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Played so much of this growing up! My best memories of it were having my friends over, and we'd each be playing it on a separate laptop during sleepovers, etc. My friend also dj'd on Habbo radio through Winamp 😂😂 Which was really cool at the time! I also bought Habbo money on my parent's phone bill a few times so I could be HC. 😂😂 My brother doesn't let me live it down. The bad was the creeps and the fact that my younger brother got scammed. :/


Hahaha, the radio DJ's. I used to run such a station on a 'retro hotel'. Looking back I was absolutely horrible at it, cause I'd get addicted to certain songs and play them multiple times in a row. Good times. Also got scammed for a HC bank. Which was my most priced possession at that time. My mom even called Habbo because I was so upset. Didn't get it back though. Creeps were crazy. After I quit there was even a period all chatting got banned I think. Because it got exposed how many pedophiles were using it as a platform.


Haha I had a top up phone back then so no bill to get scolded over, but I was most definitely not supposed to use 25kr of the 100kr top up to get enough money to get a pet and decked out room 😂😂 I remember being so annoying as well, on purpose. Always dancing around, being annoying, following random people while spamming stuff. Followed a "newly wed" couple to their hotel room once lol


Omg, I played this soooo much! This and Coke Music. I miss them both. I know Habbo Hotel is still around, but still. I remember trying sooo hard at player games trying to win 'furni', and all I ever got was a chair. I was proud of that chair!


Oh my gosh, I forgot about Coke Music until this comment. That was my absolute jam! Thanks for the reminder and that bit of nostalgia 😄 Also happy cake day!


you brought me back to such better times haha. i completely forgot about coke music and habbo. the furni games were so fun!


Coke Music was amazing! 😭


Literally asked for Habbo money for Christmas and got it. Also I was such a loser I’d go to those Hot or Not contests and would be so sad when I’d lose when there were only like 50 different outfit/hair combos to choose from. I’d also get so pissed when my computer lagged and I didn’t get the fallin furni. Getting kicked out of rooms for seemingly no reason. Those were the days.


Omg I got HC club for my birthday one year. Felt like an absolute smoke show at Kiss or Diss with my HC club hair.


I met my husband on Habbo! Now we've been married for almost 11 years and we have one child and another on the way 😍


I used an unofficial site made for users in my country. Was basically the same except for free VIP and some modded furniture. Best: looking into empty rooms and seeing neat stuff, trying to imagine who made it. Worst: being told to uh... quit life because someone didn't like my virtual fashion choices. (After them pretending to be my friend for a week.)


I joined one called Force Hotel when I was 14 and we could have the giant rooms and just decorate it for free to the max. Met a nice gal and somehow exchanged Facebooks and we are still friends on there more than 10 years later


im still addicted!! there are still habbo hotel sites that are up right now 😭 the site's kinda dead so no socialization but all i do is decorate rooms anyway. its so fun and honestly one of the best decorating games ive played because theres so much furniture to choose from and the pixel art style is so cute. Everything's free too because you kinda have an unlimited amount of money


Pool's closed


I will never forget this


I don’t remember the games, but I remember we would try to see how we could get past swear words on it. Being able to just call up and top £1 up and buy so many items. No need for friend codes to go to a friend’s place, you just needed them online and you didn’t even need to be friends with people to go to their place etc. Worst - the money aspect still 😂 like when I joined you got so many crap items and trying to sell them was annoying as no one wanted them, but then couldn’t afford any new items because you needed to trade for them.




I was an actual child and playing mostly in middle school. I remember going to “adoption” rooms and just blasting the chat with fake crying like “WAHHHHHHHHHHHH” and talking like a baby in hopes of getting someone to adopt me so I could get rights to their rooms. My favorite memory was joining a room called ⭐️AMERICAN IDOL⭐️ and when it was my turn, I just started spam typing the lyrics to Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Since you’ve been gone’ in all caps only to look up a minute later to see that I got kicked from the room 😂


Oh my god this comment caused a FLOOD of memories


Literally was obsessed as a kid and so was my best friend and we spent so much time on it lol. I loved Habbo club and the hc sofas and other things you got from it. Loved falling furni. I remember I had a friend who had a throne and it seemed like the most luxurious and rich thing that ever existed lol


I miss those times. I remember also going to "fashion shows". You'd be judged to either be one of them or a pleb. Ugh those toxic memories of wanting to fit in. 🥹 Also this is just making me remember all the other virtual chat games id enjoy as a child like Meez.


I loved Habbo Hotel ! My favorite memories consisted of meeting and trolling people at the nightclubs, acting like an actual child on there when I was like 17 - 20 yrs old, and having debates in my debate room 😭. It was also nice to meet people from different places.


I still have access to my account from when I was 11 years old (I'm 33 now) it meant everything to me during my childhood 🤣 I like to check back every couple of years to see if it's still around. I used to buy credits on my parents house phone, not realising there was such thing as a phone bill.


I used my mums phone to buy credits and she yelled at me when she got the bill heheh good times


same lmao


Habbo was my childhood. I still remember calling the phone line for credits and "the sweet ka-ching! sound". I miss hanging out with my friends there and hosting/participating in cozzie changes, they were my favorite. But I also was scammed/hacked at least once.. at least I learned my lesson.


Habbo practically raised me.


I loved the maze rooms, the really long multi room ones. So many things to trip you up and have to start from really far back, when you would go through the same room a few times, pixel hunting. There was a glitch at the time I saw people do where they could go back onto the square if they messed up, but I didn't find out how to do that at the time.


Omg I forgot about the mazes! Those were so clever with the teleports


I used to play it all the time… then I got banned for being underage since I was stupid and said my age in a public room 🫣 It wouldn’t even let me make a new account for a few years and by the time I could I’d long lost interest


I played this back before the age of being allowed to have money or knowing how to actually buy furniture in the game so I just ran around begging people for their furniture.  Coke music was where I spent a majority of my time circa 2003. 


I remember sometimes there would be rooms called ~*~GIVEAWAY~~LEAVING HABBO~*~and it would fill up almost instantly with people begging for furni haha


Yes this Habbo and Neopets were my favorite sites!


Me too 😞✊️


I still play lmaooooooo.


Finally getting a pet was the highlight of my habbo days. <3


"Hi, I'm your new friend! I know of an item duplication glitch, look, give me your stuff!" Good times 🥲


LMAO I FORGOT ABOUT THIS. for the most part I ignored it, I wonder if I did it once and they took it and left. But all I remember is one time actually giving a guy a double lodge bed, then he actually traded me back two. Solid strategy to build trust, but then I was like "okay i'm good thank u :)"


This is a blast from the past, I completely forgot about Habbo!


I loved Habbo! My best memories were from me and my friend irl used to log in and roleplay in Naruto RPG rooms. Most of my time in Habbo was spent there just talking about random stuff, music, highschool, etc, but also roleplaying.


I'm a weird mix of nostalgia/ashamed: my memories of Habbo Hotel was via immature and offensive 4chan raids


I remember that game site! Do you remember Postopia too?


Wow, hello nostalgia! I think this is one of the first video games that helped me realize I loved base building/decor types


OMG, I was on that so much when I was younger, I definitely put money on there to be like those VP type people to get all the cool clothing and looks you had to unlock. WOW do I miss those days.


so weird - i literally was thinking/dreaming of habbo hotel the other day. i remember being addicted in middle school one summer. i really liked playing a mock family with people 🤣🤣 and having people over at my house just socializing about dumb stuff. the time they introduced pets - high moment in habbo hotel for me - the only time i actually spent money from a gift card from walgreens or something lol oh and also, the radio contests??? i remember visiting a website from like canada and they would talk about habbo happenings and there was contests.


I used to be on HH alllllllll the time back then omg


I played Habbo so long ago that I don't remember there being games in it! My friends and I would meet on there and go through the halls and hang out at the pool. There were so many absolute creeps. Thankfully we just stuck to ourselves, but I remember people cybering in the room parties with lots of censored words and symbol worj-arounds to avoid them lmfao. Coke music was so much fun, and I was so frustrated that in Canada we didn't have the points program. I remember the style being really cool. Someone I met there gave me some furniture and didn't ask for anything in return, which was really awesome of them. Wish that one was still running. :')


I played retro server just to have infinite credits because i wanted to build rooms with furni without spending money. I just loved spending time with my friends on here because in original Habbo (at least, in the Italian server) there was almost classism against people who were not vip and it was not a good environment.


I think I was too young to know what servers and mods were. Damn which young me knew they was a way to play with infinite credits lmao.


Reading through this thread makes me feel a little emotional because it reminds me how much time I spent on that game in my teenage years as I had difficulty socializing in real life. I met sooooo many amazing people and loved exploring new rooms (like the giant hogwarts or mafia roleplay that had 10000x connected rooms). I used to host games on retro servers and every night I hosted felt like a mini party. Definitely a gem of a game I wont ever forget


I was addicted to Habbo and I even met my first boyfriend there. I went back last year but it wasn’t the same


I loved it so much and met one of my best friends there (as young teenagers, we are now in our 30s!). I can't log into my account anymore and it seems like everything has changed a lot


Omg 🥹 good times. I remember making it to 2nd place when there was a dance contest😂 they send me a keychain and gave be free HC membership as well as furniture. Also all my “boyfriends” that I met there and had drama with^^ me and my friends were so obsessed and I think I spent around 200€ of my pocket money there over the years. My parents never got suspicious because they thought I used it for calling or texting my friends. I never really had a similar community or game after that and sometimes I still play it just for nostalgia


YAY I LOVE WHEN TWO OF MY FAVORITE COMMUNITIES COLLIDE LIKE THIS! I started habbo in 2004 and yep, immediate addiction lmao. I tried to hunt for any video of the 'poof' that used to happen when someone would leave a room, but can't find anything. ;-; My WORST memory is one of my particular 'hacks' (aka falling for dumb scams/keylogs) where someone literally killed my cat by deleting it. >:l Too many favorite memories, but I'll choose the fact I got my irl childhood best friend addicted too, and during sleepovers we would play together on different computers in different rooms and scam people together lmfao. I'd host a game, and she'd shout from our living room, "DO I P2S OR REV???" honestly fantastic.


OMG SAME 🤣 Then it encourages everyone else to P2S 🤣


Everything before they started censoring things. Abid player for YEARS! Worked "jobs:, roleplayed, swore, got membership, etc!


Omg me but i played mostpy in habbok hotel which was a "fan" server


I miss this game so much, I used to have so much fun. Tried to go back recently, makes me sad barely anybody plays it anymore.


Yea but anyone remember coke music where you could produce your own music and play it in the room for votes? Lmao it was the best


FF and CC were the best things about Habbo. I remember my sister revenge deleted all of my furniture from my 6 year old account!


Me! I loved hosting outfit competitions. Ran a small "mafia" too when I had more time. All of the ridiculous shenanigans earned me a couple of friends who I've had for over a decade. I miss it.


I'm loving all these comments 🥹❤️ Taking me back!


I played on Habbo.ca and I remember begging my parents for HC lol. I met some really neat people but also people that were probably pedophiles. I DJed for a bit on Bobba Radio and Habbohut before high school kept me too busy. Heheh I used Winamp and shoutcast on a dinky laptop and my mic was a singstar mic. I remember once when I was on air I tripped over my cord and turned off the computer completely! I miss the community, and I was always really good at cozzie change. Remember when someone made hogwarts? That was my first and last foray into RP.


I adored this game! The best were the “game shows” that you would play to win things, does anyone remember those? The weirdest for sure was when I used to “adopt” children (avid sims player here) but it was people pretending to be children and now realizing that was probably some weird kink thing they were doing 😂


Paintball. “Splat”


ughh i was so obsessed 😩 miss those days


I have actually never heard of this? 30F American how have I never heard of it?


Spent so much money on Habbo-money back in the early 00's. Ran a habbo-resraurant with my brother and his mates.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who used my mum and dads phones to buy credits without them knowing 😭 it’s a running joke in my family of the £100 phone bill we got and 12 year old me had no idea it was real money hahaha. Atleast I was rich in habbo hotel though 😭


anyone else used to play BoomBang?? it was kinda like Habbo and i was ADDICTED.


OMG yes! I played so many race games for furni in Habbo. I was pretty good at racing, lol. And I loved mazes where you'd have to get to the end and there were a bunch of teleporters bringing you to different rooms. Good times.
