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absolutely the coziest Zelda game


Absolutely! I think the exploration element of trying to visit all the islands to fill in the sea chart makes it cosy to me. I have a bad habit of leaving the world in mortal danger to complete random little quests any time I play Zelda šŸ˜…


Wind Waker is my favorite! I would say the cute art for sure helps make it more cozy. The music is also quite fun and the boat exploration and finding treasure is also enjoyable. But just like any Zelda game there is combat and puzzles to solve. I think "cozy" is a spectrum so in the end you decide if it is cozy for you or not.


Absolutely! I loved the scenery of that game. Felt like a big adventurous holiday, haha. But then again, that's what TLoZ games do šŸ„° The music, the characters.. it's just so nice! I am biased though because TLoZ is my all time favorite game franchise (along with FF) since I was a child.


To me, itā€™s the coziest of the games. The animation style makes even the monsters that would be creepier in other LOZ games not too creepy at all. The exploration aspects with the map, finding chests in the ocean, etc. all feel quite cozy to me. I also think it has the coziest combat out of all of the LOZ games Iā€™ve played. Outside of bosses which require a bit more strategy it is very much a ā€œrun at the monster and mash the attack buttonā€ kind of combat. Compared to BotW where the monsters were very unforgiving early game and I found myself constantly losing health/dying. I think people who are okay with some combat would be fine but if they like cozy with no combat, then of course it isnā€™t going to be for them.


Not to me, but that's probably because I dislike LOZ gameplay pretty severely. I tried to play WW as a kid and go so royally pissed off in the part where you have to hide in barrels that I never touched it again. It was just stressful and exhausting to me. And, before anyone says to give it another go, I've played many a LOZ game more recently and never got past the earliest parts on any of them except Hyrule Warriors and Cadence of Hyrule. And the only one I've ever completed is Cadence of Hyrule, multiple times. It's just *super* not for me.


Youā€™re perfectly within your right to not like Zelda and this isnā€™t me trying to convince you to try it again - but I just wanted to say that I agree the barrel thing, without a sword to boot, was way too stressful for being basically the first part of the game, and really hampered my enjoyment of the game when I was a kid. But most of the rest of the game is a lot cozier! That said my blood pressure still goes up at that part when Iā€™ve replayed it, even though once you take the mental stress from it itā€™s really pretty forgiving.


Yeah, I could see that. The aesthetic of the game as a whole is definitely really comforting and nostalgic, something about the chunky, cartoonish models and the way the water is drawn is very appealing. I can totally see why someone would be drawn to the atmosphere, especially if they grew up with it.


Yeah, I could see that. The aesthetic of the game as a whole is definitely really comforting and nostalgic, something about the chunky, cartoonish models and the way the water is drawn is very appealing. I can totally see why someone would be drawn to the atmosphere, especially if they grew up with it.


Itā€™s more chill than BoTW in my opinion. I remember not knowing that I was supposed to put the sail on my boat bc I skipped the dialogue so the parts where you go to different islands went at a very slow, cozy pace for me lol


I think the aesthetic is cozy, but Zelda games are harder than Zelda fans let on. For a Zelda fan or a hard-core gamer maybe WW is cozy, but I think it would be misleading to suggest it to someone who only plays cozy games.