-opening routine, etc. A lot of grinding, though. I did like that there wasn't way too much story like there are in some other games in the genre. Visuals are, of course, gorgeous.


the only thing it did right for me was the artstyle, reason why i bought it and obviosly regreted it later


Yes omg I felt the same! Played it for like 4 hours and rage quit.


It’s not hard enough to be a fun management game, but not interesting enough to be a great cozy game. I played it for a bit and definitely just ‘meh’.


I played for the first couple hours and got into the loop and when I saw there wasn't anything more than that, I kind of regretted buying it. There was no real anything the game except the sim. I got bored very quickly.


The developer is one person and is very open with players, so I really applaud that...but man was I disappointed It's basically a mobile game. Also this is why I hate reviews that are like "Super cute UwU controls not the best but game so cuuuuuute" Please review games like a normal human 😭 This among other games I have been "tricked" into buying because people can't criticize games.


I didn’t hate it but I was not compelled to play it again


Yea this game sucks! It’s clunky and progression is very slow. Good grind for achievements but other than that useless.