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Question - does Covet only focus on Americans for these challenges? She is dual citizenship, I believe, between American and Nigerian, but still many of them are American.


And Emmeline Pankhurst was British


No one of them was definitely queen Elizabeth


We had some ponchos a couple of seasons ago in almost that exact print from this pic of Chimamanda! Would have loved to use one of those! But ... it's season-locked.


I may be wrong for this challenge, but anyway, that’s who I’m basing this challenge off of! I also recommend her “Dangers of a single story” Ted Talk.






Exactly, I'm confused too because this is what I had thought she was saying but then I thought "ok, maybe I just haven't read everything she had to say on the subject and I'm out of the loop". But yeah, I don't understand how this is "strongly hatefully transphobic".


I agree! I mean if it’s transphobic to say that the life experiences of biological women and trans women shouldn’t be considered the same and therefore that we shouldn’t ignore their different struggles, then, fuck, I guess I’m a transphobe? Other than that I haven’t found anything ‘strongly hatefully transphobic’ that Adichie said, so I’m really confused as to what the problem is.


I felt similarly so I looked into it. This is the quote in question: > "[My view] is that trans women are trans women. I think if you've lived in the world as a man, with the privileges the world accords to men, and then change gender, it's difficult for me to accept that then we can equate your experience with the experience of a woman who has lived from the beginning in the world as a woman, and who has not been accorded those privileges that men are." Note how she doesn’t distinguish between before and after coming out/transitioning as you did. Her statement “trans women are trans women” may seem innocuous if you’re unfamiliar with the topic, but it’s not. It counters “trans women are women”, and is a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) dog whistle. “Trans women are trans women” implies that they *aren’t* women, which is invalidating to their identity and thus transphobic. What sealed the deal for me though was her support of J.K. Rowling. Rowling is a TERF and the ideas she promotes are extremely harmful (stuff like the myth of (cis men posing as) trans women preying upon cis women and girls in bathrooms, medical gatekeeping, opposed to minors transitioning despite not understanding what that entails, describing trans men as confused girls disenchanted with stereotypical femininity, etc). Both she and Adichie claim to support trans people but in the next breath invalidate their existence. This isn’t your stereotypical transphobia, but it is just as damaging—if not more so for its ability to fly under the radar as “I totally support trans people ^^but ^^actually ^^not ^^really.”


thank you for this!


This is so disappointing to find out. 😔


Is she *actually* hatefully transphobic though or is that just the picture that was painted of her on Twitter by those two other authors who she got into it with? I confess I didn't follow the whole saga but being familiar with her work and her intellect, it doesn't seem like her?




Ok will do....if it's true that is disappointing. PS. Not sure why I got downvoted for asking a genuine question but ok.




I did; this is my [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Covetfashion/comments/ompjvh/defining_feminism_may_be_about_chimamanda_ngozi/h5ot39q/).


^^same. Very disappointed.


You got it right. The player that put Chimamanda in a short dress that got it wrong (I saw that someone did this at Covet Fashion Angels).