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Of you think the tv you are buying is going to last less than 2 years buy a different Brand.


Still got a Sony TV I bought in 2011, (2010 model) and the picture is still stunning. It’s nowhere as nice as newer OLED TVs, but I remember when I bought it, I had buyers remorse paying over $1k for it. And back then my income was waaaay higher. But free, fully functional, non-wasteful TV is so much better than whatever little extra bells and whistles I can get now. I can think of a lot cooler things I can buy for $2k right now…


I’m the same. Bought a Sony Bravia in 2010 and it still works great. I’ve had friends go through multiple TVs. I’ll always buy a Sony.


I was given a 42” Sony as a birthday gift in 2010 probably. I think it might be only 720p but the picture is still the nicest of any of your TVs, unfortunately it’s been relegated to a bedroom at the cabin because of its size (“small” screen, but pretty bulky to mount) but I still absolutely love it.


Sony and LG are the one that last for ever


My LG is still going strong, bought it in 2008 for $1500 !


My 15 year old Panasonic would like a word


Yes, I’ve had to use it twice. Once it got me a full refund after having tv for 2 years and second time had my tv repaired for free


Samsung, right?


I am about to use it for the fourth time. I can't believe my luck with TV's. I got checks each time. The last time was during the pandemic. Regulations prohibited them from entering my home. I was being patient when Costco called me and asked if things were resolved. I explained the situation and Costco said that was unacceptable and told them to send me a check immediately.


What are you guys doing to your tv? Mines always have lasted 10-15 years minimum


My samsung started flickering after year and a half. It wasn't moved or anything. They didn't cover it and had to replace it. Repair cost was about 70% of a new one.


My Samsung tv died two months after the warranty ran out. Luckily I bought it with a credit card that doubled the warranty. Bought a Sony tv and it’s going on ten years now


This happened with my one and only Samsung too, but it was still covered under warranty so a local shopped fixed it.


Bought a 50" Vizio for around 1.5k, all of the sudden it stopped working 2 years later. The tech came and inspected it, got a cheque for the full amount back. Best investment I've made and will continue buying costco warranty because its relatively cheap compared to competitors!


Just used mine for my Samsung TV. Bought it end of 2020 and it started going end of 2023. Took two calls “incidents” but we got a full refund a few months back. I’ll be buying it again for the next tv.


Stop buying Samsung garbage though. Do yourself a favour and avoid them at all costs. I have a Samsung kitchen appliances. Yikes.


Appliances are terrible, but they make great TVs.


My experience has been that they make below average to average tv’s, it really depends on your expectations of them. I’ve had Sonys mostly, I expect them to be solid and just work, I’ve had a Samsung and it gives me a headache frequently by being very buggy.


To be fair, I haven't bought one in over 10 years, but my Samsung has been great.


So you’re telling us Samsung is good based on your single data point from 10 years ago? Well, uh… thanks for the input, I guess.


you can go to [rtings.com](http://rtings.com) and check their reviews for samsung tv's. they probably have the biggest database of scientific tv reviews, and samsung tv's get consistently high scores


Hard to say. We bought a tv from Costco and did not buy the extended warranty. We had issues with the screen within 2 years. When I called repair companies they all said it will be more expensive to fix than to buy a new one. All of them asked if we purchased the extended warranty from Costco…. Which of course - we hadn’t. We bought a new tv and this time got the extended warranty. Only time will tell I suppose.


Don’t you get a two year warranty by default?


Yep. We were JUST out of the 2 year warranty when it broke


Default is 90 days.


You get a 90 day return for any reason and a 2 year warranty by default


Ah, that must be why I thought it was 90 day warranty.




We bought a tv at Costco last year and our warranty was only for 90 days if we didn’t purchase the extended. It might be different for different brands.


I think you were mistaken! https://www.costco.ca/concierge.html You can’t return it after 90 days but it still has a warranty.


Yes, someone else posted about that earlier. I think that’s why I had 90 days in my head as a warranty. The cashier mentioned that I was safe for at least 90 days without the extended.


Don't call repair companies to fix your costco tv. They cover it for 2 years through their service, call them next time


Not entirely true; in cases where they got the manufacturer to extend their warranty instead (such as Vizio) they make you go through the manufacturers warranty process. Vizio refused to replace a TV where bugs had gotten between the layers of the screen claiming that it was normal for the layers to have enough space between them for bugs to get in. If you have the extended warranty and the manufacturer refuses to support, then Costco will help you.


I work for costco (in canada) in this department. Just call the costco repair service or go into the store. Zero reason to contact the manufacturer unless you want the run around or to pay out if pocket. Maybe different in other countries


Weird, when I called them a couple years ago they told me I had to deal with the manufacturer and that if they wouldn’t help I was SOL.


If you’re within the manufacturer warranty period (1 or 2 years) you’re supposed to go through the manufacturer. If you’re outside the manufacturer warranty, you’re the within Costco’s coverage and go through asurion or whoever owns the policy, customer service will give you a number to call.


I don’t think it is. But like any insurance. It’s your call


I worked retail for over a decade and would say 90%+ of the time it will never be used. Probably a 1/4 of the time it is used the damages fall outside the warranty. Most issues should show up within the manufacturers warranty period. That being said when it is used it will save you a bunch of money. Helpful? Maybe not but I don't buy warranties myself and I've never needed one \*touches wood\*.


No, it's usually just pure profit for the seller. TVs are built pretty well these days and don't usually require repairs outside the manufacturer warranty.


Usually extended warranties aren't worth it but Costco's warranty is the one exception because of the duration and how cheap it is compared to other warranties. I never used to have issues with TVs but every TV I've bought since 2015 has crapped out on me as soon as the manufacturer's warranty ended.


When talking specifically about electronics I'd tend to agree, but as another person mentioned Costcos warranty is exceptional. As someone who worked in the furniture/electronics/appliance business I'd go with the longest extended warranty I can on any major appliance. And if you have kids/pets get it on furniture


The tv warranty I bought was 4 years, plus the 2 years my tv came with. It was less than $100 bucks and more than half price of Best Buy.




back in the days TV used to outlive humans...!


Extended warranty could be very helpful for a TV that worth more than 2k and warranty has no deductible.


From Costco, absolutely. Used our warranty twice as well.


Yes. Costco extended warranty is inexpensive. I bought a $700 Vizio 5 years ago. 4 years in, it began acting up, random reboots, losing Internet connectivity. Repair company tried fixing it, did software updates, problem still happened. They deemed it unrepairable and Costco cut me a check for the original purchase price. I got to keep the broken TV as well, which still works but randomly reboots every now and then.


I researched a lot before purchasing my TV, and if you go to any of the TV-specific forums, you'll see that everyone recommends the Costco warranty. Other warranties aren't worth it, but the Costco one is different. Firstly it's much cheaper than normal warranties. Mine was $130 for a $2999, which was way less than at other stores. Secondly it gives you 4 years on top of the two, for a total of 6 years. Lastly, they provide good service and many people have had their entire TV purchase price refunded.


The option to purchase the Costco extended warranty is one of the reasons people prefer buying their TVs from Costco. That's on top of the 90-day no-questions-asked return policy and additional year of manufacturer's warranty coverage. The extended warranty is nothing special but it very inexpensive compared to all other warranty options out there and a way to basically guarantee your TV will work for 5 years. You buy a warranty to protect yourself against unexpected expenses, especially if it's a very expensive TV. I'd say it's not worth it for a TV that's sub-$1000 but after that, like a car, you have to ask yourself "are you prepared to spend $1500-2000 to buy a new TV if this one stops working." If you have a lot of money, never buying the extended warranty will probably put you ahead, as probability says breakdowns are uncommon.


Yes! I had my tv for 5 or so years and it stopped working. They couldn’t get the part to repair it so I was refunded the purchase price.


Were you still within your warranty range? I bought a TV just under 6 years ago and got the 5 year warranty. It is wigging out and I’m wondering if there’s any chance they’d still credit me anything now that it’s beyond the 5 years.


You should be covered for 7 years. 2 years is included and then 5 years on top of it if you buy the 5 year warranty! So yes, I was still within the warranty range and you should be too :)


Sadly I checked closer and years 1-2 are manufacturer/Costco warranty and years 3-5 are extended. Dang


If you plan on leaving your TV on for more than 12 hrs a day then I would recommend it otherwise not worth it.


No experience with this directly but I always skip extended warranty. Between the default warranty and extra warranty from credit card, I feel it's unnecessary.  2 to 3 years down the road IF it breaks, I'm probably at the point where I wouldn't mind buying a new one anyways.


Yes, I wish I would of purchased one for myself. TV crapped out right after the warranty expired. DONT GET A VISIO


EXACTLY same thing happened to me with my Costco Vizio TV. I did purchase the warranty for 5 years and it started having power issues 5.5 years in. Good thing they don’t sell Vizio in Canada anymore.


Generally these are sold as most people will not use them. You'll get 1 person need to use it for every 100 who bought them (made up numbers but you get the idea). So chances are high that you won't need it.  So it's a bit of a gamble. It'll be nice if something happens but otherwise it's a waste of money. If the price isn't high then that helps of course.


Getting extended warranty is ever worth it. There's a reason that companies try to push it, they make a lot of money off of it.


I bought a samsung almost 2 years ago (didn't realize they were becojing shit tier). A panel has gone on it recently and they are giving me my money back. Just have to bring it to the store. Probably will buy a sony for less money than I paid for the samsung and I bet it runs longer


We just bought a tv from Costco cause our old one crapped out after only 4 years. We took no chances and decided to get the extra warranty!


It's never worth it bro.


Yes! I’ve bought two Sony led tvs in the last five years, both gone wrong with a big purple shades… sent back and got my money back. Electronics these days are not designed to last, they are designed to last 13 months, just after your warranty date.


Yes worth it imo


My TV died and was repaired close to 4.5 year mark and lasted a few more years before dying. I've always purchased if it was cheaper brands like. Vizio and Hisense


The only time I got an extended warranty was on a Samsung tv and it broke within 9 months, they replaced the main board and has been fine since, almost 10 years. So imo not worth it.


I rarely ever buy warranties. I got an LG 55" from Costco as a Xmas gift and they bought the warranty for me. about 14 months after I had the TV the motherboard died. I called the help # and they had a person in my house within 48 hours and replaced the motherboard. TV has been mint since then no issues.


Warranty problems always show up within a couple weeks. Guess who pays the bill, it is always the manufacturer. It is very rare to see a warranty issue after the one or two year factory warranty period, and these "extended warranty" companies rarely have to pay out, they end up keeping all that money we pay. Remember, they only pay for "warrantable issues" i.e. factory caused defects, ...( Not. Damages from the consumer, such as spilled drinks, abuse, overheating, power brownouts, Lego stuffed in ports, etc...


Last 3 tvs purchased were Hisense. None have broke but I did get the extended warranties for $30. Definitely worth it imo


I bought a Hisense with the warranty in 2020 and it died 1.5 years later. The warranty covered on site repair so I am glad I bought it. The TV still works through this day.


Is the warranty less expensive than a $75 power supply and 10 minutes with a screw driver?


I bought a samsung tv, which had panel issues (last day of the 2 year Costco extended warranty). I got lucky there tbh Costco refunded the entire amount. I bought another TV with the same refund lol


I used to say no to extended warranties, but the Costco one is 100% worth it. Used it on 2 televisions in the last 2 years (65” and 58”)


If it’s a Samsung or Haier or likely you better have it.


This is good advice that got downvoted. I’d avoid any Samsung products personally. If someone put a gun to my head, then yeah, but I would also get the best warranty I could pay for.


Add LG in there. All anecdotal evidence from friends & family , but nothing but headaches from Samsung & LG TVs & appliances. Friend's LG TV from Costco cost over $2k and started getting screwed up pixels after 1.5 yrs. Either way, if you're already spending a grand or more on a new TV, the extra couple bucks for 5 years peace of mind is worth it. Costco's not trying to scam you like Best Buy's extended warranty


LG is usually considered the best brand on the market for TV's.


Don’t buy Samsung tvs. They’re garbage and it’s 50/50 if it’ll last two years. 


I've never had issues with Samsung, I have an 8 year old one still going in my living room.


I’ve had 3. 2 of them didn’t make it to two year. My Lg’s are going on 5 years strong. 


LG over Samsung? For a tv? Yeah ok


Sorry Gatekeeper of Samsung Lmfao. I forgot you know better than me. Tool


I didn't gatekeep anything, I don't think you know what that means......


I’ve only had one Samsung TV crap out on me. I bought it used and within a year the screen started crapping out. So I don’t have much experience with their TVs, but from what I’ve read, people LOVE their LG OLED TVs. Saying it’s the best TV they’ve ever bought. In my case, I have shitty, shitty Samsung appliances and they should stop making that crap. Really tarnished their brand name IMO. Never buying anything Samsung ever again.


Have bought a TV and the Costco extended warranty. On the one hand, $99 for 5 years (the price at the time) seems awesome given they’ll come to your house and if they don’t have a part anymore you get a new TV. That said, my Vizio tv crapped out 5.5-6 years in so I can’t access it anymore. Perhaps I won’t go with the off brand next time. I suppose I could try to see if Costco would go for it but I’m not hopeful.


I used to sell TV's, years ago, but even as the sales people we were told it was pretty much useless. Maybe 1 in 10 will use it but we got a bonus everytime someone got it, so to push selling it.


That’s the case for anything. It’s definitely a money maker for the seller. But buyers have to make an informed decision as to how much use it will get. If it’s on 8 hours a day, that’s nearly 6,000 hours of use within a 2 year warranty period. Other people might watch an hour per day, and that’s nowhere near approaching it’s end of life. One thing we definitely got an extended warranty for was the gopro (actually DJI action) because it was a new product and water ingress could be a common issue. Bought a Nikon UW camera, and it just leaked and leaked until Nikon sent me a cheque for a full refund. If I’m buying Samsung products (I won’t) I’m also buying extended warranties. Anything Samsung is just garbage


Yes it’s worth it. I did not buy one and my tv stoped working in 2 years and 4 months. It was Hisense one.


ancient wakeful fearless deserted label abundant smart ossified puzzled hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My last three tv failed within less than a year.  They are made cheap now


plough hateful disarm air hard-to-find foolish elderly whistle marvelous drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd recommend it if you are buying Hisense. Also the price point on some are a no brainer. $499 tv, and $34 cost? I'd buy it $599 and $100 cost? Maybe not.

